822 resultados para Philanthropic day care centers
OBJECTIVE: To analyze the association between noise levels present in preschool institutions and vocal disorders among educators. METHODS: Cross-sectional study conducted in 2009 with 28 teachers from three preschool institutions located in the city of Sao Paulo (Southeastern Brazil). Sound pressure levels were measured according to Brazilian Technical Standards Association, with the use of a sound level meter. The averages were classified according to the levels of comfort, discomfort, and auditory damage proposed by the Pan American Health Organization. The educators underwent voice evaluation: self-assessment with visual analogue scale, auditory perceptual evaluation using the GRBAS scale, and acoustic analysis utilizing the Praat program. To analyze the association between noise and voice evaluation, descriptive statistics and the chi-square test were employed, with significance of 10% due to sample size. RESULTS: The teachers' age ranged between 21 and 56 years. The noise average was 72.7 dB, considered as damage 2. The professionals' vocal self-assessment ranked an average of 5.1 on the scale, being considered as moderate alteration. In the auditory-perceptual assessment, 74% presented vocal alteration, especially hoarseness; of these, 52% were considered mild alterations. In the acoustic assessment the majority presented fundamental frequency below the expected level. Averages for jitter, shimmer and harmonic-noise ratio showed alterations. An association between the presence of noise between the harmonics and vocal disorders was observed. CONCLUSIONS: There is an association between presence of noise between the harmonics and vocal alteration, with high noise levels. Although most teachers presented mild voice alteration, the self-evaluation showed moderate alteration, probably due to the difficulty in projection.
OBJETIVO: Verificar o estado nutricional e o consumo alimentar de crianças assistidas em creches públicas e privadas no município de Manaus, Amazonas. MÉTODOS: Foram avaliadas crianças entre 24 e 72 meses de duas creches públicas (n=217) e duas creches privadas (n=91) de Manaus. O estado nutricional foi classificado pelos índices peso para idade, peso para estatura, estatura para idade e índice de massa corporal (IMC) para idade, em valores de escores Z. O consumo alimentar na creche foi avaliado pelo método da pesagem direta individual dos alimentos e, no domicílio, pelo registro alimentar de um dia aplicado aos responsáveis. Estimou-se a frequência de crianças com ingestão de nutrientes acima ou abaixo dos pontos de corte de Estimated Average Intake (EAR) ou Adequate Intake (AI). RESULTADOS: Verificou-se maior frequência de crianças com excesso de peso nas creches privadas segundo os índices peso para estatura e IMC para idade. As crianças das instituições públicas, quando comparadas àquelas das privadas, consumiram mais gorduras poli-insaturadas, trans, ácido graxo ômega-6, vitamina C e sódio, e menos zinco. Em ambos os tipos de creches observaram-se consumo elevado de energia e proporção elevada de crianças com consumo de vitaminas A e C, zinco e sódio acima do limite superior tolerável de ingestão. A proporção de crianças com inadequação de consumo de cálcio foi maior nas creches públicas do que nas privadas (27,6 versus 7,9%; p<0,001). CONCLUSÕES: O consumo de energia e de sódio foi elevado em ambos os tipos de creche e o consumo de cálcio, insuficiente, principalmente nas creches públicas. Recomenda-se melhor monitoramento da dieta infantil para prevenção de doenças futuras.
OBJETIVO: avaliar o desempenho em habilidades auditivas e as condições de orelha média de crianças de 4 a 6 anos de idade. MÉTODO: foram aplicados os testes de detecção sonora (audiômetro pediátrico em 20dBNA), a Avaliação Simplificada do Processamento Auditivo (ASPA) e as medidas de imitância acústica (handtymp com tom de 226Hz) em 61 crianças com média de idade de 5,65 anos. Para comparar os resultados das provas de habilidades auditivas e das medidas da imitância acústica foi aplicado o teste exato de Fisher com nível de significância de p< 0,05. RESULTADOS: houve alteração em pelo menos uma das habilidades auditivas investigadas em 24,6% das crianças. Houve alteração timpanométrica em 34,4% das crianças e 64% foram classificadas no critério "falha" para a pesquisa do reflexo acústico ispilateral. As crianças mais jovens apresentaram maior ocorrência de alterações de orelha média, mas não houve diferença estatisticamente significante entre as diferentes idades para as provas realizadas. CONCLUSÃO: as crianças mais jovens apresentaram maior ocorrência de alterações nas provas de habilidades auditivas e nas medidas de imitância acústica. Programas de investigação e acompanhamento das condições de orelha média e das habilidades auditivas em idade pré-escolar e escolar podem eliminar ou minimizar intercorrências que alterariam o desenvolvimento sócio-linguístico.
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The profile is divided into two sections: one geared towards those hoping to establish a day care home, and the other for those establishing a larger scale day care center.
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"October 26, 1981, St. Paul, Minnesota"--Pt. 3.
O presente trabalho propõe um estudo sobre a inserção de bebês em creches públicas no município de São Paulo. De acordo com Rosemberg (2010), a infância constitui fase importantíssima na formação da criança e embora a duração da primeira infância seja de curta duração, considerando-se a expectativa de vida de 70 anos, ela constitui a vida inteira dos bebês e das crianças pequenas. Nos dias atuais os bebês ingressam na creche a partir dos quatro meses de idade e lá permanecem por até dez horas. Nesse sentido, esta pesquisa buscou compreender as políticas públicas para esse atendimento, o qual, com a Constituição de 1988, foi considerado a primeira etapa da Educação Básica compondo a Educação Infantil brasileira, de oferta obrigatória e direito das crianças, garantindo, em complementação à família, o desenvolvimento integral da criança pequena. Desse contexto, alguns questionamentos foram trazidos para a discussão: quais as propostas de atendimento de bebês na creche e como funcionam as instituições que os recebem? Qual o olhar das políticas públicas para esse segmento de educação? A Constituição garante o ingresso dos bebês na creche, mas e seu desenvolvimento integral, está garantido? Recentemente atrelada à esfera educacional, a creche tem o desafio de compreender seu papel com essas crianças, desvinculando-se de práticas apenas assistencialistas e higienistas, e de construir novas concepções acerca desse atendimento. Tais concepções ficam explícitas não nas politicas públicas, mas efetivam-se na prática da creche, nas atividades desenvolvidas, nos espaços e processos pedagógicos pensados para receber o bebê. Em face do exposto, esta pesquisa possibilitou inferir que, apesar dos avanços acerca do atendimento educacional ofertado a primeira infância, falta ainda clareza por parte da sociedade em geral, sobre a importância de uma educação de qualidade para as crianças pequenas e seu impacto na formação humana. Essa lacuna merece o olhar das políticas públicas, uma vez que demanda ações nas diversas instâncias da creche, desde a formação e a valorização do professor de Educação Infantil, até a estrutura física e a escassez das vagas. Os poucos estudos que discutem tais políticas para a educação de bebês nas creches, justificam a realização deste trabalho.
General note: Title and date provided by Bettye Lane.
Dissertação de Mestrado apresentada no Instituto Superior de Psicologia Aplicada para obtenção do grau de Mestre na especialidade de Psicologia Social e das Organizações
Little is known about the types of incidents that occur to aged care clients in the community. This limits the development of effective strategies to improve client safety. The objective of the study was to present a profile of incidents reported in Australian community aged care settings. All incident reports made by community care workers employed by one of the largest community aged care provider organizations in Australia during the period November 1, 2012, to August 8, 2013, were analyzed. A total of 356 reports were analyzed, corresponding to a 7.5% incidence rate per client year. Falls and medication incidents were the most prevalent incident types. Clients receiving high-level care and those who attended day therapy centers had the highest rate of incidents with 14% to 20% of these clients having a reported incident. The incident profile indicates that clients on higher levels of care had higher incident rates. Incident data represent an opportunity to improve client safety in community aged care.
Background: Atrial fibrillation is a serious public health problem posing a considerable burden to not only patients, but the healthcare environment due to high rates of morbidity, mortality, and medical resource utilization. There are limited data on the variation in treatment practice patterns across different countries, healthcare settings and the associated health outcomes. Methods/design: RHYTHM-AF was a prospective observational multinational study of management of recent onset atrial fibrillation patients considered for cardioversion designed to collect data on international treatment patterns and short term outcomes related to cardioversion. We present data collected in 10 countries between May 2010 and June 2011. Enrollment was ongoing in Italy and Brazil at the time of data analysis. Data were collected at the time of atrial fibrillation episode in all countries (Australia, Brazil, France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Poland, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom), and cumulative follow-up data were collected at day 60 (+/- 10) in all but Spain. Information on center characteristics, enrollment data, patient demographics, detail of atrial fibrillation episode, medical history, diagnostic procedures, acute treatment of atrial fibrillation, discharge information and the follow-up data on major events and rehospitalizations up to day 60 were collected. Discussion: A total of 3940 patients were enrolled from 175 acute care centers. 70.5% of the centers were either academic (44%) or teaching (26%) hospitals with an overall median capacity of 510 beds. The sites were mostly specialized with anticoagulation clinics (65.9%), heart failure (75.1%) and hypertension clinics (60.1%) available. The RHYTHM-AF registry will provide insight into regional variability of antiarrhythmic and antithrombotic treatment of atrial fibrillation, the appropriateness of such treatments with respect to outcomes, and their cost-efficacy. Observations will help inform strategies to improve cardiovascular outcomes in patients with atrial fibrillation.
Australia is undergoing a critical demographic transition: the population is ageing. By 2050, one in four Australians will be older than 65 years and by 2031, the number of older Australians requiring residential aged care will increase 63%, to 1.4 million (ABS, 2005). In anticipation of this global demographic transition, the World Health Organisation has advocated ‘active ageing’, identifying health, participation and security as the three key factors that enhance quality of life for people as they age (WHO, 2002). While there is considerable discussion and acceptance of active ageing principles, little is known about the experience of ‘active ageing’ for older Australians who live in Residential Aged Care Facilities (RACF). This research addresses this knowledge gap by exploring the key facilitators and barriers to quality of life and active ageing in aged care from the perspective of aged care residents (n=12). To do this, the project documented the initial expectations and daily life experience of new residents living in a RACF over a one-year period. Combined with in-depth interviews and surveys, the project utilised Photovoice methodology - where participants used photography to record their lived experiences. The initial findings suggest satisfaction with living in aged care centers around five key themes; resident’s mental attitude to living in aged care, forming positive peer and staff relationships, self-determination and maintaining independence, opportunities to participate in interesting activities, and living in a safe and comfortable physical environment. This paper reports on the last of these five key themes, focusing on the role of design in facilitating quality of life, specifically: “living within these walls” – safety, comfort and the physical environment.
Investment in early childhood education and care (ECEC) programs is a cornerstone policy of the Australian Government directed toward increasing the educational opportunities and life chances made available to Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander (Indigenous) children. Yet, ECEC programs are not always effective in supporting sustained attendance of Indigenous families. A site-case analysis of Mount Isa, Queensland was conducted to identify program features that engage and support attendance of Indigenous families. This first study, reports the perspectives of early childhood professionals from across the entire range of group-based licensed (kindergarten and long day care) and non-licensed (playgroups, parent-child education) programs (n=19). Early childhood professionals reported that Indigenous families preferred non-licensed over licensed programs. Reasons suggested for this choice were that non-licensed services provided integration with family supports, were responsive to family circumstance and had a stronger focus on relationship building. Implications for policy and service provision are discussed.