898 resultados para Planejamento e elaboração de materiais didáticos


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In this work, is discussed the importance of experimental activities in Education of Physics in Basic Education from the experience of Supervised Stage and the work with the Initiation of Teaching in the Program PIBID CAPES, in this case linked to the Department of Education of the Institute of Biosciences, Campus Rio Claro, São Paulo State, in partnership with three schools of basic education in the city. At first, based on the work of Ferreira with Instrumentation for Teaching Physics, consider the electrostatic theme. The focus is the searching for equipments constructed with low cost materials and easy access. Were developed and promoted strategies of the use of such materials in Physics’ Teaching, with a view to reintroducing experimental teaching activities in Public Basic Education, in the form Workshop Learning and Teaching of Physics, as well as lessons of Laboratory with the help of script and also in the form of an Experiments Library. These experimental activities were critically analyzed with a focus on playfulness. The focus of work in experimental activities for the Physics’ Teaching allowed to redeem, critically, didactic materials. From the standpoint of playfulness, playful moments and interaction of individuals with the knowledge that provides the experimental material when used strategically, they seem to be of great relevance to the Physics’ Teaching in Basic Education. It is possible to use experiments in Physics’ Teaching in public schools


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This work is situated in the universe of resource rooms with a focus on the teachinglearning disabled students with low vision and visual in two cities of São Paulo. The paper discusses theoretically the historical emergence of these rooms, the deployment in the State of São Paulo and its importance within the context of school inclusion of students with visual impairments. Its purpose is to conduct a general survey of the operating conditions of the rooms from the perspective of the teacher of students. The results verified the contribution of this service as a complementary tool of the ordinary classroom, the use of specific instructional materials and overall educational performance of students. The results indicate that this type of specialized care while receiving criticism, does not promote segregation, but what about the educational needs of these students, who despite the lack of vision, school performance is equal to or better than the other students in the classroom common, it all depends on family support, and dedication to studies by the student. Research has shown students satisfied with the services provided in the resource room, as well as integration and good relationships between teachers and students. We could also highlight the importance of specific training and mastery of knowledge by the teacher to work with the visually impaired person. At the end the results were sent to the schools of this research object of study so that it can contribute to effective work in the educational process for visually impaired students in resource rooms


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Spanish is a language that in recent years has been growing in importance both politically and socially and economically, since some of the major international markets such as Chile, Spain, Mexico and Argentina, among many, have this language as the official language. This fact motivated us to conduct research that could, in some way, contribute to the teaching of this language in Brazil. Thus under the aegis of the theories and practices of bilingual lexicography, we seek to describe and analyze the treatment that some Spanish - Portuguese bilingual dictionaries present in our market give to the sentence connectors. From a textual corpus selected the markers and observe how the dictionaries analyzed work with this type of unit. We found that the information contained in these lexicographical works is not sufficient to meet the needs of Brazilian learners. Then, we proposed a macrostructure of a passive bilingual dictionary of sentence connectors in the language pair Spanish - Portuguese. Our research aims to contribute to bilingual lexicography both in regard to theoretical and methodological reflections on the application of these theories. Our contribution aims to fabricate materials for the teaching of Spanish in Brazil


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The teaching of hearing physiology requires an knowledge integration of Human Anatomy, Biophysics, more precisely Bioacoustics and Bioelectrogenesis, as well as Neurophysiology. Students present difficulty to build knowledge about functional mechanisms of sound conduction and sensory transduction, especially if the elements are not visible forms, as the middle and inner ear structures. To make the teaching about hearing physiology and sensory perception easier, was produced a set of didactical materials about the subject. At first, a resin model that faithfully describes the anatomical relationship of the ossicles with the tympanic membrane was developed. Subsequently, a second model that, besides illustrates the mechanism of acoustic impedance overcoming, also reveals how acoustic sensorial transduction occurs in inner ear, was designed and produced. In the third didactical model, are visualized, through students interaction, areas of the cerebral cortex that interpret the different sensory modalities. In addition, were created three educational videos about hearing problems and a site on Human Hearing Physiology, available on Institute of Biosciences website. The results of this course conclusion monograph are presented in the form of articles that were submitted to Journal Physics in the School and the Journal of the Nucleus of Teaching


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Together with the increase of environmental degradation in the past few decades, the environmental education (EE) has emerged and grown all around the world. It is worrying the frequent assigning of stereotypes to the animals and the cases of disrespect to them. For these matters it was studied the presence and importance attributed to animals in the annals of six editions of an event of great significance in the field of Environmental Education, the meetings Pesquisa em Educação Ambiental (EPEAs). The animals were chosen for deserving more attention in the preservationist context, besides allowing the use of a great extent of activities in EE, regarding scholar and non-scholar organizations. The articles that presented descriptors related to animals in the title, keywords or abstract were analyzed in depth and characteristics such as segmentation of the studied population, locations where jobs tend to be performed, prevailing aspects and didactic material production, among others, were investigated and compared. It was also verified which current trends on Environmental Education currents are more frequently presented in the EPEAs articles, in order to map the Environmental Education in Brazil in the past few years, using as a basis an important theoretical framework in the area. Through the use of descriptors it was possible to define the articles that would be analyzed in depth, which is less than 6% of the total work published and represents that, until the sixth edition, the EPEAs have a minor amount of works concerning animal matters. In many of these articles animals were superficially worked, which demonstrates the necessity of approaches not only involving more the animals, but also addressing the complex environmental matter. Several trends were identified in various EE currents, coexisting and also conflicting in the field of Brazilian Environmental Education. It was observed, in several cases, two or more trend currents in the ...


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In this paper are systematized the discussions conducted by GDP "Research in EA and School Context", in VII EPEA, which have had, as its main axis, themes, authors and theoretical perspectives privileged in research presented at the event and declared themselves affiliated to this GDP. The dialogue with researches from previous meetings and other, aims to deepen the questions posed by the research group. The discussions allowed to identify themes and issues that present themselves as significant and challenging for research in EA in the school context, namely the conversion of schools into sustainable educational spaces; public-private partnerships, with great interest from companies and NGOs in school spaces, waving kits with educational materials produced for the school; lack of investment in public policies for teacher training in EA; tendency to an adherence to critical environmental education, without, however, have clear theoretical and methodological commitments under this option.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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This article presents a study about the reading/formation of readers in the public school of São Paulo. To make this study the most present material in the school and the activities proposed in them are analized. What it is intended is to show that, many times, the difficulties of reading presented by the students in the external evaluations may be resulting from the kind of reading practiced in the scholar institution.


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Pós-graduação em Matemática - IBILCE


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Este estudo teve como objetivo compreender a mídia e o universo didáticopedagógico, e assim como o uso dos meios midiáticos podem contribuir frente a aprendizagem . A pesquisa mostra esse novo aluno, como também esse novo professor, e quais os desafios que ambos passam por usarem os meios de comunicação, em especialmente a tecnologia. Para tanto foi realizada uma pesquisa documental, e diversos autores dialogaram entre si diante do tema apresentado. O estudo pautou-se pela abordagem qualitativa, fundamentada a partir de alguns autores. A pesquisa mostrou que com o avanço tecnológico os jovens se interessaram mais com os estudos, já que a informação ficou cada vez mais rápida, contudo mostrou também que alguns professores têm certo tipo de receio de usar outros materiais didáticos além do tradicional. O estudo também mostrou que apesar dos benefícios que a mídia traz, o importante é estarmos atentos já que tem-se um excesso de informações, e precisamos selecionar uma informação boa de uma ruim


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Apesar da importância do atletismo, ainda são vários os problemas enfrentados por aqueles que se dedicam a ensiná-lo. Procurando estratégias que contribuam para sanar algumas dessas dificuldades, essa pesquisa teve como objetivo identificar as Novas Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação (NTIC), em especial, a internet, como forma de subsidiar o ensino do atletismo em aulas de Educação Física. Para atingirmos o objetivo proposto, nos pautamos no desenvolvimento de quatro etapas, a saber: 1ª Etapa - pesquisa bibliográfica, em livros, artigos e websites, visando coletar materiais didáticos relacionados ao atletismo; 2ª Etapa - análise e divisão dos conteúdos da internet, em especial, dos vídeos do Youtube, por possuírem diversos conteúdos relacionados ao atletismo; 3ª Etapa - organização do banco de dados, no formato de material didático, com base nos vídeos do Youtube, capaz de subsidiar o trabalho do professor de Educação Física na escola, com sugestões de atividades a fim de tornar as aulas sobre atletismo mais dinâmicas e numa linguagem cada vez mais frequente no dia a dia dos alunos


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Pós-graduação em Docência para a Educação Básica - FC


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Nowadays it is increasingly required insertion History of Science on content to be worked in education, which raises many doubts and difficulties on the teachers did not have that content in their initial training. This work results from a qualitative empirical study aimed to investigate how a teacher of Biology and Science in a public school in the city of Bauru - SP was not in their initial training courses relating to the History of Science, mobilizes their knowledge to enter such an approach in their teaching practice. In the research methodology used as its theme the history of DNA present in the materials and also conduct open interviews and field notes to identify the knowledge involved in teaching practice and was adopted as the theoretical framework of Maurice Tardif’s Docent Knowledge. The results showed that even with difficulties arising from gaps in initial training, the teacher resorted to their experiential knowledge to meet these needs in addition to appropriate knowledge from the programs and textbooks, but its shortcomings make it difficult to analyze more critically. Thus, these data lead us to a reflection on the role of textbooks for these teachers is the process by which the consolidation of the knowledge they constructed.