936 resultados para Pattern recognition, target tracking
A pursuer UAV tracking and loitering around a target is the problem analyzed in this thesis. The UAV is assumed to be a fixed-wing vehicle and constant airspeed together with bounded lateral accelerations are the main constraints of the problem. Three different guidance laws are designed for ensuring a continuos overfly on the target. Different proofs are presented to demonstrate the stability properties of the laws. All the algorithms are tested on a 6DoF Pioneer software simulator. Classic control design methods have been adopted to develop autopilots for implementig the simulation platform used for testing the guidance laws.
Lo studio dell’intelligenza artificiale si pone come obiettivo la risoluzione di una classe di problemi che richiedono processi cognitivi difficilmente codificabili in un algoritmo per essere risolti. Il riconoscimento visivo di forme e figure, l’interpretazione di suoni, i giochi a conoscenza incompleta, fanno capo alla capacità umana di interpretare input parziali come se fossero completi, e di agire di conseguenza. Nel primo capitolo della presente tesi sarà costruito un semplice formalismo matematico per descrivere l’atto di compiere scelte. Il processo di “apprendimento” verrà descritto in termini della massimizzazione di una funzione di prestazione su di uno spazio di parametri per un ansatz di una funzione da uno spazio vettoriale ad un insieme finito e discreto di scelte, tramite un set di addestramento che descrive degli esempi di scelte corrette da riprodurre. Saranno analizzate, alla luce di questo formalismo, alcune delle più diffuse tecniche di artificial intelligence, e saranno evidenziate alcune problematiche derivanti dall’uso di queste tecniche. Nel secondo capitolo lo stesso formalismo verrà applicato ad una ridefinizione meno intuitiva ma più funzionale di funzione di prestazione che permetterà, per un ansatz lineare, la formulazione esplicita di un set di equazioni nelle componenti del vettore nello spazio dei parametri che individua il massimo assoluto della funzione di prestazione. La soluzione di questo set di equazioni sarà trattata grazie al teorema delle contrazioni. Una naturale generalizzazione polinomiale verrà inoltre mostrata. Nel terzo capitolo verranno studiati più nel dettaglio alcuni esempi a cui quanto ricavato nel secondo capitolo può essere applicato. Verrà introdotto il concetto di grado intrinseco di un problema. Verranno inoltre discusse alcuni accorgimenti prestazionali, quali l’eliminazione degli zeri, la precomputazione analitica, il fingerprinting e il riordino delle componenti per lo sviluppo parziale di prodotti scalari ad alta dimensionalità. Verranno infine introdotti i problemi a scelta unica, ossia quella classe di problemi per cui è possibile disporre di un set di addestramento solo per una scelta. Nel quarto capitolo verrà discusso più in dettaglio un esempio di applicazione nel campo della diagnostica medica per immagini, in particolare verrà trattato il problema della computer aided detection per il rilevamento di microcalcificazioni nelle mammografie.
Detection, localization and tracking of non-collaborative objects moving inside an area is of great interest to many surveillance applications. An ultra- wideband (UWB) multistatic radar is considered as a good infrastructure for such anti-intruder systems, due to the high range resolution provided by the UWB impulse-radio and the spatial diversity achieved with a multistatic configuration. Detection of targets, which are typically human beings, is a challenging task due to reflections from unwanted objects in the area, shadowing, antenna cross-talks, low transmit power, and the blind zones arised from intrinsic peculiarities of UWB multistatic radars. Hence, we propose more effective detection, localization, as well as clutter removal techniques for these systems. However, the majority of the thesis effort is devoted to the tracking phase, which is an essential part for improving the localization accuracy, predicting the target position and filling out the missed detections. Since UWB radars are not linear Gaussian systems, the widely used tracking filters, such as the Kalman filter, are not expected to provide a satisfactory performance. Thus, we propose the Bayesian filter as an appropriate candidate for UWB radars. In particular, we develop tracking algorithms based on particle filtering, which is the most common approximation of Bayesian filtering, for both single and multiple target scenarios. Also, we propose some effective detection and tracking algorithms based on image processing tools. We evaluate the performance of our proposed approaches by numerical simulations. Moreover, we provide experimental results by channel measurements for tracking a person walking in an indoor area, with the presence of a significant clutter. We discuss the existing practical issues and address them by proposing more robust algorithms.
Chronic lung infections by Pseudomonas aeruginosa strains are a major cause of morbidity and mortality in cystic fibrosis (CF) patients. Although there is no clear evidence for a primary defect in the immune system of CF patients, the host is generally unable to clear P. aeruginosa from the airways. PTX3 is a soluble pattern recognition receptor that plays nonredundant roles in the innate immune response to fungi, bacteria, and viruses. In particular, PTX3 deficiency is associated with increased susceptibility to P. aeruginosa lung infection. To address the potential therapeutic effect of PTX3 in P. aeruginosa lung infection, we established persistent and progressive infections in mice with the RP73 clinical strain RP73 isolated from a CF patient and treated them with recombinant human PTX3. The results indicated that PTX3 has a potential therapeutic effect in P. aeruginosa chronic lung infection by reducing lung colonization, proinflammatory cytokine levels (CXCL1, CXCL2, CCL2, and IL-1β), and leukocyte recruitment in the airways. In models of acute infections and in in vitro assays, the prophagocytic effect of PTX3 was maintained in C1q-deficient mice and was lost in C3- and Fc common γ-chain-deficient mice, suggesting that facilitated recognition and phagocytosis of pathogens through the interplay between complement and FcγRs are involved in the therapeutic effect mediated by PTX3. These data suggested that PTX3 is a potential therapeutic tool in chronic P. aeruginosa lung infections, such as those seen in CF patients.
This book will serve as a foundation for a variety of useful applications of graph theory to computer vision, pattern recognition, and related areas. It covers a representative set of novel graph-theoretic methods for complex computer vision and pattern recognition tasks. The first part of the book presents the application of graph theory to low-level processing of digital images such as a new method for partitioning a given image into a hierarchy of homogeneous areas using graph pyramids, or a study of the relationship between graph theory and digital topology. Part II presents graph-theoretic learning algorithms for high-level computer vision and pattern recognition applications, including a survey of graph based methodologies for pattern recognition and computer vision, a presentation of a series of computationally efficient algorithms for testing graph isomorphism and related graph matching tasks in pattern recognition and a new graph distance measure to be used for solving graph matching problems. Finally, Part III provides detailed descriptions of several applications of graph-based methods to real-world pattern recognition tasks. It includes a critical review of the main graph-based and structural methods for fingerprint classification, a new method to visualize time series of graphs, and potential applications in computer network monitoring and abnormal event detection.
In a statistical inference scenario, the estimation of target signal or its parameters is done by processing data from informative measurements. The estimation performance can be enhanced if we choose the measurements based on some criteria that help to direct our sensing resources such that the measurements are more informative about the parameter we intend to estimate. While taking multiple measurements, the measurements can be chosen online so that more information could be extracted from the data in each measurement process. This approach fits well in Bayesian inference model often used to produce successive posterior distributions of the associated parameter. We explore the sensor array processing scenario for adaptive sensing of a target parameter. The measurement choice is described by a measurement matrix that multiplies the data vector normally associated with the array signal processing. The adaptive sensing of both static and dynamic system models is done by the online selection of proper measurement matrix over time. For the dynamic system model, the target is assumed to move with some distribution and the prior distribution at each time step is changed. The information gained through adaptive sensing of the moving target is lost due to the relative shift of the target. The adaptive sensing paradigm has many similarities with compressive sensing. We have attempted to reconcile the two approaches by modifying the observation model of adaptive sensing to match the compressive sensing model for the estimation of a sparse vector.
As a result of advances in mobile technology, new services which benefit from the ubiquity of these devices are appearing. Some of these services require the identification of the subject since they may access private user information. In this paper, we propose to identify each user by drawing his/her handwritten signature in the air (in-airsignature). In order to assess the feasibility of an in-airsignature as a biometric feature, we have analysed the performance of several well-known patternrecognitiontechniques—Hidden Markov Models, Bayes classifiers and dynamic time warping—to cope with this problem. Each technique has been tested in the identification of the signatures of 96 individuals. Furthermore, the robustness of each method against spoofing attacks has also been analysed using six impostors who attempted to emulate every signature. The best results in both experiments have been reached by using a technique based on dynamic time warping which carries out the recognition by calculating distances to an average template extracted from several training instances. Finally, a permanence analysis has been carried out in order to assess the stability of in-airsignature over time.
Distributed target tracking in wireless sensor networks (WSN) is an important problem, in which agreement on the target state can be achieved using conventional consensus methods, which take long to converge. We propose distributed particle filtering based on belief propagation (DPF-BP) consensus, a fast method for target tracking. According to our simulations, DPF-BP provides better performance than DPF based on standard belief consensus (DPF-SBC) in terms of disagreement in the network. However, in terms of root-mean square error, it can outperform DPF-SBC only for a specific number of consensus iterations.
A novel methodology for damage detection and location in structures is proposed. The methodology is based on strain measurements and consists in the development of strain field pattern recognition techniques. The aforementioned are based on PCA (principal component analysis) and damage indices (T 2 and Q). We propose the use of fiber Bragg gratings (FBGs) as strain sensors
In this paper, we analyze the performance of several well-known pattern recognition and dimensionality reduction techniques when applied to mass-spectrometry data for odor biometric identification. Motivated by the successful results of previous works capturing the odor from other parts of the body, this work attempts to evaluate the feasibility of identifying people by the odor emanated from the hands. By formulating this task according to a machine learning scheme, the problem is identified with a small-sample-size supervised classification problem in which the input data is formed by mass spectrograms from the hand odor of 13 subjects captured in different sessions. The high dimensionality of the data makes it necessary to apply feature selection and extraction techniques together with a simple classifier in order to improve the generalization capabilities of the model. Our experimental results achieve recognition rates over 85% which reveals that there exists discriminatory information in the hand odor and points at body odor as a promising biometric identifier.