555 resultados para Pillars


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One of the main pillars in the development of inclusive schools is the initial teacher training. Before determining if it is necessary to make changes (and of what type) in training programs or curriculum guides related to the attention to diversity and inclusive education, the attitudes of future education professionals in this area should be analyzed. This includes the identification of the relevant predictors of inclusive attitudes. The research reported in this article pursued this objective, doing so with a quantitative survey methodology based on the use of cross-sectional structured data collection and statistical analyses related to the quality of the attitude questionnaire (factor analysis and Cronbach's alpha), descriptive statistics, correlations, hypothesis tests for difference of means, and regression analysis in order to predict attitudes towards inclusion in education. Firstly, the results show that the participants held very positive attitudes toward the inclusion of students with special educational needs. Particularly, older respondents, those with a longer training and, to a lesser extent, women and those who had been in touch with disabled people stood out within this attitude. Secondly, it is evidenced that self-transcendence values ​and, more weakly, contact, function as robust predictors of attitudes of future practitioners towards the inclusion of students with special needs. Some applications for the initial professionalization of educators are suggested in the discussion.


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The Balanced Scorecard of Kaplan and Norton is a management tool that supports the successful implementation of corporate strategies. It has been discussed and considered widely in both practice and research. By linking operational and non-financial corporate activities with causal chains to the firm's long-term strategy, the Balanced Scorecard supports the alignment and management of all corporate activities according to their strategic relevance. The Balanced Scorecard makes it possible to take into account non-monetary strategic success factors that significantly impact the economic success of a business. The Balanced Scorecard is thus a promising starting-point to also incorporate environmental and social aspects into the main management system of a firm. Sustainability management with the Balanced Scorecard helps to overcome the shortcomings of conventional approaches to environmental and social management systems by integrating the three pillars of sustainability into a single and overarching strategic management tool. After a brief discussion of the different possible forms of a Sustainability Balanced Scorecard the article takes a closer look at the process and steps of formulating a Sustainability Balanced Scorecard for a business unit. Before doing so, the basic conventional approach of the Balanced Scorecard and its suitability for sustainability management will be outlined in brief.


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With the increased availability of new technologies, geography educators are revisiting their pedagogical approaches to teaching and calling for opportunities to share local and international practices which will enhance the learning experience and improve students’ performance. This paper reports on the use of handheld mobile devices, fitted with GPS, by secondary (high) school pupils in geography. Two location-aware activities were completed over one academic year (one per semester) and pre-test and post-test scores for both topics revealed a statistically significant increase in pupils’ performance as measured by the standard national assessments. A learner centred educational approach was adopted with the first mobile learning activity being created by the teacher as an exemplar of effective mobile learning design. Pupils built on their experiences of using mobile learning when they were required to created their own location aware learning task for peer use. An analysis of the qualitative data from the pupils’ journals, group diaries and focus group interviews revealed the five pillars of learner centred education are addressed when using location aware technologies and the use of handheld mobile devices offered greater flexibility and autonomy to the pupils thus altering the level of power and control away from the teacher. Due to the relatively small number of participants in the study, the results are more informative than generalisable however in light of the growing interest in geo-spatial technologies in geography education, this paper offers encouragement and insight into the use of location aware technology in a compulsory school context


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Large areas of perfectly ordered magnetic CoFe2O4 nanopillars embedded in a ferroelectric BiFeO3 matrix were successfully fabricated via a novel nucleation-induced self-assembly process. The nucleation centers of the magnetic pillars are induced before the growth of the composite structure using anodic aluminum oxide (AAO) and lithography-defined gold membranes as hard mask. High structural quality and good functional properties were obtained. Magneto-capacitance data revealed extremely low losses and magneto-electric coupling of about 0.9 mu C/cmOe. The present fabrication process might be relevant for inducing ordering in systems based on phase separation, as the nucleation and growth is a rather general feature of these systems.


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The term sports law is fourfold in nature and encompasses: (a) traditional areas of law, such as contract, tort, criminal, administrative and EU law, as applied to disputes of a sporting origin; (b) the particular impact that a range of statutory provisions might have on sport; for example, legislation governing discriminatory and unsafe practices in a workplace or monopolistic or fraudulent behaviour in an industry; (c) issues of public and social policy otherwise influencing the legislature and the courts, from the allocation of resources to the allocation of risk; and (d) lex sportiva, where that term is taken to reflect the various internal administrative regulations and awards by dispute-resolving mechanisms in sport. As a matter of practice, sports law tends to be concerned with the application of contract and commercial law principles to professional sport - and namely the application of such branches of law to disputes relating to the following "three pillars" of modern, professional sport i.e., disputes relating to the payment, sponsorship or endorsement of those who play sport for a living; disputes arising from decisions made by sports governing bodies; and disputes arising from the application of law to the holding of sports events.


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A educação integral ao longo da vida de todos os indivíduos, em contextos formais, não formais e informais, com vista ao desenvolvimento inteligente, sustentável e inclusivo das nações é, actualmente, uma recomendação unânime de entidades e organizações a nível internacional (ex. UNESCO, UNICEF, NU, OCDE, OEI, UE). Neste âmbito, destaca-se o papel fulcral da literacia científica dos indivíduos, como motor do crescimento, produtividade e competitividade dos países e como um dos pilares basilares para o exercício de uma cidadania consciente na vida política, social e cultural. Para alcançar tais propósitos é necessário uma forte aposta numa educação de qualidade desde os primeiros anos de vida dos indivíduos. Para tal, é fundamental: (re)pensar perspectivas de educação, de ensino e de aprendizagem; dar reposta às amplamente reconhecidas necessidades de formação inicial e continuada de professores; e assegurar a existência de infraestruturas e recursos de suporte à concretização de tais anseios. O presente estudo pretende ser um contributo para a operacionalização de tais intenções, no campo particular da educação em ciências ao nível do ensino básico, tendo subjacente uma perspectiva de abordagem integrada e integradora da educação em ciências. O percurso de investigação, de natureza qualitativa, foi desenvolvido incidindo em dois focos fundamentais: (i) o desenvolvimento de infra-estruturas e recursos de suporte à educação em ciências e (ii) o desenvolvimento de um programa de formação continuada para professores do 1º CEB de educação em ciências na perspectiva considerada. Assim uma das grandes finalidades do estudo foi desenvolver (conceber, planificar, implementar e validar) um Centro Integrado de Educação em Ciências (CIEC) como parte integrante de uma escola do 1ºCEB. Partindo de orientações da literatura, da proficiência da equipa multidisciplinar e dos contributos de avaliadores externos procedeu-se ao desenvolvimento do conceito CIEC e respectivo espaço físico de suporte: espaço de educação formal - laboratório de ciências para o 1ºCEB; espaço de educação não formal – Centro de Ciência do CIEC.A segunda grande finalidade do estudo, foi o desenvolvimento (concepção, planificação, implementação e avaliação) de um programa de formação continuada que habilitasse os professores do 1ºCEB a desenvolverem actividades integradas de educação em ciências (AIEC). Tendo por base as orientações da literatura, bem como a caracterização das práticas, necessidades e expectativas dos professores-formandos, concebeu-se, planificou-se e implementou-se o programa de formação. A avaliação do programa efectuou-se tendo por base a análise dos dados recolhidos através de fontes distintas, e o seu cruzamento com recurso a métodos, técnicas e instrumentos diversificados. Assumindo-se como um contributo para a melhoria da educação em ciências nos primeiros anos de escolaridade, o presente estudo apresenta como resultados orientações para: o desenvolvimento de laboratórios em escolas do 1ºCEB; o desenvolvimento de centros de ciência, e ou espaços de educação não formal similares, e respectivo funcionamento; a implementação de actividades integradas da educação em ciências; o desenvolvimento de programas de formação continuada de professores; o processo de auto e hetero avaliação de práticas de professores no que respeita ao ensino das ciências em contextos formal e não formal.


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A Natureza é composta por estruturas, formas, sistemas, cores e até padrões que podem proporcionar ao design referências úteis e precisas, para que este consiga tornar os seus produtos e processos ecologicamente sustentáveis, indo de encontro com as necessidades ambientais que a sociedade humana atualmente se depara. A disciplina que utiliza estes fundamentos define-se pelo nome de Biomimética, temática escolhida para abordagem deste estudo. Partindo da região de Aveiro, e em específico a escolha da Ria, este espaço apresenta-se como um pretexto para a criação de uma embarcação Biomimética que funcione através do esforço físico do utilizador, revelando-se na hipótese de investigação proposta por este trabalho. O estudo incide sobre conceitos e definições em relação à Biomimética, bem como a ecologia, sustentabilidade, ergonomia e mercado, abordando uma base teórica fundamental para o estudo do tema proposto. A esse nível aprofundou-se questões relacionadas à construção de uma embarcação tendo em conta três pilares que se considera fundamentais: a inspiração das formas de diversos animais, e ainda a sua propulsão, o movimento mais adequado para este produto; finalizando com o estudo do mercado na pesquisa de referências reais na procura da forma. O resultado deste estudo culmina na realização de um protótipo à escala real em fibra de vidro, com o intuito de demonstrar o seu funcionamento, constatando a viabilidade na sua forma de deslocação.


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The main goal of this thesis is to propose a conceptual theoretical model of critical success factors of International Development Cooperation programmes that are based in knowledge transfer approaches in the context of tourism development. The research was structured around three main theoretical pillars: international development cooperation (IDC), tourism as a tool for development, and knowledge transfer (KT). By exploring these pillars´ main interrelations, it was possible to gather the necessary background to develop the theoretical model and apply it to a real context. It was adopted a qualitative research approach using as a case study an IDC programme in tourism - the UNWTO.Volunteers programme. The key contribution of this thesis in the theoretical realm is the bridging of fields of study that are insufficiently covered in the scientific literature. The resulting model proposal applied to a real context of an IDC programme implementation permitted to test it partially providing useful insights for future research. It is postulated that IDC programmes in these contexts constitute a process rather than an end in itself. Therefore, they should be seen as a way of changing the state of the art of the tourism system in a sustainable manner so that it potentially generates positive development changes. This study suggested that it is not possible to achieve positive results if, instead of encouraging a KT and learning environment, it is simply disseminated knowledge in a linear, static, north-south approach. The characteristics of these interventions should be reviewed in that it was found that it is very difficult to guarantee the maintenance of the development changes induced by them if it is not safeguarded the necessary conditions and accountability to implement the recommended actions. While it was perceived a great potential for development changes to be induced by some IDC programmes in tourism destinations, it was concluded that these processes are too much dependent on the local political systems and existing power relations, as well as on the level of tourism development of the destination. However, more research is needed to examine the ability to generalise the findings to other IDC programmes and different destinations of developing countries.


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The challenges of Common Agricultural Policy are driven by internal and external factors, such as the budgetary constraints, the budget reform, the globalization and the world financial crisis. According to this work results, CAP will continue its evolution from a sectorial to a territorial approach, with a slow re-balance of its two pillars. The Portuguese agriculture will slowly adjust itself to the disappearance of prices and markets policy and the reinforcement of rural development policy. As in the past, agriculture will accommodate the reform effects and adjust to a new framework without sudden brakes or disclosers.


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Relatório da prática de ensino supervisionada, Mestrado em Ensino da Informática, Universidade de Lisboa, Instituto de Educação, 2011


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Tese de doutoramento, Psicologia (Psicologia da Família), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Psicologia, 2015


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A legacy emphasis was one of the fundamental pillars of the London 2012 Olympic Games. The notion of an Olympic legacy was predicated on assumptions that the event’s value would not purely derive from the sporting spectacle, but rather, from the ‘success’ of enduring effects met out in London and across the country. For physical education students and practitioners, Olympic legacy agendas translated into persistent pressure to increase inspiration, engagement, participation and performance in the subject, sport and physical activity. Responding to this context, and cogniscent of significant disciplinary scholarship, this paper reports initial data from the first phase of a longitudinal study involving Key Stage Three (students aged 11-13) cohorts in two comparable United Kingdom schools: the first an inner-city (core) London school adjacent to the Olympic Park in Stratford, East London (n=150); the second, a (peripheral) school in the Midlands (n=198). The research involved the use of themed questionnaires focusing on self-reported attitudes toward the Olympic Games, and, experiences of physical education, sport and physical activity. Students from both schools demonstrated a wide variety of attitudes toward physical education and sport; yet, minor variances emerged regarding extreme enthusiasm levels. Both cohorts also expressed considerably mixed feelings toward the impending Olympic Games. Strong and variable responses were also reported regarding inspiration levels, ticketing acquisition and engagement levels. Consequently, this investigation can be read within the broader context of legacy debates, and, aligns well with physical educationalists’ on-going discomfort regarding legacy imperatives being enforced upon the discipline and its practitioners. Our work reiterates a shared disciplinary scepticism that while an Olympic Games may temporarily affect young peoples’ affectations for sport (and maybe physical education and physical activity), it may not provide the best, or most appropriate, mechanism for sustained attitudinal and/or social changes en masse.


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Since creation of the European Communities the number of Member States has gradually increased from the original six to current twenty-eight. Enlargement has become an EU’s flagship external policy, demonstrating the EU’s ability to shape its neighbourhood and to serve as a catalyst of deep and multilayered reforms. The consecutive seven enlargement rounds went in parallel with widespread internal developments, culminating with the creation of the European Union and, most recently, entry into force of the Treaty of Lisbon. As this volume demonstrates, EU criminal law has evolved considerably from its early days under the legal framework laid down by the Treaty of Maastricht to its current post-Lisbon shape. On 1 December 2014, that is with expiry of a five year transitional regime for the jurisdiction of the Court of Justice, Police and Judicial Co-operation in Criminal Matters became a fully fledged EU policy, governed largely by the same modus operandi as other areas of EU competence and with compulsory jurisdiction of the Court of Justice. As EU criminal law developed internally, so did its external dimension, including the role it plays in the enlargement policy. In case of the latter the expiry of the same transitional period has brought to an end a rather anomalous situation whereby the European Union had more enforcement tools before and after accession vis-à-vis its future/new Member States than it could employ against the old ones. This bifurcation, quite rightly, triggered a lot of discussions about double standards used by the European Union in its pre-accession policy. This is exacerbated by the fact that some of those standards are neither defined in EU law, nor pursued vis-à-vis the existing EU’s Member States. The aim of this chapter is to demonstrate that evolution with particular emphasis on the role of EU Criminal Law in the policy currently employed by the European Union vis-à-vis candidate and potential candidate countries of the Western Balkans and to Turkey. Arguably, together with political conditionality, it has become one of the pillars of the enlargement process and, as the examples of accession negotiations with Montenegro and Serbia prove, its role is likely to increase as rapprochement of other candidates and potential candidates progresses to the next stages.


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Dissertação apresentada ao Instituto Superior de Contabilidade para a obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Auditoria Orientada por Dr.ª Alcina Portugal Dias