912 resultados para Pessoas com Deficiência


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Abstract Intellectual disability is development atypical conditions that involve issues on a number of factors, such as intellectual skills, adaptive behavior, interactions and social roles. Furthermore, they report higher rates of physical inactivity than the general population, as well as participating less and less of regular physical activity, as they grow and age. The participation of people with intellectual disabilities in physical activity programs promotes, benefits of prevention of diseases, particularly cardiovascular, improvement of intellectual and cognitive ability in addition, regular physical activity promotes reduction of body fat. Therefore the aim of this study was to identify through a systematic review, physical activity programs for adults with intellectual disabilities and their extension of the benefits, limitations and recommendations, moreover, the following objectives: to analyze the types of physical activity programs and determine which is the most suitable for adults with intellectual disabilities, and to determine the benefits that physical exercises programs entail for adults with intellectual disabilities. The initial electronic search resulted in 2808 manuscripts. The predetermined exclusion criteria were: review process of the studies involved reading titles, abstracts and full texts checking. After all these phases, eight manuscripts met the inclusion criteria of the review. Articles presented participants aged between 18 and 67 years with mild to moderate intellectual disability. The intervention period was from 2.5 months studies ranged up to 9 months and the weekly frequency was from one to three times a week. The intervention types differ between the articles analyzed, including leisure and recreation activities, combined exercises of strength and muscular endurance, aerobic activities of hiking, with races and exercise bikes, widespread activities and sports specialization, athletics and...


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Despite of intense discussion over recent decades about the inclusion of disabled people and the influence of conception of teachers about that inclusion for the effectuation of it, this work sought to identify conceptions of science teachers regarding the inclusion of students with visual impairment in the classes of astronomy providing basis for future studies.


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The hippotherapy is a therapeutic and educational method that uses the horse within an interdisciplinary approach in the areas of health, education and riding, seeking the biopsychosocial development of people with disabilities and/or special needs. The method generates the practitioner positive effects, such as physical, social and psychological benefits. The goal of this study was to investigate alterations with a practitioner with visual impairment during their participation in a hippotherapy program. The study is characterized by a qualitative and descriptive research, in the form of case study. Data were collected through interviews with the mother of the practitioner and filming, photographs and systematic observation of the sessions. Improvements were found in the behavior of practicing at home, and there was progress in motor performance, and self-confidence generated by the domain horse. It is concluded that the hippotherapy program generated physical, psychological and social benefits to the practitioner.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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This study examines the hippotherapy related to school inclusion. Inclusive education, given the diversity of human kind, seeks to understand and meet the educational needs of all students. Visual impairment is defined as a reduction or complete loss of ability to see with the better eye and after the best possible optical correction, and may be perceived by the focus when the individual educational needs of Braille for their learning. Hippotherapy is a therapeutic and educational method that uses the horse in an interdisciplinary approach in health, education and riding, searching for the biopsychosocial development of people with disabilities and/or special needs. The general objectives were: to follow a Hippotherapy program applied to a student with visual disabilities included in regular education from the practice sessions of hippotherapy and the student's school routine, and specific: to verify changes to a student with visual impairment during their participation in an equine therapy program, to check the commitment, involvement and interest in school activities the student practicing hippotherapy inserted into the regular school system. The methodology was a qualitative research, in the form of case study. The instruments of data collection were interviews, video recordings, photographs, school information and the subject of systematic observations of the sessions of hippotherapy. Interviews were conducted at three different times during the course of the program. First we used a strategy for succeeding in increasing the involvement of practicing with the school. Later, another strategy was established, consisting of the effective presence of the researcher in the school to carry out activities on the hippotherapy within the school environment. The analysis of the first interview showed no changes in school interest, however, occurred in the family environment. In analyzing the results of the second interview was seen as a...


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This study examines the hippotherapy related to school inclusion. Inclusive education, given the diversity of human kind, seeks to understand and meet the educational needs of all students. Visual impairment is defined as a reduction or complete loss of ability to see with the better eye and after the best possible optical correction, and may be perceived by the focus when the individual educational needs of Braille for their learning. Hippotherapy is a therapeutic and educational method that uses the horse in an interdisciplinary approach in health, education and riding, searching for the biopsychosocial development of people with disabilities and/or special needs. The general objectives were: to follow a Hippotherapy program applied to a student with visual disabilities included in regular education from the practice sessions of hippotherapy and the student's school routine, and specific: to verify changes to a student with visual impairment during their participation in an equine therapy program, to check the commitment, involvement and interest in school activities the student practicing hippotherapy inserted into the regular school system. The methodology was a qualitative research, in the form of case study. The instruments of data collection were interviews, video recordings, photographs, school information and the subject of systematic observations of the sessions of hippotherapy. Interviews were conducted at three different times during the course of the program. First we used a strategy for succeeding in increasing the involvement of practicing with the school. Later, another strategy was established, consisting of the effective presence of the researcher in the school to carry out activities on the hippotherapy within the school environment. The analysis of the first interview showed no changes in school interest, however, occurred in the family environment. In analyzing the results of the second interview was seen as a...


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Este trabalho teve como objetivo identificar as necessidades de saúde das pessoas com deficiência, pela ótica dos sujeitos. Realizou-se um estudo qualitativo, por meio da técnica da história de vida; foram incluídas pessoas com deficiência física, auditiva e visual, congênita e adquirida, e com atendimento no SUS. Discutiu-se: a vivência da deficiência; independência, autonomia e apoio; acesso e direitos; sentidos das intervenções; ações e estratégias. Em relação às necessidades de saúde, foram elencados onze eixos: Acesso; Apoio psicossocial; Aspectos gerais de saúde; Autonomia e independência; Dispensação de equipamentos e dispositivos de tecnologia assistiva; Informação/orientação; Prevenção/diagnóstico precoces; Reconhecimento e garantia de direitos; (Re)Encontro com atividades significativas; Validação e ajuda na construção de estratégias próprias de enfrentamento; Vínculo com profissional de saúde. Verifica-se que as necessidades identificadas pelos sujeitos incluem aspectos específicos da assistência em saúde, mas englobam outras dimensões, indicando a importância de ações integrais e intersetoriais.


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OBJETIVO: Verificar a relação entre limiares audiométricos, autopercepção do handicap e tempo para procura de tratamento em indivíduos atendidos em um serviço público de saúde auditiva. MÉTODOS: Trata-se de estudo retrospectivo, com análise de prontuários de 152 idosos e 48 adultos deficientes auditivos. As médias de limiares audiométricos ISO (500 Hz a 4 kHz) e de altas frequências (2 a 6 kHz), os limiares de reconhecimento de fala e a pontuação total e das subescalas social e emocional dos Questionários de Handicap Auditivo para Adultos (HHIA) e Idosos (HHIE) foram comparados com o tempo compreendido entre o início da queixa auditiva e o momento da procura por tratamento. RESULTADOS: O tempo médio para procura do tratamento foi de 7,6 anos. Não houve diferença entre adultos e idosos para as médias dos limiares ISO e de alta frequência, pontuação total e das subescalas do HHIA/E, e tempo para procura do tratamento. Correlações negativas fracas, porém significativas, foram observadas entre os limiares audiométricos e o tempo para procura de tratamento. Não foram encontradas relações entre o tempo para procura de tratamento e as variáveis referentes à escolaridade, nível sócio econômico e percepção do handicap. CONCLUSÃO: Os limiares audiométricos parecem influenciar a procura pelo tratamento. A despeito dos avanços tecnológicos e mudanças no acesso à informação e ao tratamento, o tempo de procura pelo tratamento é similar ao encontrado há 30 anos.


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O Plano de Mobilidade Urbana (PMU) pretende melhorar as condições em que se realizam os deslocamentos nas cidades, observando a acessibilidade para pessoas com deficiência. O PMU representa um avanço rumo à inclusão e um salto na qualidade de vida dos 45,6 milhões de brasileiros que possuem deficiência, uma vez que torna mais fácil ou até mesmo possível a circulação no espaço urbano e consequentemente o acesso a todos os bens e serviços que este oferece. Esta pesquisa objetiva avaliar os impactos negativos que a não elaboração do PMU pode gerar na vida de citadinos com deficiência e o quanto estes impactos podem comprometer o desenvolvimento sustentável das Cidades. Apenas 30% dos municípios brasileiros elaboraram o PMU no prazo estabelecido (abril/2015). Quando pessoas com deficiência nascem e crescem em regiões que não primam por sua inclusão, elas terão suas oportunidades de crescimento pessoal e profissional, comprometidas devido a ausência de acessibilidade, ao baixo acesso à saúde, à educação, ao emprego, à cultura e ao lazer. Por não desfrutarem de serviços e oportunidades, os citadinos com deficiência são reduzidos ao isolamento e os Municípios deixam de aproveitar fatia do potencial humano que poderia contribuir para seu sustentável desenvolvimento.