948 resultados para Portuguese contemporary music


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A história do fado começa no século XIX e está entrelaçada por diversas teorias sobre suas origens, as quais continuam sendo debatidas até hoje. Inserido a Lista Representativa do Patrimônio Cultural Imaterial da Humanidade pela Organização das Nações Unidas para a Educação, a Ciência e a Cultura (UNESCO) em 2011, o fado é considerado como o principal símbolo musical de Portugal, presente na vida quotidiana social e cultural de muitos portugueses, tendo superado fronteiras geográficas, sociais, culturais, políticas e econômicas. Considera-se neste trabalho a importância do Império Português e de suas colônias, como Moçambique, Angola, Brasil e Goa, como contributos para o início do processo da disseminação do fado pelo mundo, levando para os territórios ultramarinos fragmentos da cultura portuguesa a partir do século XV, bem como o desenvolvimento do capitalismo e a fluidificação das fronteiras que, através da mídia, globalizaram o fado, mundializando-o, e catalisando nele o processo de mestiçagem entre as músicas das mais diferentes classificações (VALENTE, 2007:94), e, a influência dos fadistas, que com o surgimento das novas formas de comunicação possibilitaram a sua interação com outras culturas e, consequentemente, com outras canções. Destaca-se em sua trajetória a transformação de música exclusivamente consumida pelos transgressores da lei e da moral à música representativa da cultura de um país, deixando para trás as casas de má fama do século XIX e ganhando espaço pelos palcos do mundo no século XXI. A indústria fonográfica e também o rádio constituem ferramentas que colaboraram para o desenvolvimento do fado. O objetivo desta dissertação é observar o fado na atualidade, recuperando sua história desde as origens no século XIX. Para isso identifica e localiza as diversas transformações ao longo do tempo e personagens que se destacaram durante este percurso, mostrando como as tradições são reinventadas pelas novas gerações que, em vários momentos, são responsáveis pelo zelo e, muitas vezes, pela reinvenção do fado como herança cultural. Nesta análise a globalização da cultura é considerada como um poder redefinidor do significado de uma tradição. Alguns fadistas serão os pontos de referência desta pesquisa, representativos de uma linha do tempo que se distribui em 200 anos de história. As letras de fado percorrerão esta pesquisa com o intuito de ilustrar os pontos abordados. Como pesquisa cartográfica apoiada no modelo dos rizomas proposto por Gilles Deleuze e Félix Guattari (2000), pretende-se analisar a história contemporânea do fado, tendo como marco temporal a Revolução dos Cravos decorrida em 25 de abril de 1974.


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The baiqi (Buddhist percussive instruments), also known as faqi (dharma instruments), are mentioned in the Chinese Buddhist scriptures under many different terms: jianzhi, jiandi, jianzhui, or jianchi. The original function of baiqi in earlier monastic life was to gather people or to call an assembly. With the completion of monasticism and monastic institutions, baiqi have become multifunctional in monasteries, and many baiqi instruments have been developed for different monastic applications. In contemporary Buddhist monasteries in Taiwan, baiqi are used, on the one hand, to mark the time throughout the day, signal the beginning and end of monastic daily activities, and regulate the monastic order; and on the other hand, baiqi are indispensable to the musical practices of all Buddhist rituals, where they are used to accompany fanbai (Buddhist liturgical chants) and to articulate the whole ritual process. This study investigates multiple facets of Buddhist baiqi in their performance practice, function, application, notation, and transmission, exploring the interaction between baiqi and fanbai, baiqi and the practitioner, baiqi and the monastic space, and baiqi and various Buddhist contexts. I draw upon ideas from performance theory as it concerns different disciplines, but I maintain a sharper focus on the musicological dimension of performance practice when analyzing, interpreting, and explaining the performance and music of baiqi in terms of the monastic lifestyle and its rituals. The study not only uncovers the musical system of baiqi, but also encapsulates various issues of performed identity, social interaction, performer/audience, associated behaviors, the musical construction of space, and transmission.


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The musical period of Neoclassicism began in the 1920's, between the first and second world wars. It was initiated by French composers and eventually spread to other countries. One of the most important themes to emerge from the movement was to escape from the formless, rather emotional music of the Romantic era and instead, emphasize balance, order, objectivity and clarity in musical form. Many popular clarinet repertoires are enjoyed by performers and listeners because the music is enjoyable to play and easy to listen to. In particular, classically influenced clarinet music is quite interesting because it features musical elements from both the past and contemporary musical styles. For instance, some composers have integrated preexisting, more traditional styles of composition with lighter styles of modern culture such as popular music and Jazz. It is difficult to discover purely neoclassical clarinet repertoires even though many composers created their pieces during the neoclassical era. What we most commonly find are both neoclassical and non-neoclassical influences in compositions from that time period. Thus, I aim to trace the influence of neoclassicism in selected clarinet repertoires that exist today. It is my hope that increased awareness and knowledge about accessible clarinet music may encourage the general public to develop a deeper interest in a wider sphere of clarinet music, beyond what is considered popular today. The works performed and discussed in this dissertation are the following: (Recital I) Duo Concertante by Darius Milhaud; Sonata by Leonard Bernstein; Sonata for Two Clarinets by Francis Poulenc; Duos for Flute and Clarinet, Op. 34 by Robert Muczynski; Dance Preludes by Witold Lutoslawski, (Recital II) Sonatine by Arthur Honegger; Time pieces by Robert Muczynski; Suite for Clarinet, Violin and Piano by Darius Milhaud; Sonate for Clarinet, Flute and Piano by Maurice Emmanuel; Tarantelle for Flute, Clarinet and Piano, Op. 6 by Camille Saint-Saëns, (Recital III) Sonatina by Joseph Horovitz; Suite from L'histoire du Soldat for Clarinet, Violin and Piano by Igor Stravinsky; Contrasts for Clarinet, Violin and Piano by Béla Bartók The recitals that took place on December 1, 2012 and on April 25, 2013 were performed in the Ulrich Recital Hall of the Clarice Performing Arts Center in College Park, Maryland. The recital that took place on November 2, 2013 was performed at the Gildenhorn Recital Hall of the same performing arts center.


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This article argues that Irish “traditional” music is modern in its form and history, and explores the ramifications of this thesis for understanding of the peculiarities of Irish modernity and identity. The article exhaustively surveys the historiography of Irish traditional music and uniquely interprets this literature in relation to competing conceptions of identity and modernity articulated by Taylor, Appiah and Žižek. It also interprets Irish traditional music in relation to conceptions of Irish modernity articulated in a wide range of disciplines within Irish studies. Reflecting on the author’s lifelong engagement with traditional music performance, the article argues that the resilience of traditional music within the broader culture is connected to the peculiar character of Irish modernity, and that it suffers from problems of aesthetic exhaustion shared by much modern art in the contemporary conjuncture.


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In Northern Ireland of the mid-1990s, many were caught off-guard by the comet-like arrival of a previously unarticulated Ulster Scots identity, replete with its own folk traditions. The article exploits the author’s position as Traditional Arts Officer of the Arts Council of Northern Ireland from 1998 until 2003 to offer an auto-ethnographic reflection on the literature on cultural politics in Northern Ireland since the outbreak of the Troubles, informed by extensive fieldwork with arts administrators and with contemporary Ulster Scots musicians. The article gives a close reading and historical contextualisation of the Ulster-Scots musical revue On Eagle's Wing, which was developed during this period. The article uses the concept of "suture" articulated by Lacan and developed by Laclau, Mouffe, and Žižek to explain both the potential for Ulster Scots culture to enter political discourse out of a seeming vacuum and its subsequent difficulties, offering an original interpretation of the role of culture in the contemporary trajectory of Northern Ireland politics.


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Beginning with a panoramic analysis of the role played by East Timorese poets in the struggle for liberation from Portuguese and Indonesian colonial rule, this article examines the extent to which an East Timorese national identity and unity repeatedly featured in the poetry of the 1970s and 80s are represented in contemporary Timorese literary production. By reading the work of the novelist Luís Cardoso, and the poets Abé Barreto and Celso Oliveira, the article also assesses whether the independent nation envisioned earlier by those such as Borja da Costa, Fernando Sylvan and Xanana Gusmão, has been realised. In doing so, critical attention is brought to bear on the intimate relationship between the specific material and political circumstances of East Timor and the literature produced in colonial and postcolonial moments in the nation’s history.


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In 1985 Jacques Attali proposed a new modality for music. He suggests that there be “not a new music, but a new way of making music... a radically new form of the insertion of music into communication” (Attali 134). What Attali foretold has become a firm reality in contemporary musical practice. One has only to look at any current musical activity to encounter work that relies heavily on real-time interaction and dynamic generation and/or modification of materials. But why is this ontologically different ‘mode of essentially interactive and transformative existence’ (Ziarek 195), this ‘new way of making music’, so attractive to contemporary artists? What is motivating artists to abandon a production model in favor of a model of real-time interactive exploration? I will argue that at the foundation of this new artistic ontology lies Deleuze’s concept of the virtual. It is a recognition of the virtual power of music, that music making can be an act of invention, a process where one can discover something never before experienced.


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Tese dout., Philosophy, Lancaster University, 2010


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Tese de doutoramento, Sociologia (Sociologia da Família, da Juventude e das Relações de Género), Universidade de Lisboa, Instituto de Ciências Sociais, 2014


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Metal Music as Critical Dystopia: Humans, Technology and the Future in 1990s Science Fiction Metal seeks to demonstrate that the dystopian elements in metal music are not merely or necessarily a sonic celebration of disaster. Rather, metal music's fascination with dystopian imagery is often critical in intent, borrowing themes and imagery from other literary and cinematic traditions in an effort to express a form of social commentary. The artists and musical works examined in this thesis maintain strong ties with the science fiction genre, in particular, and tum to science fiction conventions in order to examine the long-term implications of humanity's complex relationship with advanced technology. Situating metal's engagements with science fiction in relation to a broader practice of blending science fiction and popular music and to the technophobic tradition in writing and film, this thesis analyzes the works of two science fiction metal bands, VOlvod and Fear Factory, and provides close readings of four futuristic albums from the mid to late 1990s that address humanity's relationship with advanced technology in musical and visual imagery as well as lyrics. These recorded texts, described here as cyber metal for their preoccupation with technology in subject matter and in sound, represent prime examples of the critical dystopia in metal music. While these albums identify contemporary problems as the root bf devastation yet to come, their musical narratives leave room for the possibility of hope , allowing for the chance that dystopia is not our inevitable future.


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L’objectif de ce mémoire est de comprendre comment une certaine vision du monde, basée sur des croyances théologiques, a contribué à la composition du concerto pour violon Offertorium de Sofia Gubaïdulina. C’est par le biais de cette œuvre qu’est explorée l’idée du dialogue musicothéologique, en proposant des façons par lesquelles la pièce musicale en question peut servir de porteuse ou d’interprète d’une pensée théologique. Afin d’appuyer cette idée, la démarche intertextuelle employée par Heidi Epstein est utilisée. Cette méthode permet de faciliter non seulement le travail interdisciplinaire, mais aussi la lecture théologique de l’œuvre musicale. Le premier chapitre explore les sources, les questions et la problématique qui entoure le dialogue musicothéologique. La conclusion tirée est que l’étude d’Offertorium nécessite une approche équilibrée. Nous entendons par cela, une approche qui prend en ligne de compte la réflexion théologique autant que la recherche musicologique tout en respectant les contributions théologiques que l’œuvre musicale peut apporter en soi. Dans le deuxième chapitre, une analyse thématique d’Offertorium a été tentée ainsi qu’une étude du discours théologique et spirituel de la compositrice. Il a été conclu que l’arrière-plan russe orthodoxe de Gubaidulina a beaucoup influencé sa vision du monde et son approche artistique. Le concerto est porteur d’idées et de symboles liturgiques ou théologiques de l’Orthodoxie dans sa structure et dans sa construction thématique. Le troisième chapitre explore les parallèles entre la pensée de Gubaidulina et les écritures de plusieurs théologiens russes orthodoxes du 20e siècle. La conclusion de ce chapitre démontre que, même s’il est improbable que la compositrice connaisse bien ces auteurs, sa compréhension théologique et spirituelle sort du climat religieux de l’Église Orthodoxe. Cette idée explique les complémentarités et les similarités entre son discours, son œuvre et les propos des théologiens discutés. Le quatrième chapitre évalue la validité d’Offertorium comme moyen d’expression théologique ainsi que de générateur de réflexion théologique. La conclusion de la recherche est qu’Offertorium peut bel et bien être un espace théologique. Ce qui veut dire que des idées théologiques peuvent être communiquées par le biais de l’expérience sonore que ce soit par la mélodie ou l’ambiance générale. Également, cela implique que la musique devient un partenaire égal, quoique différent des méthodes de réflexion traditionnelles au sein de la conversation théologique.


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La version intégrale de cette thèse est disponible uniquement pour consultation individuelle à la Bibliothèque de musique de l’Université de Montréal (www.bib.umontreal.ca/MU).


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‘Instructions for an Audio Performance/Scissors Recording’ is a score for a performance using an amplified scissors that can be downloaded and interpreted by a performer anywhere in the world. The file functions as a manual for the performer with guidance for creating the instrument and preparing the performance space while it also provides a template for the actual sonic pattern to be followed in the live performance. Created originally for ‘Storageroom’ an online platform featuring complete exhibitions that are available for download, the piece was exhibited and interpreted in a live performance by Ayelet Lerman for the File Transfer Protocol, the contemporary section of the Haifa-Jerusalem-Tel Aviv exhibition at the Museum of Art, Haifa, Israel.


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In 'Tales from Ovid' and 'War Music' respectively, Ted Hughes and Christopher Logue turned to classical epic as source material and a model for contemporary poetry. In this essay I consider the different ways in which they work with the original epic poems and how they rework them both textually and generically. In the process, I suggest, Hughes gives his readers an Ovid modeled on his own, vatic conception of Homer, while Logue reworks Homer in a manner that is essentially Ovidian.