889 resultados para Planejamento estratégico - China


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This thesis presents a way to plan and deploy the strategy of a small retailing company with use of lean six sigma technics. In small companies there are mostly no future strategic planning based on the external market and customer needs. Aiming for effective strategies, it is necessary to deal with significant information and transparency of plans and targets. With lean six sigma method it can be achieved and this Thesis has the purpose of analysis of the method application in the creation of a strategy for a small company in the city of Franca, state of São Paulo. The outcomes are a financial and market analysis, a structured strategic planning, an employees function outline, the creation of plans, indicators and targets, and the employees and owners' opinion regarding the new way of working


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This thesis presents a way to plan and deploy the strategy of a small retailing company with use of lean six sigma technics. In small companies there are mostly no future strategic planning based on the external market and customer needs. Aiming for effective strategies, it is necessary to deal with significant information and transparency of plans and targets. With lean six sigma method it can be achieved and this Thesis has the purpose of analysis of the method application in the creation of a strategy for a small company in the city of Franca, state of São Paulo. The outcomes are a financial and market analysis, a structured strategic planning, an employees function outline, the creation of plans, indicators and targets, and the employees and owners' opinion regarding the new way of working


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Trata-se de um estudo sobre a comunicação integrada de marketing aplicada ao segmento turístico na Bahia. Este trabalho tem como propósito identificar de que forma foram elaboradas e articuladas estrategicamente as ações de comuicação integrada de marketign dentro do planejamento estratégico realizado pelo governo do Estado da Bahia na construção da " marca Bahia", por meio da valorização de atributos e características únicas presentes nos aspectos sociais, culturais, econômicos, geográficos, entre outros, que alimentam o imaginário da localidade e auxiliam na criação de uma identidade e seu reflexo nos segmentos político-econômico e turístico... (AU)


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It is considered that the Strategic Alignment IT is the first step within the IT Governance process for any institution. Taking as initial point the recognition that the governance corporate has an overall view of the organizations, the IT Governance takes place as a sub-set responsible for the implementation of the organization strategies in what concerns the provision of the necessary tools for the achievement of the goals set in the Institutional Development Plan. In order to do so, COBIT specifies that such Governance shall be built on the following principles: Strategic Alignment, Value Delivery, Risk Management, Performance Measurement. This paper aims at the Strategic Alignment, considered by the authors as the foundation for the development of the entire IT Governance core. By deepening the technical knowledge of the management system development, UFRN has made a decisive step towards the technical empowerment needed to the “Value Delivery”, yet, by perusing the primarily set processes to the “Strategic Alignment”, gaps that limited the IT strategic view in the implementation of the organizational goals were found. In the qualitative study that used documentary research with content analysis and interviews with the strategic and tactical managers, the view on the role of SINFO – Superintendência de Informática was mapped. The documentary research was done on public documents present on the institutional site and on TCU – Tribunal de Contas da União – documents that map the IT Governance profiles on the federal public service as a whole. As a means to obtain the documentary research results equalization, questionnaires/interviews and iGovTI indexes, quantitative tools to the standardization of the results were used, always bearing in mind the usage of the same scale elements present in the TCU analysis. This being said, similarly to what the TCU study through the IGovTI index provides, this paper advocates a particular index to the study area – SA (Strategic Alignment), calculated from the representative variables of the COBIT 4.1 domains and having the representative variables of the Strategic Alignment primary process as components. As a result, an intermediate index among the values in two adjacent surveys done by TCU in the years of 2010 and 2012 was found, which reflects the attitude and view of managers towards the IT governance: still linked to Data Processing in which a department performs its tasks according to the demand of the various departments or sectors, although there is a commission that discusses the issues related to infrastructure acquisition and systems development. With an Operational view rather than Strategic/Managerial and low attachment to the tools consecrated by the market, several processes are not contemplated in the framework COBIT defined set; this is mainly due to the inexistence of a formal strategic plan for IT; hence, the partial congruency between the organization goals and the IT goals.


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Given the uncertainties of the environment in today's world, strategic planning is again discussed as an important tool to position the organization in future likely. To address this a more dynamic and less linear, trying to adapt the multiple realities, the method of scenarios can be one of the strategies to anticipate future designs. In the public sphere, an efficient implementation of human resources and financial managers require a new approach to the formulation of strategies. Tourism, in turn, presents itself as an important segment of the national economy shaped up as a major source of funds for the formation of the Gross Domestic Product - GDP - of states and municipalities. This study aims to know the guidelines and perspectives of municipal planning of tourism in the city of Natal/RN from the case by the representatives of the sector. The survey was developed based on a qualitative, exploratory, based on the case in the Secretaria Municipal de Turismo e Desenvolvimento Econômico - SETURDE. The results express that the body goes through a time of changes in its organizational structure and in defining its role with the local tourism. The national plan for tourism and the choice of Christmas as the host city for the World Cup in 2014 have stimulated interest in developing a formal strategic planning in the organization. However, when it comes to more complex tools, such as the method of future scenarios, the technical know its definition and importance for future actions. The results presented support the conclusion that the actions are designed intuitively and without complying with the scientific methods developed for this purpose, as the method of strategic scenarios. However, the evidence beginning to emerge from the plans and documents issued by the federal government, as well as the Secretary's own initiative, direct the actions of the body to coordinate and act as a fulcrum for local action to the increase in tourism


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Given the uncertainties of the environment in today's world, strategic planning is again discussed as an important tool to position the organization in future likely. To address this a more dynamic and less linear, trying to adapt the multiple realities, the method of scenarios can be one of the strategies to anticipate future designs. In the public sphere, an efficient implementation of human resources and financial managers require a new approach to the formulation of strategies. Tourism, in turn, presents itself as an important segment of the national economy shaped up as a major source of funds for the formation of the Gross Domestic Product - GDP - of states and municipalities. This study aims to know the guidelines and perspectives of municipal planning of tourism in the city of Natal/RN from the case by the representatives of the sector. The survey was developed based on a qualitative, exploratory, based on the case in the Secretaria Municipal de Turismo e Desenvolvimento Econômico - SETURDE. The results express that the body goes through a time of changes in its organizational structure and in defining its role with the local tourism. The national plan for tourism and the choice of Christmas as the host city for the World Cup in 2014 have stimulated interest in developing a formal strategic planning in the organization. However, when it comes to more complex tools, such as the method of future scenarios, the technical know its definition and importance for future actions. The results presented support the conclusion that the actions are designed intuitively and without complying with the scientific methods developed for this purpose, as the method of strategic scenarios. However, the evidence beginning to emerge from the plans and documents issued by the federal government, as well as the Secretary's own initiative, direct the actions of the body to coordinate and act as a fulcrum for local action to the increase in tourism


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O objetivo do artigo é registrar, criticamente, o processo de implantação da gestão estratégica na Assembleia Legislativa de Minas Gerais, com o propósito de revelar seusantecedentes e motivações; os momentos-chave; as facilidades e dificuldades; os resultados alcançados e os desafios futuros. A abordagem escolhida foi a histórico-descritiva e as ações de pesquisa envolveram revisão bibliográfica, pesquisa documental e entrevistas semiestruturadas. As conclusões apontam que a implantação da gestão estratégica na Assembleia Legislativa de Minas Gerais é um processo complexo e multifacetado, diante de suas características de órgão público, hierarquizado, com alta divisão de trabalho. O avanço da implantação é lento, devido aos fatores dificultadores apontados. O caso traz elementos relevantes para a pesquisa sobre gestão estratégica no setor público, seja por apresentar o processo de forma analítica e confrontada com a teoria, seja por se tratar especificamente de um órgão do Poder Legislativo


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Vídeo no qual servidores da Câmara dos Deputados falam sobre as perspectivas de seus setores para os próximos cinco anos.


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Notícia sobre a reunião com os representantes dos Escritórios de Gestão Estratégica da Casa.


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Notícia sobre o evento "Pensando o Novo Ciclo de Gestão Estratégica - Lições Aprendidas pela Assembleia Legislativa de Minas Gerais", promovido pela Assessoria de Projetos e Gestão - APROGE/DG da Câmara dos Deputados.


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Notícia sobre o projeto da Diretoria legislativa que pretende divulgar diversas informações estatísticas sobre proposições, tais como séries históricas de proposições apresentadas, transformadas em norma jurídica ou vetadas.


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Grupo de Pesquisa e Extensão (GPE) reflete sobre gestão estratégica no contexto da Câmara dos Deputados.


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Notícia sobre a primeira Reunião de Avaliação Estratégica Corporativa de 2011.