984 resultados para Polarization effects


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We explore the potential of the Next Linear Collider, operating in the e γ mode, to disentangle new physics scenarios in single W production. We study the effects related to the exchange of composite fermions in the reaction e γ→Wνe, and compare them with those arising from trilinear gauge boson anomalous couplings. We stress the role played by the initial state polarization to increase the reach of this machine and to discriminate the possible origin of the new phenomena.


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This papers presents results on the variation of the PMD coefficient of optical links under influence of mechanical tests, such as tensile strength, bending and compression, and also during the application of a thermal cycle. Results revealed that the link coefficient is more influenced by the application of a tension load and also suffers significant variation under strong temperature changes. Copyrigth © SBMO.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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We show that a time-dependent, effective-medium approximation essentially explains the time behavior of the polarization reversals obtained in doped copolymers of vinylidene fluoride and trifluorethylene at 60°C by Ieda, Fukada, and Wada [J. Appl. Phys. 64, 2026 (1988)], who attributed the observed effects to charge accumulation at the boundaries of the permanently polarized crystallites. Moreover, the results seem to indicate that some hindrance (perhaps of mechanical origin) opposes the action of the switching electric field.


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The momentum distributions of electrons ionized from H atoms by chirped few-cycle attosecond pulses are investigated by numerically solving the time-dependent Schrödinger equation. The central carrier frequency of the pulse is chosen to be 25 eV, which is well above the ionization threshold. The asymmetry (or difference) in the yield of electrons ionized along and opposite to the direction of linear laser polarization is found to be very sensitive to the pulse chirp (for pulses with fixed carrier-envelope phase), both for a fixed electron energy and for the energy-integrated yield. In particular, the larger the pulse chirp, the larger the number of times the asymmetry changes sign as a function of ionized electron energy. For a fixed chirp, the ionized electron asymmetry is found to be sensitive also to the carrier-envelope phase of the few-cycle pulse.


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Objectives: The use of noninvasive cortical electrical stimulation with weak currents has significantly increased in basic and clinical human studies. Initial, preliminary studies with this technique have shown encouraging results; however, the safety and tolerability of this method of brain stimulation have not been sufficiently explored yet. The purpose of our study was to assess the effects of direct current (DC) and alternating current (AC) stimulation at different intensities in order to measure their effects on cognition, mood, and electroencephalogram. Methods: Eighty-two healthy, right-handed subjects received active and sham stimulation in a randomized order. We conducted 164 ninety-minute sessions of electrical stimulation in 4 different protocols to assess safety of (1) anodal DC of the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC); (2) cathodal DC of the DLPFC; (3) intermittent anodal DC of the DLPFC and; (4) AC on the zygomatic process. We used weak currents of 1 to 2 mA (for DC experiments) or 0.1 to 0.2 mA (for AC experiment). Results: We found no significant changes in electroencephalogram, cognition, mood, and pain between groups and a low prevalence of mild adverse effects (0.11% and 0.08% in the active and sham stimulation groups, respectively), mainly, sleepiness and mild headache that were equally distributed between groups. Conclusions: Here, we show no neurophysiological or behavioral signs that transcranial DC stimulation or AC stimulation with weak currents induce deleterious changes when comparing active and sham groups. This study provides therefore additional information for researchers and ethics committees, adding important results to the safety pool of studies assessing the effects of cortical stimulation using weak electrical currents. Further studies in patients with neuropsychiatric disorders are warranted.


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We performed laboratory experiments to investigate the sensitivity of the Spectral Induced Polarization (SIP) method to toluene contamination in clayey soils. We used mixtures of quartzitic sand and montmorillonite as soil samples, artificially contaminated with varying amounts of toluene. Care was taken to quantify the experimental uncertainty resulting from packing since such effects must be quantified if variations in SIP signatures between samples are to be reliably interpreted in terms of the effects of hydrocarbon concentration. The SIP response of all samples following addition of toluene was monitored for a period of 40 days following sample preparation. Stepwise regression was used to examine the statistical significance of correlations between (i) clay content and (ii) toluene concentration and SIP parameters. Both single-frequency real and imaginary conductivity measurements, along with the integral chargeability, normalized chargeability, DC conductivity and time constant obtained from a Debye decomposition fitting, were examined in this regression analysis. The SIP measurements show a clear time dependence following sample preparation, indicating that samples containing toluene may take significant time to reach an equilibrium electrical response. SIP measurements are significantly related to toluene content shortly after sample preparation, when the expected dependence of SIP on clay concentration is apparently suppressed. However, for the state of electrical equilibrium after 40 days (interpreted to indicate surface chemistry at equilibrium) there is no significant relation between SIP measurements and toluene content; instead SIP measurements are then significantly correlated with clay concentration. The total chargeability, normalized chargeability and relaxation time obtained from the Debye decomposition show no correlation with toluene content, indicating that this procedure, which likely integrates over multiple mechanisms, may not be suitable for understanding relationships between SIP and hydrocarbon contamination. We find only small low-frequency polarization signals observed in relation to toluene concentration (2 mrad at 0.01 Hz), which initially decreases the interfacial polarization. Unlike earlier works, our results do not support the use of the SIP method as a tool for monitoring toluene contamination in clay soils.


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In dieser Arbeit wird eine detaillierte Untersuchung und Charakterisierung der Zwei-Photonen-induzierten Fluoreszenzverstärkung von organischen Farbstoffen auf plasmonischen Nanostrukturen vorgestellt. Diese Fluoreszenzverstärkung ist insbesondere für hochaufgelöste Fluoreszenzmikroskopie und Einzelmolekülspektroskopie von großer Bedeutung. Durch die Zwei-Photonen-Anregung resultiert eine Begrenzung des Absorptionsprozesses auf das fokale Volumen. In Kombination mit dem elektrischen Nahfeld der Nanostrukturen als Anregungsquelle entsteht eine noch stärkere Verringerung des Anregungsvolumens auf eine Größe unterhalb der Beugungsgrenze. Dies erlaubt die selektive Messung ausgewählter Farbstoffe. Durch die Herstellung der Nanopartikel mittels Kolloidlithografie wird eine definierte, reproduzierbare Geometrie erhalten. Polymermultischichten dienen als Abstandshalter, um die Farbstoffe an einer exakten Distanz zum Metall zu positionieren. Durch die kovalente Anbindung des Farbstoffs an die oberste Schicht wird eine gleichmäßige Verteilung des Farbstoffs in geringer Konzentration erhalten. rnEs wird eine Verstärkung der Fluoreszenz um den Faktor 30 für Farbstoffe auf Goldellipsen detektiert, verglichen mit Farbstoffen außerhalb des Nahfelds. Sichelförmige Nanostrukturen erzeugen eine Verstärkung von 120. Dies belegt, dass das Ausmaß der Fluoreszenzverstärkung entscheidend von der Stärke des elektrischen Nahfelds der Nanostruktur abhängt. Auch das Material der Nanostruktur ist hierbei von Bedeutung. So erzeugen Silberellipsen eine 1,5-fach höhere Fluoreszenzverstärkung als identische Goldellipsen. Distanzabhängige Fluoreszenzmessungen zeigen, dass die Zwei-Photonen-angeregte Fluoreszenzverstärkung an strukturspezifischen Abständen zum Metall maximiert wird. Elliptische Strukturen zeigen ein Maximum bei einem Abstand von 8 nm zum Metall, wohingegen bei sichelförmigen Nanostrukturen die höchste Fluoreszenzintensität bei 12 nm gemessen wird. Bei kleineren Abständen unterliegt der Farbstoff einem starken Löschprozess, sogenanntes Quenching. Dieses konkurriert mit dem Verstärkungsprozess, wodurch es zu einer geringen Nettoverstärkung kommt. Hat die untersuchte Struktur Dimensionen größer als das Auflösungsvermögen des Mikroskops, ist eine direkte Visualisierung des elektrischen Nahfelds der Nanostruktur möglich. rnrnEin weiterer Fokus dieser Arbeit lag auf der Herstellung neuartiger Nanostrukturen durch kolloidlithografische Methoden. Gestapelte Dimere sichelförmiger Nanostrukturen mit exakter vertikaler Ausrichtung und einem Separationsabstand von etwa 10 nm wurden hergestellt. Die räumliche Nähe der beiden Strukturen führt zu einem Kopplungsprozess, der neue optische Resonanzen hervorruft. Diese können als Superpositionen der Plasmonenmoden der einzelnen Sicheln beschrieben werden. Ein Hybridisierungsmodell wird angewandt, um die spektralen Unterschiede zu erklären. Computersimulationen belegen die zugrunde liegende Theorie und erweitern das Modell um experimentell nicht aufgelöste Resonanzen. rnWeiterhin wird ein neuer Herstellungsprozess für sichelförmige Nanostrukturen vorgestellt, der eine präzise Formanpassung ermöglicht. Hierdurch kann die Lage der Plasmonenresonanz exakt justiert werden. Korrelationen der geometrischen Daten mit den Resonanzwellenlängen tragen zum grundlegenden Verständnis der Plasmonenresonanzen bei. Die vorgestellten Resultate wurden mittels Computersimulationen verifiziert. Der Fabrikationsprozess erlaubt die Herstellung von Dimeren sichelförmiger Nanostrukturen in einer Ebene. Durch die räumliche Nähe überlappen die elektrischen Nahfelder, wodurch es zu kopplungs-induzierten Shifts der Plasmonenresonanzen kommt. Der Unterschied zu theoretisch berechneten ungekoppelten Nanosicheln kann auch bei den gegenüberliegenden sichelförmigen Nanostrukturen mit Hilfe des Plasmonenhybridisierungsmodells erklärt werden.


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GaN y AlN son materiales semiconductores piezoeléctricos del grupo III-V. La heterounión AlGaN/GaN presenta una elevada carga de polarización tanto piezoeléctrica como espontánea en la intercara, lo que genera en su cercanía un 2DEG de grandes concentración y movilidad. Este 2DEG produce una muy alta potencia de salida, que a su vez genera una elevada temperatura de red. Las tensiones de puerta y drenador provocan un stress piezoeléctrico inverso, que puede afectar a la carga de polarización piezoeléctrica y así influir la densidad 2DEG y las características de salida. Por tanto, la física del dispositivo es relevante para todos sus aspectos eléctricos, térmicos y mecánicos. En esta tesis se utiliza el software comercial COMSOL, basado en el método de elementos finitos (FEM), para simular el comportamiento integral electro-térmico, electro-mecánico y electro-térmico-mecánico de los HEMTs de GaN. Las partes de acoplamiento incluyen el modelo de deriva y difusión para el transporte electrónico, la conducción térmica y el efecto piezoeléctrico. Mediante simulaciones y algunas caracterizaciones experimentales de los dispositivos, hemos analizado los efectos térmicos, de deformación y de trampas. Se ha estudiado el impacto de la geometría del dispositivo en su auto-calentamiento mediante simulaciones electro-térmicas y algunas caracterizaciones eléctricas. Entre los resultados más sobresalientes, encontramos que para la misma potencia de salida la distancia entre los contactos de puerta y drenador influye en generación de calor en el canal, y así en su temperatura. El diamante posee une elevada conductividad térmica. Integrando el diamante en el dispositivo se puede dispersar el calor producido y así reducir el auto-calentamiento, al respecto de lo cual se han realizado diversas simulaciones electro-térmicas. Si la integración del diamante es en la parte superior del transistor, los factores determinantes para la capacidad disipadora son el espesor de la capa de diamante, su conductividad térmica y su distancia a la fuente de calor. Este procedimiento de disipación superior también puede reducir el impacto de la barrera térmica de intercara entre la capa adaptadora (buffer) y el substrato. La muy reducida conductividad eléctrica del diamante permite que pueda contactar directamente el metal de puerta (muy cercano a la fuente de calor), lo que resulta muy conveniente para reducir el auto-calentamiento del dispositivo con polarización pulsada. Por otra parte se simuló el dispositivo con diamante depositado en surcos atacados sobre el sustrato como caminos de disipación de calor (disipador posterior). Aquí aparece una competencia de factores que influyen en la capacidad de disipación, a saber, el surco atacado contribuye a aumentar la temperatura del dispositivo debido al pequeño tamaño del disipador, mientras que el diamante disminuiría esa temperatura gracias a su elevada conductividad térmica. Por tanto, se precisan capas de diamante relativamente gruesas para reducer ele efecto de auto-calentamiento. Se comparó la simulación de la deformación local en el borde de la puerta del lado cercano al drenador con estructuras de puerta estándar y con field plate, que podrían ser muy relevantes respecto a fallos mecánicos del dispositivo. Otras simulaciones se enfocaron al efecto de la deformación intrínseca de la capa de diamante en el comportamiento eléctrico del dispositivo. Se han comparado los resultados de las simulaciones de la deformación y las características eléctricas de salida con datos experimentales obtenidos por espectroscopía micro-Raman y medidas eléctricas, respectivamente. Los resultados muestran el stress intrínseco en la capa producido por la distribución no uniforme del 2DEG en el canal y la región de acceso. Además de aumentar la potencia de salida del dispositivo, la deformación intrínseca en la capa de diamante podría mejorar la fiabilidad del dispositivo modulando la deformación local en el borde de la puerta del lado del drenador. Finalmente, también se han simulado en este trabajo los efectos de trampas localizados en la superficie, el buffer y la barrera. Las medidas pulsadas muestran que tanto las puertas largas como las grandes separaciones entre los contactos de puerta y drenador aumentan el cociente entre la corriente pulsada frente a la corriente continua (lag ratio), es decir, disminuir el colapse de corriente (current collapse). Este efecto ha sido explicado mediante las simulaciones de los efectos de trampa de superficie. Por su parte, las referidas a trampas en el buffer se enfocaron en los efectos de atrapamiento dinámico, y su impacto en el auto-calentamiento del dispositivo. Se presenta también un modelo que describe el atrapamiento y liberación de trampas en la barrera: mientras que el atrapamiento se debe a un túnel directo del electrón desde el metal de puerta, el desatrapamiento consiste en la emisión del electrón en la banda de conducción mediante túnel asistido por fonones. El modelo también simula la corriente de puerta, debida a la emisión electrónica dependiente de la temperatura y el campo eléctrico. Además, también se ilustra la corriente de drenador dependiente de la temperatura y el campo eléctrico. ABSTRACT GaN and AlN are group III-V piezoelectric semiconductor materials. The AlGaN/GaN heterojunction presents large piezoelectric and spontaneous polarization charge at the interface, leading to high 2DEG density close to the interface. A high power output would be obtained due to the high 2DEG density and mobility, which leads to elevated lattice temperature. The gate and drain biases induce converse piezoelectric stress that can influence the piezoelectric polarization charge and further influence the 2DEG density and output characteristics. Therefore, the device physics is relevant to all the electrical, thermal, and mechanical aspects. In this dissertation, by using the commercial finite-element-method (FEM) software COMSOL, we achieved the GaN HEMTs simulation with electro-thermal, electro-mechanical, and electro-thermo-mechanical full coupling. The coupling parts include the drift-diffusion model for the electron transport, the thermal conduction, and the piezoelectric effect. By simulations and some experimental characterizations, we have studied the device thermal, stress, and traps effects described in the following. The device geometry impact on the self-heating was studied by electro-thermal simulations and electrical characterizations. Among the obtained interesting results, we found that, for same power output, the distance between the gate and drain contact can influence distribution of the heat generation in the channel and thus influence the channel temperature. Diamond possesses high thermal conductivity. Integrated diamond with the device can spread the generated heat and thus potentially reduce the device self-heating effect. Electro-thermal simulations on this topic were performed. For the diamond integration on top of the device (top-side heat spreading), the determinant factors for the heat spreading ability are the diamond thickness, its thermal conductivity, and its distance to the heat source. The top-side heat spreading can also reduce the impact of thermal boundary resistance between the buffer and the substrate on the device thermal behavior. The very low electrical conductivity of diamond allows that it can directly contact the gate metal (which is very close to the heat source), being quite convenient to reduce the self-heating for the device under pulsed bias. Also, the diamond coated in vias etched in the substrate as heat spreading path (back-side heat spreading) was simulated. A competing mechanism influences the heat spreading ability, i.e., the etched vias would increase the device temperature due to the reduced heat sink while the coated diamond would decrease the device temperature due to its higher thermal conductivity. Therefore, relative thick coated diamond is needed in order to reduce the self-heating effect. The simulated local stress at the gate edge of the drain side for the device with standard and field plate gate structure were compared, which would be relevant to the device mechanical failure. Other stress simulations focused on the intrinsic stress in the diamond capping layer impact on the device electrical behaviors. The simulated stress and electrical output characteristics were compared to experimental data obtained by micro-Raman spectroscopy and electrical characterization, respectively. Results showed that the intrinsic stress in the capping layer caused the non-uniform distribution of 2DEG in the channel and the access region. Besides the enhancement of the device power output, intrinsic stress in the capping layer can potentially improve the device reliability by modulating the local stress at the gate edge of the drain side. Finally, the surface, buffer, and barrier traps effects were simulated in this work. Pulsed measurements showed that long gates and distances between gate and drain contact can increase the gate lag ratio (decrease the current collapse). This was explained by simulations on the surface traps effect. The simulations on buffer traps effects focused on illustrating the dynamic trapping/detrapping in the buffer and the self-heating impact on the device transient drain current. A model was presented to describe the trapping and detrapping in the barrier. The trapping was the electron direct tunneling from the gate metal while the detrapping was the electron emission into the conduction band described by phonon-assisted tunneling. The reverse gate current was simulated based on this model, whose mechanism can be attributed to the temperature and electric field dependent electron emission in the barrier. Furthermore, the mechanism of the device bias via the self-heating and electric field impact on the electron emission and the transient drain current were also illustrated.


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Eukaryotic cells contain many actin-interacting proteins, including the α-actinins and the fimbrins, both of which have actin cross-linking activity in vitro. We report here the identification and characterization of both an α-actinin-like protein (Ain1p) and a fimbrin (Fim1p) in the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe. Ain1p localizes to the actomyosin-containing medial ring in an F-actin–dependent manner, and the Ain1p ring contracts during cytokinesis. ain1 deletion cells have no obvious defects under normal growth conditions but display severe cytokinesis defects, associated with defects in medial-ring and septum formation, under certain stress conditions. Overexpression of Ain1p also causes cytokinesis defects, and the ain1 deletion shows synthetic effects with other mutations known to affect medial-ring positioning and/or organization. Fim1p localizes both to the cortical actin patches and to the medial ring in an F-actin–dependent manner, and several lines of evidence suggest that Fim1p is involved in polarization of the actin cytoskeleton. Although a fim1 deletion strain has no detectable defect in cytokinesis, overexpression of Fim1p causes a lethal cytokinesis defect associated with a failure to form the medial ring and concentrate actin patches at the cell middle. Moreover, an ain1 fim1 double mutant has a synthetical-lethal defect in medial-ring assembly and cell division. Thus, Ain1p and Fim1p appear to have an overlapping and essential function in fission yeast cytokinesis. In addition, protein-localization and mutant-phenotype data suggest that Fim1p, but not Ain1p, plays important roles in mating and in spore formation.


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In this paper, we investigate the effects of various potential models in the description of vapor–liquid equilibria (VLE) and adsorption of simple gases on highly graphitized thermal carbon black. It is found that some potential models proposed in the literature are not suitable for the description of VLE (saturated gas and liquid densities and the vapor pressure with temperature). Simple gases, such as neon, argon, krypton, xenon, nitrogen, and methane are studied in this paper. To describe the isotherms on graphitized thermal carbon black correctly, the surface mediation damping factor introduced in our recent publication should be used to calculate correctly the fluid–fluid interaction energy between particles close to the surface. It is found that the damping constant for the noble gases family is linearly dependent on the polarizability, suggesting that the electric field of the graphite surface has a direct induction effect on the induced dipole of these molecules. As a result of this polarization by the graphite surface, the fluid–fluid interaction energy is reduced whenever two particles are near the surface. In the case of methane, we found that the damping constant is less than that of a noble gas having the similar polarizability, while in the case of nitrogen the damping factor is much greater and this could most likely be due to the quadrupolar nature of nitrogen.


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We report new experiments that test quantum dynamical predictions of polarization squeezing for ultrashort photonic pulses in a birefringent fiber, including all relevant dissipative effects. This exponentially complex many-body problem is solved by means of a stochastic phase-space method. The squeezing is calculated and compared to experimental data, resulting in excellent quantitative agreement. From the simulations, we identify the physical limits to quantum noise reduction in optical fibers. The research represents a significant experimental test of first-principles time-domain quantum dynamics in a one-dimensional interacting Bose gas coupled to dissipative reservoirs.


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We have recently found that celiac disease patient serum-derived autoantibodies targeted against transglutaminase 2 interfere with several steps of angiogenesis, including endothelial sprouting and migration, though the mechanism involved remained to be fully characterized. This study now investigated the processes underlying the antiangiogenic effects exerted by celiac disease patient antibodies on endothelial cells, with particular regard to the adhesion, migration, and polarization signaling pathway. We observed that celiac IgA reduced endothelial cell numbers by affecting adhesion without increasing apoptosis. Endothelial cells in the presence of celiac IgA showed weak attachment, a high susceptibility to detach from fibronectin, and a disorganized extracellular matrix due to a reduction of protein cross-links. Furthermore, celiac patient IgA led to secretion of active transglutaminase 2 from endothelial cells into the culture supernatants. Additionally, cell surface transglutaminase 2 mediated integrin clustering in the presence of celiac IgA was coupled to augmented expression of ß1-integrin. We also observed that celiac patient IgA-treated endothelial cells had migratory defects and a less polarized phenotype when compared to control groups, and this was associated with the RhoA signaling pathway. These biological effects mediated by celiac IgA on endothelial cells were partially influenced but not completely abolished by R281, an irreversible extracellular transglutaminase 2 enzymatic activity inhibitor. Taken together, our results imply that celiac patient IgA antibodies disturb the extracellular protein cross-linking function of transglutaminase 2, thus altering cell-extracellular matrix interactions and thereby affecting endothelial cell adhesion, polarization, and motility. © 2013 Springer Basel.


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Step-index polymer optical fiber Bragg gratings (POFBGs) and microstructured polymer optical fiber Bragg gratings (mPOFBGs) present several attractive features, especially for sensing purposes. In comparison to FBGs written in silica fibers, they are more sensitive to temperature and pressure because of the larger thermo-optic coefficient and smaller Young's modulus of polymer materials. (M)POFBGs are most often photowritten in poly(methylmethacrylate) (PMMA) materials using a continuous-wave 325 nm HeCd laser. For the first time to the best of our knowledge, we study photoinduced birefringence effects in (m)POFBGs. To achieve this, highly reflective gratings were inscribed with the phase mask technique. They were then monitored in transmission with polarized light. For this, (m)POF sections a few cm in length containing the gratings were glued to angled silica fibers. Polarization dependent loss (PDL) and differential group delay (DGD) were computed from the Jones matrix eigenanalysis using an optical vector analyser. Maximum values exceeding several dB and a few picoseconds were obtained for the PDL and DGD, respectively. The response to lateral force was finally investigated. As it induces birefringence in addition to the photo-induced one, an increase of the PDL and DGD values were noticed. © 2014 Copyright SPIE.