Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Cellular membranes have relevant roles in processes related to proteases like human kallikreins and cathepsins. As enzyme and substrate may interact with cell membranes and associated co-factors, it is important to take into account the behavior of peptide substrates in the lipid environment. In this paper we report an study based on energy transfer in two bradykinin derived peptides labeled with the donor-acceptor pair Abz/Eddnp (ortho-aminobenzoic acid/N-[2,4-dinitrophenyl]-ethylenediamine). Time-resolved fluorescence experiments were performed in phosphate buffer and in the presence of large unilamelar vesicles of phospholipids, and of micelles of sodium dodecyl sulphate (SDS). The decay kinetics were analyzed using the program CONTIN to obtain end-to-end distance distribution functions f(r). Despite of the large difference in the number of residues the end-to-end distance of the longer peptide (9 amino acid residues) is only 20 % larger than the values obtained for the shorter peptide (5 amino acid residues). The proline residue, in position 4 of the bradykinin sequence promotes a turn in the longer peptide chain, shortening its end-to-end distance. The surfactant SDS has a strong disorganizing effect, substantially broadening the distance distributions, while temperature increase has mild effects in the flexibility of the chains, causing small increase in the distribution width. The interaction with phospholipid vesicles stabilizes more compact conformations, decreasing end-to-end distances in the peptides. Anisotropy experiments showed that rotational diffusion was not severely affected by the interaction with the vesicles, suggesting a location for the peptides in the surface region of the bilayer, a result consistent with small effect of lipid phase transition on the peptides conformations.
Vascular Smooth Muscle Cell (VSMC) migration into vessel neointima is a therapeutic target for atherosclerosis and postinjury restenosis. Nox1 NADPH oxidase-derived oxidants synergize with growth factors to support VSMC migration. We previously described the interaction between NADPH oxidases and the endoplasmic reticulum redox chaperone protein disulfide isomerase (PDI) in many cell types. However, physiological implications, as well as mechanisms of such association, are yet unclear. We show here that platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) promoted subcellular redistribution of PDI concomitant to Nox1-dependent reactive oxygen species production and that siRNA-mediated PDI silencing inhibited such reactive oxygen species production, while nearly totally suppressing the increase in Nox1 expression, with no change in Nox4. Furthermore, PDI silencing inhibited PDGF-induced VSMC migration assessed by distinct methods, whereas PDI overexpression increased spontaneous basal VSMC migration. To address possible mechanisms of PDI effects, we searched for PDI interactome by systems biology analysis of physical protein-protein interaction networks, which indicated convergence with small GTPases and their regulator RhoGDI. PDI silencing decreased PDGF-induced Rac1 and RhoA activities, without changing their expression. PDI co-immunoprecipitated with RhoGDI at base line, whereas such association was decreased after PDGF. Also, PDI co-immunoprecipitated with Rac1 and RhoA in a PDGF-independent way and displayed detectable spots of perinuclear co-localization with Rac1 and RhoGDI. Moreover, PDI silencing promoted strong cytoskeletal changes: disorganization of stress fibers, decreased number of focal adhesions, and reduced number of RhoGDI-containing vesicular recycling adhesion structures. Overall, these data suggest that PDI is required to support Nox1/redox and GTPase-dependent VSMC migration.
In this work we examine the interaction between the 13-residue cationic antimicrobial peptide (AMP) tritrpticin (VRRFPWWWPFLRR, TRP3) and model membranes of variable lipid composition. The effect on peptide conformational properties was investigated by means of CD (circular dichroism) and fluorescence spectroscopies. Based on the hypothesis that the antibiotic acts through a mechanism involving toroidal pore formation, and taking into account that models of toroidal pores imply the formation of positive curvature, we used large unilamellar vesicles (LUV) to mimic the initial step of peptide-lipid interaction, when the peptide binds to the bilayer membrane, and micelles to mimic the topology of the pore itself, since these aggregates display positive curvature. In order to more faithfully assess the role of curvature, micelles were prepared with lysophospholipids containing (qualitatively and quantitatively) head groups identical to those of bilayer phospholipids. CD and fluorescence spectra showed that, while TRP3 binds to bilayers only when they carry negatively charged phospholipids. binding to micelles occurs irrespective of surface charge, indicating that electrostatic interactions play a less predominant role in the latter case. Moreover, the conformations acquired by the peptide were independent of lipid composition in both bilayers and micelles. However, the conformations were different in bilayers and in micelles, suggesting that curvature has an influence on the secondary structure acquired by the peptide. Fluorescence data pointed to an interfacial location of TRP3 in both types of aggregates. Nevertheless, experiments with a water soluble fluorescence quencher suggested that the tryptophan residues are more accessible to the quencher in micelles than in bilayers. Thus, we propose that bilayers and micelles can be used as models for the two steps of toroidal pore formation. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
Crotamine, a 5-kDa peptide, possesses a unique biological versatility. Not only has its cell-penetrating activity become of clinical interest but, moreover, its potential selective antitumor activity is of great pharmacological importance. In the past, several studies have attempted to elucidate the exact molecular target responsible for the crotamine-induced skeletal muscle spasm. The aim of this study was to investigate whether crotamine affects voltage-gated potassium (K-V) channels in an effort to explain its in vivo effects. Crotamine was studied on ion channel function using the two-electrode voltage clamp technique on 16 cloned ion channels (12 K-V channels and 4 Na-V channels), expressed in Xenopus laevis oocytes. Crotamine selectively inhibits K-V 1.1, K-V 1.2, and K-V 1.3 channels with an IC50 of similar to 300 nM, and the key amino acids responsible for this molecular interaction are suggested. Our results demonstrate for the first time that the symptoms, which are observed in the typical crotamine syndrome, may result from the inhibition of K-V channels. The ability of crotamine to inhibit the potassium current through K-V channels unravels it as the first snake peptide with the unique multifunctionality of cell-penetrating and antitumoral activity combined with K-V channel-inhibiting properties. This new property of crotamine might explain some experimental observations and opens new perspectives on pharmacological uses.
Characterization of Human Respiratory Syncytial Virus (HRSV) protein interactions with host cell components is crucial to devise antiviral strategies. Viral nucleoprotein, phosphoprotein and matrix protein genes were optimized for human codon usage and cloned into expression vectors. HEK-293T cells were transfected with these vectors, viral proteins were immunoprecipitated, and co-immunoprecipitated cellular proteins were identified through mass spectrometry. Cell proteins identified with higher confidence scores were probed in the immunoprecipitation using specific antibodies. The results indicate that nucleoprotein interacts with arginine methyl-transferase, methylosome protein and Hsp70. Phosphoprotein interacts with Hsp70 and tropomysin, and matrix with tropomysin and nucleophosmin. Additionally, we performed immunoprecipitation of these cellular proteins in cells infected with HRSV, followed by detection of co-immunoprecipitated viral proteins. The results indicate that these interactions also occur in the context of viral infection, and their potential contribution for a HRSV replication model is discussed.
A systematic characterization of the composition and structure of the bacterial cell-surface proteome and its complexes can provide an invaluable tool for its comprehensive understanding. The knowledge of protein complexes composition and structure could offer new, more effective targets for a more specific and consequently effective immune response against a complex instead of a single protein. Large-scale protein-protein interaction screens are the first step towards the identification of complexes and their attribution to specific pathways. Currently, several methods exist for identifying protein interactions and protein microarrays provide the most appealing alternative to existing techniques for a high throughput screening of protein-protein interactions in vitro under reasonably straightforward conditions. In this study approximately 100 proteins of Group A Streptococcus (GAS) predicted to be secreted or surface exposed by genomic and proteomic approaches were purified in a His-tagged form and used to generate protein microarrays on nitrocellulose-coated slides. To identify protein-protein interactions each purified protein was then labeled with biotin, hybridized to the microarray and interactions were detected with Cy3-labelled streptavidin. Only reciprocal interactions, i. e. binding of the same two interactors irrespective of which of the two partners is in solid-phase or in solution, were taken as bona fide protein-protein interactions. Using this approach, we have identified 20 interactors of one of the potent toxins secreted by GAS and known as superantigens. Several of these interactors belong to the molecular chaperone or protein folding catalyst families and presumably are involved in the secretion and folding of the superantigen. In addition, a very interesting interaction was found between the superantigen and the substrate binding subunit of a well characterized ABC transporter. This finding opens a new perspective on the current understanding of how superantigens are modified by the bacterial cell in order to become major players in causing disease.
Synthetische Glycopeptide mit Sulfatyl-Lewis X-Struktur als potenzielle Inhibitoren der Zelladhäsion
Zelladhäsionsprozesse sind von großer Bedeutung für zahlreiche biologische Prozesse, wie etwa die Immunantwort, die Wundheilung und die Embryogenese. Außerdem spielen sie eine entscheidende Rolle im Verlauf inflammatorischer Prozesse. An der Zelladhäsion sind verschiedene Klassen von Adhäsionsmolekülen beteiligt. Die erste leichte „rollende“ Adhäsion von Leukozyten am Ort einer Entzündung wird durch die Selektine vermittelt. Diese binden über die Kohlenhydrat-Strukturen Sialyl-Lewisx und Sialyl-Lewisa über eine calciumabhängige Kohlenhydrat-Protein-Bindung an ihre spezifischen Liganden und vermitteln so den ersten Zellkontakt, bevor andere Adhäsionsmoleküle (Cadherine, Integrine) die feste Adhäsion und den Durchtritt durch das Endothel bewirken. Bei einer pathogenen Überexpression der Selektine kommt es jedoch zu zahlreichen chronischen Erkrankungen wie z. B. rheumatoider Arthritis, Erkrankungen der Herzkranzgefäße oder dem Reperfusions-syndrom. Außerdem wird eine Beteiligung der durch die Selektine vermittelten Zellkontakte bei der Metastasierung von Karzinomzellen angenommen. Ein Ansatzpunkt für die Behandlung der oben genannten Erkrankungen ist die Gabe löslicher kompetitiver Inhibitoren für die Selektine. Ziel der Arbeit war die Modifikation des Sialyl-Lewisx-Leitmotivs zur Steigerung der metabolischen Stabilität und dessen Einbau in die Peptidsequenz aus der für die Bindung verantwortlichen Domäne des endogenen Selektin-Liganden PSGL-1. Dazu wurden mit einer modifizierten Lewisx-Struktur glycosylierte Aminosäurebausteine dargestellt (Abb.1). Die Verwendung von Arabinose und des Sulfatrestes anstelle von Fusose und Sialinsäure sollte außerdem zu einer gesteigerten metabolischen Stabilität des synthetischen Liganden beitragen. Die so erhaltenen Glycosylaminosäuren sollten nun in die Festphasenpeptidsynthese eingesetzt werden. Aufgrund der großen säurelabilität konnte hier nicht auf das Standartverfahren (Wang-Harz, Abspaltung mit TFA) zurückgegriffen werden. Deshalb kam ein neuartiges UV-labiles Ankersystem zum Einsatz. Dazu wurde ein Protokoll für die Synthese und Abspaltung von Peptiden an diesem neuen System entwickelt. Daran gelang die Synthese des nichtglycosylierten Peptidrückgrats sowie eines mit der dem sulfatierten Lewisx-Motiv versehenen Glycopeptids. Ein vierfach sulfatiertes Glycopeptid, welches durch den Einsatz von im Vorfeld chemisch sulfatierer Tyrosin-Bausteinen dargestellt werden sollte, konnte massenspektrometrisch nachgewiesen werden.
The two-component system DcuSR of Escherichia coli regulates gene expression of anaerobic fumarate respiration and aerobic C4-dicarboxylate uptake. C4-dicarboxylates and citrate are perceived by the periplasmic domain of the membrane-integral sensor histidine kinase DcuS. The signal is transduced across the membrane by phosphorylation of DcuS and of the response regulator DcuR, resulting in activation of DcuR and transcription of the target genes.rnIn this work, the oligomerisation of full-length DcuS was studied in vivo and in vitro. DcuS was genetically fused to derivatives of the green fluorescent protein (GFP), enabling fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) measurements to detect protein-protein interactions in vivo. FRET measurements were also performed with purified His6-DcuS after labelling with fluorescent dyes and reconstitution into liposomes to study oligomerisation of DcuS in vitro. In vitro and in vivo fluorescence resonance energy transfer showed the presence of oligomeric DcuS in the membrane, which was independent of the presence of effector. Chemical crosslinking experiments allowed clear-cut evaluation of the oligomeric state of DcuS. The results showed that detergent-solubilised His6-DcuS was mainly monomeric and demonstrated the presence of tetrameric DcuS in proteoliposomes and in bacterial membranes.rnThe sensor histidine kinase CitA is part of the two-component system CitAB of E. coli, which is structurally related to DcuSR. CitAB regulates gene expression of citrate fermentation in response to external citrate. The sensor kinases DcuS and CitA were fused with an enhanced variant of the yellow fluorescent protein (YFP) and expressed in E. coli under the control of an arabinose-inducible promoter. The subcellular localisation of DcuS-YFP and CitA-YFP within the cell membrane was studied by means of confocal laser fluorescence microscopy. Both fusion proteins were found to accumulate at the cell poles. The polar accumulation was slightly increased in the presence of the stimulus fumarate or citrate, respectively, but independent of the expression level of the fusion proteins. Cell fractionation demonstrated that polar accumulation was not related to inclusion bodies formation. The degree of polar localisation of DcuS-YFP was similar to that of the well-characterised methyl-accepting chemotaxis proteins (MCPs), but independent of their presence. To enable further investigations on the function of the polar localisation of DcuS under physiological conditions, the sensor kinase was genetically fused to the flavin-based fluorescent protein Bs2 which shows fluorescence under aerobic and anaerobic conditions. The resulting dcuS-bs2 gene fusion was inserted into the chromosome of various E. coli strains.rnFurthermore, a protein-protein interaction between the related sensor histidine kinases DcuS and CitA, regulating common metabolic pathways, was detected via expression studies under anaerobic conditions in the presence of citrate and by in vivo FRET measurements.
With the advent of high through-put sequencing (HTS), the emerging science of metagenomics is transforming our understanding of the relationships of microbial communities with their environments. While metagenomics aims to catalogue the genes present in a sample through assessing which genes are actively expressed, metatranscriptomics can provide a mechanistic understanding of community inter-relationships. To achieve these goals, several challenges need to be addressed from sample preparation to sequence processing, statistical analysis and functional annotation. Here we use an inbred non-obese diabetic (NOD) mouse model in which germ-free animals were colonized with a defined mixture of eight commensal bacteria, to explore methods of RNA extraction and to develop a pipeline for the generation and analysis of metatranscriptomic data. Applying the Illumina HTS platform, we sequenced 12 NOD cecal samples prepared using multiple RNA-extraction protocols. The absence of a complete set of reference genomes necessitated a peptide-based search strategy. Up to 16% of sequence reads could be matched to a known bacterial gene. Phylogenetic analysis of the mapped ORFs revealed a distribution consistent with ribosomal RNA, the majority from Bacteroides or Clostridium species. To place these HTS data within a systems context, we mapped the relative abundance of corresponding Escherichia coli homologs onto metabolic and protein-protein interaction networks. These maps identified bacterial processes with components that were well-represented in the datasets. In summary this study highlights the potential of exploiting the economy of HTS platforms for metatranscriptomics.
We detect internal water molecules in a membrane-embedded receptor-transducer complex and demonstrate water structure changes during formation of the signaling state. Time-resolved FTIR spectroscopy reveals stimulus-induced repositioning of one or more structurally active water molecules to a significantly more hydrophobic environment in the signaling state of the sensory rhodopsin II (SRII)-transducer (HtrII) complex. These waters, distinct from bound water molecules within the SRII receptor, appear to be in the middle of the transmembrane interface region near the Tyr199(SRII)-Asn74(HtrII) hydrogen bond. We conclude that water potentially plays an important role in the SRII --> HtrII signal transfer mechanism in the membrane's hydrophobic core.
The hemagglutinin (H) gene of canine distemper virus (CDV) encodes the receptor-binding protein. This protein, together with the fusion (F) protein, is pivotal for infectivity since it contributes to the fusion of the viral envelope with the host cell membrane. Of the two receptors currently known for CDV (nectin-4 and the signaling lymphocyte activation molecule [SLAM]), SLAM is considered the most relevant for host susceptibility. To investigate how evolution might have impacted the host-CDV interaction, we examined the functional properties of a series of missense single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) naturally accumulating within the H-gene sequences during the transition between two distinct but related strains. The two strains, a wild-type strain and a consensus strain, were part of a single continental outbreak in European wildlife and occurred in distinct geographical areas 2 years apart. The deduced amino acid sequence of the two H genes differed at 5 residues. A panel of mutants carrying all the combinations of the SNPs was obtained by site-directed mutagenesis. The selected mutant, wild type, and consensus H proteins were functionally evaluated according to their surface expression, SLAM binding, fusion protein interaction, and cell fusion efficiencies. The results highlight that the most detrimental functional effects are associated with specific sets of SNPs. Strikingly, an efficient compensational system driven by additional SNPs appears to come into play, virtually neutralizing the negative functional effects. This system seems to contribute to the maintenance of the tightly regulated function of the H-gene-encoded attachment protein. Importance: To investigate how evolution might have impacted the host-canine distemper virus (CDV) interaction, we examined the functional properties of naturally occurring single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in the hemagglutinin gene of two related but distinct strains of CDV. The hemagglutinin gene encodes the attachment protein, which is pivotal for infection. Our results show that few SNPs have a relevant detrimental impact and they generally appear in specific combinations (molecular signatures). These drastic negative changes are neutralized by compensatory mutations, which contribute to maintenance of an overall constant bioactivity of the attachment protein. This compensational mechanism might reflect the reaction of the CDV machinery to the changes occurring in the virus following antigenic variations critical for virulence.
Protein-protein interactions are fundamental for most biological processes, such as the formation of cellular structures and enzymatic complexes or in signaling pathways. The identification and characterization of protein-protein interactions are therefore essential for understanding the mechanisms and regulation of biological systems. The organization and dynamics of the cytoskeleton, as well as its anchorage to specific sites in the plasma membrane and organelles, are regulated by the plakins. These structurally related proteins anchor different cytoskeletal networks to each other and/or to other cellular structures. The association of several plakins with intermediate filaments (IFs) is critical for maintenance of the cytoarchitecture. Pathogenic mutations in the genes encoding different plakins can lead to dramatic manifestations, occurring principally in the skin, striated muscle, and/or nervous system, due to cytoskeletal disorganization resulting in abnormal cell fragility. Nevertheless, it is still unclear how plakins bind to IFs, although some general rules are slowly emerging. We here describe in detail a recently developed protein-protein fluorescence binding assay, based on the production of recombinant proteins tagged with green fluorescent protein (GFP) and their use as fluid-phase fluorescent ligands on immobilized IF proteins. Using this method, we have been able to assess the ability of C-terminal regions of GFP-tagged plakin proteins to bind to distinct IF proteins and IF domains. This simple and sensitive technique, which is expected to facilitate further studies in this area, can also be potentially employed for any kind of protein-protein interaction studies.
Nitric oxide (NO) transduces most of its biological effects through activation of the heterodimeric enzyme, soluble guanylyl cyclase (sGC). Activation of sGC results in the production of 3′,5 ′-cyclic guanosine monophosphate (cGMP) from 5′ -guanosine triphosphate (GTP). In this thesis, we demonstrate a novel protein interaction between CCT (chaperonin containing t-complex polypeptide) subunit η and the α1β1 isoform of sGC. Using the yeast-two-hybrid system, CCTη was found to interact with the N-terminal portion of β1 subunit of sGC. This interaction was then confirmed in vitro with a co-immunoprecipitation from mouse brain. The interaction between these two proteins was further supported by a co-localization of the proteins within rat brain. Using the yeast-two-hybrid system, CCTη was found to bind to the N-terminal portion of sGC. In vitro assays with purified CCTη and Sf9 lysate expressing sGC resulted in a 33% inhibition of sodium nitroprusside (SNP)-stimulated sGC activity. The same assays were then performed using BAY41-2272, an NO-independent allosteric sGC activator, and CCTη had no effect on this activity. Furthermore, CCTη had no effect on the activity of αβCys105 sGC a constitutively active mutant that lacks a heme group. Of note is the fact that the full-length CCTη-expressing bacterial lysate inhibited the activity of sGC-expressing Sf9 lysate by 48% compared with GST alone. This indicates that the amino terminal 94 amino acids of CCTη are important to the inhibition of sGC activity. Lastly, a 45% inhibition of sGC activity by CCTη was seen in vivo in BE2 cells stably transfected with CCTη and treated with SNP. The fact that the inhibition of sGC was more pronounced with bacterial lysate expressing CCTη versus the purified CCTη implies that some factor in the bacterial lysate enhances the inhibitory effect of CCTη. Because the level of inhibition seen in bacterial lysate and in vivo experiments is similar, might imply that the factor that aids in CCTη effect on sGC is conserved. Together, these data suggest that CCTη is a novel type of sGC inhibitor that inhibits sGC by modifying the binding of NO to the heme group or the subsequent conformational changes induced by NO binding. ^