565 resultados para Paint, Antifouling.


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In this study, consider to the mechanism of controlled depletion paint, has been made the Antifouling (A/F) paints that use these in a paint system which applied on the steel. As a first step, it is necessary to prove that the system subject to investigation does fit into the mechanisms proposed for the CDPs system. According to this, the machine was designed and built as for ASTM D5108-90, D4939-89. Specimens immersed in natural sea water and were rotating by 60 r/min rotor. Painted specimens were tested for 59 days. The main objective of this study was to investigate if new antifouling paint are less toxic than traditional paint and more efficient. For this reason, Zineb and Ziram which is an ingredient in antifouling paints, was also studied. Zineb and Ziram are known as booster biocides in A/P composition. We used the Zineb and Ziram and synthesis of these in a A/F paints. The concentration of booster biocides are 3% and 6% in paints. We use scanning electron microscopy (SEM) for evaluation of paint film. The settlement and the growth of living organism on immersed surfaces was observed during 59 days. According to reports, the growth of organism was observed for A/F paint contains, 3% Zineb after 20days,3%Ziram after 24days and 3% Zineb +Ziram after 30days. By measuring leached rate of the Zn in A/F paints, we figured out the effectiveness of booster biocides on the growth of organism, for example in the absence of booster biocides, the critical released rate for preventing biofilm for A/F paint with ZnO is 15 μg/cm2day. This despite the fact that this figure for A/F paint contain Zineb is 4 μg/cm2, Ziram is 3 μg/cm2 and Zineb +Ziram is 2 μg/cm2.


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The levels of some heavy metals in soil samples and tubers of cocoyam ( Colocasia esculentum ) grown on soil receiving paint wastes (PWS) has been investigated using Atomic Absorption spectrophotometer (Unicam 939/959 model). Similar analyses were carried out for the same plant from a control area. The studies revealed that although the P.W.S contained abnormally high levels of Pb (474.14mgkg-1) and Cu (137.85mgkg-1). The paint waste tuber (PWT) recorded low levels of these metals: Pb (2.13mgkg-1) and Cu (13.85mgkg-1) respectively. Correlation analysis tested at 0.05 level of significance show that no significant correlation existed between the metals levels in the soil and the level in the tuber. In all cases the levels of the metals in the tubers were well below the upper limit documented for unpolluted plant. The results however suggest the ineffectiveness of the use of Colocasia esculentum as a bioindicator for heavy metal pollution in soil.


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In the present study, embryotoxicity experiments using the sea urchin Lytechinus variegatus were carried out to better clarify the ecotoxicological effects of tributyltin (TBT) and triphenyltin (TPT) (the recently banned antifouling agents), and Irgarol and Diuron (two of the new commonly used booster biocides). Organisms were individually examined to evaluate the intensity and type of effects on embryo-larval development, this procedure has not been commonly used, however it showed to be a potentially suitable approach for toxicity assessment. NOEC and LOEC were similar for compounds of same chemical class, and IC10 values were very close and showed overlapping of confidence intervals between TBT and TPT, and between Diuron and Irgarol. In addition, IC10 were similar to NOEC values. Regardless of this, the observed effects were different. Embryo development was interrupted at the gastrula and blastula stages at 1.25 and 2.5 mu g l(-1) of TBT, respectively, whereas pluteus stage was reached with the corresponding concentrations of TPT. Furthermore, embryos reached the prism and morula stages at 5 mu g l(-1) of TPT and TBT, respectively. The effects induced by Irgarol were also more pronounced than those caused by Diuron. Pluteus stage was always reached at any tested Diuron concentration, while embryogenesis was interrupted at blastula/gastrula stages at the highest concentrations of Irgarol. Therefore, this study proposes a complementary approach for interpreting embryo-larval responses that may be employed together with the traditional way of analysis. Consequently, this application leads to a more powerful ecotoxicological assessment tool focused on embryotoxicity.


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if not in paint is an attempt to deploy the concept of the text as a space in which to bring to light the sense of hospitality. It is inspired by Jacques Derrida’s exploration of the theme (in Derrida & Dufourmantelle 1997), which has taken increasing urgency in the first decades of the millennium with the global refugee crisis. The sequence aspires to a poetics of attentiveness and radical passivity associated with Maurice Blanchot (1986) and informing Alan Loney’s poetry (Loney 2005, 2007 & 2008). The poem operates a transformation of the concept of home from the narrow one, sentimentally associated with familial and personal identity, via betrayal and calamity, to the possibility of home as openness to the other.


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Recent years have seen intense scrutiny focused on the reported ethical breaches of enterprises across the globe. At the forefront of the accompanying criticism are the actions of giant American firms such as WorldCom, Arthur Anderson, and Enron. However, such deviations from acceptable standards of conduct have not been confined to the American market. Australia endured its era of “corporate excess” in the 1980s [Milton-Smith, 1997]. As a result, a spate of ethics-based research was undertaken in the early 1990s. More recently, China has been identified as a major venue for behavior deemed to be unacceptable, even unsafe. Issues such as counterfeit fashion items, software, and automobile parts have been a concern for several years [Gonzalez, 2007]. Perhaps more disconcerting are the recent recalls of children’s products, many of which were produced for leading toy companies such as Mattel and Fisher-Price, because of the use of dangerous lead-based paint. As one might anticipate, news reports and consumer protection agencies have been quick to condemn any action that falls within the “controversial” category. Indeed, many segments of society characterize such actions as unethical behavior. One result of this increased level of concern is the higher level of attention given to ethics in higher education programs. Even accreditation bodies such as AACSB have virtually mandated the integration of ethics into the curriculum. As a consequence, academicians have ramped up their ethics-based research agendas.


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A combination of micro-Raman spectroscopy, micro-infrared spectroscopy and SEM–EDX was employed to characterize decorative pigments on Classic Maya ceramics from Copán, Honduras. Variation in red paint mixtures was correlated with changing ceramic types and improvements in process and firing techniques. We have confirmed the use of specular hematite on Coner ceramics by the difference in intensities of Raman bands. Different compositions of brown paint were correlated with imported and local wares. The carbon-iron composition of the ceramic type, Surlo Brown, was confirmed. By combining micro-Raman analysis with micro-ATR infrared and SEM–EDX, we have achieved a more comprehensive characterization of the paint mixtures. These spectroscopic techniques can be used non-destructively on raw samples as a rapid confirmation of ceramic type.


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This article describes a project to unwrap an ancient Egyptian mummy using X-ray computed tomography (CT). About 600 X-ray CT images were obtained through the mummified body of a female named Tjetmutjengebtiu (or Jeni for short), who was a singer in the great temple of Karnak in Egypt during the 22nd dynasty (c. 945-715 BC). The X-ray CT images reveal details of the remains of body organs, wrappings and jewellery. 3D reconstructions of Jeni’s teeth suggest that she was probably only around 20 years old when she died, although the cause of death cannot be ascertained from the CT scans. The CT images were used to build a 3D model of Jeni’s head which enabled an artist to paint a picture of what Jeni may have looked like during life. A PowerPoint presentation and movie clips are provided as supplementary material that may be useful for teaching.


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This paper describes the real time global vision system for the robot soccer team the RoboRoos. It has a highly optimised pipeline that includes thresholding, segmenting, colour normalising, object recognition and perspective and lens correction. It has a fast ‘paint’ colour calibration system that can calibrate in any face of the YUV or HSI cube. It also autonomously selects both an appropriate camera gain and colour gains robot regions across the field to achieve colour uniformity. Camera geometry calibration is performed automatically from selection of keypoints on the field. The system achieves a position accuracy of better than 15mm over a 4m × 5.5m field, and orientation accuracy to within 1°. It processes 614 × 480 pixels at 60Hz on a 2.0GHz Pentium 4 microprocessor.


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Fables of sovereignty / Wayne Hudson Sovereignty discourse and practice : past and future / Joseph Camilleri Guises of sovereignty / Gerry Simpson Westphalian and Islamic concepts of sovereignty in the Middle East / Amin Saikal Wither sovereignty in Southeast Asia today? / See Seng Tan Ambivalent sovereignty : China and re-imagining the Westphalian ideal / Yongjin Zhang Confronting terrorism : dilemmas of principle and practice regarding sovereignty / Brian L. Job Sovereignty in the 21st century : security, immigration, and refugees / Howard Adelman State sovereignty and international refugee protection / Robyn Lui Do no harm : towards a Hippocratic standard for international civilisation / Neil Arya Sovereignty and the global politics of the environment : beyond Westphalia? / Lorraine Elliott Westphalian sovereignty in the shadow of international justice? a fresh coat of paint for a tainted concept / Jackson Nyamuya Maogoto Development assistance and the hollow sovereignty of the weak / Roland Rich Corruption and transparency in governance and development : reinventing sovereignty for promoting good governance / C. Raj Kumar Re-envisioning economic sovereignty : developing countries and the International Monetary Fund / Ross P. Buckley Trust, legitimacy, and the sharing of sovereignty / William Maley Sovereignty as indirect rule / Barry Hindess Indigenous sovereignty / Paul Keal Civil society in a post-statist circumstance / Jan Aart Scholte.


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Software used by architectural and industrial designers – has moved from becoming a tool for drafting, towards use in verification, simulation, project management and project sharing remotely. In more advanced models, parameters for the designed object can be adjusted so a family of variations can be produced rapidly. With advances in computer aided design technology, numerous design options can now be generated and analyzed in real time. However the use of digital tools to support design as an activity is still at an early stage and has largely been limited in functionality with regard to the design process. To date, major CAD vendors have not developed an integrated tool that is able to both leverage specialized design knowledge from various discipline domains (known as expert knowledge systems) and support the creation of design alternatives that satisfy different forms of constraints. We propose that evolutionary computing and machine learning be linked with parametric design techniques to record and respond to a designer’s own way of working and design history. It is expected that this will lead to results that impact on future work on design support systems-(ergonomics and interface) as well as implicit constraint and problem definition for problems that are difficult to quantify.


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What I want to do in this Column, is to paint a picture of the current BPM education portfolios that are offered globally by universities active in the BPM space. To do so, I will draw on work I was involved in that reviewed the BPM teaching capacities of five universities in the United States, Europe, Africa and Australia. My ambition is to complement the listings in the BPTrends Academic Program with a more comprehensive and in-depth discussion of a selected set of universities. Let us explore how BPM capability development is implemented and offered in different universities around the globe.


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This article tells the story of the mass marketing on stationery of the work of an artist, Sakshi Anmatyerre, whose claims to an lndigenous heritage and to the authority to paint particular designs, totems and motifs were vigorously contested, leading to the withdrawal of the stationery from sale. The efforts made by the publisher, Steve Parish, to atone for the offence caused to the Anmatyerre people are detailed. The article illustrates some of the issues involved in the commodification and commercial exchange of lndigenous artistic or cultural work - or rather, work which relies upon lndigenous connections for its aesthetic and financial value. The story told in this article is enlightening for what it reveals about the state of unsettlement that characterises debate over the 'appropriate' commercial use of lndigenous intellectual and cultural property, for the ways in which it is possible to achieve restitution when an offence agalnst lndigenous law is alleged, and for the effects the process of seeking restitution has had on the business practices of one company.


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Grandiflora: Recent Paintings by Daniel Mafe The paintings of Grandiflora are improvised around a range of different flower motifs culled from medieval textiles and botanical illustrations. Each of the paintings is constructed upon a ground of flat, palely luminous yellow occasionally supplemented by additional areas of high-keyed pastel. Pink, blue, green and mauve together with the yellow, generate a shimmering and even incandescent glow. The graphic images of the flowers with the flat colour areas are then contrasted and worked over with richly sensual, abstract gestures of paint. Within the work there is a pronounced almost rococo-esque opticality as it operates between these different visual codes of flat colour, recognizable floral forms, and gesture. These codes combine to produce a definite visceral impact on the viewer, a pronounced and tactile sense of the experience and ambiguity inherent in perceiving. This ambiguity is interestingly at odds with the apparently clean and crisp quality each painting demonstrates as an integrated whole. Indeed each piece goes on to reveal, despite the use of overt figurative quotations, a sense of the purely abstract which in its turn concretely establishes the ornamental.