949 resultados para Patient-Doctor Communication


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The research reports on a survey of 228 blind and partially sighted persons in 15 health authorities across Scotland. The survey reports data on patient experience of receiving health information in accessible reading formats. Data indicated that about 90% of blind and partially sighted persons did not receive communications from various NHS health departments in a format that they could read by themselves. The implications for patient privacy, confidentiality and wider impact on life and health care are highlighted. The implications for professional ethical medical practice and for public policy are also discussed. Recommendations for improved practice are made.


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Suicide in Scotland is considered an urgent public health issue affecting all aspects of society. The aim of this study was to explore how a patient suicide impacts on members of a community mental health team (CMHT). Six members of one CMHT were interviewed on two occasions, approximately nine months following a patient suicide. An interpretative descriptive model, drawing on elements of grounded theory, phenomenology end ethnography was chosen, using semistructured interviews for data collection. Three main themes of emotional response, communication and clinical implications were clearly described. Emotional response included feelings of shock and surprise, concern and personal impact. Communication included examples of personal, team and management communication in the days and weeks following the suicide. Clinical aspects discussed included the non-replacement of staff and training and experience as sub-themes. Findings in relation to the wider published literature are discussed


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To describe the protocol used to examine the processes of communication between health professionals, patients and informal carers during the management of oral chemotherapeutic medicines to identify factors that promote or inhibit medicine concordance.

Ideally communication practices about oral medicines should incorporate shared decision-making, two-way dialogue and an equality of role between practitioner and patient. While there is evidence that healthcare professionals are adopting these concordant elements in general practice there are still some patients who have a passive role during consultations. Considering oral chemotherapeutic medications, there is a paucity of research about communication practices which is surprising given the high risk of toxicity associated with chemotherapy.

A critical ethnographic design will be used, incorporating non-participant observations, individual semi-structured and focus-group interviews as several collecting methods.

Observations will be carried out on the interactions between healthcare professionals (physicians, nurses and pharmacists) and patients in the outpatient departments where prescriptions are explained and supplied and on follow-up consultations where treatment regimens are monitored. Interviews will be conducted with patients and their informal carers. Focus-groups will be carried out with healthcare professionals at the conclusion of the study. These several will be analysed using thematic analysis. This research is funded by the Department for Employment and Learning in Northern Ireland (Awarded February 2012).

Dissemination of these findings will contribute to the understanding of issues involved when communicating with people about oral chemotherapy. It is anticipated that findings will inform education, practice and policy.


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Background: The drive for non-medical prescribing has progressed quickly since the late 1990s and involves a range of healthcare professionals including pharmacists. As part of a commissioned research project, this qualitative element of a larger case study focused on the views of patients of pharmacist prescribers. 

Objective: The aim of this study was to explore patients' perspectives of pharmacists as prescribers. 

Methods: Three pharmacists working as independent prescribers in the clinical areas of (i) hypertension, (ii) cardiovascular/diabetes management, (iii) anticoagulation were recruited to three case studies of pharmacist prescribing in Northern Ireland. One hundred and five patients were invited to participate in focus groups after they had been prescribed for by the pharmacist. Focus groups took place between November 2010 and March 2011 (ethical/governance approvals granted) were audio taped, transcribed verbatim, read independently by two authors and analysed using constant comparative analysis. 

Results: Thirty-four patients agreed to participate across seven focus groups. Analysis revealed the emergence of one overarching theme: team approach to patient care. A number of subthemes related to the role of the pharmacist, the role of the doctor and patient benefits. There was an overwhelming lack of awareness of pharmacist prescribing. Patients discussed the importance of a multidisciplinary approach to their care and recognized limitations of the current model of prescribing. 

Conclusion: Patients were positive about pharmacist prescribing and felt that a team approach to their care was the ideal model especially when treating those with more complex conditions. Despite positive attitudes, there was a general lack of awareness of this new mode of practice.


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CONTEXT: There is little room in clerkship curricula for students to express emotions, particularly those associated with the development of a caring identity. Yet it is recognised that competence, alone, does not make a good doctor. We therefore set out to explore the relationship between emotions and identity in clerkship education. Our exploration was conceptually oriented towards Figured Worlds theory, which is linked to Bakhtin's theory of dialogism.

METHODS: Nine female and one male member of a mixed student cohort kept audio-diaries and participated in both semi-structured and cognitive individual interviews. The researchers identified 43 emotionally salient utterances in the dataset and subjected them to critical discourse analysis. They applied Figured Worlds constructs to within-case and cross-case analyses, supporting one another's reflexivity and openness to different interpretations, and constantly comparing their evolving interpretation against the complete set of transcripts.

RESULTS: Students' emotions were closely related to their identity development in the world of medicine. Patients were disempowered by their illnesses. Doctors were powerful because they could treat those illnesses. Students expressed positive emotions when they were granted positions in the world of medicine and were able to identify with the figures of doctors or other health professionals. They identified with doctors who behaved in caring and professionally appropriate ways towards patients and supportively towards students. Students expressed negative emotions when they were unable to develop their identities.

CONCLUSIONS: Critical discourse analysis has uncovered a link between students' emotions and their identity development in the powerful world of becoming and being a doctor. At present, identity development, emotions and power are mostly tacit in undergraduate clinical curricula. We speculate that helping students to express emotions and exercise power in the most effective ways might help them to develop caring identities.


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Objective: Communication skills can be trained alongside clinical reasoning, history taking or clinical examination skills. This is advocated as a solution to the low transfer of communication skills. Still, students have to integrate the knowledge/skills acquired during different curriculum parts in patient consultations at some point. How do medical students experience these integrated consultations within a simulated environment and in real practice when dealing with responsibility?

Methods: Six focus groups were conducted with (pre-)/clerkship students.

Results: Students were motivated to practice integrated consultations with simulated patients and felt like 'real physicians'. However, their focus on medical problem solving drew attention away from improving their communication skills. Responsibility for real patients triggered students' identity development. This identity formation guided the development of an own consultation style, a process that was hampered by conflicting demands of role models.

Conclusion: Practicing complete consultations results in the dilemma of prioritizing medical problem solving above attention for patient communication. Integrated consultation training advances this dilemma to the pre-clerkship period. During clerkships this dilemma is heightened because real patients trigger empathy and responsibility, which invites students to define their role as doctor.

Practice Implications: When training integrated consultations, educators should pay attention to students' learning priorities and support the development of students' professional identity.


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This article explores the factors that contribute to patient safety incidents. It highlights the importance of human factors in influencing the clinician's performance. Rather than focusing on clinical skills, the article explores the range of non-technical skills which are seen to each contribute to patient safety, including: communication, teamworking, leadership, active followership, situational awareness, decision-making, assertiveness, and workload management. It asks how cognitive processes can influence safe decision-making.


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RESUMO ABSTRACT Comunicações orais e Posters Oral communications and posters Este formulário, após preenchido, e aceites as condições descritas no regulamento das Comunicações orais e Posters deve ser enviado para isnr@porto.ucp.pt After complete this form and accept the conditions described in the oral communications and posters regulation, please sent to isnr@porto.ucp.pt Tipo de comunicação (comunicação oral ou poster): Comunicação oral Type of communication: (oral communication or poster): Oral comunication Título (Title): “CAPACITAR O DOENTE ONCOLÓGICO COM DOENÇA AVANÇADA E/OU O CUIDADOR PARA A GESTÃO DA DOR EM DOMICÍLIO” “EMPOWER THE ONCOLOGIC PATIENT WITH ADVANCED DISEASE AT HOME AND/OR THE CAREGIVER FOR THE MANAGEMENT OF PAIN” Autoria (Authors): CORREIA, Isabel* (doutoranda em Enfermagem na Universidade de Lisboa) LOPES, Manuel (orientador do projeto) Afiliação dos autores (Authors affiliation): – Professora adjunta na Universidade de Évora, Escola Superior de Enfermagem de São João de Deus de Évora, doutoranda em enfermagem Universidade de Lisboa - – Professor Doutor em Enfermagem, Diretor da Escola Superior de Enfermagem de São João de Deus de Évora, Universidade de Évora E-mail: icorreia@uevora.pt - 964078445 mjl@uevora.pt Resumo (3000 caracteres com espaços) INTRODUÇÃO Um dos sintomas mais frequentes no doente oncológico com doença avançada é a dor. Segundo Palliative Care in European, a dor oncológica, tem uma importância especial porque o cancro é a segunda causa de morte em Portugal e por existir dor moderada a intensa em mais de 90% dos doentes em situação oncológica terminal. O desenvolvimento de um programa estruturado de intervenção de enfermagem que vá de encontro às necessidades do doente oncológico com doença avançada e/ou cuidador, relativamente à gestão da dor, poderá ter um impacto muito significativo no controlo da dor e de outros sintomas. OBJETIVOS Avaliar o efeito de um programa de Intervenção de Enfermagem na capacidade de gestão da dor por parte do doente oncológico com doença avançada e/ou o cuidador em domicílio. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS A implementação do programa tem a duração prevista para 6 semanas. Compreende duas sessões educativas, três telefonemas e uma sessão de avaliação final. O programa foi elaborado, após uma Revisão sistemática de Literatura, com base no programa “ THE PRO-SELF”, nas Orientações Genéricas preconizadas pelo Plano Nacional de Luta Contra a dor e na Intervenção de enfermagem “Controle da Dor” da Nursing Intervention Classification (NIC). RESULTADOS O projeto encontra-se na fase de implementação e avaliação do programa educativo. No início os doentes não apresentam informação relativamente à gestão da dor, no final demonstram capacidade para a monitorização da dor e de outros sintomas e para a gestão da terapêutica, realizando os registos num diário de bordo. A literacia, a situação clínica e a disponibilidade interferem na capacidade de gestão. A proximidade da morte e a alteração do estado de consciência interferem na autonomia e na tomada de decisão. CONCLUSÃO Em fase de colheita e análise de dados. REFERÊNCIAS BIBLIOGRÁFICAS 1. FREIXO, Manuel. Metodologia Cientifica - Fundamentos, Metodos e Tecnicas. s.l. : Piaget, 2011. 2. Bulechek, Gloria M. e etal. Classificaçaõ das Intervenções de Enfermagem (NIC). Rio de Janeiro : elsevier, 2010. 3. Tsigaroppoulos, T. e etal. Problems faced by relatives caring for cancer patients at home. International Journal Of Nursing Practice. 15, 2009, Vol. 1, Nursing Pratice. 4. west, C.:Dodd,M., et al. Pain Control Program-an effective approach for cancer pain management. Oncology Nursing Forum. 1, 2003, Vol. 30, Oncology Nursing. 5. NR/rdonlyres/6861126B-C57A-46E1-B065-316C0CF8DACD/0/ControlodaDor.pdf, . (2008). . Consultado em 30 de Novembro de 2012 a partir de. Direcção-Geral da Saúde . http://www.portaldasaude.pt. [Online] 2008. [Citação: 30 de Novembro de 2012.] http://www.portaldasaude.pt/NR/rdonlyres/6861126B-C57A-46E1-B065-316COCF8DACD/0/Controlodador.pdf . Abstract (3000 characters with spaces) INTRODUCTION One of the most frequent symptoms in oncological patient with advanced disease is pain. According to Palliative Care in European, oncological pain, has a special importance because the cancer is the second most common cause of death in Portugal and there is moderate to severe pain in more than 90 % of patients in oncological terminal situation. The development of a structured program of nursing intervention that will meet the needs of the oncological patient with advanced disease and/or caregiver at home on pain management, will be able to provide for the management of pain, increasing knowledge for the control of pain while minimizing the associated symptoms that influence the quality of life of the patient and the caregiver's anxiety. PURPOSE/GOAL/AIM To evaluate the effect of an educational program of Nursing Intervention on pain management by the oncological patient with advanced disease and/or caregiver. RESEARCH/PROBLEM What is the effect of a structured program of nursing intervention directed to the patient and/or oncological patient caregiver with advanced disease at home, in the management of pain? METHODOLOGY Almost experimental study, with assessment of the management capacity of the oncological patient pain with advanced disease at home and/or informal caregiver, before and after the intervention of nursing (educational program) and transverse evaluation throughout the study. Population: oncological patients with advanced disease at home, with more than 18 years, and or family caregiver, attending an Oncology Unit – Hospital during the day. RESULTS Made an application in an Oncology service in oncological patients with advanced disease at home, it was found that at the beginning the patients did not present information regarding pain management, at the end demonstrated capacity for monitoring of pain and other symptoms and therapeutic management, performing a logbook records. CONCLUSION In the process of collection and analysis of data. KEYWORDS Educational Program; oncological patient; oncological pain.


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Dissertação de mestrado, Engenharia Informática, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade do Algarve, 2015


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PROBLEM: Truth-telling is an important component of respect for patients' self-determination, but in the context of breaking bad news, it is also a distressing and difficult task. INTERVENTION: We investigated the long-term influence of a simulated patient-based teaching intervention, integrating learning objectives in communication skills and ethics into students' attitudes and concerns regarding truth-telling. We followed two cohorts of medical students from the preclinical third year to their clinical rotations (fifth year). Open-ended responses were analysed to explore medical students' reported difficulties in breaking bad news. CONTEXT: This intervention was implemented during the last preclinical year of a problem-based medical curriculum, in collaboration between the doctor-patient communication and ethics programs. OUTCOME: Over time, concerns such as empathy and truthfulness shifted from a personal to a relational focus. Whereas 'truthfulness' was a concern for the content of the message, 'truth-telling' included concerns on how information was communicated and how realistically it was received. Truth-telling required empathy, adaptation to the patient, and appropriate management of emotions, both for the patient's welfare and for a realistic understanding of the situation. LESSONS LEARNED: Our study confirms that an intervention confronting students with a realistic situation succeeds in making them more aware of the real issues of truth-telling. Medical students deepened their reflection over time, acquiring a deeper understanding of the relational dimension of values such as truth-telling, and honing their view of empathy.


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BACKGROUND: In Switzerland, patients may undergo "blood tests" without being informed what these are screening for. Inadequate doctor-patient communication may result in patient misunderstanding. We examined what patients in the emergency department (ED) believed they had been screened for and explored their attitudes to routine (non-targeted) human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) screening. METHODS: Between 1st October 2012 and 28th February 2013, a questionnaire-based survey was conducted among patients aged 16-70 years old presenting to the ED of Lausanne University Hospital. Patients were asked: (1) if they believed they had been screened for HIV; (2) if they agreed in principle to routine HIV screening and (3) if they agreed to be HIV tested during their current ED visit. RESULTS: Of 466 eligible patients, 411 (88%) agreed to participate. Mean age was 46 ± 16 years; 192 patients (47%) were women; 366 (89%) were Swiss or European; 113 (27%) believed they had been screened for HIV, the proportion increasing with age (p ≤0.01), 297 (72%) agreed in principle with routine HIV testing in the ED, and 138 patients (34%) agreed to be HIV tested during their current ED visit. CONCLUSION: In this ED population, 27% believed incorrectly they had been screened for HIV. Over 70% agreed in principle with routine HIV testing and 34% agreed to be tested during their current visit. These results demonstrate willingness among patients concerning routine HIV testing in the ED and highlight a need for improved doctor-patient communication about what a blood test specifically screens for.


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Despite recent well-known advancements in patient care in the medical fields, such as patient-centeredness and evidence-based medicine and practice, there is rather less known about their effects on the particulars of clinician-patient encounters. The emphasis in clinical encounters remains mostly on treatment and diagnosis and less on communicative competency or engagement for medical professionals. The purpose of this narrative study was to explore interactive competencies in diagnostic and therapeutic encounters and intake protocols within the context of the physicians’, nurses’, and medical receptionists’ perspectives and experiences. Literature on narrative medicine, phenomenology and medicine, therapeutic relationships, cultural and communication competency, and non-Western perspectives on human communication provided the guiding theoretical frameworks for the study. Three data sets including 13 participant interviews (5 physicians, 4 nurses, and 4 medical receptionists), policy documents (physicians, nurses, and medical receptionists) and a website (Communication and Cultural Competency) were used. The researcher then engaged in triangulated analyses, including N-Vivo, manifest and latent, Mishler’s (1984, 1995) narrative elements and Charon’s (2005, 2006a, 2006b, 2013) narrative themes, in recursive, overlapping, comparative and intersected analysis strategies. A common factor affecting physicians’ relationships with their clients was limitation of time, including limited time (a) to listen, (b) to come up with a proper diagnosis, and (c) to engage in decision making in critical conditions and limited time for patients’ visits. For almost all nurse participants in the study establishing therapeutic relationships meant being compassionate and empathetic. The goals of intake protocols for the medical receptionists were about being empathetic to patients, being an attentive listener, developing rapport, and being conventionally polite to patients. Participants with the least iv amount of training and preparation (medical receptionists) appeared to be more committed to working narratively in connecting with patients and establishing human relationships as well as in listening to patients’ stories and providing support to narrow down the reason for their visit. The diagnostic and intake “success stories” regarding patient clinical encounters for other study participants were focused on a timely securing of patient information, with some acknowledgement of rapport and emapathy. Patient-centeredness emerged as a discourse practice, with ambiguous or nebulous enactment of its premises in most clinical settings.


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Introduction : De nos jours, les femmes atteintes de cancer du sein peuvent espérer une survie prolongée et un grand nombre d’entre elles peuvent même entrevoir la guérison. Alors que le dépistage précoce et les traitements rigoureux donnent espoir à de plus en plus de femmes, les chercheurs et les cliniciens doivent maintenant se pencher sur la qualité de vie de ces femmes à chaque phase clinique de la trajectoire de soins. Les difficultés physiques, fonctionnelles, psychologiques et sociales avec lesquelles les femmes vivent peuvent compromettre leur qualité de vie, d’où l’intérêt d’évaluer celle-ci. Peu de chercheurs se sont intéressés au changement longitudinal de la qualité de vie de ces femmes aux différents moments de la trajectoire de soins en oncologie : diagnostic, traitement et suivi. De plus, peu se sont demandés si la perception que les femmes ont de leur communication avec les professionnels de la santé influence leur qualité de vie le long de la trajectoire de soins. Objectifs principaux : 1) Décrire l’évolution de la qualité de vie liée à la santé des femmes atteintes de cancer du sein pendant le diagnostic, les traitements de radiothérapie et le suivi; 2) Décrire l’évolution de la perception que les femmes ont de leur communication avec les médecins, les infirmières et les technologues en radio-oncologie au cours des mêmes phases cliniques; 3) Examiner l’évolution de la relation entre la perception que les femmes ont de leur communication avec les professionnels de la santé et leur qualité de vie liée à la santé durant les phases citées précédemment. Méthodes : L’échantillon se composait de 120 femmes atteintes d’un cancer du sein précoce (stades I et II) qui parlaient le français, âgées de plus de 18 ans (55 ans ± 9,5) qui ont eu une chirurgie conservatrice. Les femmes ont complété des questionnaires à la période entourant le diagnostic (en moyenne six semaines après le diagnostic), à mi-chemin de la radiothérapie (en moyenne 27 semaines après le diagnostic) et de trois à quatre mois après la fin de la radiothérapie (en moyenne 48 semaines après le diagnostic). À chaque temps de mesure, elles ont complété six questionnaires d’une durée totale de 60 minutes au centre hospitalier ou à domicile : un sur les données sociodémographiques, un sur les renseignements médicaux, le MOS SSS, le EORTC QLQ-C30/BR23 et le MCCS. Résultats : Les analyses GEE montrent que la qualité de vie liée à la santé des femmes atteintes de cancer du sein change dans le temps. Elle diminue pendant la radiothérapie, sauf pour le fonctionnement émotionnel et cognitif. Les analyses démontrent aussi que certains facteurs cliniques, intrapersonnels et interpersonnels influencent leur qualité de vie. Précisément, plus les femmes avancent en âge et plus elles perçoivent qu’elles ont eu du soutien social le long de la trajectoire de soins, plus leur qualité de vie est meilleure pour les dimensions génériques et spécifiques du fonctionnement. De plus, celles qui présentent une tumeur de stade II et celles qui ont eu de la radiothérapie et l’hormonothérapie ont des scores plus élevés pour certaines dimensions de qualité de vie comparativement à celles dont le cancer se situe au stade I et à celles qui ont eu la chimiothérapie, la radiothérapie et l’hormonothérapie. Les résultats font état également d’une interaction entre le facteur « temps » et un facteur intrapersonnel pour le fonctionnement « rôle » et le fonctionnement sexuel des femmes. La perception que les femmes ont de leur communication avec les médecins et les autres professionnels de la santé change très peu avec le temps. Ainsi, les femmes se perçoivent plus compétentes dans la recherche d’information avec les radio-oncologues pendant la radiothérapie qu’avec les chirurgiens-oncologues au moment du diagnostic. Elles perçoivent aussi la vérification et la recherche d’information par les radio-oncologues pendant la radiothérapie plus satisfaisante que celle des chirurgiens-oncologues lors de l’annonce du diagnostic. Globalement, les femmes perçoivent leur communication avec les radio-oncologues et les chirurgiens-oncologues comme étant meilleure pendant la radiothérapie et au suivi qu’au moment du diagnostic avec les chirurgiens-oncologues. Les analyses GEE montrent aussi que certains facteurs cliniques (nature des traitements), intrapersonnels et interpersonnels (âge, niveau de scolarité et soutien social perçu) sont des facteurs susceptibles d’influencer la façon dont elles perçoivent leur communication avec les professionnels de la santé. Enfin, la perception des femmes quant à leurs compétences de communication à l’égard des médecins et des autres professionnels de la santé explique davantage leur qualité de vie liée à la santé que celle des compétences des professionnels de la santé. Donc, les femmes ont un meilleur score pour le fonctionnement « rôle », émotionnel et elles ont moins d’effets secondaires et de symptômes pendant la radiothérapie et au suivi lorsqu’elles se perçoivent compétentes envers les médecins (chirurgiens-oncologues et radio-oncologues) pour la recherche d’information et l’aspect socio-affectif d’un entretien aux temps précédents. De plus, l’âge des femmes, le soutien social perçu, le stade de la maladie et la nature des traitements ont une influence sur le lien entre leur qualité de vie et leur communication avec les professionnels de la santé. Enfin, une interaction est présente entre le facteur « temps » et un facteur clinique ou intrapersonnel pour les dimensions de qualité de vie suivantes : rôle, émotionnel et fonctionnement sexuel. Conclusion et retombées : Les résultats de la présente thèse soulignent l’importance d’évaluer de façon longitudinale la qualité de vie liée à la santé des femmes atteintes de cancer du sein à différents moments de la trajectoire de soins, particulièrement pendant la radiothérapie, et, pour les intervenants psychosociaux, de s’occuper des jeunes femmes diagnostiquées et de celles qui ne perçoivent pas recevoir un soutien social. Ainsi, de meilleures ressources psychosociales pourront être mises sur pied pour aider ces groupes de femmes. Les résultats montrent également qu’il est essentiel d’informer les chirurgiens-oncologues de l’importance d’établir une communication satisfaisante avec les femmes atteintes de cancer du sein lors de l’annonce du diagnostic afin de favoriser une perception positive par les femmes de leur communication avec les chirurgiens-oncologues. Enfin, les résultats obtenus soulignent les avantages pour les femmes atteintes de cancer du sein d’être proactives et de se sentir compétentes pour la recherche d’information et l’aspect socio-affectif d’une relation avec les chirurgiens-oncologues et les radio-oncologues dans le maintien d’une bonne qualité de vie liée à la santé.


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Au cours des dernières années, il a été démontré que la façon dont la douleur est communiquée, par l’entremise de comportements de douleur, est associée à l’incapacité auto-rapportée et à la trajectoire de chronicité des individus souffrant de douleur persistante. Cependant, très peu de recherches ont investigué le lien entre la perception de la douleur dans le couple et la trajectoire de chronicité des individus souffrant de douleur persistante. Dans le cadre de cette thèse, trois études ont été réalisées afin de mieux comprendre les facteurs impliqués dans la communication de la douleur au sein de couples dont l’un des partenaires souffrait de douleur persistante. Une première étude a été réalisée afin de valider une version francophone du « Pain Disability Index (PDI) », un questionnaire développé pour évaluer l’incapacité reliée à la douleur persistante. Comme attendu, les résultats indiquent que cette version du PDI reproduit la structure factorielle de la version originale du PDI et présente une bonne fidélité et validité. Une autre étude a été réalisée auprès de couples dont l’un des partenaires souffre de douleur persistante afin d’évaluer les corrélats de la justesse empathique, d’explorer la relation entre la justesse empathique reliée à la douleur et différentes variables associées à l’adaptation du patient et du conjoint et enfin d’explorer la relation entre la justesse empathique reliée à la douleur et des variables relationnelles. Les résultats suggèrent que de façon générale, la justesse empathique est associée à des résultats négatifs chez les patients souffrant de douleur persistante et ne semble pas un corrélat important de la satisfaction conjugale. Enfin, une dernière étude a été réalisée afin de comprendre l’influence de la concordance des pensées catastrophiques dans le couple sur l’émission de comportements de douleur et sur la perception de la douleur et de l’incapacité lors d’une tâche physiquement exigeante. Il a été trouvé que les participants ayant un niveau élevé de pensées catastrophiques, qui étaient en relation avec un conjoint ayant un faible niveau de pensées catastrophiques, ont émis plus de comportements de douleur que tous les autres groupes. Ces résultats suggèrent que les personnes souffrant de douleur persistante ayant un niveau élevé de pensées catastrophiques peuvent avoir besoin d’augmenter le « volume » de la communication de la douleur afin de compenser pour la tendance des conjoints ayant un faible niveau de pensées catastrophiques à sous-estimer les signaux de douleur. En résumé, puisque l’émission de comportements de douleur est associée à l’incapacité auto-rapportée des individus souffrant de douleur persistante, il est possible que toute situation qui contribue à une augmentation des comportements de douleur, contribuera également à un niveau d’incapacité plus élevé. Ainsi, d’un point de vue clinique, les interventions qui amènent le conjoint à faire de l’écoute active et à valider la personne souffrante, pourraient réduire la présence des comportements de douleur et potentiellement avoir un impact sur le niveau d’incapacité des personnes souffrant de douleur persistante.


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La relation entre un médecin et son patient a grandement évolué. Aujourd’hui le médecin, loin de jouer le rôle paternaliste d’autrefois, se voit obligé d’établir un dialogue avec son patient. Des informations sont transmises de l’un à l’autre et de l’autre à l’un, le tout dans une optique de cogestion de la santé du patient. D’un côté le patient doit fournir au médecin les informations suffisantes pour que celui-ci établisse un diagnostic. D’un autre côté le médecin doit informer le patient de son état de santé et des mesures qu’il compte prendre. Dans la foulée du développement des nouvelles technologies, les modes de transmission de telles informations présentent de nouvelles problématiques. L’auteur propose ici une étude de la relation patient/médecin lorsqu’il s’agit de la transmission de données relatives à l’état de santé par Internet ou un réseau privé et du rôle de chacune des parties dans ce réseau en regard de la Directive 95/46/CE. Il ressort de cette étude que le médecin se voit imposer certaines responsabilités à titre de responsable du traitement, notamment en ce qui concerne le traitement des données personnelles de son patient. Ce dernier, en tant que personne concernée au sens de la Directive, se voit donc octroyer des droits fondamentaux en matière de confidentialité. De plus il détermine, en collaboration avec le médecin, les finalités du traitement de ces données personnelles.