502 resultados para PROKARYOTES


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Pós-graduação em Microbiologia Agropecuária - FCAV


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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As proteínas oxigenases com ferro não hêmico compartilham um domínio conservado composto por oito histidinas, podem ser encontradas em organismos eucariotos e procariotos, e participam de importantes vias de biossíntese lipídica. Para compreender a relação evolutiva existente entre essas proteínas, foram realizadas análises comparativa e filogenética em procariotos e eucariotos que permitiram uma classificação dessa família, até então inexistente. A busca de seqüências resultou, após a curadoria, em uma coleção de 448 proteínas, pertencentes a 58 organismos previamente selecionados dentro dos principais taxa. O alinhamento múltiplo de seqüências gerado com a ferramenta MAFFT (BLOSUM 62; L-INS-i) mostrou a presença do domínio de histidinas com espaçamento conservado entre os motivos. A classificação das proteínas feita com o software CLANS gerou 28 grupos a partir da similaridade entre pares de seqüências. Dentre esses, 2 contêm seqüências que não tiveram similaridade com proteínas já caracterizadas e 48 seqüências não foram atribuídas a quaisquer dos grupos formados. As seqüências de plantas, representadas por 119 seqüências da coleção, foram distribuídas em 7 grupos correspondentes às funções C4 metilesterol monoxigenase, C5 esterol desaturase, ácido graxo hidroxilase, esfingolipídeo C4 monooxigenase, aldeído decarbonilase, β-caroteno hidroxilase e Acil-ACP desaturase. A análise filogenética, utilizando o método de máxima verossimilhança com a ferramenta PhyML, mostrou a formação de grupos bem definidos e que foram similares aos gerados por CLANS. Esses resultados começam a preencher a lacuna existente até o momento acerca da relação evolutiva e da classificação das oxigenases com ferro não hêmico. Além disso, sugerem que dentro dessa família ainda há proteínas com funções desconhecidas, reforçando a necessidade de realizar mais estudos de caracterização funcional das mesmas.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Pós-graduação em Microbiologia Agropecuária - FCAV


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Pós-graduação em Biotecnologia - IQ


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Paracoccidioides species are dimorphic fungi and are the etiologic agents of paracoccidioidomycosis, which is a serious disease that involves multiple organs. The many tissues colonized by this fungus suggest a variety of surface molecules involved in adhesion. A surprising finding is that most enzymes in the glycolytic pathway, tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle and glyoxylate cycle in Paracoccidioides spp. have adhesive properties that aid in interacting with the host extracellular matrix and thus act as 'moonlighting'proteins. Moonlighting proteins have multiple functions, which adds a dimension to cellular complexity and benefit cells in several ways. This phenomenon occurs in both eukaryotes and prokaryotes. For example, moonlighting proteins from the glycolytic pathway or TCA cycle can play a role in bacterial pathogenesis by either acting as proteins secreted in a conventional pathway and/or as cell surface components that facilitate adhesion or adherence. This review outlines the multifunctionality exhibited by many Paracoccidioides spp. enzymes, including aconitase, aldolase, glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase, isocitratelyase, malatesynthase, triose phosphate isomerase, fumarase, and enolase. We discuss the roles that moonlighting activities play in the virulence characteristics of this fungus and several other human pathogens during their interactions with the host.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Geociências e Meio Ambiente - IGCE


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Pós-graduação em Geociências e Meio Ambiente - IGCE


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Magnetotactic bacteria biomineralize magnetic minerals with precisely controlled size, morphology, and stoichiometry. These cosmopolitan bacteria are widely observed in aquatic environments. If preserved after burial, the inorganic remains of magnetotactic bacteria act as magnetofossils that record ancient geomagnetic field variations. They also have potential to provide paleoenvironmental information. In contrast to conventional magnetofossils, giant magnetofossils (most likely produced by eukaryotic organisms) have only been reported once before from Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM; 55.8 Ma) sediments on the New Jersey coastal plain. Here, using transmission electron microscopic observations, we present evidence for abundant giant magnetofossils, including previously reported elongated prisms and spindles, and new giant bullet-shaped magnetite crystals, in the Southern Ocean near Antarctica, not only during the PETM, but also shortly before and after the PETM. Moreover, we have discovered giant bullet-shaped magnetite crystals from the equatorial Indian Ocean during the Mid-Eocene Climatic Optimum (similar to 40 Ma). Our results indicate a more widespread geographic, environmental, and temporal distribution of giant magnetofossils in the geological record with a link to "hyperthermal" events. Enhanced global weathering during hyperthermals, and expanded suboxic diagenetic environments, probably provided more bioavailable iron that enabled biomineralization of giant magnetofossils. Our micromagnetic modelling indicates the presence of magnetic multi-domain (i.e., not ideal for navigation) and single domain (i.e., ideal for navigation) structures in the giant magnetite particles depending on their size, morphology and spatial arrangement. Different giant magnetite crystal morphologies appear to have had different biological functions, including magnetotaxis and other non-navigational purposes. Our observations suggest that hyperthermals provided ideal conditions for giant magnetofossils, and that these organisms were globally distributed. Much more work is needed to understand the interplay between magnetofossil morphology, climate, nutrient availability, and environmental variability.


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Membrane proteins are a large and important class of proteins. They are responsible for several of the key functions in a living cell, e.g. transport of nutrients and ions, cell-cell signaling, and cell-cell adhesion. Despite their importance it has not been possible to study their structure and organization in much detail because of the difficulty to obtain 3D structures. In this thesis theoretical studies of membrane protein sequences and structures have been carried out by analyzing existing experimental data. The data comes from several sources including sequence databases, genome sequencing projects, and 3D structures. Prediction of the membrane spanning regions by hydrophobicity analysis is a key technique used in several of the studies. A novel method for this is also presented and compared to other methods. The primary questions addressed in the thesis are: What properties are common to all membrane proteins? What is the overall architecture of a membrane protein? What properties govern the integration into the membrane? How many membrane proteins are there and how are they distributed in different organisms? Several of the findings have now been backed up by experiments. An analysis of the large family of G-protein coupled receptors pinpoints differences in length and amino acid composition of loops between proteins with and without a signal peptide and also differences between extra- and intracellular loops. Known 3D structures of membrane proteins have been studied in terms of hydrophobicity, distribution of secondary structure and amino acid types, position specific residue variability, and differences between loops and membrane spanning regions. An analysis of several fully and partially sequenced genomes from eukaryotes, prokaryotes, and archaea has been carried out. Several differences in the membrane protein content between organisms were found, the most important being the total number of membrane proteins and the distribution of membrane proteins with a given number of transmembrane segments. Of the properties that were found to be similar in all organisms, the most obvious is the bias in the distribution of positive charges between the extra- and intracellular loops. Finally, an analysis of homologues to membrane proteins with known topology uncovered two related, multi-spanning proteins with opposite predicted orientations. The predicted topologies were verified experimentally, providing a first example of "divergent topology evolution".


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Homing endonucleases are rare-cutting enzymes that cleave DNA at a site near their own location, preferentially in alleles lacking the homing endonuclease gene (HEG). By cleaving HEG-less alleles the homing endonuclease can mediate the transfer of its own gene to the cleaved site via a process called homing, involving double strand break repair. Via homing, HEGs are efficiently transferred into new genomes when horizontal exchange of DNA occurs between organisms. Group I introns are intervening sequences that can catalyse their own excision from the unprocessed transcript without the need of any proteins. They are widespread, occurring both in eukaryotes and prokaryotes and in their viruses. Many group I introns encode a HEG within them that confers mobility also to the intron and mediates the combined transfer of the intron/HEG to intronless alleles via homing. Bacteriophage T4 contains three such group I introns and at least 12 freestanding HEGs in its genome. The majority of phages besides T4 do not contain any introns, and freestanding HEGs are also scarcely represented among other phages. In the first paper we looked into why group I introns are so rare in phages related to T4 in spite of the fact that they can spread between phages via homing. We have identified the first phage besides T4 that contains all three T-even introns and also shown that homing of at least one of the introns has occurred recently between some of the phages in Nature. We also show that intron homing can be highly efficient between related phages if two phages infect the same bacterium but that there also exists counteracting mechanisms that can restrict the spread of introns between phages. In the second paper we have looked at how the presence of introns can affect gene expression in the phage. We find that the efficiency of splicing can be affected by variation of translation of the upstream exon for all three introns in T4. Furthermore, we find that splicing is also compromised upon infection of stationary-phase bacteria. This is the first time that the efficiency of self-splicing of group I introns has been coupled to environmental conditions and the potential effect of this on phage viability is discussed. In the third paper we have characterised two novel freestanding homing endonucleases that in some T-even-like phages replace two of the putative HEGs in T4. We also present a new theory on why it is a selective advantage for freestanding, phage homing endonucleases to cleave both HEG-containing and HEG-less genomes.


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