834 resultados para Parent-child Interaction
A paternidade responsável se destaca no contexto da Constituição de 1988, refletindo seus efeitos para todo o sistema. Os pais, ao assumirem esse status, passam a ser titulares de diversas obrigações sendo verdadeiro afirmar que deles, de alguma forma, sempre se exigiu certo tipo de responsabilidade. Seu conteúdo, todavia, é que variou no histórico da construção da família brasileira. A proteção aos filhos, anteriormente mais formalista e restrita à aplicação de medidas de suspensão ou destituição do poder familiar (pátrio poder), cedeu espaço para outros valores. Atualmente, cabe aos pais, em essência, a formação e a emancipação da pessoa do filho. Assistir, educar e criar são as ações básicas que informam a sua responsabilidade, sendo ainda titulares do dever de inserir o menor no contexto da família e da sociedade. A igualdade, a solidariedade e a autonomia se mesclam ao encargo parental, a bem da formação física e psíquica da prole. Mas, é necessário observar que o dever de cuidado, imposto constitucionalmente aos pais, é transferido para os filhos após a maioridade, por meio de uma lógica de reciprocidade e vulnerabilidade. Assim, passam estes a ser responsáveis pela assistência e pelo cuidado dos ascendentes doentes ou, por qualquer outro motivo, necessitados. Considerado o fato de que a verdadeira parentalidade é aquela que cria o estado concreto de pai-filho, reflexo do cumprimento da responsabilidade, é forçoso concluir pela inexistência de seus efeitos jurídicos nos casos em que o vínculo restou fixado pela simples formalidade do registro. Defende-se, então, para o fim de eximir os filhos de seus deveres, a desconstituição do vínculo registral ou a inocuidade de seus efeitos, sempre que os pais não tenham cumprido responsavelmente as suas funções em benefício da prole. As normas jurídicas constitucionais e infraconstitucionais legitimam tal prerrogativa, afastando as obrigações dos filhos cujos direitos fundamentais não foram respeitados pela incúria daqueles que tinham contrariamente o encargo de assistir e cuidar.
Trata-se de uma pesquisa qualitativa descritiva que teve como objeto de estudo as estratégias de enfrentamento dos pais com o nascimento de uma criança com anomalia craniofacial. Objetivou identificar o impacto causado nos pais frente ao nascimento de um filho portador de anomalia craniofacial; descrever as estratégias de enfrentamento que os pais utilizam para estabelecer vinculação com o filho que apresenta malformação. Utilizou o método Narrativa de Vida, através da entrevista gravada com 15 mães e sete pais de crianças com malformação craniofacial. O estudo foi aprovado pelo Comitê de Ética da Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro. A coleta de dados foi realizada entre junho e agosto de 2014. As narrativas apontaram para a emergência de três categorias: Ter um filho com anomalia craniofacial: situação impactante; Estratégias de enfrentamento utilizadas por pais de crianças com malformação craniofacial; Pais e profissionais da equipe de saúde: uma relação conturbada. As categorias puderam explicitar que a notícia da malformação gera impacto e crise na vida dos pais e no seio familiar. A grande expectativa na gravidez pelo bebê perfeito se transforma em frustração, choque e culpa. Diante dessa adversidade, as famílias começam a desenvolver estratégias de enfrentamento que auxiliam vinculação com seu filho malformado. Essa capacidade de desenvolver forças e habilidades para se adaptar à nova realidade, minimizando os efeitos negativos, é chamada de resiliência. As narrativas apontam a experiência religiosa e a rede de apoio como as principais estratégias de enfrentamento utilizadas pelos participantes. A equipe de saúde é chamada a apoiar os pais ao longo do processo de adaptação com o filho malformado. Os profissionais de saúde podem auxiliar no suporte e adaptação destes pais, diante da nova condição, sendo agentes promotores da escuta terapêutica. Compreender o que há por detrás de cada história desvelada, traz subsídios para potencializar a resiliência no acolhimento institucional dos pais e sua família.
Understanding how and why changes propagate during engineering design is critical because most products and systems emerge from predecessors and not through clean sheet design. This paper applies change propagation analysis methods and extends prior reasoning through examination of a large data set from industry including 41,500 change requests, spanning 8 years during the design of a complex sensor system. Different methods are used to analyze the data and the results are compared to each other and evaluated in the context of previous findings. In particular the networks of connected parent, child and sibling changes are resolved over time and mapped to 46 subsystem areas. A normalized change propagation index (CPI) is then developed, showing the relative strength of each area on the absorber-multiplier spectrum between -1 and +1. Multipliers send out more changes than they receive and are good candidates for more focused change management. Another interesting finding is the quantitative confirmation of the "ripple" change pattern. Unlike the earlier prediction, however, it was found that the peak of cyclical change activity occurred late in the program driven by systems integration and functional testing. Patterns emerged from the data and offer clear implications for technical change management approaches in system design. Copyright © 2007 by ASME.
The communication between parents and children is one of the focuses in adolescence research area. However,the ego states in communication were seldom referred to. In present research, the relationship among high school students’ ego states, parent-child communication status and mental health level was explored. Study1: Ego State Questionnaire (ESQ) was revised according to 400 high school students from both rural and urban areas. Study2: Revised Ego State Questionnaire was administered to 450 high school students. Data was analyzed by cluster analysis. Study3: The relationship among ego states, parent-child communication status and mental health level was researched systematically according to 450 high school students. The main results of the thesis were as follows: 1) The five factors of Johu Dusy’s ego states were confirmed. 2) The revised RESQ had good reliability and validity, and could be used in researching middle school students ego states and related area. 3) Gender differences: Girls’ NP score was higher than boys’. Boys’ Adult and AC score was higher than girls. 4)School difference: students’ A and FC from key high school scored higher than students form normal high school. 5) The students were divided into two groups according to parental education level. The split point was high school. Students whose parents’ education level was above high school scored higher in NP than the other group of students. 6) The students were clustered into 4 groups according to cluster analysis: adapted、rational、contradictory、self-centered。 7) adapted、self-centered students’SCL-90 score was lower than average level, contradictory students’ score was higher than average level, rational students’score was equal to average level. 8) Both NP and Adult ego states had significant negative correlation with SCL total score, CP ego states had significant postive correlation SCL total score. 9) NP, A ego states had significant postive correlation with family communication atmosphere, father-son, father-daughter, mother-son, mother-daughter communication status . CP had significant negative correlation with above variables. AC had significant negative correlation with family communication atmosphere . 10) The stepwise regression showed that Adult ,Control Parent ego states and communication between parents and children score had prevented from mental health significantly. Adult ego states impacted mental health through communication between parents and children.
Parent-child attachment refers to the emotional bond that forms between parent and child, which has great influences on the child’s interpersonal development. Present study applied both correlation method and secure attachment memory activation method to investigate the “gender relation effects” of parent-child attachment’s influences on college students’ close relationships, general attachment representation, and emotion and social loneliness. The basic hypotheses on “gender relation” were set as: “same-sex” parent-child attachment has more influences on college students’ “same-sex” interpersonal relationships, while “opposite-sex” parent-child attachment has more influences on college students’ “opposite-sex” interpersonal relationships. Major findings includes: 1. There was weak correlation of attachment security between father-child and mother-child relationships. The findings indicated that, among college students, the security of “opposite-sex” parent-child attachment representation is higher to some extent than that of “same-sex” parent-child attachment representation. 2. There were significant correlations between parent-child attachment and college students’ attachment anxiety in close relationships. Major findings indicated that “opposite-sex” parent-child attachment security negatively predicts college students’ attachment anxiety in both “same-sex” and “opposite-sex” close relationships. 3. Gender relation effects were significant in the correlations between parent-child attachment and college students’ level of avoidant attachment representation. “Same-sex” parent-child attachment security positively predicted avoidant attachment level in college students’ “same-sex” close relationships, while “opposite-sex” parent-child attachment security positively predicted avoidant attachment level in “opposite-sex” close relationships. 4. Parent-child attachment security memory activation had significant influences on college students’ general attachment representation, in which gender relation effects indicated that: the memory activation of father-child attachment security significantly increases participants’ security of self-model in general attachment representation to “male others”; while the memory activation of mother-child attachment security significantly increase participants’ security of others-model in general attachment representation to “female others”. 5. For male college students, father-son attachment security negatively predicted their emotion and social loneliness. For female college students, father-daughter attachment security negatively predicted their emotion loneliness, while mother-daughter attachment security negatively predicted their social loneliness. Attachment security memory activation had significant influences on college students’ social loneliness, in which gender relation effects was confirmed in that only father-child attachment security memory activation significantly decreased male participants’ level of social loneliness. The results indicated that gender relation effects are significant in the influences of parent-child attachment on college students’ interpersonal relationship representations, especially when the level of avoidant of attachment in college students’ close relationships was predicted by parent-child attachment representation, and when the memory activation of parent-child attachment influenced college students’ general attachment representation. The present study confirmed to some extent that gender relation consistency exists in attachment representations among different interpersonal relations, and serves as a new model for analysis of gender differences in the research fields. In the present study, however, gender relation effects were not confirmed in all the interpersonal relationship representations, which indicated the complexity in the problems of gender differences in the research fields of close relationships.
The present paper studies the explicit, implicit, and combined (explicit and implicit) self-esteem of troubled youths in comparison to normal youths. Influential family factors are also discussed. The main results of this paper can be summarized as follows: 1. The explicit self-esteem of troubled youths is significantly lower than that of normal youths. 2. In comparison to normal youths, troubled youths are more likely to come from divorced and remarried families, and have parents with lower levels of education; troubled youths also experience significantly greater amounts of physical and sexual abuse and emotional and physical neglect. 3. For troubled youths, the closer they are with their parents,the higher their explicit self-esteem; abuse experiences in childhood significantly predict low explicit self-esteem; and high explicit self-esteem can be predicted by communication, trust, intimacy and enjoyment with their parents. For normal youths, only low explicit self-esteem can be predicted by abuse experiences in childhood. 4. The implicit self-esteem of troubled youths is significantly higher than that of normal youths. 5. The implicit self-esteem of troubled youths is affected by their parents’marrital status; youths from divorced families have higher implicit self-esteem than those from intact families. Low implicit self-esteem in normal youths can be predicted by communication,trust, intimacy and enjoyment with their mothers. 6. Youths with low explicit self-esteem and high implicit self-esteem (LEHI) form the greatest proportion of the total number of troubled youths, and youths with high explicit self-esteem and low implicit self-esteem (HELI) form the greatest proportion of normal youths. Youths with LEHI have the most abuse experiences in childhood, the worst parent-child relationships and the most mental problems; In contrast, youth with HELI have the least abuse experiences, the best parent-child relationships and the least mental problems of the four categories of combined self-esteem. Furthermore, the combined self-esteem of youths can be predicted by abuse experiences in childhood.
To investigate the psychological and behavioral status and their influencing factors of children left behind in rural areas in China, 604 students were chosen from primary fifth grade, junior second grade and senior first grade in high schools in local villages and towns of Chongqing and Guizhou to complete some investegations. The results showed that children left behind actually had some internalizing problems including depression, state-trait anxiety, social anxiety, low self-esteem and some social problems in campus; however, they had no delinquency or aggression behaviors. Low parents’ educational level, low life standards, no-good parent-child relationship, the long years parent spent outside, the long time parent spent outside every year, the young age of child when his parent left him, the low contact frequency between parent and child when parent went out for work, all can be the influencing factors made child behave some psychological or behavioral problems. Children left behind need some appropriate psychological intervention, to improve parent-child relationship, to help release internalizing problems and amend interpersonal relationship at school. Several advices may be useful to improve psychological and behavioral problems of children left behind, which are for parents who work outside home not to work long to 10 years, or stay out for work more than 10 months per year, or left child to work when he is younger than two years old, or contact child more than one month after the last contact when work outside home, and you’d better contact child once a day. All of these could be helpful for children left behind to overcome some psychological or behavioral problems.
Emotional support, as an important form of social supports, has great impact on the life of both caregivers and receivers. Many studies on adult children and old parents indicate that emotional support is closely related to parents’ well-being, and the relation quality between old parents and adult children is one of the factors influencing adult children’s support offering. However, the study on adolescents’ emotional support to their parents is quite rare. What’s more, it has been found that emotional support skills children have learnt at home have life-time influence on children’s response to other’s emotional needs. It is assumed that to some extent the emotional support styles between parents and adolescents are relatively stable, and they are related to the care children give to their parents after they advance to old age. Hence, it is necessary to study the emotional support of adolescent in order to at last improve the well-being of old parents. Totally speaking, the aim of this study is to explore the relation between parenting styles and adolescents’ emotional support offering, as well as the effects of mother-child relationships. In addition, culture is a factor having impact on parenting styles, parent-child relationships and emotional support. So we have designed this cross-cultural study to explore cultural differences. The results are as follows: (1) As to Chinese and Indonesian mothers, their Acceptance of adolescents’ behaviors has significant positive predictive effect on children’s emotional support. Besides, the Intimacy and Approval dimensions of mother-child relationships partially mediate the path from parenting styles to emotional support offering, and those effects have no significant difference in China and Indonesia. (2) Chinese and Indonesian mother’s Rejection to adolescents has significant positive predictive effect on Conflict between mothers and adolescents, but has no direct effect on adolescents’ emotional support offering. (3) Adolescents’ support offering has no significant predictive effect on their willingness to help their parents. (4) Adolescents’ support offering has significant predictive effect on their motivation to provide emotional support to their parents. However, the relation between adolescents’ support offering and the willingness to help their parents is not clear. (5) Adolescents have scored high in Acceptance parenting style dimension and relatively low in Rejection dimension, which indicate that mothers in China and Indonesia adopt positive parenting styles. Both Chinese and Indonesian mother-child relationships are good. However, Indonesian adolescents have perceived more Intimacy and Approval from mothers, and there is no significant difference between Chinese and Indonesian adolescents and mothers in the dimension of Conflict.
The recent implementation of Universal Neonatal Hearing Screening (UNHS) in all 19 maternity hospitals across Ireland has precipitated early identification of paediatric hearing loss in an Irish context. This qualitative, grounded theory study centres on the issue of parental coping as families receive and respond to (what is typically) an unexpected diagnosis of hearing loss in their newborn baby. Parental wellbeing is of particular concern as the diagnosis occurs in the context of recovery from birth and at a time when the parent-child relationship is being established. As the vast majority of children with a hearing loss are born into hearing families with no prior history of deafness, parents generally have had little exposure to childhood hearing loss and often experience acute emotional vulnerability as they respond to the diagnosis. The researcher conducted in-depth interviews primarily with parents (and to a lesser extent with professionals), as well as a follow-up postal questionnaire for parents. Through a grounded theory analysis of data, the researcher subsequently fashioned a four-stage model depicting the parental journey of receiving and coping with a diagnosis. The four stages (entitled Anticipating, Confirming, Adjusting and Normalising) are differentiated by the chronology of service intervention and defined by the overarching parental experience. Far from representing a homogenous trajectory, this four-stage model is multifaceted and captures a wide diversity of parental experiences ranging from acute distress to resilient hopefulness
Externalizing behavior problems of 124 adolescents were assessed across Grades 7-11. In Grade 9, participants were also assessed across social-cognitive domains after imagining themselves as the object of provocations portrayed in six videotaped vignettes. Participants responded to vignette-based questions representing multiple processes of the response decision step of social information processing. Phase 1 of our investigation supported a two-factor model of the response evaluation process of response decision (response valuation and outcome expectancy). Phase 2 showed significant relations between the set of these response decision processes, as well as response selection, measured in Grade 9 and (a) externalizing behavior in Grade 9 and (b) externalizing behavior in Grades 10-11, even after controlling externalizing behavior in Grades 7-8. These findings suggest that on-line behavioral judgments about aggression play a crucial role in the maintenance and growth of aggressive response tendencies in adolescence.
Background: Elevated homocysteine is associated with ischaemic heart disease (IHD). The C677T polymorphism in the methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR) gene results in reduced MTHFR enzyme activity and reduced methylation of homocysteine to methionine resulting in mild hyperhomocysteinaemia. Case-control association studies of the role of the C677T MTHFR polymorphism in IHD have produced conflicting results. We therefore used newly described family-based association tests to investigate the role of this polymorphism in IHD, in a well-defined population. Methods: A total of 352 individuals from 129 families (discordant sibships and parent-child trios) were recruited. Linkage disequilibrium between the polymorphism and IHD was tested for using the combined transmission disequilibrium test (TDT)/sib-TDT and pedigree disequilibrium test (PDT). Homocysteine levels were measured. Results: Both the TDT/sib-TDT and PDT analyses found a significantly reduced transmission of the T allele to affected individuals (P=0.016 and P=0.021). There was no significant difference in homocysteine levels between affected and unaffected siblings. TT homozygotes had mean homocysteine levels significantly higher than those of TC heterozygotes (P
Background: Ischaemic heart disease (IHD) is a complex disease due to the combination of environmental and genetic factors. Mutations in the MEF2A gene have recently been reported in patients with IHD. In particular, a 21 base pair deletion (Δ7aa) in the MEF2A gene was identified in a family with an autosomal dominant pattern of inheritance of IHD. We investigated this region of the MEF2A gene using an Irish family-based study, where affected individuals had early-onset IHD. Methods: A total of 1494 individuals from 580 families were included (800 discordant sib-pairs and 64 parent-child trios). The Δ7aa region of the MEF2A gene was investigated based on amplicon size. Results: The Δ7aa mutation was not detected in any individual. Variation in the number of CAG (glutamate) and CCG (proline) residues was detected in a nearby region. However, this was not found to be associated with IHD. Conclusion: The Δ7aa mutation was not detected in any individual within the study population and is unlikely to play a significant role in the development of IHD in Ireland. Using family-based tests of association the number of tri-nucleotide repeats in a nearby region of the MEF2A gene was not associated with IHD in our study group. © 2006 Horan et al; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.
The existence of familial de Lange syndrome has been documented in sibs and in parent-child families, but the inheritance pattern continues to be the cause of much debate. We describe a classically affected neonate with de Lange syndrome, an affected mother and probably affected maternal grandmother. These cases show evidence for a dominantly inherited syndrome with a de Lange phenotype.
Adoption policy in the UK emphasizes its role in providing secure, permanent relationships to children in care who are unable to live with their birth families. Adoptive parents are crucial in providing this life-long, stable experience of family for these vulnerable children. This paper explores the experience of adoptive parenthood in the context of changes to adoptive kinship relationships brought about by new, unplanned contact with birth family during their child's middle adolescence. This contact was initiated via informal social networks and/or social media, with older birth siblings instrumental in negotiating renewed relationships. The contact precipitated a transition in adoptive family life resulting in emotional challenges and changes in parent/child relationships, which were experienced as additional to the normative transitions expected during adolescence. Parental concern as a dominant theme was founded in the child and birth sibling's stage of adolescence, coupled with constraints on adoptive parenthood imposed by the use of social media, by perceived professional attitudes and by parental social cognitions about the importance of birth ties. Adoptive parents' accounts are interpreted with reference to family life-cycle theory and implications are suggested for professional support of adoptive kinship relationships.
Predictive validity of the Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale Fourth Edition (S-B IV) from age 3 years to ages 4-5 years was evaluated with biologically "at risk" children without major sensory or motor impairments (n = 236). Using the standard scoring, children with full scale IQ <or = 84 on the Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence at age 4-5 years were poorly identified (sensitivity 54%) from the composite S-B IV score at age 3. However, sensitivity improved greatly to 78% by including as a predictor the number of subtests the child was actually able to perform at age 3 years. Measures from the Home Screening Questionnaire and ratings of mother-child interaction further improved sensitivity to 83%. The standard method for calculating the composite score on the S-B IV excludes subtests with a raw score of 0, which overestimates cognitive functioning in young biologically high risk children. Accuracy of early identification was improved significantly by considering the number of subtests the child did not perform at age 3 years.