917 resultados para Personal practical knowledge
Includes sections on dairying, beekeeping, gardening, and household hints; recipes in rhyme; some recipes include wine or liquor as an ingredient.
Trata-se de um estudo sobre as rádios e televisões comunitárias em Moçambique. São investigadas as ações implementadas tanto pelo governo como pela sociedade civil, bem como o significado que essas emissoras têm para as populações locais. O objetivo é analisar a importância e a contribuição das rádios e televisões comunitárias para a conscientização das populações moçambicanas e para a realização com vistas ao desenvolvimento local. A metodologia privilegiou a pesquisa bibliográfica e documental, além de entrevistas semi-estruturadas junto a coordenadores das emissoras, entre outros. Foram estudadas 8 emissoras sediadas nas províncias de Zambézia, Sofala, Inhambane, Maputo e Maputo Cidade, de 2004 a 2005, além de ter sido feito um breve resgate do percurso histórico da comunicação em Moçambique nos últimos 15 anos, desde a promulgação da primeira Lei de Imprensa aprovada pela Assembléia da República. Conclui-se que as rádios e a televisões comunitárias são instrumentos de educação e conscientização das pessoas das comunidades investigadas. Elas desempenham um papel importante na vida dos cidadãos, mobilizando-os a se envolverem nas ações de combate à pobreza absoluta que se vive no seu país. São bens comunitários contribuindo para o desenvolvimento sustentável das próprias comunidades
A pesquisa teve como objetivo geral analisar as principais razões pelas quais as empresas públicas paulistas utilizam coaching e mentoring como práticas de compartilhamento de conhecimento. No ano de 2009, foi instituído pelo governador do Estado de São Paulo, o decreto nº 53.963 que instituiu a Política de Gestão do Conhecimento e Inovação para as empresas públicas. Kuniyoshi e Santos (2007) realizaram uma pesquisa, na qual identificaram práticas e iniciativas de gestão do conhecimento adotadas por algumas empresas, dentre elas, coaching e mentoring. As práticas são processos que necessitam de investimento não somente financeiro, mas de tempo e pessoas adequadas, por serem processos mais complexos, instigam a investigação de ações no contexto organizacional de empresas públicas. Este estudo busca contribuir para o desenvolvimento de estudos na área pública. O método utilizado neste estudo de abordagem qualitativa é do tipo exploratória. O objeto desta pesquisa foram as empresas públicas paulistas, que, atualmente, somam 21. Foi realizado estudo de caso, com entrevista e análise documental em duas destas empresas, A Sabesp, empresa do segmento de saneamento de água e esgoto, teve como objetivo analisar a prática de coaching e, o Instituto de Pesquisa Tecnológicas (IPT), referência nacional em metrologia, teve como objetivo analisar a prática de mentoring. Uma vez que não existem práticas exclusivas à Gestão do Conhecimento, e o sucesso de uma prática está relacionado ao contexto na qual está inserida. No caso da Sabesp, a prática de coaching é utilizada como uma das atividades dentro de dois programas, visando desenvolver o capital humano como força competitiva. O IPT teve como objetivo da aplicação do programa de mentoring, especificamente, o compartilhar conhecimento tácito. Foi constatado que as práticas de coaching e mentoring podem ser utilizadas como recurso capaz de tornar a empresa singular perante as demais, mesmo empresas públicas não tendo foco em competitividade, mas utilizam o conhecimento de forma estratégica para melhorar a qualidade de atendimento à sociedade.
Knowledge is of crucial, and growing importance in social, political and economic relations in modern society. The range and variety of available knowledge dramatically enlarges the available options of social action. Featuring essays from philosophers who have investigated the foundations of knowledge, and addressing different forms of knowledge in society such as common sense and practical knowledge, this collection also discusses the role of knowledge in economic process and gives attention to the role of expert knowledge in political decision making.
Background: Some Australian pharmacists use continuing education to maintain knowledge and acquire new information. There has been a progression from continuing education to continuing professional development (CPD) - a mandatory requirement for pharmacists in all jurisdictions of Australia. Aim: To identify post-registration learning trends of community pharmacists in Western Australia. Method: A questionnaire was developed and administered by face-to-face interviews with community pharmacists in metropolitan Perth. Pharmacists registered for less than 12 months and pharmacists working in hospitals were excluded. Results: 103 pharmacists were approached with a response rate of 95%. Journals (41%), reference books (23%) and the Internet (18%) were the most commonly used educational resources cited by pharmacists. Keeping scientific information up-to-date (39%) and gathering practical knowledge (22%) were the leading motivators for pharmacists to participate in continuing education. Factors that hindered participation in continuing education included lack of time (34%), family commitments (21%) and business commitments (21%). 79% of pharmacists agreed with the concept of mandatory CPD. 47% of pharmacists suggested that the primary sanction for not complying with mandatory CPD should be counselling to determine reasons for non-compliance. Conclusion: Community pharmacists preferred educational resources that were easily accessible at convenient times. Most pharmacists were able to fulfil the requirements of CPD, however, further educational support and promotion would ensure the successful uptake of CPD by community pharmacists in Western Australia.
DUE TO COPYRIGHT RESTRICTIONS ONLY AVAILABLE FOR CONSULTATION AT ASTON UNIVERSITY LIBRARY AND INFORMATION SERVICES WITH PRIOR ARRANGEMENT One of the current research trends in Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) involves examining the critical factors for its successful implementation. However, such research is limited to system implementation, not focusing on the flexibility of ERP to respond to changes in business. Therefore, this study explores a combination system, made up of an ERP and informality, intended to provide organisations with efficient and flexible performance simultaneously. In addition, this research analyses the benefits and challenges of using the system. The research was based on socio-technical system (STS) theory which contains two dimensions: 1) a technical dimension which evaluates the performance of the system; and 2) a social dimension which examines the impact of the system on an organisation. A mixed method approach has been followed in this research. The qualitative part aims to understand the constraints of using a single ERP system, and to define a new system corresponding to these problems. To achieve this goal, four Chinese companies operating in different industries were studied, all of which faced challenges in using an ERP system due to complexity and uncertainty in their business environments. The quantitative part contains a discrete-event simulation study that is intended to examine the impact of operational performance when a company implements the hybrid system in a real-life situation. Moreover, this research conducts a further qualitative case study, the better to understand the influence of the system in an organisation. The empirical aspect of the study reveals that an ERP with pre-determined business activities cannot react promptly to unanticipated changes in a business. Incorporating informality into an ERP can react to different situations by using different procedures that are based on the practical knowledge of frontline employees. Furthermore, the simulation study shows that the combination system can achieve a balance between efficiency and flexibility. Unlike existing research, which emphasises a continuous improvement in the IT functions of an enterprise system, this research contributes to providing a definition of a new system in theory, which has mixed performance and contains both the formal practices embedded in an ERP and informal activities based on human knowledge. It supports both cost-efficiency in executing business transactions and flexibility in coping with business uncertainty.This research also indicates risks of using the system, such as using an ERP with limited functions; a high cost for performing informally; and a low system acceptance, owing to a shift in organisational culture. With respect to practical contribution, this research suggests that companies can choose the most suitable enterprise system approach in accordance with their operational strategies. The combination system can be implemented in a company that needs to operate a medium amount of volume and variety. By contrast, the traditional ERP system is better suited in a company that operates a high-level volume market, while an informal system is more suitable for a firm with a requirement for a high level of variety.
This thesis describes advances in the characterisation, calibration and data processing of optical coherence tomography (OCT) systems. Femtosecond (fs) laser inscription was used for producing OCT-phantoms. Transparent materials are generally inert to infra-red radiations, but with fs lasers material modification occurs via non-linear processes when the highly focused light source interacts with the materials. This modification is confined to the focal volume and is highly reproducible. In order to select the best inscription parameters, combination of different inscription parameters were tested, using three fs laser systems, with different operating properties, on a variety of materials. This facilitated the understanding of the key characteristics of the produced structures with the aim of producing viable OCT-phantoms. Finally, OCT-phantoms were successfully designed and fabricated in fused silica. The use of these phantoms to characterise many properties (resolution, distortion, sensitivity decay, scan linearity) of an OCT system was demonstrated. Quantitative methods were developed to support the characterisation of an OCT system collecting images from phantoms and also to improve the quality of the OCT images. Characterisation methods include the measurement of the spatially variant resolution (point spread function (PSF) and modulation transfer function (MTF)), sensitivity and distortion. Processing of OCT data is a computer intensive process. Standard central processing unit (CPU) based processing might take several minutes to a few hours to process acquired data, thus data processing is a significant bottleneck. An alternative choice is to use expensive hardware-based processing such as field programmable gate arrays (FPGAs). However, recently graphics processing unit (GPU) based data processing methods have been developed to minimize this data processing and rendering time. These processing techniques include standard-processing methods which includes a set of algorithms to process the raw data (interference) obtained by the detector and generate A-scans. The work presented here describes accelerated data processing and post processing techniques for OCT systems. The GPU based processing developed, during the PhD, was later implemented into a custom built Fourier domain optical coherence tomography (FD-OCT) system. This system currently processes and renders data in real time. Processing throughput of this system is currently limited by the camera capture rate. OCTphantoms have been heavily used for the qualitative characterization and adjustment/ fine tuning of the operating conditions of OCT system. Currently, investigations are under way to characterize OCT systems using our phantoms. The work presented in this thesis demonstrate several novel techniques of fabricating OCT-phantoms and accelerating OCT data processing using GPUs. In the process of developing phantoms and quantitative methods, a thorough understanding and practical knowledge of OCT and fs laser processing systems was developed. This understanding leads to several novel pieces of research that are not only relevant to OCT but have broader importance. For example, extensive understanding of the properties of fs inscribed structures will be useful in other photonic application such as making of phase mask, wave guides and microfluidic channels. Acceleration of data processing with GPUs is also useful in other fields.
A Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem Versenyképességkutató Központjának 2004-ben lekérdezett kérdőíve alapján, ami 154 feldolgozóipari vállalat adatait tartalmazza, azt vizsgáljuk, hogy az ellátási lánc három lényeges vállalati funkciója, a marketing, a termelés és a logisztika milyen mértékben járul hozzá az üzleti eredményességhez. Az eredmények szerint a marketingnek és a termelésnek erősebb hatása van a vállalati teljesítményre, mint a logisztikának. A három funkció együttesen csekély, bár statisztikai értelemben szignifikáns szerepet játszik az üzleti sikerben. _____ Companies are complex organizations where a lot of activities and processes have to work properly in order to reach success. Depending on several factors, sometimes some activities get more emphasis while others work in the background. Since organizational functions have separate literature and practical knowledge, and transit between them is rare, we do have very little knowledge on how the various functions together contribute to company success. Based on a wide-scale empirical study on Hungarian competitiveness, which includes data on 154 companies from the process industry, we examine to what extent three functions of the supply chain, marketing, manufacturing and logistics, can contribute to business success. Results show that marketing and manufacturing have larger effect on company performance than logistics. However, the three functions together play a minor, although significant role in company success.
In this paper we describe the social network of CouchSurfing as an innovative, non-monetary model for the traditional international hospitality and travel market. This paper is written to describe our understanding of how it can operate and expand in spite of potential risks and uncertainties. We present the results of an exploratory qualitative research project that was conducted in Hungary in 2012/13. The findings indicate that: (1) a high level of trust as a personality trait characterizes members; (2) trust can be interpreted as a strong cultural rule; (3) members perceive a low level of risk and have limited practical knowledge about the safety features of the system; and (4) trust towards a given member is not based on rational calculation but on emotions.
Denna studie syftar till att undersöka hur en stor organisation arbetar med förvaltning av information genom att undersöka dess nuvarande informationsförvaltning, samt undersöka eventuella förslag till framtida informationsförvaltning. Vidare syftar studien också till att undersöka hur en stor organisation kan etablera en tydlig styrning, samverkan, hantering och ansvars- och rollfördelning kring informationsförvaltning. Denna studie är kvalitativ, där datainsamlingen sker genom dokumentstudier och intervjuer. Studien bedrivs med abduktion och är en normativ fallstudie då studiens mål är att ge vägledning och föreslå åtgärder till det fall som uppdragsgivaren har bett mig att studera. Fallet i denna studie är ett typiskt fall, då studiens resultat kan vara i intresse för fler än studiens uppdragsgivare, exempelvis organisationer med liknande informationsmiljö. För att samla teori till studien så har jag genomfört litteraturstudier om ämnen som är relevanta för studiens syfte: Informationsförvaltning, Business Intelligence, Data Warehouse och dess arkitektur, samt Business Intelligence Competency Center. Denna studie bidrar med praktiskt kunskapsbidrag, då studien ger svar på praktiska problem. Uppdragsgivaren har haft praktiska problem i och med en icke fungerade informationsförvaltning, och denna studie har bidragit med förslag på framtida informationsförvaltning. Förslaget på framtida informationsförvaltning involverar ett centraliserat Data Warehouse, samt utvecklingen utav en verksamhet som hanterar informationsförvaltning och styrningen kring informationsförvaltningen inom hela organisationen.
This collection is the result of theoretical considerations made in the education field with emphasis on the teacher’s professional development. The diversity of authors, which came from distinctive higher education institutions located in Brazil and some arising from international context, reveals a multiplicity of relations between the themes that blend the centrality of “Rede de Aprendizado em Foco”. The studies and researches are organized around three themes: teacher’s learning in initial training and professional integration; teacher learning’s evaluations process and policies; and teacher’s professional development. The professionality’s formation in a period of deep and complex transformations in the social and educational scenarios is projected as a big challenge, especially when it is understood that a person is not born as a teacher, but it is constituted as such by processes that occur over a long period. The contact with the professional practice stands as an essential element in the context of teacher training, which in the course of professional learning experience different stages of training. The one that should be highlighted would be the learning moments that involve teaching’s practices. Thus, the main point of this work was based on the reflection of the teacher’s formative processes from the initial training to the professional development going through the teaching practice, which is considered as the beginning of the relationship between theoretical and practical knowledge in the context of educational reality and reporting formative experiences that have contributed to this training.
O presente documento consiste num Relatório de Estágio, realizado no âmbito da unidade curricular Dissertação/Estágio/Projeto, afeta ao Mestrado em Línguas e Relações Empresariais, da Universidade de Aveiro (MLRE). Este relatório incide sobre uma descrição e uma análise crítica do trabalho realizado durante o Estágio Curricular que realizei, ao longo de seis meses, no Departamento de OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) da Teka Portugal, S.A., em Ílhavo. O objetivo principal das tarefas de que fui incumbida prendeu-se com uma otimização da informação de âmbito negocial que envolve todo o processo de venda OEM. Na realização deste trabalho, foram muito úteis os conhecimentos teóricos e práticos que adquiri ao longo dos cursos de Licenciatura e de Mestrado em Línguas e Relações Empresariais na Universidade de Aveiro.
Objective of the thesis is to develop project management procedure for chilled beam projects. In organization is recognized that project management techniques could help in large and complex projects. Information sharing have been challenging in projects, so improvement of information sharing is one key topic of the thesis. Academic researches and literature are used to find suitable project management theories and methods. Main theories are related to phases of the project and project management tools. Practical knowledge of project management is collected from two project business oriented companies. Project management tools are chosen and modified to fulfill needs of the beam projects. Result of the thesis is proposed project management procedure, which includes phases of the chilled beam projects and project milestones. Project management procedure helps to recognize the most critical phases of the project and tools help to manage information of the project. Procedure increases knowledge of the project management techniques and tools. It also forms coherent project management working method among the chilled beam project group.
Os fenómenos migratórios têm contribuído para a configuração de uma realidade sociocultural diversa que marca as sociedades do século XXI. Portugal não é exceção, sendo um dos países onde mais aumentou proporcionalmente a imigração legal permanente, fenómeno coexistente com a emigração da sua população. Neste contexto de migrações reconfiguram-se identidades, não apenas para os migrantes mas também para os autóctones, cuja (re)construção balança entre a semelhança e a diferença. Sem esta relação, a identidade fica comprometida, pois ela existe fundamentalmente pelo reconhecimento dos outros. A liberdade cultural e linguística é também uma dimensão do desenvolvimento humano, pelo que tem vindo a ganhar proeminência a promoção da diversidade linguística e cultural, e a consequente educação intercultural, que se assume como espaço privilegiado de reflexão e ação. Defende-se que a verdadeira integração dos imigrantes terá de ser multilingue e não pode ser realizada apagando as suas diferenças, nem obrigando-os a abandonar as suas línguas nativas e culturas. O domínio da Língua Portuguesa é uma das vias mais poderosas para a integração dos estrangeiros a residir em Portugal, tanto como garantia da autonomia individual que faculta o exercício de uma cidadania ativa, como de harmonia social ao nível coletivo. A escola portuguesa, atenta a este facto, vê reconhecida, por parte do Ministério da Educação, a Língua Portuguesa como fator de integração. Todavia, esse reconhecimento contrasta com a indiferença perante as línguas maternas dos alunos estrangeiros, ignorando-se, assim, um importante elemento das suas pertenças identitárias. Neste âmbito, alguns autores afirmam que a escola portuguesa nem sempre tem praticado uma verdadeira educação intercultural, adotando, pelo contrário, parte das características hegemónicas da cultura dominante, o que se traduz, por conseguinte, no esmagamento simbólico (coletivo) das culturas minoritárias. O nosso estudo usa as Representações Sociais como formas de conhecimento prático que permitem a compreensão do mundo e a comunicação, proporcionando coerência às dinâmicas sociais. Procurámos fazer, através delas, uma leitura da valorização da diversidade linguística e cultural na escola, uma vez que as Representações Sociais que se têm do Outro justificam a forma como se interage com ele e imprimem direção às relações intra e intergrupais. A investigação que aqui apresentamos procura dar primazia à “voz” do aluno como fonte de conhecimento, aos fenómenos, a partir das experiências interindividuais e intergrupais, e à forma como as pessoas experienciam e interpretam o mundo social que constroem interativamente. Para esse efeito, recolhemos dados através de entrevistas semidiretivas individuais junto de dez alunos autóctones e dez alunosestrangeiros de uma mesma escola. Complementarmente, realizámos entrevistas aos Encarregados de Educação de oito dos alunos entrevistados, quatro de cada grupo, aos cinco Diretores de Turma desses alunos e ao Diretor da escola. Do ponto de vista metodológico, a presente investigação desenvolveu-se de acordo com uma abordagem de natureza qualitativa, relacionada com um paradigma fenomenológico-interpretativo – os fenómenos humanos e educativos apresentam-se, na sua complexidade, intimamente relacionados e a sua compreensão exige a reconciliação entre a epistemologia e o compromisso ético. Procurando uma leitura global dos resultados obtidos, e à semelhança de alguns estudos, a nossa investigação demonstra que, ao não se promover proativamente uma educação intercultural – designadamente a sua função de crítica cultural e o combate a estereótipos e preconceitos que essencializam as diferenças do Outro culturalmente diverso –, a escola não prepara os alunos para a sociedade contemporânea, culturalmente diversa, dinâmica e com um elevado nível de incerteza, nem para uma abordagem positiva e frontal dos conflitos em toda a sua complexidade. À escola impõem-se ainda muitos desafios relativos às muitas diversidades que acolhe no seu seio, de forma a que todos aqueles que constituem a comunidade escolar – designadamente os alunos, sejam eles estrangeiros ou autóctones – se sintam parte integrante dela, respeitados tanto pelas suas raízes, como pelas múltiplas pertenças dinamicamente em (re)construção, como, ainda, pelos seus projetos de futuro. A informação, por si só, não promove a ação. Revela-se necessária a adoção de estratégias de intervenção que concretizem a informação nas práticas escolares quotidianas, que promovam encontros positivamente significativos, que favoreçam a igualdade social e o reconhecimento das diferenças e, ainda, que previnam atitudes discriminatórias. Para essas estratégias de intervenção serem uma constante no quotidiano das nossas escolas, a didática intercultural deve ser incentivada e operacionalizada, tanto na prática pedagógica como na formação inicial e contínua dos professores.
This project proposes a feminist intervention in how affect and publics are theorized in public relations research. Drawing from extant literature, I argue that public relations theories of affect and publics have been apolitical and lack depth and context (Leitch & Motion, 2010a). Using the context of the online childhood vaccine debate, I illustrate several theories and concepts of the new feminist affective turn, as well as postmodern theories of affect, relevant to public relations research: (a) Public Feelings, “ugly” feelings, agency, and community (Cvetkovich, 2012; Ngai, 2007); (b) passionate politics (Mouffe, 2014); (c) postmodern assemblages, biopower, and body politics (Deleuze & Guattari, 1988; Foucault, 1984); (d) affective facts and logics of future threats (Massumi, 2010); and (e) affective ethics (Bertleson & Murphie, 2010). Scholarship in the areas of public relations, risk, feminist and postmodern affect theory, and the vaccine debate provided theoretical grounding for this project. My research questions asked: How is feminist affect theory embodied by mothers in the vaccine debate? How do mothers understand risks as affective facts in the vaccine debate (if at all)? What affective logics are used by mothers in the vaccine debate (if any)? And, What are sources of knowledge for mothers in the vaccine debate? Multi-sited online ethnographic methods were used to explore how feminist affect theory contributes to public relations research, including 29 one-on-one in-depth interviews with mothers of young children and participant observation of 15 online discussions about vaccines on parenting websites BabyCenter.com, TheBump.com, and WhatToExpect.com. I used snowball sampling to recruit interview participants and grounded theory (Glaser & Strauss, 1967) to analyze interview and online data. Results show that feminist affect theory contributes to theoretical and practical knowledge in public relations by politicizing and contextualizing understandings of publics and elucidating how affective facts and logics inform publics’ knowledge and choices, specifically in the context of risk. I also found evidence of suppression of dissent (Martin, 2015) and academic bias in vaccine debate research, which resulted in cultures of silence. Further areas of study included how specific contexts such as motherhood and issues of privilege and access affect publics’ experiences, knowledges, and choices.