192 resultados para Poison sumac.
O estudo da novela "Uma estória de amor", de Guimarães Rosa (1908-1967), que pretendemos desenvolver na realização desta Dissertação de Mestrado, traz como principal mote a recepção crítica e a interpretação das cantigas, narrativas e estórias cantadas e contadas durante a "Festa de Manuelzão" (espécie de subtítulo de "Uma estória de amor"). Desse modo, nosso trabalho terá sua metodologia desenvolvida com fundamento na Estética da Recepção, formulada por Hans Robert Jauss (1921-1997), porém, não se trata de amparar a feitura dessa Dissertação, única e exclusivamente, nos métodos estético-recepcionais, mas, de amparados pelos estudos hermenêuticos, sobretudo os formulados por Jauss, constituir um cenário possível para a obra de Guimarães Rosa, considerando suas várias interpretações e sua importância para a afirmação do caráter vanguardista atribuído ao seu legado, em especial à "Uma estória de amor". Durante a realização da festa que marcará a inauguração da fazenda, os muito contadores e cantadores chegam à Samarra (propriedade de Federico Freire, patrão de Manuelzão) com a missão de contar narrativas e cantigas que conduzirão o velho vaqueiro a um raro momento de parada dos seus afazeres na fazenda, levando-o a fazer parte da celebração de sua festa. Com vista a realizar o objetivo proposto nesta Dissertação, sua divisão estrutura-se na construção de três capítulos, sendo cada um, subdividido em duas partes. Tal divisão há de servir ao alcance das questões, conclusões e possibilidades interpretativas sobre "Uma estória de amor". Assim é que, já no primeiro capítulo do texto, explorar-se-á a recepção crítica de "Uma estória de amor", bem como seu caráter vanguardista, tomando como exemplo a Literatura oral, que torna a novela de Guimarães Rosa objeto mais do que suficiente aos estudos propostos por Jauss. No segundo capítulo, dissertar-se-á sobre o amor, segundo a discussão empreendida por Derrida acerca do phármakon, teorizado em A farmácia de Platão (1991), como recorrência, ao mesmo tempo, desencadeadora de um veneno e de um poder curativo, que atribuem, ao protagonista da novela em questão, o papel do ouvinte ainda capaz de se emocionar e surpreender-se com a simples audição de relatos, aparentemente tão ingênuos sobre estórias adquiridas e perpassadas ao longo dos anos pela oralidade. No capítulo final, intenta-se realizar uma análise de alguns cantos, e, especificamente, de três narrativas condicionadas em "Uma estória de amor", dialogando com leituras mais recentes da obra (Sandra Vasconcelos, em Puras Misturas [1997], por exemplo), para demonstrar a importância do relato transmitido pelas várias gerações que procedem à narrativa original, as quais, indiferente às mudanças de rumo constantes nesses possíveis textos, muitas vezes, parecem discordar do original.
Estudou-se as alterações clínico-patológicas e laboratoriais em equinos, inoculados experimentalmente com a peçonha de Bothropoides jararaca, Bothrops jararacussu, Bothrops moojeni e Bothropoides neuwiedi, com a finalidade de fornecer subsídios para o diagnóstico do envenenamento pela picada dessas. Os venenos liofilizados foram diluídos em 1ml de solução fisiológica e administrados a seis equinos, por via subcutânea, nas doses de 0,5 e 1mg/kg (B. jararaca), 0,8 e 1,6mg/kg (B. jararacussu), 0,205mg/kg (B. moojeni) e 1mg/kg (B. neuwiedi). Todos os equinos, menos os que receberam o veneno de B. jararacussu, morreram Os sinais clínicos iniciaram-se entre 8min e 2h10min após a inoculação. O período de evolução variou, nos quatro casos de êxito letal, de 24h41min a 70h41min, e nos dois equinos que se recuperaram foi de 16 dias. O quadro clínico, independente do tipo de veneno e das doses, caracterizou-se por aumento de volume no local da inoculação, arrastar da pinça do membro inoculado no solo, inquietação, apatia, diminuição da resposta aos estímulos externos, mucosas pálidas e hemorragias. Os exames laboratoriais revelaram anemia normocítica normocrômica com progressiva diminuição no número de hemácias, da hemoglobina e do hematócrito, e leucocitose por neutrofilia. Houve aumento de alamina aminotransferase, creatinaquinase, dehidrogenase láctica, ureia e glicose, bem como aumento do tempo de ativação da protrombina e do tempo de tromboplastina parcial ativada. Os achados de necropsia foram extensas hemorragias no tecido subcutâneo, com presença de sangue não coagulado e em boa parte associadas a edema (edema hemorrágico), que se estendia desde o local da inoculação até as regiões cervical, torácica, escapular e membro. Na periferia das áreas hemorrágicas havia predominantemente edema gelatinoso. Havia ainda presença de grande quantidade de líquido sanguinolento nas cavidades torácica, pericárdica e abdominal. Não foram encontradas alterações histológicas significativas.
The mercury rejected in the water system, from mining operations and lixiviation of soils after deforestation, is considered to be the main contributors to the contamination of the ecosystem in the Amazon Basin. The objectives of the present study were to examine cytogenetic functions in peripheral lymphocytes within a population living on the banks of the Tapajós River with respect to methylmercury (MeHg) contamination, using hair mercury as a biological indicator of exposure. Our investigation shows a clear relation between methylmercury contamination and cytogenetic damage in lymphocytes at levels well below 50 micrograms/gram, the level at which initial clinical signs and symptoms of mercury poisoning occur. The first apparent biological effect with increasing MeHg hair level was the impairment of lymphocyte proliferation measured as mitotic index (MI). The relation between mercury concentration in hair and MI suggests that this parameter, an indicator of changes in lymphocytes and their ability to respond to culture conditions, may be an early marker of cytotoxicity and genotoxicity in humans and should be taken into account in the preliminary evaluation of the risks to populations exposed in vivo. This is the first report showing clear cytotoxic effects of long-term exposure to MeHg. Although the results strongly suggest that, under the conditions examined here, MeHg is both a spindle poison and a clastogen, the biological significance of these observations are as yet unknown. A long-term follow-up of these subjects should be undertaken.
Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Proteção de Plantas) - FCA
Pós-graduação em Engenharia Civil e Ambiental - FEB
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Estudos Linguísticos - IBILCE
The lead contamination in children has been the subject of research in the field of public health. This study evaluated the academic performance of 102 children from first to fourth grade. The subjects were divided into two groups. The first group was composed of 34 children without lead poisoning or with poison at levels lower than 5 µg/dl. The second group was composed of 68 children with blood lead levels between 10 and 40 µg/ dl. The instruments used to evaluate the academic performance were anamnesis and a scholarly performance test called Teste de Desempenho Escolar, TDE. The results indicated better academic performances from the second group with significant differences in arithmetic, reading and general scores. In a comparison between genders, the girls had better performances than the boys. These results were consistent with the parents’ perception in anamnesis. Although other variables were present, the data showed great academic damage for children with higher leadpoison. These outcomes require political policies to control contamination and intervention in this population.
Pós-graduação em Ginecologia, Obstetrícia e Mastologia - FMB
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
ABSTRACT: Under Western Australian legislation, landholders have an obligation to control rabbits on their properties; local authorities the responsibility to supervise their work whilst the Agriculture Protection Board has a Statewide supervisory and co-ordination role. Prior to 1950 (when the Agriculture Protection Board was formed) the central role was in the hands of a Government department which, through lack of staff and money was unable to provide adequate supervision, and rabbits were in plague proportions. Since 1950, the Board has actively engaged in a vigorous policy aimed at tighter control and supervision. To enable this, the Board has entered into a voluntary scheme with local authorities whereby the role of local supervision of landholders is passed to staff employed by the Board, but jointly financed by the local authority and the Board. A contract poisoning service is also pro¬vided by the Agriculture Protection Board to any landholder who is unable or unwilling, to meet his obligations in this area. Both services are subsidised. Two of the major reasons for the poor level of control existing before 1950, have thereby been minimised. Soon after its formation, the Board set up a research section which has devoted nearly all of its activities to applied research on control of the State's many vertebrate pest problems. In the rabbit control area, poisoning has received most attention. The "One-Shot" method of poisoning was developed after years of research. Fumigation is at present being closely studied as is the economics of complete eradication from some areas of the State. Greatest needs in the applied rabbit research field at present are: (1) a selective poison, or poisoning regime, which will not harm stock, and (2) a more complete understanding of the economics of control and eradication. The serious rabbit problem which existed in 1950 has been reduced to very small proportions, by organisational development using local research findings. These organisational developments have been implemented by circumvention rather than confrontation.
Poison baits are extensively used for commensal rodent control; considerable folk lore exists regarding the use of additives to induce rodents to come to and eat poison baits. This paper describes a rational evaluation of attractants and the influence of different odours in inducing Rattus norvegicus to feed at given locations. The influence of certain repellents was also examined. Tests consisted of attempts to induce rats to feed at non-preferred sites or to repel them from preferred sites. Place preference was the dominant factor in feeding by rats, and odours failed to influence feeding activity significantly.
I guess the impetus for laws in our state, really was the action of the city of Boston in 1963, when the Parks and Recreation Department felt that it was time to do something about massive populations of pigeons on the Boston Commons and in the city. The Parks Department came to our agency to find out what could be done. We immediately found as a result of a reorganization and recodification of the laws some 20 years before, that it was illegal to use or apply poisons for the purpose of killing any birds or mammals in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Property owners were given the privilege to destroy animals that were doing damage to their property, but only through mechanical means, certainly not by the use of toxicants. We helped the city of Boston draft a bill in 1963, which allowed our agency, the Division of Fisheries and Game, the agency responsible for all wildlife species in the state, the opportunity to issue certain permits for the use of poison, giving full authority to the director of Fisheries and Game with, of course, approval of my board. This allowed certain discretion on our part.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)