970 resultados para Postural balance


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Dizziness and or unsteadiness, associated with episodes of loss of balance, are frequent complaints in those suffering from persistent problems following a whiplash injury. Research has been inconclusive with respect to possible aetiology, discriminative tests and analyses used. The aim of this pilot research was to identify the test conditions and the most appropriate method for the analysis of sway that may differentiate subjects with persistent whiplash associated disorders (WAD) from healthy controls. The six conditions of the Clinical Test for Sensory Interaction in Balance was performed in both comfortable and tandem stance in 20 subjects with persistent WAD compared to 20 control subjects. The analyses were carried out using a traditional method of measurement, total sway distance, to results obtained from the use of wavelet analysis. Subjects with WAD were significantly less able to complete the tandem stance tests on a firm surface than controls. In comfortable stance, using wavelet analysis, significant differences between subjects with WAD and the control group were evident in total energy of the trace for all test conditions apart from eyes open on the firm surface. In contrast, the results of the analysis using total sway distance revealed no significant differences between groups across all six conditions. Wavelet analysis may be more appropriate for detecting disturbances in balance in whiplash subjects because the technique allows separation of the noise from the underlying systematic effect of sway. These findings will be used to direct future studies on the aeitiology of balance disturbances in WAD. (c) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Although breathing perturbs balance, in healthy individuals little sway is detected in ground reaction forces because small movements of the spine and lower limbs compensate for the postural disturbance. When people have chronic low back pain (LBP), sway at the ground is increased, possibly as a result of reduced compensatory motion of the trunk. The aim of this study was to determine whether postural compensation for breathing is reduced during experimentally induced pain. Subjects stood on a force plate with eyes open, eyes closed, and while breathing with hypercapnoea before and after injection of hypertonic saline into the right lumbar longissimus muscle to induce LBP. Motion of the lumbar spine, pelvis, and lower limbs was measured with four inclinometers fixed over bony landmarks. During experimental pain, motion of the trunk in association with breathing was reduced. However, despite this reduction in motion, there was no increase in postural sway with breathing. These data suggest that increased body sway with breathing in people with chronic LBP is not simply because of reduced trunk movement, but instead, indicates changes in coordination by the central nervous system that are not replicated by experimental nociceptor stimulation.


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Understanding the physiological and psychological factors that contribute to healthy and pathological balance control in man has been made difficult by the confounding effects of the perturbations used to test balance reactions. The present study examined how postural responses were influenced by the acceleration-deceleration interval of an unexpected horizontal translation. Twelve adult males maintained balance during unexpected forward and backward surface translations with two different acceleration-deceleration intervals and presentation orders (serial or random). SHORT perturbations consisted of an initial acceleration (peak acceleration 1.3 m s(-2); duration 300 ms) followed 100 ms later by a deceleration. LONG perturbations had the same acceleration as SHORT perturbations, followed by a 2-s interval of constant velocity before deceleration. Surface and intra-muscular electromyography (EMG) from the leg, trunk, and shoulder muscles were recorded along with motion and force plate data. LONG perturbations induced larger trunk displacements compared to SHORT perturbations when presented randomly and larger EMG responses in proximal and distal muscles during later (500-800 ms) response intervals. During SHORT perturbations, activity in some antagonist muscles was found to be associated with deceleration and not the initial acceleration of the support surface. When predictable, SHORT perturbations facilitated the use of anticipatory mechanisms to attenuate early (100-400 ms) EMG response amplitudes, ankle torque change and trunk displacement. In contrast, LONG perturbations, without an early deceleration effect, did not facilitate anticipatory changes when presented in a predictable order. Therefore, perturbations with a short acceleration-deceleration interval can influence triggered postural responses through reactive effects and, when predictable with repeated exposure, through anticipatory mechanisms.


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Cervical joint position error (JPE) has been used as a measure of cervical afferent input to detect disturbances in sensori-motor control as a possible contributor to a neck pain syndrome. This study aimed to investigate the relationship between cervical JPE, balance and eye movement control. It was of particular interest whether assessment of cervical ME alone was sufficient to signal the presence of disturbances in the two other tests. One hundred subjects with persistent whiplash-associated disorders (WADs) and 40 healthy controls subjects were assessed on measures of cervical JPE, standing balance and the smooth pursuit neck torsion test (SPNT). The results indicated that over all subjects, significant but weak-to-moderate correlations existed between all comfortable stance balance tests and both the SPNT and rotation cervical ME tests. A weak correlation was found between the SPNT and right rotation cervical JPE. An abnormal rotation cervical JPE score had a high positive prediction value (88%) but low sensitivity (60%) and specificity (54%) to determine abnormality in balance and or SPNT test. The results suggest that in patients with persistent WAD, it is not sufficient to measure ME alone. All three measures are required to identify disturbances in the postural control system. (C) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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DDevelopmental dyslexia is a reading disorder associated with impaired postural control. However, such deficits are also found in attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), which is present in a substantial subset of dyslexia diagnoses. Very few studies of balance in dyslexia have assessed ADHD symptoms, thereby motivating the hypothesis that such measures can account for the group differences observed. In this study, we assessed adults with dyslexia and similarly aged controls on a battery of cognitive, literacy and attention measures, alongside tasks of postural stability. Displacements of centre of mass to perturbations of posture were measured in four experimental conditions using digital optical motion capture. The largest group differences were obtained in conditions where cues to the support surface were reduced. Between-group differences in postural sway and in sway variability were largely accounted for by co-varying hyperactivity and inattention ratings, however. These results therefore suggest that postural instability in dyslexia is more strongly associated with symptoms of ADHD than to those specific to reading impairment.


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Background: Developmental dyslexia is typically defined by deficits in phonological skills, but it is also associated with anomalous performance on measures of balance. Although balance assessments are included in several screening batteries for dyslexia, the association between impairments in literacy and deficits in postural stability could be due to the high co-occurrence of dyslexia with other developmental disorders in which impairments of motor behaviour are also prevalent. Methods: We identified 17 published studies that compared balance function between dyslexia and control samples and obtained effect-sizes for each. Contrast and association analyses were used to quantify the influence of hypothesised moderator variables on differences in effects across studies. Results: The mean effect-size of the balance deficit in dyslexia was .64 (95% CI = .44-.78) with heterogeneous findings across the population of studies. Probable co-occurrence of other developmental disorders and variability in intelligence scores in the dyslexia samples were the strongest moderator variables of effect-size. Conclusions: Balance deficits are associated with dyslexia, but these effects are apparently more strongly related to third variables other than to reading ability. Deficits of balance may indicate increased risk of developmental disorder, but are unlikely to be uniquely associated with dyslexia.


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Tests of postural stability have provided some evidence of a link between deficits in gross motor skills and developmental dyslexia. The ordinal-level scales used previously, however, have limited measurement sensitivity, and no studies have investigated motor performance during walking in participants with dyslexia. The purpose of this study was to investigate if continuous-scaled measures of standing balance and gait could discriminate between groups of impaired and normal readers when investigators were blind to group membership during testing. Children with dyslexia (n=22) and controls (n=18), aged 10-12 years, performed walking tests at four different speeds (slow-preferred-fast-very fast) on an even and an uneven surface, and tests of unperturbed and perturbed body sway during standing. Body movements were registered by a triaxial accelerometer over the lower trunk, and measures of reaction time, body sway, walking speed, step length and cadence were calculated. Results were controlled for gender differences. Tests of standing balance with eyes closed did not discriminate between groups. All unperturbed standing tests with eyes open showed significant group differences (P<0.05) and classified correctly 70-77.5% of the subjects into their respective groups. Mean walking speed during very fast walking on both flat and uneven surface was ≥0.2 m/s (P≤0.01) faster for controls than for the group with dyslexia. This test classified 77.5% and 85% of the subjects correctly on flat and uneven surface, respectively Cadence at preferred or very fast speed did not differ statistically between groups, but revealed significant group differences when all subjects were compared at a normalised walking speed (P≤0.04). Very fast walking speed as well as cadence at a normalised speed discriminated better between groups when subjects were walking on an uneven surface compared to a flat floor. Continuous-scaled walking tests performed in field settings may be suitable for motor skill assessment as a component of a screening tool for developmental dyslexia.


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Several determinants of fear of falling (FoF) and low balance confidence overlap with the consequences/complications of diabetes mellitus (DM). FoF is strongly associated with low balance confidence, and balance confidence mediates the relationship between FoF and balance and physical function. The purpose of this thesis was two-fold: (1) to examine the prevalence, severity and determinants of FoF in older adults (aged≥65) with DM, and (2) to evaluate the validity of the short version of the Activities-specific Balance Confidence scale (ABC-6) and its association with balance and postural control in older adults with DM. Three separate studies were conducted of older adults with DM (DM-group) and without DM (noDM-group). Study I revealed that although FoF prevalence adjusted for age and sex was not different between-groups, the DM-group had 8.8% fewer participants in the low and 8.4% more in the high Falls-Efficacy Scale International categories when compared to the noDM-group. Higher FoF severity in the DM-group was associated with poor physical performance, being female, fall history and clinical depressive symptoms. Study II provided evidence of convergent, discriminant and concurrent validity of the ABC-6 for use in older adults with DM with and without diabetic peripheral neuropathy (DPN). Notably, the ABC-6 was more sensitive in detecting subtle differences in balance confidence between the DM-group and noDM-group when compared to the original ABC scale (ABC-16), and can be administered in less time. Study III explored balance confidence (ABC-6) and its association with balance and postural control in older adults with DM. Subtle differences in axial segmental control (i.e., lower trunk roll velocity and higher head-trunk correlations) while walking and lower balance confidence were apparent in the DM-group, even in the absence of DPN, when compared to the noDM-group. Balance confidence partially explained the variance in head-trunk stiffening between-groups, and consequently low balance confidence in older adults with DM may contribute to the dependence on postural control strategies that are normally only utilized in high-risk situations. Findings from this thesis will help to guide the development of protocols for screening and intervention recommendations of patient education and targeted rehabilitation programs for older adults with DM.


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Introdução: Os efeitos a longo prazo de exercícios de Pilates têm sido bem documentados, não entanto os seus efeitos imediatos no controlo postural estático e dinâmico de jovens adultos com dor lombar não específica permanecem por desvendar. Objetivo: Avaliar os efeitos imediatos de uma sessão composta por 4 exercícios de Pilates Clínico no controlo postural estático e dinâmico de jovens adultos com dor lombar não específica. Métodos: 46 estudantes universitários com dor lombar não específica participaram no estudo randomizado e controlado. Os participantes foram randomizados para um grupo de Pilates (n = 23, 10 do sexo masculino, idade: 21,8 ± 3,2 anos; peso: 64,5 ± 11,5 kg; altura: 1,70 ± 0,1 m) e um grupo controlo (n = 23, 9 do sexo masculino; idade: 22,8 ± 3,6 anos; peso: 62,5 ± 9,9 kg; altura: 1,68 ± 0,1 m). O controlo postural estático foi avaliado com uma plataforma de forças e o controlo postural dinâmico com o Star Excursion Balance Test, antes e depois da intervenção ou período de repouso. Para avaliar o controlo postural estático, os participantes estavam em posição ortostática, o mais quietos possível durante 90s, com os olhos fechados em superfície instável. A intervenção durou 20 minutos e consistiu em 4 exercícios de Pilates Clínico: single leg stretch (nível 1), pelvic press (nível 1), swimming (nível 1) e kneeling opposite arm and leg reach. Resultados: No momento de avaliação inicial, não foram encontradas diferenças estatisticamente significativas entre os grupos em nenhuma das variáveis. Após a intervenção, o grupo Pilates melhorou em todos as variáveis do controlo postural estático (COPx: 5,7 ± 1,0 para 5,1 ± 0,7 cm, p = 0,005; COPy: 4,4 ± 1,0 para 3,8 ± 0,7 cm, p < 0,001; comprimento total: 255,2 ± 55,9 para 210,5 ± 42,7 cm, p < 0,001 ; área: 11,5 ± 3,4 para 9,7 ± 2,7 cm2, p = 0,002 e velocidade : 2,8 ± 0,6 para 2,3 ± 0,5 cm/s, p < 0,001) e no Star Excursion Balance Test (anterior: 65,3 ± 8,3 para 68,6 ± 6,4%, p = 0,001; póstero-medial: 82,6 ± 11,7 para 89,5 ± 9,7%, p < 0,001; póstero-lateral: 83,9 ± 11,0 para 87,6 ± 10,2%, p < 0,001 e composite: 86,2 ± 12,4 para 91,1 ± 11,0%, p < 0,001). O grupo de controlo só melhorou na velocidade (2,8 ± 0,5 para 2,6 ± 0,5 cm/s, p = 0,009) e comprimento total (248,5 ± 45,3 para 237,3 ± 47,2 cm, p = 0,009) no controlo postural estático. No entanto, as melhorias no grupo Pilates foram significativamente maiores do que as do grupo de controlo. Conclusão: Os exercícios de Pilates Clínico melhoraram, no imediato, o controlo postural estático e dinâmico em jovens adultos com dor lombar não específica.


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This study investigated the effects of task-oriented training and strengthening of the affected lower limb on balance and function in people who have suffered a stroke. Sixteen male adults, with a mean age of 58 (SD 6.3) years, undergoing outpatient physiotherapy less than 1 month after a single stroke in the territory of the middle cerebral artery were recruited. Participants were allocated to one of two groups: the strengthening group (SG) or control group (CG). The main measures used were the Berg Balance Scale (BBS), Barthel Index (BI) and Modified Ashworth Scale (MAS). After 12 weeks of intervention, both groups showed improvements in outcome measures. For BBS, there was a significant difference between groups, with an increase of 26 points in the SG and 11 points in the CG. For BI, the SG improved by 39 points and the CG improved by 22 points. After intervention, the difference between groups was not significant. For MAS, differences were not significant, showing that for both groups intervention programmes did not increase spasticity. In conclusion, physiotherapy intervention for postural control dysfunctions after stroke seems to benefit from strength training of the affected lower limb and the practising functional tasks. A large randomized controlled trial is recommended to further investigate the effects of this intervention.


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Human standing posture is inherently unstable. The postural control system (PCS), which maintains standing posture, is composed of the sensory, musculoskeletal, and central nervous systems. Together these systems integrate sensory afferents and generate appropriate motor efferents to adjust posture. The PCS maintains the body center of mass (COM) with respect to the base of support while constantly resisting destabilizing forces from internal and external perturbations. To assess the human PCS, postural sway during quiet standing or in response to external perturbation have frequently been examined descriptively. Minimal work has been done to understand and quantify the robustness of the PCS to perturbations. Further, there have been some previous attempts to assess the dynamical systems aspects of the PCS or time evolutionary properties of postural sway. However those techniques can only provide summary information about the PCS characteristics; they cannot provide specific information about or recreate the actual sway behavior. This dissertation consists of two parts: part I, the development of two novel methods to assess the human PCS and, part II, the application of these methods. In study 1, a systematic method for analyzing the human PCS during perturbed stance was developed. A mild impulsive perturbation that subjects can easily experience in their daily lives was used. A measure of robustness of the PCS, 1/MaxSens that was based on the inverse of the sensitivity of the system, was introduced. 1/MaxSens successfully quantified the reduced robustness to external perturbations due to age-related degradation of the PCS. In study 2, a stochastic model was used to better understand the human PCS in terms of dynamical systems aspect. This methodology also has the advantage over previous methods in that the sway behavior is captured in a model that can be used to recreate the random oscillatory properties of the PCS. The invariant density which describes the long-term stationary behavior of the center of pressure (COP) was computed from a Markov chain model that was applied to postural sway data during quiet stance. In order to validate the Invariant Density Analysis (IDA), we applied the technique to COP data from different age groups. We found that older adults swayed farther from the centroid and in more stochastic and random manner than young adults. In part II, the tools developed in part I were applied to both occupational and clinical situations. In study 3, 1/MaxSens and IDA were applied to a population of firefighters to investigate the effects of air bottle configuration (weight and size) and vision on the postural stability of firefighters. We found that both air bottle weight and loss of vision, but not size of air bottle, significantly decreased balance performance and increased fall risk. In study 4, IDA was applied to data collected on 444 community-dwelling elderly adults from the MOBILIZE Boston Study. Four out of five IDA parameters were able to successfully differentiate recurrent fallers from non-fallers, while only five out of 30 more common descriptive and stochastic COP measures could distinguish the two groups. Fall history and the IDA parameter of entropy were found to be significant risk factors for falls. This research proposed a new measure for the PCS robustness (1/MaxSens) and a new technique for quantifying the dynamical systems aspect of the PCS (IDA). These new PCS analysis techniques provide easy and effective ways to assess the PCS in occupational and clinical environments.


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Projeto de Graduação apresentado à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Licenciado em Fisioterapia


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An employee's inability to balance work and family responsibilities has resulted in an increase in stress related illnesses. Historically, research into the nexus between work and family has primarily focused on the work/family conflict relationship, predominately investigating the impact of this conflict on parents, usually mothers. To date research has not sufficiently examined the human resource management practices that enable all parents to achieve a balance between their work and family lives. This paper explores the relationship between contemporary family friendly HRM policies and employed parents perceptions of work/family enhancement, work/family satisfaction, propensity to turnover, and work/family conflict. Self-report questionnaire data from 326 men and women is analysed and discussed to enable organisations to consider the use of family friendly policies and thus create a convergence between the well-being of employees and the effectiveness of the organisation.