1000 resultados para Palmas (TO) História


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The points of departure of this article are our own researches which talked about Maria of Portugal and widowhood during the 14ht century, respectively. We were interested in the figure of Maria of Portugal as example of all that kind of people, mostly women but also children who were treated as change currency by their relatives. They were used to guaranty peace treaties and other agreements, but also as hostages in war times. This article is based on the study of Maria's will, which is preserved in the Arxiu de la Coroan d'Aaragó. however we also thought necessary to present the figure of Maria of Portugal in order to grasp, not only the events that marked her life, but also the way they influenced in her thoughts an feelings.


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En aquest article ens proposem demostrar que la història del català del segle XVI ençà està caracteritzada per tres fenòmens sense els quals no podem entendre tampoc la situació actual: reculada en els usos socials de la llengua, baixa cohesió de la comunitat lingüística, i augment de la variació interna i les interferències. Aquestes tres constants, però, s'han corregit en part des de finals del XIX, segons l'àmbit i el territori. Al nostre parer, allò que singularitza el català entre les llengües europees és aquesta combinació paradoxal de reculades i recuperacions durant l'edat contemporània. This paper aims to demonstrate that the history of Catalan from the 16th century onwards is characterized by three phenomena without which the current situation of this language cannot be understood. These three phenomena are regression in social practices, low cohesion of the language community and increase of its internal variation as well as interferences. Nevertheless, those phenomena have been partially mitigated from the late 19th century depending on the domain and area concerned. In our view, what singles out Catalan among all European languages is this paradoxical combination of setbacks and recoveries in the late modern age.


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The first days of radioactivity, the discoveries of X-rays, radioactivity, of alpha- and beta- particles and gamma- radiation, of new radioactive elements, of artificial radioactivity, the neutron and positron and nuclear fission are reviewed as well as several adverse historical marks, such as the Manhattan project and some nuclear and radiological accidents. Nuclear energy generation in Brazil and the world, as an alternative to minimize environmental problems, is discussed, as are the medicinal, industrial and food applications of ionizing radiation. The text leads the reader to reflect on the subject and to consider its various aspects with scientific and technological maturity.


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We would like to introduce our group of research, [CONTRA TAEDIUM], created by professionals from different fields, that have contributed in this article. Our purpose is to expose our reflections based on our own experiences, not only in research, but also in teaching. We propose new forms of writing history in order to understand the dairy life of the women and men of the past, from birth to death. We would like to point out that interacting all types of sources is essential to understand our history. But, what really makes sense is to bring our students in the historical methodology and involve them in their education. Moreover, it is necessary to design new teaching materials using the new technologies, although it requires team-work and a great, but satisfying, effort


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Nowadays, fribromialgya is one of the nervous diseases with the highest comorbidity and chronic index. The peculiarity of this symptomatology is becausephysiological pain goes to different parts of the body. The symptomatology of fribromialgya and hysteria could have relation between them and even, sharing many similar simptoms. Therefore, we will focus on studyng two cases to resolve these questions and we will be able to see if fibromialgya has histerical symptoms.


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La seqüència gregoriana Dies Irae s'ha convertit en un material musical àmpliament utilitzat per compositors per dotar d'un significat concret a la seves obres. Però a mesura que han passat el segles es pot determinar que l'objectiu que han tingut els compositors en voler incloure una referència a aquesta seqüència ha variat notablement. En aquest treball tracto de demostrar quins canvis hi ha hagut segons l'època i el compositor, ja sigui des del punt de vista conceptual com des del punt de vista tècnic tot analitzant obres de moments i estils diferents, parant atenció a sis obres concretes que o tenen importància a causa de la seva influència o la seva singularitat. Alhora, exposo com tot això m'ha influït per compondre obres que estiguin relacionades amb el Dies Irae i amb la música al voltant de la mort.


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After 470 years, a history of development, international seed smuggling and scientific development that caused deep changes in our society, has reached an end. In 1638, the countess of Chinchón contracted a disease while in the Amazon rain forest and was healed by a potion used by the native inhabitants. In 1856, William H. Perkin while attempting to obtain synthetic quinine, discovered the mauveína, a molecule that changed the world. The synthesis of quinine was also the subject of a bitter controversy among two excellent scientists of the 20th century. During centuries, quinine was the only hope against malaria disease and its exploration almost extinguished the Cinchona tree.


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Polyethilenetherephtalate (PET) is commonly used in manufacturing of beverage bottles representing a didactic appeal in thermal analysis education due to its presence in the student's day life. Additionally such polymer presents well defined thermal analytical curves and a well known thermal behavior. TGA curve is used to present the thermal stability. The thermal history effects in the thermal properties of a PET sample from a soft drink bottle are used to demonstrate the effect of different heating/cooling conditions on glass transition, melting, crystallization and crystalline degree using DSC curves.


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Fun methodologies developed with alternative materials for teaching chemical reactions of carbon are interesting activities for discussing concepts of stoichiometry and thermochemistry. The decomposition of organic matter, CO2 production and coal formation can be demonstrated in the experiment "Pharaoh´s snake". This experiment is attractive since the simple combustion of sucrose generates a peculiar structure of coal. This paper proposes a simple methodology for making the sugar tablets used in the experiment and contextualizes the experimental observations with the chemical reaction of carbon which leads to coal and to the thermodynamics involving combustion processes.


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O estudo da questão do conflito a partir da "História de Florença" nos fornece elementos capazes de mostrar que a reflexão maquiaveliana não se desenvolve de modo tão simples e linear quanto parece nos "Discursos". Com efeito, revelará que a oposição entre dois tipos de conflito - positivo e negativo - descrita nos "Discursos" se define progressivamente, a partir da análise da história florentina, como de um só tipo - trágico e violento - baseado sobre contraposições que não são possíveis de serem resolvidas em termos de uma virtù clássica, característica do primeiro período da história de Roma. Esta transformação levanta um conjunto de interrogações para as quais, de algum modo, o presente estudo pretende oferecer respostas: teria Maquiavel renunciado à ideia de conflito como fundamento da liberdade republicana e se entregado à utopia de uma ordem homogênea e estável? A que se deve atribuir o fato de as discórdias não haverem produzido em Florença os mesmos efeitos que em Roma? Seriam todas as discórdias naturais e, portanto, inevitáveis, ou poderia haver divisões "artificiais" e, portanto, evitáveis?


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It is generally accepted that the development of the modern sciences is rooted in experiment. Yet for a long time, experimentation did not occupy a prominent role, neither in philosophy nor in history of science. With the 'practical turn' in studying the sciences and their history, this has begun to change. This paper is concerned with systems and cultures of experimentation and the consistencies that are generated within such systems and cultures. The first part of the paper exposes the forms of historical and structural coherence that characterize the experimental exploration of epistemic objects. In the second part, a particular experimental culture in the life sciences is briefly described as an example. A survey will be given of what it means and what it takes to analyze biological functions in the test tube.


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In this paper I am concerned with the problem of applying the notion of rigidity to general terms. In Naming and Necessity, Kripke has clearly suggested that we should include some general terms among the rigid ones, namely, those common nouns semantically correlated with natural substances, species and phenomena, in general, natural kinds -'water', 'tiger', 'heat'- and some adjectives -'red', 'hot', 'loud'. However, the notion of rigidity has been defined for singular terms; after all, the notion that Kripke has provided us with is the notion of a rigid designator. But general terms do not designate single individuals: rather, they apply to many of them. In sum, the original concept of rigidity cannot be straightforwardly applied to general terms: it has to be somehow redefined in order to make it cover them. As is known, two main positions have been put forward to accomplish that task: the identity of designation conception, according to which a rigid general term is one that designates the same property or kind in all possible worlds, and the essentialist conception, which conceives of a rigid general term as an essentialist one, namely, a term that expresses an essential property of an object. My purpose in the present paper is to defend a particular version of the identity of designation conception: on the proposed approach, a rigid general term will be one that expresses the same property in all possible worlds and names the property it expresses. In my opinion, the position can be established on the basis of an inference to the best explanation of our intuitive interpretation and evaluation, relative to counterfactual circumstances, of statements containing different kinds of general terms, which is strictly analogous to our intuitive interpretation and evaluation, relative to such circumstances, of statements containing different kinds of singular ones. I will argue that it is possible to offer a new solution to the trivialization problem that is thought to threaten all versions of the identity of designation conception of rigidity. Finally, I will also sketch a solution to the so-called 'over-generalization and under-generalization problems', both closely related to the above-mentioned one.


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Abstract In this paper I defend a solution to the moral luck problem based on what I call "a fair opportunity account of control." I focus on Thomas Nagel's claim that moral luck reveals a paradox, and argue that the apparent paradox emerges only because he assumes that attributions of responsibility require agents to have total control over their actions. I argue that a more modest understanding of what it takes for someone to be a responsible agent-i.e., being capable of doing the right thing for the right reasons-dissolves the paradox and shows that responsibility and luck aren't at odds.


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El Arxiu Nacional de Catalunya, asumiendo su responsabilidad de comunicar el patrimonio documental a la ciudadanía, y con la finalidad de contribuir a la democratización de la cultura, ha implementado un servicio didáctico (SDANC) que tiene por objetivo principal el de promover la didáctica con fuentes de archivo. El instrumento principal del SDANC es la base de datos SDANC RECERCA, que reúne la descripción de fuentes de archivo a la cual se asocia la imagen digitalizada de los documentos que han sido seleccionados por su utilidad didáctica. Este aplicativo, que actualmente reúne 5000 documentos, será accesible a través de internet en los próximos meses.


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La teoría económica ha demostrado que en mercados imperfectos la redistribución de la renta puede incrementar el bienestar social y dar lugar a situaciones en las que todos los agentes económicos involucrados puedan mejorar el nivel de bienestar. Se demuestra que la implantación de un regimen fiscal de subvenciones también puede mejorar los efectos en mercados competitivos perfectos, que se derivan de economías externas de escala.