979 resultados para Patch-antenna


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This paper applies random matrix theory to obtain analytical characterizations of the capacity of correlated multiantenna channels. The analysis is not restricted to the popular separable correlation model, but rather it embraces a more general representation that subsumesmost of the channel models that have been treated in the literature. For arbitrary signal-to-noise ratios (SNR), the characterization is conducted in the regime of large numbers of antennas. For the low- and high-SNR regions, in turn, we uncover compact capacity expansions that are valid for arbitrary numbers of antennas and that shed insight on how antenna correlation impacts the tradeoffs between power, bandwidth and rate.


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We characterize the capacity-achieving input covariance for multi-antenna channels known instantaneously at the receiver and in distribution at the transmitter. Our characterization, valid for arbitrary numbers of antennas, encompasses both the eigenvectors and the eigenvalues. The eigenvectors are found for zero-mean channels with arbitrary fading profiles and a wide range of correlation and keyhole structures. For the eigenvalues, in turn, we present necessary and sufficient conditions as well as an iterative algorithm that exhibits remarkable properties: universal applicability, robustness and rapid convergence. In addition, we identify channel structures for which an isotropic input achieves capacity.


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In a MIMO layered architecture, several codewordsare transmitted from a multiplicity of antennas. Although thespectral efficiency is maximized if the rates of these codewordsare separately controlled, the feedback rate within the linkadaptation loop is reduced if they are constrained to be identical.This poses a direct tradeoff between performance andfeedback overhead. This paper provides analytical expressionsthat quantify the difference in spectral efficiency between bothapproaches for arbitrary numbers of antennas. Specifically, thecharacterization takes place in the realm of the low- and highpowerregimes via expansions that are shown to have a widerange of validity.In addition, the possibility of adjusting the transmit powerof each codeword individually is considered as an alternative tothe separate control of their rates. Power allocation, however,turns out to be inferior to rate control within the context of thisproblem.


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Population viability analyses (PVA) are increasingly used in metapopulation conservation plans. Two major types of models are commonly used to assess vulnerability and to rank management options: population-based stochastic simulation models (PSM such as RAMAS or VORTEX) and stochastic patch occupancy models (SPOM). While the first set of models relies on explicit intrapatch dynamics and interpatch dispersal to predict population levels in space and time, the latter is based on spatially explicit metapopulation theory where the probability of patch occupation is predicted given the patch area and isolation (patch topology). We applied both approaches to a European tree frog (Hyla arborea) metapopulation in western Switzerland in order to evaluate the concordances of both models and their applications to conservation. Although some quantitative discrepancies appeared in terms of network occupancy and equilibrium population size, the two approaches were largely concordant regarding the ranking of patch values and sensitivities to parameters, which is encouraging given the differences in the underlying paradigms and input data.


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Primary rib involvement accounts for 16% of paediatric Ewing sarcoma (ES). Neo-adjuvant chemotherapy and surgical tumor resection may leave large thoracic wall defects requiring complex reconstruction in a growing individual. We report our experience in three children aged 3, 10, and 12 years, in whom single-stage resection and reconstruction were performed using a Gore-Tex Dualmesh patch, covered by a latissimus dorsi rotation flap harvested in continuity with the thoracolumbar fascia. The youngest patient also had a vertical expandable prosthetic titanium rib (VEPTR) anchored to help prevent subsequent scoliosis throughout growth.


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A simplc formulation Io compute thc envelope correlation of anantenna divemiry system is dcrired. 11 is shown how to compute theenvelope correlation hom the S-parameter descnplian of the antennasystem. This approach has the advantage that i t does not require thecomputation nor the measurement of the radiation panem of theantenna system. It also offers the advantage of providing a clcaunderstanding ofthe effects ofmutual coupling and input match on thediversity performance of the antcnnii system.


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Segmenting ultrasound images is a challenging problemwhere standard unsupervised segmentation methods such asthe well-known Chan-Vese method fail. We propose in thispaper an efficient segmentation method for this class ofimages. Our proposed algorithm is based on asemi-supervised approach (user labels) and the use ofimage patches as data features. We also consider thePearson distance between patches, which has been shown tobe robust w.r.t speckle noise present in ultrasoundimages. Our results on phantom and clinical data show avery high similarity agreement with the ground truthprovided by a medical expert.


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Disturbances affect metapopulations directly through reductions in population size and indirectly through habitat modification. We consider how metapopulation persistence is affected by different disturbance regimes and the way in which disturbances spread, when metapopulations are compact or elongated, using a stochastic spatially explicit model which includes metapopulation and habitat dynamics. We discover that the risk of population extinction is larger for spatially aggregated disturbances than for spatially random disturbances. By changing the spatial configuration of the patches in the system--leading to different proportions of edge and interior patches--we demonstrate that the probability of metapopulation extinction is smaller when the metapopulation is more compact. Both of these results become more pronounced when colonization connectivity decreases. Our results have important management implication as edge patches, which are invariably considered to be less important, may play an important role as disturbance refugia.


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A general formalism is set up to analyze the response of an arbitrary solid elastic body to an arbitrary metric gravitational wave (GW) perturbation, which fully displays the details of the interaction antenna wave. The formalism is applied to the spherical detector, whose sensitivity parameters are thereby scrutinized. A multimode transfer function is defined to study the amplitude sensitivity, and absorption cross sections are calculated for a general metric theory of GW physics. Their scaling properties are shown to be independent of the underlying theory, with interesting consequences for future detector design. The GW incidence direction deconvolution problem is also discussed, always within the context of a general metric theory of the gravitational field.


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We study the response and cross sections for the absorption of GW energy generated in a Jordan-Brans-Dicke theory by a resonant mass detector shaped as a hollow sphere. As a source of the GW we take a binary system in the Newtonian approximation. For masses of the stars of the order of the solar mass, the emitted GW sweeps a range of frequencies which include the first resonant mode of the detector.


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The Iowa DOT has been using the AASHTO Present Serviceability Index (PSI) rating procedure since 1968 to rate the condition of pavement sections. A ride factor and a cracking and patching factor make up the PSI value. Crack and patch surveys have been done by sending crews out to measure and record the distress. Advances in video equipment and computers make it practical to videotape roads and do the crack and patch measurements in the office. The objective of the study was to determine the feasibility of converting the crack and patch survey operation to a video recording system with manual post processing. The summary and conclusions are as follows: Video crack and patch surveying is a feasible alternative to the current crack and patch procedure. The cost per mile should be about 25 percent less than the current procedure. More importantly, the risk of accidents is reduced by getting the people and vehicles off the roadway and shoulder. Another benefit is the elimination of the negative public perceptions of the survey crew on the shoulder.


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Mouse mammary tumor virus is known to infect newborn mice via mother's milk. A proposed key step for viral spread to the mammary gland is by the infection of lymphocytes. We show here that although in suckling mice retroviral proteins are found in all epithelial cells of the gut, viral DNA is exclusively detectable in the Peyer's patches. As early as 5 d after birth the infection leads to a superantigen response in the Peyer's patches but not in other lymphoid organs draining the intestine. Viral DNA can be detected before the superantigen response and becomes first evident in the Peyer's patches followed by mesenteric lymph nodes and finally all lymphoid organs.


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CD4+CD3- cells are the predominant hematopoietic cells found in mouse fetal intestine. We prove their role as Peyer's patch (PP)-inducing cells by transfer into neonatal PP-deficient mice. To test the requirement of chemokines and adhesion molecules in induction of PP, we studied mice deficient in CXCR5 and/or alpha4beta1 integrin-mediated adhesion. CXCR5-/- mice have CD4+CD3- cells, which are inefficient in inducing PP formation. We show here that CXCR5/CXCL13 signaling activates alpha4beta1 integrin on CD4+CD3- cells. Blocking of beta1 integrin or VCAM-1, the ligand of alpha4beta1 integrin, inhibits PP formation. This study demonstrates the link between chemokine receptors and adhesion molecules that regulates stromal/hematopoietic cell interaction leading to PP formation.