297 resultados para Paterna


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Cordeiros criados em regime de pasto, provenientes de ovelhas Romney acasaladas com três raças paternas (Romney, East Friesian x (Finn x Texel) e Finn x Poll Dorset), foram avaliados quanto às características de qualidade da carne. Os cordeiros foram abatidos aos 150 e 300 dias de idade, cada lote com 15 animais de cada raça paterna, totalizando 90 animais. A carne dos cordeiros Romney foi mais macia que a dos demais genótipos. O pH final do músculo Semimembranosus dos cordeiros abatidos mais precocemente foi superior (5,61) ao dos abatidos mais tardiamente (5,58), entretanto estes últimos apresentaram carne com menor maciez (11,16 kg) que os abatidos aos 150 dias de idade (7,45 kg). Com relação à cor, a luminosidade da carne de cordeiros abatidos aos 150 dias foi maior (38,20) que a dos abatidos mais tardiamente (36,80), mas não foi afetada pelo genótipo. Concluiu-se que o genótipo e a idade de abate influíram na produção e qualidade da carne ovina.


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In this thesis we tested evolutionary hypotheses, with empirically collected data, in a sample composed of pregnant Brazilian women. We consider that during pregnancy and soon after the baby's birth fundamental reproductive decisions take place, given the complete feminine involvement with the reproduction phenomenon. The results are presented in four empirical articles related to the history of female reproduction. The topics approached were mate selection, the life-history theory, the strategies of parental investment and postpartum depression. Data collection was accomplished through interviews with pregnant women and after the baby s birth, with a sample composed of women from two income classes (low income and middle class), in Natal, Brazil. With respect to mate selection, the results suggest that a real situation of reproductive mate selection shows significant differences when compared to the results obtained in studies involving potential mate selection (Article I). Considering the life-history theory, we have partially confirmed the hypothesis of the father`s absence influencing the development of the young female syndrome (Article II). In regard to parental investment strategies and the decrease of fatherhood uncertainty, we identified a larger attribution of the baby's resemblance after birth with the father, confirming our hypothesis (Article III). The results related to postpartum depression occurrence partially support the hypothesis that it is an evolutionary adaptation (Article IV). This thesis is part of a consolidation movement of Evolutionary Psychology in Brazil and it presents results on female reproductive history hitherto unpublished.


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Parenting styles concern overall interaction characteristics between parents and children. To assess them, it is important to build and adapt valid and reliable instruments. The main objectives of this dissertation were to translate, adapt and evaluate the psychometric properties of the Young Parenting Inventory (YPI) for the Brazilian context, as seek associations between the YPI and Familiogram Test (FG). In current study, YPI was adapted to Portuguese by backtranslation method. Content analyses were made by five judges. 920 high school and college students (543 females), whose ages were between 14 and 69 years (M = 21.3, SD = 6.1), filled out the research instruments. Data were collected in Natal, Petrolina and Brasilia cities and Porto Alegre metropolitan region. The results confirmed the existence of five factors. Final version of the YPI was composed by 49 items. Exploratory factorial analysis (principal components) were conducted using oblimin rotation. Five factors extracted explained 45.12% of the maternal scale variance and 47.59% of paternal scale. Each factor explained, at least, 3% of the variance and showed Eigenvalue over than 1.5. All items have factorial loadings values above 0.3. The confirmatory factorial analysis has showed fit statistics reasonably adequate: for maternal scale,  ² [1114] = 4636.38, p < 0.001,  ² / df = 4.16, with GFI = 0.83, AGFI = 0.81 and RMSEA = 0.06; for paternal scale,  ² [1114] = 5133.69 p < 0.001,  ² / df = 4.61, with GFI = 0.81, AGFI = 0.79 and RMSEA = 0,06. Thus, final instrument was composed by the following factors: (I) Disconnection and Rejection ( = 0.89 and 0.90), (II) Affectivity and Emotional Stability ( = 0.85 and 0.88); (III) Overvigilance and Other Directedness ( = 0.83 and 0.85), (IV) Overprotection and Impaired Autonomy ( = 0.78 and 0.79) and (V) Impaired Limits ( = 0.66 and 0.71). Finally, relations between the YPI and FG were assessed. Pearson's correlations between the YPI and FG showed moderated associations, particularly between the factors Affectivity (YPI) and Affection (FG) (r = 0.69 and 0.7 for maternal and paternal scale, respectively); and the factors Disconnection and Rejection (YPI) and Conflict (FG) (r = 0.59 and 0.58). The regression models indicated that over than 40% of variance of factors of FG can be predicted by factors of YPI. Beta coefficients for Affection-Affectivity relation were 0.67 (maternal scale) and 0.53 (paternal scale); for Disconnection-Conflict relation were 0.31 (maternal scale) and 0.44 (paternal scale). We conclude the YPI has adequate psychometric parameters and can be used in future research in this area. However, adjustments in the structure of the YPI were made. Moreover, it is suggested further studies to consider other samples and variables, increasing the knowing of parenting styles and the Young‟s theory in the Brazilian context


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O objetivo deste estudo foi verificar a relação entre a cárie precoce, variáveis sócio-comportamentais e o locus de controle da saúde em um grupo de crianças de 24 a 35 meses de idade de Araraquara, São Paulo, Brasil. Foram envolvidas todas as crianças de ambos os sexos, na mencionada faixa etária, matriculadas em sete Centros Municipais de Educação e Recreação Infantil, totalizando 110 crianças. Os exames foram realizados por um examinador, previamente, calibrado para a aplicação dos critérios propostos pela OMS para determinação da condição dentária. Um questionário foi respondido pelas mães, sendo que seu conteúdo incluía informações referentes às características sócio-econômicas, comportamentos e atitudes relacionados à saúde bucal da criança, além da escala multidimensional do locus de controle da saúde. A prevalência de cárie precoce (lesões cavitadas e não cavitadas) foi de 28,2%. Observou-se associação significativa entre a escolaridade paterna (p = 0,01) e cárie precoce; não houve associação significativa entre as médias de nenhuma das subescalas do locus de controle e a cárie precoce. Os resultados sugerem que os pais não devam ser tidos apenas como provedores, mas como uma importante influência no desenvolvimento infantil como um todo.


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Catch and selectivity parameters using gillnets were calculated for Schizodon nasutus in the Jurumirim reservoir on the Parana-panema River in southern Brazil. The simple gillnets used were made of monofilament nylon of 30 to 140 mm mesh size an of different heights. The relative abundance of the S. nasutus caught was analysed monthly and a positive relationship was found between catches per unit effort in number and biomass. The relative catches were more abundant for the nets of 40 and 50 mm, mesh size. Catches were characterized by clear temporal variations and a predominance of medium size fish throughout the study period. The selectivity curve of gillnets for S. nasutus in this ecosystem was obtained. The catch obtained was compared with the available catch for each mesh size, and the available catch for a certain length of fish was calculated starting from the theoretical selectivity curve. The 50 mm mesh size gillnet showed the best fit between real and available captures and was considered the most suitable, because a smaller mesh size resulted in a catch of predominantly immature specimens. It is expected that these results will contribute to improving management strategies for conservation of resources. Parameters such as the minimum catch length advisable or the mesh size permitted for a given species are indispensable for such decision-making.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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This research aimed at evaluating the effect of the semiarid climatic conditions on the physiological behavior of F1 Saanen x Boer crossbred goats, created at an intensive system. The experiment was carried out in the Health and Rural Technology Center, in the Federal University of Campina Grande, in the town of Patos, Paraiba. Twenty-four animals were used, with ages varying between three and four months, being 12 females and 12 males, weaned and prevented against worms, receiving ad libitum water and controlled concentrate and roughage. The environmental variables were checked inside and outside the experiment place, as well as the physiological variables of all animals. Except for the humid bulb temperature, the variance analysis revealed shift effect (P<0.05) for all environmental variables. There was merely shift effect (P<0.05) for Cardiac Frequency and Rectal Temperature, and the averages of both, in the afternoon, overcame those observed in the morning. The obtained results based on the studied physiological and environmental variables conclude that crossbred goats, resulting of Boer (paternal) and Saanen (maternal), present a good resistance to heat, permitting their indication for the meat production in confinement on semiarid conditions.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Incluye Bibliografía


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Incluye Bibliografía


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Incluye Bibliografía


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)