993 resultados para Particle tracking detectors


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Surveillance and tracking systems typically use a single colour modality for their input. These systems work well in controlled conditions but often fail with low lighting, shadowing, smoke, dust, unstable backgrounds or when the foreground object is of similar colouring to the background. With advances in technology and manufacturing techniques, sensors that allow us to see into the thermal infrared spectrum are becoming more affordable. By using modalities from both the visible and thermal infrared spectra, we are able to obtain more information from a scene and overcome the problems associated with using visible light only for surveillance and tracking. Thermal images are not affected by lighting or shadowing and are not overtly affected by smoke, dust or unstable backgrounds. We propose and evaluate three approaches for fusing visual and thermal images for person tracking. We also propose a modified condensation filter to track and aid in the fusion of the modalities. We compare the proposed fusion schemes with using the visual and thermal domains on their own, and demonstrate that significant improvements can be achieved by using multiple modalities.


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Modelling activities in crowded scenes is very challenging as object tracking is not robust in complicated scenes and optical flow does not capture long range motion. We propose a novel approach to analyse activities in crowded scenes using a “bag of particle trajectories”. Particle trajectories are extracted from foreground regions within short video clips using particle video, which estimates long range motion in contrast to optical flow which is only concerned with inter-frame motion. Our applications include temporal video segmentation and anomaly detection, and we perform our evaluation on several real-world datasets containing complicated scenes. We show that our approaches achieve state-of-the-art performance for both tasks.


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A robust visual tracking system requires an object appearance model that is able to handle occlusion, pose, and illumination variations in the video stream. This can be difficult to accomplish when the model is trained using only a single image. In this paper, we first propose a tracking approach based on affine subspaces (constructed from several images) which are able to accommodate the abovementioned variations. We use affine subspaces not only to represent the object, but also the candidate areas that the object may occupy. We furthermore propose a novel approach to measure affine subspace-to-subspace distance via the use of non-Euclidean geometry of Grassmann manifolds. The tracking problem is then considered as an inference task in a Markov Chain Monte Carlo framework via particle filtering. Quantitative evaluation on challenging video sequences indicates that the proposed approach obtains considerably better performance than several recent state-of-the-art methods such as Tracking-Learning-Detection and MILtrack.


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This paper presents a novel vision-based underwater robotic system for the identification and control of Crown-Of-Thorns starfish (COTS) in coral reef environments. COTS have been identified as one of the most significant threats to Australia's Great Barrier Reef. These starfish literally eat coral, impacting large areas of reef and the marine ecosystem that depends on it. Evidence has suggested that land-based nutrient runoff has accelerated recent outbreaks of COTS requiring extensive use of divers to manually inject biological agents into the starfish in an attempt to control population numbers. Facilitating this control program using robotics is the goal of our research. In this paper we introduce a vision-based COTS detection and tracking system based on a Random Forest Classifier (RFC) trained on images from underwater footage. To track COTS with a moving camera, we embed the RFC in a particle filter detector and tracker where the predicted class probability of the RFC is used as an observation probability to weight the particles, and we use a sparse optical flow estimation for the prediction step of the filter. The system is experimentally evaluated in a realistic laboratory setup using a robotic arm that moves a camera at different speeds and heights over a range of real-size images of COTS in a reef environment.


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By detecting leading protons produced in the Central Exclusive Diffractive process, p+p → p+X+p, one can measure the missing mass, and scan for possible new particle states such as the Higgs boson. This process augments - in a model independent way - the standard methods for new particle searches at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) and will allow detailed analyses of the produced central system, such as the spin-parity properties of the Higgs boson. The exclusive central diffractive process makes possible precision studies of gluons at the LHC and complements the physics scenarios foreseen at the next e+e− linear collider. This thesis first presents the conclusions of the first systematic analysis of the expected precision measurement of the leading proton momentum and the accuracy of the reconstructed missing mass. In this initial analysis, the scattered protons are tracked along the LHC beam line and the uncertainties expected in beam transport and detection of the scattered leading protons are accounted for. The main focus of the thesis is in developing the necessary radiation hard precision detector technology for coping with the extremely demanding experimental environment of the LHC. This will be achieved by using a 3D silicon detector design, which in addition to the radiation hardness of up to 5×10^15 neutrons/cm2, offers properties such as a high signal-to- noise ratio, fast signal response to radiation and sensitivity close to the very edge of the detector. This work reports on the development of a novel semi-3D detector design that simplifies the 3D fabrication process, but conserves the necessary properties of the 3D detector design required in the LHC and in other imaging applications.


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This work is focused on the effects of energetic particle precipitation of solar or magnetospheric origin on the polar middle atmosphere. The energetic charged particles have access to the atmosphere in the polar areas, where they are guided by the Earth's magnetic field. The particles penetrate down to 20-100 km altitudes (stratosphere and mesosphere) ionising the ambient air. This ionisation leads to production of odd nitrogen (NOx) and odd hydrogen species, which take part in catalytic ozone destruction. NOx has a very long chemical lifetime during polar night conditions. Therefore NOx produced at high altitudes during polar night can be transported to lower stratospheric altitudes. Particular emphasis in this work is in the use of both space and ground based observations: ozone and NO2 measurements from the GOMOS instrument on board the European Space Agency's Envisat-satellite are used together with subionospheric VLF radio wave observations from ground stations. Combining the two observation techniques enabled detection of NOx enhancements throughout the middle atmosphere, including tracking the descent of NOx enhancements of high altitude origin down to the stratosphere. GOMOS observations of the large Solar Proton Events of October-November 2003 showed the progression of the SPE initiated NOx enhancements through the polar winter. In the upper stratosphere, nighttime NO2 increased by an order of magnitude, and the effect was observed to last for several weeks after the SPEs. Ozone decreases up to 60 % from the pre-SPE values were observed in the upper stratosphere nearly a month after the events. Over several weeks the GOMOS observations showed the gradual descent of the NOx enhancements to lower altitudes. Measurements from years 2002-2006 were used to study polar winter NOx increases and their connection to energetic particle precipitation. NOx enhancements were found to occur in a good correlation with both increased high-energy particle precipitation and increased geomagnetic activity. The average wintertime polar NOx was found to have a nearly linear relationship with the average wintertime geomagnetic activity. The results from this thesis work show how important energetic particle precipitation from outside the atmosphere is as a source of NOx in the middle atmosphere, and thus its importance to the chemical balance of the atmosphere.


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ALICE (A Large Ion Collider Experiment) is the LHC (Large Hadron Collider) experiment devoted to investigating the strongly interacting matter created in nucleus-nucleus collisions at the LHC energies. The ALICE ITS, Inner Tracking System, consists of six cylindrical layers of silicon detectors with three different technologies; in the outward direction: two layers of pixel detectors, two layers each of drift, and strip detectors. The number of parameters to be determined in the spatial alignment of the 2198 sensor modules of the ITS is about 13,000. The target alignment precision is well below 10 micron in some cases (pixels). The sources of alignment information include survey measurements, and the reconstructed tracks from cosmic rays and from proton-proton collisions. The main track-based alignment method uses the Millepede global approach. An iterative local method was developed and used as well. We present the results obtained for the ITS alignment using about 10^5 charged tracks from cosmic rays that have been collected during summer 2008, with the ALICE solenoidal magnet switched off.


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The International Large Detector (ILD) is a concept for a detector at the International Linear Collider, ILC. The ILC will collide electrons and positrons at energies of initially 500 GeV, upgradeable to 1 TeV. The ILC has an ambitious physics program, which will extend and complement that of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). A hallmark of physics at the ILC is precision. The clean initial state and the comparatively benign environment of a lepton collider are ideally suited to high precision measurements. To take full advantage of the physics potential of ILC places great demands on the detector performance. The design of ILD is driven by these requirements. Excellent calorimetry and tracking are combined to obtain the best possible overall event reconstruction, including the capability to reconstruct individual particles within jets for particle ow calorimetry. This requires excellent spatial resolution for all detector systems. A highly granular calorimeter system is combined with a central tracker which stresses redundancy and efficiency. In addition, efficient reconstruction of secondary vertices and excellent momentum resolution for charged particles are essential for an ILC detector. The interaction region of the ILC is designed to host two detectors, which can be moved into the beam position with a push-pull scheme. The mechanical design of ILD and the overall integration of subdetectors takes these operational conditions into account.


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Silicon strip detectors are fast, cost-effective and have an excellent spatial resolution. They are widely used in many high-energy physics experiments. Modern high energy physics experiments impose harsh operation conditions on the detectors, e.g., of LHC experiments. The high radiation doses cause the detectors to eventually fail as a result of excessive radiation damage. This has led to a need to study radiation tolerance using various techniques. At the same time, a need to operate sensors approaching the end their lifetimes has arisen. The goal of this work is to demonstrate that novel detectors can survive the environment that is foreseen for future high-energy physics experiments. To reach this goal, measurement apparatuses are built. The devices are then used to measure the properties of irradiated detectors. The measurement data are analyzed, and conclusions are drawn. Three measurement apparatuses built as a part of this work are described: two telescopes measuring the tracks of the beam of a particle accelerator and one telescope measuring the tracks of cosmic particles. The telescopes comprise layers of reference detectors providing the reference track, slots for the devices under test, the supporting mechanics, electronics, software, and the trigger system. All three devices work. The differences between these devices are discussed. The reconstruction of the reference tracks and analysis of the device under test are presented. Traditionally, silicon detectors have produced a very clear response to the particles being measured. In the case of detectors nearing the end of their lifefimes, this is no longer true. A new method benefitting from the reference tracks to form clusters is presented. The method provides less biased results compared to the traditional analysis, especially when studying the response of heavily irradiated detectors. Means to avoid false results in demonstrating the particle-finding capabilities of a detector are also discussed. The devices and analysis methods are primarily used to study strip detectors made of Magnetic Czochralski silicon. The detectors studied were irradiated to various fluences prior to measurement. The results show that Magnetic Czochralski silicon has a good radiation tolerance and is suitable for future high-energy physics experiments.


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In this paper we present a segmentation algorithm to extract foreground object motion in a moving camera scenario without any preprocessing step such as tracking selected features, video alignment, or foreground segmentation. By viewing it as a curve fitting problem on advected particle trajectories, we use RANSAC to find the polynomial that best fits the camera motion and identify all trajectories that correspond to the camera motion. The remaining trajectories are those due to the foreground motion. By using the superposition principle, we subtract the motion due to camera from foreground trajectories and obtain the true object-induced trajectories. We show that our method performs on par with state-of-the-art technique, with an execution time speed-up of 10x-40x. We compare the results on real-world datasets such as UCF-ARG, UCF Sports and Liris-HARL. We further show that it can be used toper-form video alignment.


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Visual tracking is an important task in various computer vision applications including visual surveillance, human computer interaction, event detection, video indexing and retrieval. Recent state of the art sparse representation (SR) based trackers show better robustness than many of the other existing trackers. One of the issues with these SR trackers is low execution speed. The particle filter framework is one of the major aspects responsible for slow execution, and is common to most of the existing SR trackers. In this paper,(1) we propose a robust interest point based tracker in l(1) minimization framework that runs at real-time with performance comparable to the state of the art trackers. In the proposed tracker, the target dictionary is obtained from the patches around target interest points. Next, the interest points from the candidate window of the current frame are obtained. The correspondence between target and candidate points is obtained via solving the proposed l(1) minimization problem. In order to prune the noisy matches, a robust matching criterion is proposed, where only the reliable candidate points that mutually match with target and candidate dictionary elements are considered for tracking. The object is localized by measuring the displacement of these interest points. The reliable candidate patches are used for updating the target dictionary. The performance and accuracy of the proposed tracker is benchmarked with several complex video sequences. The tracker is found to be considerably fast as compared to the reported state of the art trackers. The proposed tracker is further evaluated for various local patch sizes, number of interest points and regularization parameters. The performance of the tracker for various challenges including illumination change, occlusion, and background clutter has been quantified with a benchmark dataset containing 50 videos. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Point-particle based direct numerical simulation (PPDNS) has been a productive research tool for studying both single-particle and particle-pair statistics of inertial particles suspended in a turbulent carrier flow. Here we focus on its use in addressing particle-pair statistics relevant to the quantification of turbulent collision rate of inertial particles. PPDNS is particularly useful as the interaction of particles with small-scale (dissipative) turbulent motion of the carrier flow is mostly relevant. Furthermore, since the particle size may be much smaller than the Kolmogorov length of the background fluid turbulence, a large number of particles are needed to accumulate meaningful pair statistics. Starting from the relative simple Lagrangian tracking of so-called ghost particles, PPDNS has significantly advanced our theoretical understanding of the kinematic formulation of the turbulent geometric collision kernel by providing essential data on dynamic collision kernel, radial relative velocity, and radial distribution function. A recent extension of PPDNS is a hybrid direct numerical simulation (HDNS) approach in which the effect of local hydrodynamic interactions of particles is considered, allowing quantitative assessment of the enhancement of collision efficiency by fluid turbulence. Limitations and open issues in PPDNS and HDNS are discussed. Finally, on-going studies of turbulent collision of inertial particles using large-eddy simulations and particle- resolved simulations are briefly discussed.


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Em uma grande gama de problemas físicos, governados por equações diferenciais, muitas vezes é de interesse obter-se soluções para o regime transiente e, portanto, deve-se empregar técnicas de integração temporal. Uma primeira possibilidade seria a de aplicar-se métodos explícitos, devido à sua simplicidade e eficiência computacional. Entretanto, esses métodos frequentemente são somente condicionalmente estáveis e estão sujeitos a severas restrições na escolha do passo no tempo. Para problemas advectivos, governados por equações hiperbólicas, esta restrição é conhecida como a condição de Courant-Friedrichs-Lewy (CFL). Quando temse a necessidade de obter soluções numéricas para grandes períodos de tempo, ou quando o custo computacional a cada passo é elevado, esta condição torna-se um empecilho. A fim de contornar esta restrição, métodos implícitos, que são geralmente incondicionalmente estáveis, são utilizados. Neste trabalho, foram aplicadas algumas formulações implícitas para a integração temporal no método Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) de modo a possibilitar o uso de maiores incrementos de tempo e uma forte estabilidade no processo de marcha temporal. Devido ao alto custo computacional exigido pela busca das partículas a cada passo no tempo, esta implementação só será viável se forem aplicados algoritmos eficientes para o tipo de estrutura matricial considerada, tais como os métodos do subespaço de Krylov. Portanto, fez-se um estudo para a escolha apropriada dos métodos que mais se adequavam a este problema, sendo os escolhidos os métodos Bi-Conjugate Gradient (BiCG), o Bi-Conjugate Gradient Stabilized (BiCGSTAB) e o Quasi-Minimal Residual (QMR). Alguns problemas testes foram utilizados a fim de validar as soluções numéricas obtidas com a versão implícita do método SPH.


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This paper presents a heterogeneous reconfigurable system for real-time applications applying particle filters. The system consists of an FPGA and a multi-threaded CPU. We propose a method to adapt the number of particles dynamically and utilise the run-time reconfigurability of the FPGA for reduced power and energy consumption. An application is developed which involves simultaneous mobile robot localisation and people tracking. It shows that the proposed adaptive particle filter can reduce up to 99% of computation time. Using run-time reconfiguration, we achieve 34% reduction in idle power and save 26-34% of system energy. Our proposed system is up to 7.39 times faster and 3.65 times more energy efficient than the Intel Xeon X5650 CPU with 12 threads, and 1.3 times faster and 2.13 times more energy efficient than an NVIDIA Tesla C2070 GPU. © 2013 Springer-Verlag.


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Respiration-induced target motion is a major problem in intensity-modulated radiation therapy. Beam segments are delivered serially to form the total dose distribution. In the presence of motion, the spatial relation between dose deposition from different segments will be lost. Usually, this results in over-and underdosage. Besides such interplay effects between target motion and dynamic beam delivery as known from photon therapy, changes in internal density have an impact on delivered dose for intensity-modulated charged particle therapy. In this study, we have analysed interplay effects between raster scanned carbon ion beams and target motion. Furthermore, the potential of an online motion strategy was assessed in several simulations. An extended version of the clinical treatment planning software was used to calculate dose distributions to moving targets with and without motion compensation. For motion compensation, each individual ion pencil beam tracked the planned target position in the lateral aswell as longitudinal direction. Target translations and rotations, including changes in internal density, were simulated. Target motion simulating breathing resulted in severe degradation of delivered dose distributions. For example, for motion amplitudes of +/- 15 mm, only 47% of the target volume received 80% of the planned dose. Unpredictability of resulting dose distributions was demonstrated by varying motion parameters. On the other hand, motion compensation allowed for dose distributions for moving targets comparable to those for static targets. Even limited compensation precision (standard deviation similar to 2 mm), introduced to simulate possible limitations of real-time target tracking, resulted in less than 3% loss in dose homogeneity.