995 resultados para Pintors-València-S. XIV-XVII
A sermon preached to the General Assembly reporting on the mission efforts of the church.
El presente trabajo es una investigación en curso. Una fuente de dificultades didácticas es la interpretación geométrica de la derivada, en donde la recta tangente no se considera como objeto de estudio. Nuestro planteamiento es que al construir la recta tangente desde una perspectiva variacional puede servir como una introducción a la derivada desde un punto de vista gráfico, lo cual implica también un rediseño del Discurso Matemático Escolar. Utilizamos la teoría de la Socioepistemología, en la cual se plantea que el uso de herramientas matemáticas para resolver actividades organizadas intencionalmente con la intención de resolver un problema, son una práctica, normadas por una práctica social. El escenario histórico nos ha servido para reconocer la práctica de la tangente variacional. Actualmente hemos implementado un método para obtener nuestros datos el cual nos servirá para que un futuro próximo podamos analizarlos y obtener conclusiones.
Review of: Vardah Shiloh, Millon 'Ivri-'Arami-'Aššuri bs-Lahag Yihude Zaxo (A New Neo-Aramaic Dictionary: Jewish Dialect of Zakho). Volume I: 'alef—nun\ Volume II: samex-tav. V. Shilo (16 Ben-Gamla Street), Jerusalem 1995. Pp. xiv + 488 (Vol. I); 489-963 (Vol. II). (Modern Hebrew, Zakho Jewish Neo-Aramaic). Hbk.
Energies for the lowest 49 levels among the 1s(2) and 1snl (n = 2-5) configurations of Ar XVII have been calculated using the GRASP code of Dyall et al. (1989, Comput. Phys. Comm., 55, 424). Additionally, radiative rates, oscillator strengths, and line strengths are calculated for all electric dipole (E1), magnetic dipole (M1), electric quadrupole (E2), and magnetic quadrupole (M2) transitions among these levels. Furthermore, collision strengths have also been calculated for all the 1176 transitions among the above 49 levels using the Dirac Atomic R-matrix Code (DARC) of Norrington & Grant (2005, Comput. Phys. Commun., in preparation), over a wide energy range up to 580 Ryd. Resonances have been resolved in the threshold region, and effective collision strengths have been obtained over a wide temperature range up to log T-e = 7.2 K. Comparisons are made with the limited results available in the literature, and the accuracy of the data is assessed. Our energy levels are estimated to be accurate to better than 0.1%, whereas results for other parameters are probably accurate to better than 20%.
Energies of the lowest 157 levels belonging to the (1s(2)) 2s(2)2p(6), 2s(2)p(5)3l, 2s(2)2p(5)4l, 2s(2)2p(5)4l, 2s2p(5)5l, 2s2p(6)4l and 2s2p(6)5l configurations of Fe XVII have been calculated using the GRASP code of Dyall et al. (1989). Additionally, radiative rates, oscillator strengths, and line strengths are calculated for all electric dipole (E I), magnetic dipole (M I), electric quadrupole (E2), and magnetic quadrupole (M2) transitions among these levels. Comparisons are made with the results already available in the literature, and the accuracy of the data is assessed. Our energy levels are expected to be accurate to better than M whereas results for other parameters are probably accurate to better than 20%.
Energy levels and radiative rates have been calculated for fine-structure transitions among the lowest 89 levels of the (1s(2)) 2s(2)2p(6), 2s(2) 2p(5) 3 l, 2s(2) 2p(5) 4l, 2s2p(6) 3 l, and 2s2p(6)4l configurations of Fe XVII using the GRASP code of Dyall et al. Collision strengths have also been calculated, for transitions among the lowest 55 levels, using the recently developed Dirac atomic R-matrix code (DARC) of Norrington & Grant. The results are compared with those available in the literature, and the accuracy of the data is assessed.
Energies for 524 levels of Ar XIII, 460 levels of Ar XIV and 156 levels of Ar XV have been calculated using the GRASP code of Dyall et al. (1989). Additionally, radiative rates, oscillator strengths, and line strengths are calculated for all electric dipole (E1), magnetic dipole (M1), electric quadrupole (E2), and magnetic quadrupole (M2) transitions among these levels. Comparisons are made with the limited results available in the literature, and the accuracy of the data is assessed. Our energy levels are estimated to be accurate to better than 1%, whereas results for other parameters are probably accurate to better than 20%. Additionally, the level lifetimes derived from our radiative rates are in excellent agreement with measured values.
Theoretical emission-line ratios involving transitions in the 236-412 Angstrom wavelength range are presented for the Na-like ions Ar viii, Cr xiv, Mn xv, Fe xvi, Co xvii, Ni xviii and Zn xx. A comparison of these with an extensive data set of the solar active region, quiet-Sun, subflare and off-limb observations, obtained during rocket flights by the Solar EUV Research Telescope and Spectrograph (SERTS), reveals generally very good agreement between theory and experiment. This indicates that most of the Na-like ion lines are reliably detected in the SERTS observations, and hence may be employed with confidence in solar spectral analyses. However, the features in the SERTS spectra at 236.34 and 300.25 Angstrom, originally identified as the Ni xviii 3p (2) P-3/2 -3d (2) D- 3/2 and Cr xiv 3p (2) P-3/2 -3d (2) D-5/2 transitions, respectively, are found to be due to emission lines of Ar xiii (236.34 Angstrom) and possibly S v or Ni vi (300.25 Angstrom). The Co xvii 3s (2) S-3p (2) P-3/2 line at 312.55 Angstrom is always badly blended with an Fe xv feature at the same wavelength, but Mn xv 3s (2) S-3p (2) P-1/2 at 384.75 Angstrom may not always be as affected by second-order emission from Fe xii 192.37 Angstrom as previously thought. On the other hand, we find that the Zn xx 3s (2) S-3p (2) P-3/2 transition can sometimes make a significant contribution to the Zn xx/Fe xiii 256.43- Angstrom blend, and hence care must be taken when using this feature as an Fe xiii electron density diagnostic. A line in the SERTS-89 active region spectrum at 265.00 Angstrom has been re-assessed, and we confirm its identification as the Fe xvi 3p (2) P-3/2 -3d (2) D-3/2 transition.
Several authors have applied the concept of Welfare Regimens for studying social policy in Latin America (Esping-Andersen, 1993 and 2000). Among others, Martínez Franzoni (2007) develops a typology, with fi eld work is at the turn of the millennium, and establishes three categories: State-productivist regime, state-protectionist and family orientated. Most countries in the region are placed in the latter category. The hypothesis of this article argues that with the emergence of governments considered “left” or “progressive” in several countries of the region from the late ‘90s and, more decisively, in 2000’, the map of welfare regimes models could have mutated substantively. The nationally transformative experiences are different (various socio-economic realities and political action in which they are located exists) but they have several contact points that can be summarized in a greater state intervention in different areas previously closed to their operating and recovery of important functions of welfare and care of the population by the government. The paper discusses with an exploratory and descriptive approach the welfare schemes that would shape in three countries that have constitutionalized the change from the neoliberal paradigm: Venezuela, Bolivia and Ecuador.
La globalización ha recrudecido más si cabe la competencia en los mercados y las empresas deben afianzar y mejorar su posición competitiva para asegurar la supervivencia. Para ello resulta vital, entre otras cuestiones, velar por los intereses de los inversores al tiempo que cuidan de sus clientes. Las cooperativas sufren una coyuntura semejante respecto a sus socios y el mercado, es decir respecto a sus clientes internos (socios) y externos (mercado). El enfoque de las actividades y la estrategia de la cooperativa frente a esta dualidad determina su grado de orientación al mercado.Los estudios relacionados con la orientación al mercado en cooperativas son escasos en comparación con otras formas empresariales y han estado normalmente centrados en la figura de las cooperativas de segundo grado y circunscritos a sectores muy específicos.El sector citrícola español es uno de los más dinámicos y desarrollados del panorama productivo agrario. Su extensa experiencia comercial tanto a nivel doméstico como internacional confiere un carácter diferenciador a las entidades que operan en este subsector. Este trabajo analiza la posición de las cooperativas citrícolas españolas en relación a la orientación al mercado así como los factores de gestión y estrategia que están relacionadoscon ella. Para ello se utiliza una escala MARKOR, validada en estudios anteriores, sobre una muestra de 45 cooperativas.Se establece además una tipología de cooperativas citrícolas en base a los factores de competitividad que permiten ahondar en el conocimiento que existe sobre esta cuestión en entidades de economía social. Los resultados ponen de manifiesto un elevado grado de relación entre la innovación, el perfil del empresario y el conocimiento del entorno en relación con el grado de orientación al mercado.
Electron impact excitation collision strengths are required for the analysis and interpretation of stellar observations. This calculation aims to provide fine structure effective collision strengths for the Ni XVII ion using a method which includes contributions from resonances. A DARC calculation has been performed, involving 37 J pi states. The effective collision strengths are calculated by averaging the electron collision strengths over a Maxwellian distribution of electron velocities. The non-zero effective collision strengths for transitions between the fine structure levels are given for electron temperatures (T(e)) in the range log(10) T(e)(K) = 4.5 - 8.5. Data for several transitions from the ground state are discussed in this paper.
In this paper, we report calculations of energy levels, radiative rates and electron impact excitation rates for transitions in Li-like Si XII, He-like Si XIII and H-like Si XIV. The grasp (general-purpose relativistic atomic structure package) is adopted for calculating energy levels and radiative rates, while for determining the collision strengths and subsequently the excitation rates, the Dirac atomic R-matrix code (darc) is used. Oscillator strengths, radiative rates and line strengths are reported for all E1, E2, M1 and M2 transitions among the lowest 24 levels of Si XII, 49 levels of Si XIII and 25 levels of Si XIV, belonging to the n≤5 configurations. Collision strengths have been averaged over a Maxwellian electron velocity distribution and the effective collision strengths so obtained are reported over a wide temperature range below 107 K. Comparisons have been made with similar data obtained from the flexible atomic code (fac) to highlight the importance of resonances, included in calculations from darc, in the determination of effective collision strengths. Discrepancies between the collision strengths from darc and fac, particularly for weak transitions and at low energies, are also discussed. Additionally, lifetimes are listed for all calculated levels of the above three ions, although no measurements are available with which to compare.