1000 resultados para Peso e medidas corporais


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The purpose of this study was to evaluate the commercial cuts, loin tissues and composition proportions in meant from five racial groups: Alpine, ½ Boer + ½ Alpine (½ BA), ½ Anglo Nubian + ½ Alpine (½ ANA), ¾ Boer + ¼ Alpine (¾ BA), ¼ Boer + ¼ Alpine + ½ Anglo Nubian (Tricross), submitted to three slaughter weights (25, 30 and 35kg) in feedlot, using a complete diet. The crossing of Boer and Anglo Nubian with Alpine females only improved, in kids, the yield of cuts considered third category such as neck and rib. Slaughter body weights between 30 and 35kg should be preferred due to increase in the proportion of the loin, reduction in the proportion of the neck in Alpine and increase in the leg in Alpine and ¾ Boer, beyond the appropriate amounts of intermuscular fat and muscle.


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The aim of the study was to analyze and compare the ultrasound characteristics of adrenal glands between healthy puppies and kittens by establishing standards of normality and references. Fifteen healthy crossbred puppies with mean weight of 3 kg and fifteen healthy crossbred kittens with mean weight of 2 kg, aged between five and six months, participated in the study. The animals were submitted to ultrasound exam of adrenal glands for visualization of their internal characteristics. The frequency of visualization of adrenal glands was 100% in kittens. In puppies the frequency was 75% for the right gland and 100% for the left gland. The puppy's adrenal gland, both right and left, were bigger in length (1.08 ± 0.01 cm, 1.11 ± 0.01 cm) and width (0.42 ± 0.02 cm, 0.45 ± 0.01 cm) in relation to kittens' adrenal gland length (0.64 ± 0.01 cm, 0.63 ± 0.01 cm) and width (0.30 ± 0.02 cm, 0.34 ± 0.01 cm). The adrenal gland of puppies and kittens was hypoechogenic to the surrounded fat, delimited by a hyperechogenic line and without distinction of the cortical and medullar region. The ultrasound dimensions of length and width of the adrenal glands, both right and left, were the same in puppies and kittens. The right and left puppies' adrenal glands were longer and wider than the kittens' glands.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Technology advances and scientific studies in Neonatal Intensive Care Units (NICU) have contributed significantly to reduce mortality and morbidity of at-risk newborns (NB). However, they are more likely to present neurological and/or developmental psychomotor delay with neurological and sensory alterations. Therefore, proposals for neonatal intervention were developed with the aim of protecting the baby and offering appropriate incentives to minimize the effects of hospital intervention. To this end, programs of protective measures such as the Kangaroo Mother Care (KMC) were developed. Given the relevance of the issue described, this systematic review critically appraises articles from the national and international literature, published in recent years (from 2000 to 2011), that describe whether the KMC can be a protective factor for the development of writing in premature infants. The textual search was conducted using the Virtual Health Library (VHL), a website that covers publications worldwide, allowing access to articles from health science, including LILACS, IBECS, MEDLINE, Cochrane Library and SciELO, as database. The findings revealed that infants who participated in the KMC program showed improvements in their development and that factors such as low-birth-weight prematurity and learning disorders have close relationship with the onset of motor impairments and changes in psychomotor development. The findings showed no articles describing the KMC as a protective factor for the incidence of dysgraphia. Thus, we emphasize the importance of conducting further studies on these topics.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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To calculate the estimated and actual height and weight measures in cancer patients, evaluate the correlation and concordance of these measures and to identify the malnutrition patients. 62 cancer patients, treated at the Amaral Carvalho Hospital (Jaú- SP). For classifi cation of nutritional status, the Patient-Generated Subjective Global Assessment, the Body Mass Index and the relationship with usual weight were used. For the estimated weight was used the algorithm Chumlea et al.7 and estimated height, the equation proposed by Chumlea et al.8 and Kwok & Whitelaw24. The Pearson Correlation Coeffi cient and the Intraclass Correlation Coeffi cient was calculated and simple linear regression was conducted. To compare the malnutrition detected by different methods, the Cochran’s Q test were performed. There was a strong and signifi cant correlation between the estimated and actual weight (r=0,95; CI95%=0,92-0,97; p<0,001) and excellent concordance (ρ=0,95). For height measurements, a signifi cant correlation was observed between the actual and estimated measurement the method Chumlea et al.8 (r=0,78; CI95%=0,66-0,86; p<0,001) and Kwok & Whitelaw24 (r=0,85; CI95%: 0,75-0,90; p<0,001). Concordance was “Good” (ρ=0,72) and “Moderate” (ρ=0,67) between the actual height and estimated by Chumlea et al.8 and Kwok & Whitelaw,24 respectively. There was a strong correlation between the actual and estimated weight and height measures. The reproducibility of the equation proposed by Chumlea et al.8 to calculate height was better. The nutritional status, the patients classifi ed as malnutrition was greater when using the Patient-Generated Subjective Global Assessment and the relationship with usual weight.


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The body shape, body yields and morphometric ratios is important for species characterization and evaluation of their productive potential. The aim of this study was to determine the morphometric reasons, the body yields and correlations for male and female suruvi, Steindachneridion scriptum. Was analyzed 30 males and 30 females, and length and weight measurements were made. Was calculated carcass yields and morphometric relationships. The design was complete randomized. Data were subjected to analysis of normality; variance and means were compared by t test and Mann Whitney test. The average total weight of males was 1,583.50 +/- 263.79 g, while the total weight of females was 1,606.66 +/- 185.34 g. The total lengths were 53.42 +/- 2.64 cm for males and 53.35 +/- 1.98 cm for females. Average total weight and total lengths was similar between the sexes (P>0.05). Dress out yields of 65.54 +/- 1.36% (males) and 65.71 +/- 1.20% (females) and edible portions of 41.99 +/- 1.66% (males) and 41.93 +/- 2.05% (females) did not differ significantly between the sexes (P>0.05). The percentage of head relative to the total weight was significantly higher in males (17.67 +/- 1.24%) than in females (16.90 +/- 0.85%). The weight of the viscera such as the percentage relative to the total weight was significantly higher in females. The species has no body yields and morphometric characteristics limitations for commercial production.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The aim of this study was to evaluate the quality of weight measurements produced in Primary Health Care Centers in Botucatu and surroundings. 14 Health Care Centers were included, all of them located in four towns in the area of Botucatu (4,555; 5,656; 18,761 and 128,397 inhabitants). General conditions and scale calibration conditions found in those Health Care Centers were evaluated. In order to evaluate the weight accuracy obtained by the local team, 10 adult users of each Center were addressed by the rater during the service routine in order to get a new weight evaluation, immediately after the measurement made by the team. The statistic method applied for checking the weight measurement held in the Heath Care Center and the scales accuracy was the measurement error technique (MET). The results have showed that out of 19 scales, 6 of them overestimated the weight by 50 grams, 1 of them underestimated the weight by 200 grams and the others were accurate. Evaluated as a group, the result of the scale MET was 44.3g. Regarding the conformity of the measures obtained by the MET of the adults weighing in the Health Care Centers compared to the ones obtained by the researcher, the expected result was obtained in only one Center (< 100g). The results have showed data compromise, rather due to lack of health team training than due to the conditions of the equipment used for the measurement.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Introdução: A obesidade é um dos grandes problemas de Saúde Pública e atinge níveis epidêmicos em grande parte do mundo. A maioria dos indivíduos com excesso de peso são mulheres, no Brasil o tamanho desta população também é expressivo, as em idade fértil são as que apresentam maior risco para o desenvolvimento da obesidade, o que está associado ao ganho de peso excessivo durante a gestação e a retenção de peso após o nascimento. O excesso de peso materno está relacionado a desfechos negativos para saúde materno-infantil. Objetivo: Analisar o peso gestacional e desfechos perinatais em mulheres da região sudeste do Brasil. Método: estudo transversal, com a utilização de dados provenientes de uma coorte nacional, com base hospitalar denominada: Nascer no Brasil: Inquérito Nacional sobre Parto e Nascimento, inquérito realizado no período de 2011 e 2012.Partindo da amostra inicial total do Sudeste composta por 10.154 mulheres entrevistadas e considerando os fatores de inclusão e exclusão para esta pesquisa, chegou-se a uma amostra de 3.405 binômios (mãe /recém-nascido).As variáveis estudadas foram ganho de peso, idade materna, peso pré-gestacional, Índice de Massa Corporal inicial e final, idade gestacional, tipo de parto e peso ao nascer. Análise foi realizada através das medidas de tendência central. Foi utilizado teste de Mann-Whitney para dados de distribuição normal e coeficiente de Pearson para variáveis contínuas. Foram considerados como significante os resultados com um p a 0,05. Resultados: A maioria das participantes apresentou faixa etária entre 21 e 30 anos, os nascimentos ocorreram entre a 38ª e 39ª semana gestacional, e seus recém-nascidos tiveram peso mediano de 3.219 g. Grande parte das pesquisadas (61,04 por cento ) iniciaram a gestação com um estado nutricional considerado adequado e 31,51 por cento apresentavam excesso de peso anterior à gestação. O ganho de peso excessivo ocorreu em todas as categorias de IMC pré-gestacional representando 49,6 por cento da população total estudada. O peso anterior à gestação apresentou elevada correlação com ganho de peso total ao final da gestação. Também foi observada influência do ganho de peso na gestação com a via de parto, idade gestacional e peso do bebê ao nascer. Conclusão: A maioria da população iniciou a gestação com estado nutricional adequado, porém, houve ganho de peso excessivo considerável em todas as categorias de IMC, este influenciou na via de parto onde a maioria aconteceu por operação cesariana e no peso ao nascer. O estado nutricional inicial influencia fortemente o estado nutricional ao final da gestação. Por isto, é importante que os programas de intervenção atuem em todas as etapas deste período, inclusive na conscientização da importância de um peso adequado anterior a concepção. Além de promover ações que auxiliem nos cuidados quanto ao ganho de peso na gestação.


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Introdução: O fenótipo asma-obeso caracteriza-se por uma asma mais grave, no qual o controle clínico é mais difícil de ser alcançado, mesmo sob terapia medicamentosa otimizada. A cirurgia bariátrica tem sido recomendada para perda de peso e melhora dos sintomas, porém os benefícios de intervenções não-cirúrgicas têm sido pouco estudados. Objetivo: Avaliar o efeito do treinamento físico associado a um programa de perda de peso no controle clínico da asma, qualidade de vida e sintomas psicossociais em asmáticos obesos. Métodos: 55 pacientes com asma moderada a grave e obesidade grau II (IMC >= 35 e < 39.9 kg/m2) foram alocados em 2 grupos: programa de perda de peso + placebo (PP+P) ou programa de perda de peso + exercícios (PP+E), sendo que o programa de perda de peso incluiu terapia nutricional e psicológica (12 sessões semanais de 60 minutos cada). O grupo PP+E associou exercícios aeróbios e resistidos programa de perda de peso, enquanto o grupo PP+P associou exercícios placebo (respiratórios e alongamentos), 2xvezes/semana, 60 minutos/sessão durante 3 meses. Antes e após as intervenções, foram avaliados o controle clínico da asma, os fatores de saúde relacionados a qualidade de vida (FSRQV), a capacidade física, a composição corporal, os sintomas de ansiedade e depressão, a qualidade do sono, a função pulmonar e as inflamações das vias aéreas e sistêmica. A comparação dos dados contínuos entre os grupos foi realizada por ANOVA de dois fatores com medidas repetidas e das variáveis categóricas pelo teste qui-quadrado. A correlação linear e a regressão linear múltipla foram utilizadas para avaliar associações entre as variáveis avaliadas. Resultados: Foram analisados os resultados de 51 pacientes que foram reavaliados. Comparado com o grupo PP+P, os pacientes que realizaram exercício apresentaram melhora no controle clínico da asma (- 0,7 [-1,3 - -0,3] vs. -0,3 [-0,9 - 0,4] escore ACQ; p=0,01) e nos FSRQV (0,8 [0,3 -2,0] vs. 0,4 [-0,3 - 0,9] escore AQLQ; p=0,02), respectivamente. Essa melhora parece ter sido consequência do aumento do condicionamento físico (3,0 [2,4-4,0] vs. 0,9 [-0,3-1,3] mL.O2/Kg/min; p < 0,001) e da perda de peso (6,8±3,5% vs. 3,1±2,6% do peso corpóreo; p < 0,001) nos pacientes do grupo PP+E, que também apresentaram uma melhora dos sintomas de depressão, da qualidade do sono (ronco, latência e eficiência) e dos níveis séricos de vitamina D. Houve também melhora da função pulmonar (capacidade vital forçada e volume de reserva expiratório) e das inflamações das vias aéreas (FeNO) e sistêmica (CCL2, CXCL9, IL-4, IL-6, TNF-alfa, IL-10 e leptina/adiponectina), que parecem ser possíveis mecanismos associados à melhora do controle clinico da asma nos pacientes do grupo PP+E (p < 0,05 para todas variáveis apresentadas). Conclusão: A inclusão do treinamento físico em um programa de perda de peso a curto prazo deve ser considerada como uma intervenção eficiente para associar à terapia medicamentosa da asma na melhora do controle clínico em asmáticos obesos