988 resultados para Polymer-solutions


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© 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.Laboratory tests on microscale are reported in which millimeter-sized amorphous silica cubes were kept highly compressed in a liquid environment of de-ionized water solutions with different silica ion concentrations for up to four weeks. Such an arrangement simulates an early evolution of bonds between two sand grains stressed in situ. In-house designed Grain Indenter-Puller apparatus allowed measuring strength of such contacts after 3-4 weeks. Observations reported for the first time confirm a long-existing hypothesis that a stressed contact with microcracks generates silica polymers, forming a bonding structure between the grains on a timescale in the order of a few weeks. Such structure exhibits intergranular tensile force at failure of 1-1.5 mN when aged in solutions containing silica ion concentrations of 200-to 500-ppm. The magnitude of such intergranular force is 2-3 times greater than that of water capillary force between the same grains.


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Laboratory studies were conducted to evaluate the interaction between bare and polymer-coated magnetic nanoparticles (MNPs) with various environmentally relevant carrying solutions including natural oceanic seawater with and without addition of algal exopolymeric substances (EPS). The MNPs were coated with three different stabilising agents, namely gum Arabic (GA-MNP), dextran (D-MNP) and carboxymethyl-dextran (CMD-MNP). The colloidal stability of the suspensions was evaluated over 48 h and we demonstrated that: (i) hydrodynamic diameters increased over time regardless of carrying solution for all MNPs except the GA-coated ones; however, the relative changes were carrying solution- and coat-dependent; (ii) polydispersity indexes of the freshly suspended MNPs are below 0.5 for all coated MNPs, unlike the much higher values obtained for the uncoated MNPs; (iii) freshly prepared MNP suspensions (both coated and uncoated) in Milli-Q (MQ) water show high colloidal stability as indicated by zeta-potential values below -30 mV, which however decrease in absolute value within 48 h for all MNPs regardless of carrying solution; (iv) EPS seems to "stabilise" the GA-coated and the CMD-coated MNPs, but not the uncoated or the D-coated MNPs, which form larger aggregates within 48 h; (v) despite this aggregation, iron (Fe)-leaching from MNPs is sustained over 48 h, but remained within the range of 3-9% of the total iron-content of the initially added MNPs regardless of suspension media and capping agent. The environmental implications of our findings and biotechnological applicability of MNPs are discussed.


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In this study, the dissolution properties of celecoxib (CX) solid dispersions manufactured from Eudragit 4155F and polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) were evaluated. Hot-melt extrusion (HME) technology was used to prepare amorphous solid dispersions of drug/polymer binary systems at different mass ratios. The drug concentrations achieved from the dissolution of PVP and Eudragit 4155F solid dispersions in phosphate buffer, pH 7.4 (PBS 7.4) were significantly greater than the equilibrium solubility of CX (1.58 µg/mL). The degree of supersaturation increased significantly as the polymer concentration within the solid dispersion increased. The maximum drug concentration achieved by PVP solid dispersions did not significantly exceed the apparent solubility of amorphous CX. The predominant mechanism for achieving supersaturated CX concentrations in PBS 7.4 was attributed to stabilization of amorphous CX during dissolution. Conversely, Eudragit 4155F solid dispersions showed significantly greater supersaturated drug solutions particularly at high polymer concentrations. For example, at a drug/polymer ratio of 1:9, a concentration of 100 µg/mL was achieved after 60 min that was stable (no evidence of drug recrystallization) for up to 72 h. This clearly identifies the potential of Eudragit 4155F to act as a solubilizing agent for CX. These findings were in good agreement with the results from solubility performed using PBS 7.4 in which Eudragit 4155F had been predissolved. In these tests, Eudragit 4155F significantly increased the equilibrium solubility of CX. Solution 1H NMR spectra were used to identify drug/polymer interactions. Deshielding of CX aromatic protons (H-1a and H-1b) containing the sulfonamide group occurred as a result of dissolution of Eudragit 4155F solid dispersions, whereas deshielding of H-1a protons and shielding of H-1b protons occurred as a result of the dissolution of PVP solid dispersions. In principle, it is reasonable to suggest that the different drug/polymer interactions observed give rise to the variation in dissolution observed for the two polymer/drug systems.


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The oxidation of trimethoxymethane (TMM) (trimethyl orthoformate) in a direct oxidation PBI fuel cell was examined by on-line mass spectroscopy and on-line FTIR spectroscopy. The results show that TMM was almost completely hydrolyzed in a direct oxidation fuel cell which employs an acid doped polymer electrolyte to form a mixture of methylformate, methanol and formic acid. It also found that TMM was hydrolyzed in the presence of water at 120°C even without acidic catalyst. The anode performance improves in the sequence of methanol, TMM, formic acid/methanol, and methylformate solutions. Since formic acid is electrochemically more active than methanol, these results suggest that formic acid is probably a key factor for the improvement of the anode performance by using TMM instead of methanol under these conditions. © 1998 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Polymer extrusion is regarded as an energy-intensive production process, and the real-time monitoring of both energy consumption and melt quality has become necessary to meet new carbon regulations and survive in the highly competitive plastics market. The use of a power meter is a simple and easy way to monitor energy, but the cost can sometimes be high. On the other hand, viscosity is regarded as one of the key indicators of melt quality in the polymer extrusion process. Unfortunately, viscosity cannot be measured directly using current sensory technology. The employment of on-line, in-line or off-line rheometers is sometimes useful, but these instruments either involve signal delay or cause flow restrictions to the extrusion process, which is obviously not suitable for real-time monitoring and control in practice. In this paper, simple and accurate real-time energy monitoring methods are developed. This is achieved by looking inside the controller, and using control variables to calculate the power consumption. For viscosity monitoring, a ‘soft-sensor’ approach based on an RBF neural network model is developed. The model is obtained through a two-stage selection and differential evolution, enabling compact and accurate solutions for viscosity monitoring. The proposed monitoring methods were tested and validated on a Killion KTS-100 extruder, and the experimental results show high accuracy compared with traditional monitoring approaches.


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A futura e inevitável escassez dos recursos fósseis, juntamente com o aumento imprevisível dos seus preços, levou, nas últimas décadas, a um aumento impressionante de iniciativas dedicadas não só à procura de fontes alternativas de fornecedores de energia, mas também de produtos químicos e polímeros a partir de fontes renováveis, em particular da biomassa vegetal. Entre estes, os polímeros derivados de monómeros furânicos constituem uma classe única de materiais cujas estruturas podem, em princípio, simular virtualmente os seus homólogos actualmente derivados de recursos fósseis. O anel furânico é uma estrutura heterocíclica com um carácter diénico pronunciado, o que torna-o um dieno particularmente apropriado para a reacção de Diels-Alder (DA) com dienófilos como a maleimida. Um dos aspectos mais relevantes da reacção de DA é a sua reversibilidade em função da temperatura, a qual permite que os aductos sejam facilmente revertidos nos seus precursores por aumento da temperatura (reacção de retro-DA). No caso específico da combinação furano-maleimida, a formação do aducto predomina até cerca de 60ºC, enquanto a reacção inversa é dominante acima de 100ºC. A combinação desta característica da reacção de DA com a química de compostos furânicos pode abrir um novo caminho para a preparação de materiais macromoleculares funcionais com base em fontes renováveis e com aplicações promissoras como auto-reparação e reciclabilidade. O principal objectivo desta Tese, é a síntese e caracterização de novos materiais poliméricos termo-reversíveis, aplicando a reacção de DA a monómeros complementares com estruturas dos tipos furânico (o dieno, designado por A) e de maleimida (o dienófilo, designado por B). A primeira etapa neste trabalho envolveu a síntese, purificação e caracterização de novos monómeros furânicos e de maleimida do tipo AA, A3, BB, B3, AB, AB2, cada um com diferentes grupos separadores das funções reactivas. Posteriormente, estes monómeros foram polimerizados e despolimerizados por ciclos de DA/retro-DA utilizando diferentes combinações. A formação e dissociação de todos os aductos de DA foram seguidas por ambas espectroscopias de UV e RMN de 1H. O primeiro sistema de DA estudado foi uma combinação modelo entre reagentes mono-funcionais (-A+-B), nomeadamente o acetato furfurílico (FA) e a N-metilmaleimida (MM), ambos comercialmente disponíveis. O objectivo desta abordagem foi estudar a cinética e o equilíbrio da formação/dissociação dos aductos de DA e obter indicações sobre as condições mais adequadas a serem usadas na preparação dos correspondentes novos materiais macromoleculares. Além disso, pretendia-se verificar a presença ou ausência de reacções secundárias que poderiam intervir em ambas as vias directa e inversa das reacções, mesmo após vários ciclos. A espectroscopia de UV forneceu informação quantitativa sobre a cinética de formação do aducto através da diminuição progressiva da absorvência máxima a 293 nm correspondente ao grupo maleimida, a diferentes temperaturas (35, 50, 65 ºC) Reciprocamente, a correspondente reacção de retro-DA foi seguida a 90 ºC através do aumento do mesmo pico. A reversibilidade destes sistemas foi verificada com sucesso após uma sequência de ciclos de DA/retro-DA. Adicionalmente, verificou-se que os espectros originaram um ponto isosbéstico, provando que estes sistemas não envolvem quaisquer reacções secundárias. Uma vez que foi usado um excesso de FA, as reacções de DA modelo apresentaram um comportamento cinético de pseudo-primeira ordem, com a constante de velocidade k mais alta (2.1x10-5 dm3mol-1s-1) para T=65 ºC. A correspondente energia de activação foi de 39.0 kJ.mol-1. A reacção de retro-DA seguiu um comportamento de primeira ordem, com constante de velocidade de 1.6x10-6 s-1. A evolução deste sistema por RMN de 1H a 65ºC deu-nos informações mais detalhadas sobre a sua evolução estrutural, ou seja, à medida que a intensidade dos picos atribuídos à formação do aducto aumentaram progressivamente ao longo do tempo, os pertencentes aos reagentes iniciais diminuiram proporcionalmente. O “rendimento final”, calculado após 20 dias à temperatura ambiente, foi de aproximadamente 70%. A reacção de retro-DA foi depois seguida a 90ºC, observando-se tal como na espectroscopia de UV, o deslocamento da reacção no sentido da regeneração dos reagentes de partida. A viabilidade de múltiplos ciclos de DA/retro-DA estabelecidos pela espectroscopia de UV foi igualmente confirmada por RMN de 1H. O passo seguinte envolveu o estudo de um sistema de policondensação linear baseado no crescimento gradual por reacção de DA entre um monómero bisfurânico A-A e um do tipo bismaleimida B-B, seguindo a mesma abordagem que no sistema modelo. O poliaducto linear foi obtido a partir de soluções equimolares dos monómeros, por reacção de DA a 65ºC. O progresso desta polimerização foi seguido por espectroscopia de UV e RMN de 1H e, mais qualitativamente, pelo aumento da viscosidade do meio. A reacção seguiu um comportamento de segunda ordem, com uma constante de velocidade de 9.4x10-6 dm3mol-1s-1, e observou-se novamente um ponto isosbéstico nos dados de UV. Os espectros de RMN apresentaram o padrão esperado, nomeadamente o aumento progressivo dos sinais associados ao aducto e a correspondente diminuição dos grupos furano e maleimida livres. A despolimerização do poliaducto através da reacção de retro-DA foi seguida a 110ºC usando as mesmas técnicas. Os dados de UV mostraram o retorno progressivo da absorção dos grupos de maleimida, seguindo um comportamento cinético de primeira ordem, com constante de velocidade de 2.5x10-6 s-1, até à completa regeneração de ambos os monómeros. Os espectros de RMN providenciaram mais uma vez informação estrutural sobre o progresso da despolimerização, a qual foi acompanhada por uma diminuição progressiva da viscosidade. Adicionalmente, para seguir a retro- DA, adicionou-se um excesso de composto furânico monofuncional, nomeadamente o 2,5-dimetilfurano (DMFu), ao sistema de modo a bloquear as funções maleimida complementares, evitando assim a repolimerização após arrefecimento. Os productos isolados foram então o monómero bisfurânico AA, DMFu que não reagiu e o bisaducto não-polimerizável de BB com DMFu. Este resultado indicou claramente que o polímero foi de facto revertido nos seus monómeros durante a reacção de retro-DA. O terceiro sistema estudado foi outra polimerização linear, seguindo as mesmas condições experimentais que os anteriores, mas com uma estratégia diferente de modo a contornar o problema clássico de assegurar a estequiometria exacta dos monómeros. As estruturas dos monómeros utilizados incorporam ambos os grupos reactivos, i.e, moléculas do tipo A-B. A polimerização prematura destes monómeros intrinsecamente reactivos foi evitada com a protecção do grupo maleimida na forma de um aducto de DA com furano, até a incorporação do substituinte furânico na outra extremidade. Portanto, a policondensação destes monómeros foi iniciada após a desprotecção in situ deste composto mediante aquecimento, seguido de arrefecimento até à temperatura adequada para polimerizar. Os resultados obtidos por UV e RMN sugerem que de facto o uso de monómeros do tipo A-B oferece um melhor sistema linear. Em seguida, foram estudados sistemas de policondensação não-linear por reacção de DA, entre monómeros (um ou ambos) com funcionalidade superior a dois, nomeadamente sistemas do tipo A3+B-B ou A-A+B3, seguindo mais uma vez as mesmas condições experimentais. Uma vez que utilizam monómeros complementares contendo, em média, mais de duas funcionalidades, estes sistemas conduzem a materiais reticulados. Nestes estudos, foram usadas três razões molares de [maleimida]/[furano], nomeadamente 1.0, 0.75 e 0.5, de modo a estudar ambas as situações de não-gelificação e reticulação. Ambos sistemas apresentaram um comportamento regular e boa reciclabilidade quer para gerar situações que possam conduzir à formação de redes a diferentes graus de conversão, ou que possam parar antes da sua obtenção, conforme previsto pela equação de Flory-Stockmayer. Como esperado, a utilização de grupos complementares em quantidades estequiométricas produziu o espessamento mais rápido e a reticulação quase completa; à medida que a quantidade relativa de monómero trifuncional decresceu, as reacções pararam antes da reticulação, ou seja, originaram meios altamente viscosos contendo polímeros solúveis altamente ramificados. As reacções de retro-DA a 110 ºC conduziram à gradual dissolução das partículas de gel (quando presentes), tendo sido comprovado pelos espectros de UV e de RMN de 1H, evidenciado a regeneração dos monómeros. Tal como no sistema do tipo A-A+B-B, a reacção de retro-DA foi seguida adicionando um excesso de DMFu ao sistema reaccional. Como esperado, os produtos finais foram os monómeros furânicos, o DMFu em excesso e o trisaducto ou o bisaducto maleimida-DMFu, o que confirma a eficiência da despolimerização com regeneração dos monómeros iniciais. O último sistema de policondensação por reacção de DA envolveu um monómero assimetricamente substituído do tipo AB2, capaz de originar estruturas macromoleculares hiper-ramificadas que não reticulam. Este estudo preliminar deste sistema foi seguido nas mesmas condições experimentais que os anteriores, apresentando um comportamento com as características esperadas.


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Glass fibre-reinforced plastics (GFRP) have been considered inherently difficult to recycle due to both: cross-linked nature of thermoset resins, which cannot be remolded, and complex composition of the composite itself. Presently, most of the GFRP waste is landfilled leading to negative environmental impacts and supplementary added costs. With an increasing awareness of environmental matters and the subsequent desire to save resources, recycling would convert an expensive waste disposal into a profitable reusable material. In this study, efforts were made in order to recycle grinded GFRP waste, proceeding from pultrusion production scrap, into new and sustainable composite materials. For this purpose, GFRP waste recyclates, were incorporated into polyester based mortars as fine aggregate and filler replacements at different load contents and particle size distributions. Potential recycling solution was assessed by mechanical behaviour of resultant GFRP waste modified polymer mortars. Results revealed that GFRP waste filled polymer mortars present improved flexural and compressive behaviour over unmodified polyester based mortars, thus indicating the feasibility of the waste reuse in polymer mortars and concrete. © 2011, Advanced Engineering Solutions.


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The phase separation behaviour in aqueous mixtures of poly(methyl vinyl ether) and hydroxypropylcellulose has been studied by cloud points method and viscometric measurements. The miscibility of these blends in solid state has been assessed by infrared spectroscopy; methanol vapours sorption experiments and scanning electron microscopy. The values of Gibbs energy of mixing of the polymers and their blends with methanol as well as between each other were calculated. It was found that in solid state the polymers can interact with methanol very well but the polymer-polymer interactions are unfavourable. Although in aqueous solutions the polymers exhibit some intermolecular interactions their solid blends are not completely miscible. (C) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The interactions between hydroxypropylmethylcellulose (HPMC) and poly(acrylic acid) (PAA) as well as poly(methacrylic acid) (PMMA) resulting in formation of hydrophobic interpolymer complexes (IPC) via hydrogen bonding have been studied in aqueous solutions in acidic medium. The formation of IPC of two different compositions (2:1 and 4:1) has been detected for complexes of PAA and HPMC. The critical pH values for complexation of HPMC with PAA and PMAA were determined by the turbidimetric method. It was found that PAA shows the lower complexation ability compared to PMAA due to the more hydrophobic nature of the latter polyacid. The temperature-induced phase separation in HPMC-PAA solution mixtures depends greatly on the components ratio and PAA molecular weight. The complexation ability of hydroxypropylmethylcellulose with respect to poly(acrylic acid) was found to be similar to the complexation ability of methylcellulose, lower than that of hydroxypropylcellulose and higher than that of hydroxyethylcellulose. (c) 2006 Society of Chemical Industry.


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The introduction of ionic single-tailed surfactants to aqueous solutions of EO18BO10 [EO = poly(ethylene oxide), BO = poly(1,2-butylene oxide), subscripts denote the number of repeating units] leads to the formation of vesicles, as probed by laser scanning confocal microscopy. Dynamic light scattering showed that the dimensions of these aggregates at early stages of development do not depend on the sign of the surfactant head group charge. Small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) analysis indicated the coexistence of smaller micelles of different sizes and varying polymer content in solution. In strong contrast to the dramatic increase of size of dispersed particles induced by surfactants in dilute solution, the d-spacing of corresponding mesophases reduces monotonically upon increasing surfactant loading. This effect points to the suppression of vesicles as a consequence of increasing ionic strength in concentrated solutions. Maximum enhancements of storage modulus and thermal stability of hybrid gels take place at different compositions, indicating a delicate balance between the number and size of polymer-poor aggregates (population increases with surfactant loading) and the number and size of polymer−surfactant complexes (number and size decrease in high surfactant concentrations).


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In the present paper, we studied the preparation of biomimetic triblock copolymer (ABA) membranes in aqueous solution and their deposition into solid supports. The self-assembly structures of the ABA in aqueous solution was investigated by using optical microscopy, dynamic light scattering, electron microscopy (EM) and SAXS. Spherical and tubular polymersomes were found at the highest concentrations investigated. The mechanism of deposition on solid supports (mica and glass) was elucidated by using atomic force microscopy (AFM). The deposition results in the formation of a uniform defect-free membrane at suitable polymer concentrations.


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The micellization of F127 (E98P67E98) in dilute aqueous solutions of polyethylene glycol (PEG6000 and PEG35000) and poly(vinylpyrrolidone) (PVP K30 and PVP K90) is studied. The average hydrodynamic radius (rh,app) obtained from the dynamic light scattering technique increased with increase in PEG concentration but decreased on addition of PVP, results which are consistent with interaction of the micelles with PEG and the formation of micelles clusters, but no such interaction occurs with PVP. Tube inversion was used to determine the onset of gelation. The critical concentration of F127 for gelation increased on addition of PEG and of PVP K30 but decreased on addition of PVP K90. Small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) was used to show that the 30 wt% F127 gel structure (fcc) was independent of polymer type and concentration, as was the d-spacing and so the micelle hard-sphere radius. The maximum elastic modulus (G0 max) of 30 wt% F127 decreased from its value for water alone as PEG was added, but was little changed by adding PVP. These results are consistent with the packed-micelles in the 30 wt% F127 gel being effectively isolated from the polymer solution on the microscale while, especially for the PEG, being mixed on the macroscale.


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A comparison is made of the development of global orientation during shearing of lyotropic solutions of hydroxypropylcellulose with that observed for the thermotropic phase of hydroxypropylcellulose. At shear rates the behaviour of the two systems is similar, both during steady-state shear, and in terms of relaxation following cessation of shear flow. At low shear rates, the levels of orientation observed for the thermotropic system are substantially greater than observed for the lyotropic solutions. The relationship of these differences to variations in molecular parameters, viscous stress and to director tumbling is discussed.


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Polymer-stabilised liquid crystals are systems in which a small amount of monomer is dissolved within a liquid crystalline host, and then polymerised in situ to produce a network. The progress of the polymerisation, performed within electro-optic cells, was studied by establishing an analytical method novel to these systems. Samples were prepared by photopolymerisation of the monomer under well-defined reaction conditions; subsequent immersion in acetone caused the host and any unreacted monomer to dissolve. High performance liquid chromatography was used to separate and detect the various solutes in the resulting solutions, enabling the amount of unreacted monomer for a given set of conditions to be quantified. Longer irradiations cause a decrease in the proportion of unreacted monomer since more network is formed, while a more uniform LC director alignment (achieved by decreasing the sample thickness) or a higher level of order (achieved by decreasing the polymerisation temperature) promotes faster reactions.


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The evolution of the global orientation parameter for a series of aqueous hydroxypropylcellulose solutions both during and following the cessation of a steady-state shear flow is reported. Time-resolved orientation measurements were made in situ through a novel X-ray rheometer coupled with a two-dimensional electronic X-ray camera, and using an intense X-ray source at the LURE synchrotron. After the cessation of flow, the global orientation decreases from the steady-state orientation level to zero following shear flow at low shear rate or to a small but finite value after flow at a high shear rate. The decrease of orientation with time shows different behaviour, dependent upon the previously applied shear rate.