869 resultados para Port of entry
The records of the GJCA relate to the entire range of activities involved in receiving and placing refugee children from 1933 through the 1950s. The later materials are records of the European Jewish Children's Aid. Activities included: maintaining the reception center in New Jersey; transportation arrangements; placement in homes; issuing affidavits and passports; granting scholarships; naturalization of children; setting of GJCA policy. By-laws, minutes, reports, correspondence and certificate of incorporation. Correspondence of executive officers, mainly Cecilia Razovsky, 1930s. Correspondence between William Haber and Lotte Marcuse, 1939-40. File of Dr. Solomon Lowenstein. Minutes of meetings of the Finance Committee. Field reports, inter-office memoranda, financial and statistical reports. Correspondence with organizations and governmental agencies: Society of Friends (Quakers) in Vienna; Israelitische Kultusgemeinde of Vienna; Reichsvereinigung der Juden in Deutschland; Federation for the Support of Jewish Philanthropic Societies; Department of Justice; New York State Department of Social Welfare; U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Service; American Friends Service Committee; American Jewish Congress; B'nai Brith; National Council of Jewish Women. Correspondence with individuals: Max S. Perlman, William Rosenwald, Paul Felix Warburg. In addition to the general administrative records, there are thousands of case files.
O trabalho buscou avaliar as dificuldades e limites da gestão municipal na incorporação de serviços de mamografia em sete municípios selecionados na região do Médio Paraíba. Utilizando abordagem metodológica qualiquantitativa, se desenvolveu a partir do levantamento de dados secundários sobre o parque tecnológico de serviços e a produção de mamografias nos municípios selecionados e da realização de entrevistas semi-estruturadas aplicadas junto aos gestores municipais e aos responsáveis pelos setores de Controle, Avaliação e Auditoria das localidades. A análise das entrevistas identificou sete categorias temáticas principais: (1) o conhecimento do nível local sobre o problema de saúde em tela, onde se pode constatar dificuldades para uma análise mais precisa da situação de saúde relacionada ao câncer de mama nas localidades; (2) o conhecimento dos processos de tomada de decisão, onde se pode perceber que a gestão municipal esbarra em uma série de dificuldades que impossibilitam, em muitos casos, a incorporação de tecnologias nos serviços próprios, trazendo como única alternativa a compra dos serviços mamográficos; (3) a oferta e acesso aos exames mamográficos, evidenciando precariedade, pois é facilitada somente a porta de entrada nos serviços de Atenção Básica; (4) a produção dos procedimentos, revelando que, de uma forma geral, os gestores têm se esforçado por cumprir com as metas pactuadas, ainda que o exame das informações disponíveis mostrem que seu alcance encontra-se, via de regra, distante do pretendido; (5) a regulação e monitoramento dos serviços mamográficos, onde pode se perceber a baixa adesão ao Sistema de Regulação nas gestões locais; (6) a satisfação quanto à prestação dos serviços contratados, usualmente avaliadas de forma subjetiva e ancorada tão somente na falta de reclamações; e, por fim, (7) dificuldades na tomada de decisão relativa à incorporação de um serviço mamográfico próprio, que esbarram em impedimentos políticos, administrativos e financeiros. Pode-se concluir que o estudo permitiu extrair subsídios capazes de contribuir para o conhecimento e reflexão sobre as práticas de incorporação tecnológica e monitoramento dos serviços mamográficos na região.
A garantia de Segurança Alimentar e Nutricional (SAN) remete à necessidade de ações intersetoriais que articulem as dimensões alimentar e nutricional, além da questão contemporânea da sustentabilidade e da perspectiva do direito humano à alimentação adequada. O setor saúde tem funções específicas e importantes que contribuem para o conjunto das políticas de governo voltadas para a garantia da SAN a população. Desta forma, ações promotoras de SAN devem ser desenvolvidas em todos os níveis de atenção do Sistema Único de Saúde, sendo a Atenção Básica à Saúde, por meio da Estratégia Saúde da Família (ESF), um campo privilegiado de implementação dessas ações, uma vez que está configurada como a porta preferencial de entrada dos usuários no sistema de saúde e como o centro norteador da rede de assistência. Este é um estudo exploratório e descritivo de abordagem qualitativa que teve como objetivo conhecer o que profissionais de equipes de saúde da Família, gestores dos âmbitos federal e municipal ligados à ESF, além de representantes de organizações da sociedade civil atuantes no campo da SAN entendem sobre SAN e sobre práticas promotoras de SAN na ESF. A construção das informações ocorreu por meio de entrevistas semi-estruturadas e grupos focais. Os profissionais referiram-se a SAN como a garantia de uma alimentação que atenda às necessidades nutricionais e que seja segura para o consumo, enquanto que entre os representantes da sociedade civil organizada e gestores predominou uma compreensão mais ampla da SAN. Os diferentes atores identificaram a ESF com um espaço promotor de SAN a partir do levantamento de ações já desenvolvidas ou que possam vir a ser desenvolvidas, porém as ações citadas encontram-se majoritariamente ligadas à dimensão nutricional da SAN. Os atores referiram um conjunto de problemas estruturais que desencadeiam dificuldades no cotidiano da organização dos serviços e das práticas dos profissionais e consequentemente na execução de ações promotoras de SAN nessa estratégia. Este trabalho levantou a necessidade de difundir a interdependência entre saúde e SAN entre gestores e profissionais ligados à ESF para que estes possam identificar melhor nas ações dos serviços de saúde elementos promotores da SAN, e desta forma compreender seu papel de agentes promotores de saúde e SAN.
As doenças crônicas não transmissíveis (DCNT) estão posicionadas no topo das enfermidades em termos de morbimortalidade, no Brasil e no mundo. Entre estas, as doenças cardiovasculares (DCV), e particularmente, as cerebrovasculares (DCbV), produzem um impacto significativo sobre a autonomia das pessoas, desfalcando a força de trabalho das nações e gerando um alto custo para a previdência social de todos os países. No Brasil, só muito recentemente as enfermidades circulatórias passaram a ser contempladas por políticas públicas formuladas pelo Ministério da Saúde (MS), não só pela manutenção destas doenças em altos patamares de morbimortalidade, mas também pelo crescimento exponencial de alguns dos seus fatores de risco. Partindo do pressuposto que as políticas e programas oficiais não estão sendo efetivamente implementados no âmbito da Atenção Primária à Saúde (APS), o objetivo do presente estudo foi investigar e analisar como estas iniciativas do MS vem sendo efetivamente executadas em Juiz de Fora-MG. A estratégia utilizada para essa investigação consistiu em uma pesquisa qualiquantitativa com base em observação, documentos e entrevistas semi-estruturadas com os diferentes componentes profissionais das Equipes de Saúde da Família de três unidades básicas de saúde do município citado. Foram entrevistados 40 profissionais de saúde, entre médicos, enfermeiros e agentes comunitários de saúde, buscando-se entender como os programas governamentais com interface com a prevenção das doenças cardiovasculares e, em especial, cerebrovasculares, vêm sendo implementados ao nível do Programa de Saúde da Família. Na comparação entre o que é recomendado nos programas governamentais e o que vem sendo executado nas UBS, concluiu-se que ainda há um longo caminho a ser percorrido para que estes programas sejam efetivamente implementados na porta de entrada do sistema de saúde.
Pine wilt disease (PWD) is perhaps the most serious threat to pine forests worldwide. Since it´s discovery in the early XXth century by Japanese forest researchers, and the relationship with its causative agent, the pinewood nematode (PWN) Bursaphelenchus xylophilus, in the 1970s, PWD has wreaked havoc wherever it appears. Firstly in the Far East (Japan, China and Korea) and now, more recently in 1999, in the EU (Portugal). The forest sector in Portugal plays a major role in the Portuguese economy with a 12% contribution to the industrial gross domestic product, 3.2% of the gross domestic product, 10% of foreign trade and 5% of national employment. Maritime pine (Pinus pinaster) is one of the most important pine productions, and industrial activity, such as the production of wood and resin, as well as coastal protection associated with sand dunes. Also, stone pine (Pinus pinea) plays an important role in the economy with a share derived from the exports of high-quality pineon seed. Thus, the tremendous economical and ecological impact of the introduction of a pest and pathogen such as the PWN, although as far as is known, the only species susceptible to the nematode is maritime pine. Immediately following detection, the research team involved (Univ. Évora, INIAP) informed the national plant quarantine and forest authorities, which relayed the information to Brussels and the appropriate EU authorities. A task force (GANP), followed by a national program (PROLUNP) was established. Since then, national surveys have been taking place, involving MADRP (Ministry of Agriculture), the University of Évora and several private corporations (e.g. UNAC). Forest growers in the area are particularly interested and involved since the area owned by the growers organizations totals 700 000 ha, largely affected by PWD. Detection of the disease has led to serious consequences and restrictions regarding exploration and commercialization of wood. A precautionary phytosanitary strip, 3 km-wide, has been recently (2007) established surrounding the affected area. The Portuguese government, through its national program PROLUNP, has been deeply involved since 1999, and in conjunction with the EU (Permanent Phytosanitary Committee, and FVO) and committed to controlling this nematode and the potential spread to the rest of the country and to the rest of the EU. The global impact of the presence of Bursaphelenchus xylophilus or the threat of its introduction and the resulting pine wilt disease in forested areas in different parts of the world is of increasing concern economically. The concern is exacerbated by the prevailing debate on climate change and the putative impact this could have on the vulnerability of the world’s pine forests to this disease. The scientific and regulatory approach taken in different jurisdictions to the threat of pine wilt disease varies from country to country depending on the perceived vulnerability of their pine forests to the disease and/or to the economic cost due to lost trade in wood products. Much of the research surrounding pine wilt disease has been located in the northern hemisphere, especially in southern Europe and in the warmer, coastal, Asian countries. However, there is an increased focus on this problem also in those countries in the southern hemisphere where plantations of susceptible pine have been established over the years. The forestry sector in Australia and New Zealand are on “high alert” for this disease and are practicing strict quarantine procedures at all ports of entry for wood products. As well, there is heightened awareness, as there is worldwide, for the need to monitor wood packaging materials for all imported goods. In carrying out the necessary monitoring and assessment of products for B. xylophilus and its vectors substantial costs are incurred especially when decisions have to be made rapidly and regardless of whether the outcome is positive or negative. Australia’s response recently to the appearance of some dying pines in a plantation illustrated the high sensitivity of some countries to this disease. Some $200,000 was spent on the assessment in order to save a potential loss of millions of dollars to the disease. This rapid, co-ordinated response to the report was for naught, because once identified it was found not to be B. xylophilus. This illustrates the particular importance of taking the responsibility at all levels of management to secure the site and the need of a rapid, reliable diagnostic method for small nematode samples for use in the field. Australia is particularly concerned about the vulnerability of its 1million hectares of planted forests, 80% of which are Pinus species, to attack from incursions of one or more species of the insect vector. Monochamus alternatus incursions in wood pallets have been reported from Brisbane, Queensland. The climate of this part of Australia is such that the Pinus plantations are particularly vulnerable to the potential outcome of such incursions, and the state of Queensland is developing a risk management strategy and a proactive breeding programme in response to this putative threat. New Zealand has 1.6 million hectares of planted forests and 89% of the commercial forest is Pinus radiata. Although the climate where these forests are located tends to be somewhat cooler than that in Australia the potential for establishment and development of the disease in that country is believed to be high. The passage alone of 200,000 m³/year of wood packaging through New Zealand ports is itself sufficient to require response. The potential incursion of insect vectors of pinewood nematode through the port system is regarded as high and is monitored carefully. The enormous expansion of global trade and the continued use of unprocessed/inadequately-processed wood for packaging purposes is a challenge for all trading nations as such wood packaging material often harbours disease or pest species. The extent of this problem is readily illustrated by the expanding economies and exports of countries in south-east Asia. China. Japan and Korea have significant areas of forestland infested with B. xylophilus. These countries too are among the largest exporting countries of manufactured goods. Despite the attempts of authorities to ensure that only properly treated wood is used in the crating and packaging of goods B. xylophilus and/or its insect vector infested materials is being recorded at ports worldwide. This reminds us, therefore, of the ease with which this nematode pest can gain access to forest lands in new geographic locations through inappropriate use, treatment or monitoring of wood products. It especially highlights the necessity to find an alternative to using low-grade lumber for packaging purposes. Lest we should believe that all wood products are always carriers of B. xylophilus and its vectors, it should be remembered that international trade of all kinds has occurred for thousands of years and that lumber-born pests and diseases do not have worldwide distribution. Other physico-biological factors have a significant role in the occurrence, establishment and sustainability of a disease. The question is often raised as to why the whole of southern Europe doesn’t already have B. xylophilus and pine wilt disease. European countries have traded with countries that are infested with B. xylophilus for hundreds of years. Turkey is an example of a country that appears to be highly vulnerable to pine wilt disease due to its extensive forests in the warm, southern region where the vector, Monochamus galloprovincialis, occurs. However, there is no record of the presence of B. xylophilus occurring there despite the importation of substantial quantities of wood from several countries In many respects, Portugal illustrates both the challenge and the dilemma. In recent times B. xylophilus was discovered there in the warm coastal region. The research, administrative and quarantine authorities responded rapidly and B. xylophilus appears to have been confined to the region in which it was found. The rapid response would seem to have “saved the day” for Portugal. Nevertheless, it raises again the long-standing questions, how long had B. xylophilus been in Portugal before it was found? If Lisbon was the port of entry, which seems very likely, why had B. xylophilus not entered Lisbon many years earlier and established populations and the pine wilt disease? Will the infestation in Portugal be sustainable and will it spread or will it die out within a few years? We still do not have sufficient understanding of the biology of this pest to know the answers to these questions.
Des lois sont adoptées, des politiques implantées, des centaines de milliers de dollars investis dans la formation des employés, et puis ? Cette recherche de type exploratoire tente de jeter la lumière sur ce qui se passe actuellement dans les points d'entrée canadiens situés au Québec en matière de lutte contre la traite de personnes migrantes et de présenter, s'il y a lieu, les incohérences entre l'engagement du Canada à lutter contre la traite de personnes et les pratiques des agents des services frontaliers du Canada sur le terrain. Pour ce faire, nous avons interviewé sept agents des services frontaliers du Canada travaillant à l'Aéroport international Pierre-Elliott-Trudeau de Montréal, quatrième poste frontalier aéroportuaire en importance au Canada et premier au Québec, afin d'en apprendre davantage sur les connaissances ainsi que sur les expériences de ceux-ci en matière de traite de personnes migrantes. Nous avons aussi rencontré quatre intervenants venant en aide aux victimes migrantes de la traite de personnes au Québec, principalement dans la région de Montréal, dans le but d'en savoir un peu plus sur l'expérience des victimes en lien avec l'Agence des services frontaliers du Canada et les impacts de ces expériences sur celles-ci. Si les agents interviewés semblent avoir une assez bonne idée, même si celle-ci paraît largement influencée par les médias, de ce qu'est la traite de personnes migrantes, rares sont ceux qui, dans le cadre de leurs fonctions, ont une expérience pratique auprès des victimes. L'absence de formation substantielle et continue, la perception du rôle de l'ASFC par ses agents ainsi que le manque de leadership de la direction en ce qui a trait à la traite de personnes migrantes semblent être des accrocs majeurs à la volonté politique du gouvernement canadien, plus particulièrement de l'Agence des services frontaliers du Canada, de combattre la traite de personnes migrantes sur son propre territoire. Les obstacles sont nombreux dans la lutte contre la traite de personnes aux frontières canadiennes et représentent un défi de taille à la fois complexe et compliqué. Une approche centrée sur la prévention et une plus grande sensibilisation des agents des services frontaliers du Canada proposent un début de solution.
Este trabajo tuvo una duración de 5 meses en los cuales se realizaron 5 módulos cada uno enfocado a la creación de un plan exportador, estos módulos son: Inteligencia de Mercados, Costos de Producción, Precios y Logística internacional, Estrategias de Comercialización y Plan Exportador, en todos estos se buscaron las bases para que la empresa 3 D.I.T LTDA., pudiera implementar un plan de exportación exitoso para los mercados escogidos: México, Chile y Estados Unidos.
Binder's title.
In the past decade, several major food safety crises originated from problems with feed. Consequently, there is an urgent need for early detection of fraudulent adulteration and contamination in the feed chain. Strategies are presented for two specific cases, viz. adulterations of (i) soybean meal with melamine and other types of adulterants/contaminants and (ii) vegetable oils with mineral oil, transformer oil or other oils. These strategies comprise screening at the feed mill or port of entry with non-destructive spectroscopic methods (NIRS and Raman), followed by post-screening and confirmation in the laboratory with MS-based methods. The spectroscopic techniques are suitable for on-site and on-line applications. Currently they are suited to detect fraudulent adulteration at relatively high levels but not to detect low level contamination. The potential use of the strategies for non-targeted analysis is demonstrated.
Although the design-build (DB) system has been demonstrated to be an effective delivery method and has gained popularity worldwide, it has not gained the same popularity in the construction market of China. The objective of this study was, theretofore, to investigate the barriers to entry in the DB market. A total of 22 entry barriers were first identified through an open-ended questionnaire survey with 15 top construction professionals in the construction market of China. A broad questionnaire survey was further conducted to prioritize these entry barriers. Statistical analysis of responses shows that the most dominant barriers to entry into the DB market are, namely, lack of design expertise, lack of interest from owners, lack of suitable organization structure, lack of DB specialists, and lack of credit record system. Analysis of variance indicates that there is no difference of opinions among the respondent groups of academia, government departments, state-owned company, and private company, at the 5% significance level, on most of the barriers to entry. Finally, the underlying dimensions of barriers to entry in the DB market were investigated through factor analysis. The results indicate that there are six major underlying dimensions of entry barriers in DB market, which include, namely, the competence of design-builders, difficulty in project procurement, characteristics of DB projects, lack of support from public sectors, the competence of DB owners, and the immaturity of DB market. These findings are useful for both potential and incumbent design-builders to understand and analyze the DB market in China.
Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to provide a new type of entry mode decision-making model for construction enterprises involved in international business. Design/methodology/approach – A hybrid method combining analytic hierarchy process (AHP) with preference ranking organization method for enrichment evaluations (PROMETHEE) is used to aid entry mode decisions. The AHP is used to decompose the entry mode problem into several dimensions and determine the weight of each criterion. In addition, PROMETHEE method is used to rank candidate entry modes and carry out sensitivity analyses. Findings – The proposed decision-making method is demonstrated to be a suitable approach to resolve the entry mode selection decision problem. Practical implications – The research provides practitioners with a more systematic decision framework and a more precise decision method. Originality/value – The paper sheds light on the further development of entry strategies for international construction markets. It not only introduces a new decision-making model for entry mode decision making, but also provides a conceptual framework with five determinants for a construction company entry mode selection based on the unique properties of the construction industry.
A challenge for regulators and the courts has been establishing the boundary between behaviour is exclusionary and should be condemned under s 46 of the then Trade Practices Act 1974 (Cth) (TPA), now s 46 of the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 (Cth) (CCA), and behaviour that is not exclusionary and might even be pro-competitive. This boundary can be especially difficult to draw in the case of entry deterring strategies. Section 46(1) prohibits corporations with a substantial degree of market power from taking advantage of that market power for one of the statutorily proscribed purposes which include preventing the entry of a person into that or any other market. Section 45(2) separately prohibits corporations from making and giving effect to contracts arrangements and understandings that have the purpose, effect or likely effect of substantially lessening competition in a market. The latest case in which the ACCC has failed to satisfy the s 46 criteria is the decision of Greenwood J in ACCC v Cement Australia Pty Ltd [2013] FCA 909 (Cement Australia case). Final orders were published in a separate judgment, in ACCC v Cement Australia Pty Ltd [2014] FCA 148 (28 February 2014). The case concerned an entry deterring strategy, namely the pre-emptive buying of input factors in an upstream market to protect an incumbent with substantial market power in a downstream market and to prevent new entry in the downstream market. Greenwood J found that while Cement Australia Pty Ltd, formerly known as Queensland Cement Ltd (QCL), had substantial market power, its conduct in entering into the pre-emptive contracts was not a contravention of s 46, because Cement Australia had not “taken advantage” of its market power. However, since Cement Australia’s purpose in entering into the pre-emptive contracts was anti-competitive, they were held to contravene s 45(2) of the TPA. The purpose of this Note is to consider only the reasons for judgment in the Cement Australia case in relation to the “taking advantage” element. The judgment was handed down on 10 September 2013. The final hearing date was 15 July 2011, so it was long-awaited. At 714 pages, it is carefully drafted.
This paper examines the relationship between class of origin, educational attainment, and class of entry to the labour force, in three cohorts of men in the Republic of Ireland using data collected in 1987. The three cohorts comprise men born (i) before 1937; (ii) between 1937 and 1949; and (iii) between 1950 and 1962. The paper assesses the degree of change over the three cohorts in respect of (a) the gross relationship between origins and entry class; (b) the partial effect (controlling for education) of origin class on entry class; (c) the partial effect of education (controlling for origins) on class of entry. In broad terms the liberal theory of industrialism would imply a movement, over the three cohorts, towards (a) increasing social fluidity; (b) a weakening of the partial effect of origin class; (c) a strengthening of the partial effect of education. These latter two trends should be particularly noticeable in the youngest cohort, which would, to some degree, have benefited from the introduction of free post-primary education in Ireland in 1967.
Our results provide almost no support for these hypotheses. We find that patterns of social fluidity in the origin/entry relationship remain unchanged over the cohorts. The partial effect of class remains relatively constant; and, while the partial effect of education on entry class changes over the cohorts, the most striking result in this area is the declining returns to higher levels of education. While the average level of educational attainment increased over the three cohorts, the advantages accruing to the possession of higher levels of education simultaneously diminished. Taken together our results suggest that, in Ireland, those classes that have historically enjoyed advantages in access to more desirable entry positions in the labour market have been remarkably adept at retaining their advantages during the course of industrialization and through the various educational and other labour market changes that have accompanied this process.
We investigate the effects of trade with a foreign firm and privatization of the domestic pubUc firm on an incentive for the domestic firm to reduce costs by undertaking R&D investment, under demand uncertainty. We suppose that the domestic firm is less efficient than the foreign firm. However, the domestic firm can lower its marginal costs by conducting cost-reducing R&D investment. We examine the impacts of entry of a foreign firm, and the effects of demand uncertainty, on decisions upon cost-reducing R&D investment by the domestic firm and how these affect the domestic welfare.
Introduction Entry dyspareunia is a sexual health concern which affects about 21% of women in the general population. Characterized by pain provoked during vaginal penetration, introital dyspareunia has been shown by controlled studies to have a negative impact on the psychological well-being, sexual function, sexual satisfaction, and quality of life of afflicted women. Many cognitive and affective variables may influence the experience of pain and associated psychosexual problems. However, the role of the partner's cognitive responses has been studied very little. Aim The aim of the present study was to examine the associations between partners' catastrophizing and their perceptions of women's self-efficacy at managing pain on one side and women's pain intensity, sexual function, and sexual satisfaction on the other. Methods One hundred seventy-nine heterosexual couples (mean age for women = 31, SD = 10.0; mean age for men = 33, SD = 10.6) in which the woman suffered from entry dyspareunia participated in the study. Both partners completed quantitative measures. Women completed the Pain Catastrophizing Scale and the Painful Intercourse Self-Efficacy Scale. Men completed the significant-other versions of these measures. Main Outcome Measures Dependent measures were women's responses to (i) the Pain Numeric Visual Analog Scale; (ii) the Female Sexual Function Index; and (iii) the Global Measure of Sexual Satisfaction scale. Results Controlled for women's pain catastrophizing and self-efficacy, results indicate that higher levels of partner-perceived self-efficacy and lower levels of partner catastrophizing are associated with decreased pain intensity in women with entry dyspareunia, although only partner catastrophizing contributed unique variance. Partner-perceived self-efficacy and catastrophizing were not significantly associated with sexual function or satisfaction in women. Conclusions The findings suggest that partners' cognitive responses may influence the experience of entry dyspareunia for women, pointing toward the importance of considering the partner when treating this sexual health problem.