971 resultados para PCR analysis


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The Wistar Audiogenic Rat (WAR) is an epileptic-prone strain developed by genetic selection from a Wistar progenitor based on the pattern of behavioral response to sound stimulation. Chronic acoustic stimulation protocols of WARs (audiogenic kindling) generate limbic epileptogenesis, confirmed by ictal semiology, amygdale, and hippocampal EEG, accompanied by hippocampal and amygdala cell loss, as well as neurogenesis in the dentate gyrus (DG). In an effort to identify genes involved in molecular mechanisms underlying epileptic process, we used suppression-subtractive hybridization to construct normalized cDNA library enriched for transcripts expressed in the hippocampus of WARs. The most represented gene among the 133 clones sequenced was the ionotropic glutamate receptor subunit II (GluR2), a member of the a-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazoleopropionic acid (AMPA) receptor. Although semiquantitative RT-PCR analysis shows that the hippocampal levels of the GluR2 subunits do not differ between naive WARs and their Wistar counterparts, we observed that the expression of the transcript encoding the splice-variant GluR2-flip is increased in the hippocampus of WARs submitted to both acute and kindled audiogenic seizures. Moreover, using in situ hybridization, we verified upregulation of GluR2-flip mainly in the CA1 region, among the hippocampal subfields of audiogenic kindled WARs. Our findings on differential upregulation of GluR2-flip isoform in the hippocampus of WARs displaying audiogenic seizures is original and agree with and extend previous immunohistochemical for GluR2 data obtained in the Chinese P77PMC audiogenic rat strain, reinforcing the association of limbic AMPA alterations with epileptic seizures. (C) 2009 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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Mutations in Na+-glucose transporters (SGLT)-2 and hepatocyte nuclear factor (HNF)-1 alpha genes have been related to renal glycosuria and maturity-onset diabetes of the young 3, respectively. However, the expression of these genes have not been investigated in type 1 and type 2 diabetes. Here in kidney of diabetic rats, we tested the hypotheses that SGLT2 mRNA expression is altered; HNF-1 alpha is involved in this regulation; and glycemic homeostasis is a related mechanism. The in vivo binding of HNF-1 alpha into the SGLT2 promoter region in renal cortex was confirmed by chromatin immunoprecipitation assay. SGLT2 and HNF-1 alpha mRNA expression (by Northern and RT-PCR analysis) and HNF-1 binding activity of nuclear proteins (by EMSA) were investigated in diabetic rats and treated or not with insulin or phlorizin (an inhibitor of SGLT2). Results showed that diabetes increases SGLT2 and HNF-1 alpha mRNA expression (similar to 50%) and binding of nuclear proteins to a HNF-1 consensus motif (similar to 100%). Six days of insulin or phlorizin treatment restores these parameters to nondiabetic-rat levels. Moreover, both treatments similarly reduced glycemia, despite the differences in plasma insulin and urinary glucose concentrations, highlighting the plasma glucose levels as involved in the observed modulations. This study shows that SGLT2 mRNA expression and HNF-1 alpha expression and activity correlate positively in kidney of diabetic rats. It also shows that diabetes-induced changes are reversed by lowering glycemia, independently of insulinemia. Our demonstration that HNF-1 alpha binds DNA that encodes SGLT2 supports the hypothesis that HNF-1 alpha, as a modulator of SGLT2 expression, may be involved in diabetic kidney disease.


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Metabolic Syndrome is a group of conditions related to obesity and physical inactivity. Little is known about the role of physical inactivity, in early stages of development, in the susceptibility to insulin resistant phenotype induced by high fat diet. Akt plays a key role in protein synthesis and glucose transport in skeletal muscle and has been regulated by muscle activity. The objective of present study was to determine the effect of early physical inactivity on muscle growth and susceptibility to acquire a diabetic phenotype and to assess its relationship with Akt expression. Forty Wistar male rats were distributed in two groups (standard group, Std) and movement restriction (RM). Between days 23 and 70 after birth, RM group was kept in small cages that did not allow them to perform relevant motor activity. From day 71 to 102 after birth, 10 rats of each group were fed with hyperlipidic diet (groups Std-DAG and RM-DAG). No differences were observed in total body weight although DAG increased epididymal fat pad weight. RM decreased significantly the soleus weight. Insulin-mediated glucose uptake was lower in RM-DAG group. Akt protein levels were lower in RM groups. Real time RT-PCR analysis showed that movement restriction decreased mRNA levels of AKT1 in soleus muscle, regardless of supplied diet. These findings suggest that early physical inactivity limits muscle`s growth and contributes to instauration of insulin resistant phenotype, which can be partly explained by dysregulation of Akt expression.


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At surgical depths of anesthesia, inhalational anesthetics cause a loss of motor response to painful stimuli (i.e., immobilization) that is characterized by profound inhibition of spinal motor circuits. Yet, although clearly depressed, the respiratory motor system continues to provide adequate ventilation under these same conditions. Here, we show that isoflurane causes robust activation of CO(2)/pH-sensitive, Phox2b-expressing neurons located in the retrotrapezoid nucleus (RTN) of the rodent brainstem, in vitro and in vivo. In brainstem slices from Phox2b-eGFP mice, the firing of pH-sensitive RTN neurons was strongly increased by isoflurane, independent of prevailing pH conditions. At least two ionic mechanisms contributed to anesthetic activation of RTN neurons: activation of an Na(+)-dependent cationic current and inhibition of a background K(+) current. Single-cell reverse transcription-PCR analysis of dissociated green fluorescent protein-labeled RTN neurons revealed expression of THIK-1 (TWIK-related halothane-inhibited K(+) channel, K(2P)13.1), a channel that shares key properties with the native RTN current (i.e., suppression by inhalational anesthetics, weak rectification, inhibition by extracellular Na(+), and pH-insensitivity). Isoflurane also increased firing rate of RTN chemosensitive neurons in urethane-anesthetized rats, again independent of CO(2) levels. In these animals, isoflurane transiently enhanced activity of the respiratory system, an effect that was most prominent at low levels of respiratory drive and mediated primarily by an increase in respiratory frequency. These data indicate that inhalational anesthetics cause activation of RTN neurons, which serve an important integrative role in respiratory control; the increased drive provided by enhanced RTN neuronal activity may contribute, in part, to maintaining respiratory motor activity under immobilizing anesthetic conditions.


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Considering that melatonin has been implicated in body weight control, this work investigated whether this effect involves the regulation of adipogenesis. 3T3-L1 preadipocytes were induced to differentiate in the absence or presence of melatonin (10(-3) m). Swiss-3T3 cells ectopically and conditionally (Tet-off system) over-expressing the 34 kDa C/EBP beta isoform (Swiss-LAP cells) were employed as a tool to assess the mechanisms of action at the molecular level. Protein markers of the adipogenic phenotype were analyzed by Western blot. At 36 hr of differentiation of 3T3-L1 preadipocytes, a reduction of PPAR gamma expression was detected followed by a further reduction, at day 4, of perilipin, aP2 and adiponectin protein expression in melatonin-treated cells. Real-time PCR analysis also showed a decrease of PPAR gamma (60%), C/EBP alpha (75%), adiponectin (30%) and aP2 (40%) mRNA expression. Finally, we transfected Swiss LAP cells with a C/EBP alpha gene promoter/reporter construct in which luciferase expression is enhanced in response to C/EBP beta activity. Culture of such transfected cells in the absence of tetracycline led to a 2.5-fold activation of the C/EBP alpha promoter. However, when treated with melatonin, the level of C/EBP alpha promoter activation by C/EBP beta was reduced by 50% (P = 0.05, n = 6). In addition, this inhibitory effect of melatonin was also reflected in the phenotype of the cells, since their capacity to accumulate lipids droplets was reduced as confirmed by the poor staining with Oil Red O. In conclusion, melatonin at a concentration of 10(-3) m works as a negative regulator of adipogenesis acting in part by inhibiting the activity of a critical adipogenic transcription factor, C/EBP beta.


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The phytopathogen Xylella fastidiosa produces long type IV pili and short type I pili involved in motility and adhesion. In this work, we have investigated the role of sigma factor sigma(54) (RpoN) in the regulation of fimbrial biogenesis in X. fastidiosa. An rpoN null mutant was constructed from the non-pathogenic citrus strain J1a12, and microarray analyses of global gene expression comparing the wild type and rpoN mutant strains showed few genes exhibiting differential expression. In particular, gene pilA1 (XF2542), which encodes the structural pilin protein of type IV pili, showed decreased expression in the rpoN mutant, whereas two-fold higher expression of an operon encoding proteins of type I pili was detected, as confirmed by quantitative RT-PCR (qRT-PCR) analysis. The transcriptional start site of pilA1 was determined by primer extension, downstream of a sigma(54)-dependent promoter. Microarray and qRT-PCR data demonstrated that expression of only one of the five pilA paralogues, pilA1, was significantly reduced in the rpoN mutant. The rpoN mutant made more biofilm than the wild type strain and presented a cell-cell aggregative phenotype. These results indicate that sigma(54) differentially regulates genes involved in type IV and type I fimbrial biogenesis, and is involved in biofilm formation in X. fastidiosa.


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The surface of midgut cells in Hemiptera is ensheathed by a lipoprotein membrane (the perimicrovillar membrane), which delimits a closed compartment with the microvillar membrane, the so-called perimicrovillar space. In Dysdercus peruvianus midgut perimicrovillar space a soluble aminopeptidase maybe involved in the digestion of oligopeptides and proteins ingested in the diet. This D. peruvianus aminopeptidase was purified to homogeneity by ion-exchange chromatography on an Econo-Q column, hydrophobic interaction chromatography on phenyl-agarose column and preparative polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The results suggested that there is a single molecular species of aminopeptidase in D. peruvianus midgut. Molecular mass values for the aminopeptidase were estimated to be 106 kDa (gel filtration) and 55 kDa (SDS-PAGE), suggesting that the enzyme occurs as a dimer under native conditions. Kinetic data showed that D. peruvianus aminopeptidase hydrolyzes the synthetic substrates LpNA, RpNA, A beta NA and AsnMCA (K(m)s 0.65, 0.14, 0.68 and 0.74 mM, respectively). The aminopeptidase activity upon LpNA was inhibited by EDTA and 1,10-phenanthroline, indicating the importance of metal ions in enzyme catalysis. One partial sequence of BLAST-identified aminopeptidase was found by random sequencing of the D. peruvianus midgut cDNA library. Semi-quantitative RT-PCR analysis showed that the aminopeptidase genes were expressed throughout the midgut epithelium, in the epithelia of V1, V2 and V3. Malphigian tubules and fat body, but it was not expressed in the salivary glands. These results are important in furthering our understanding of the digestive process in this pest species. (c) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Introdução: A etiologia da otite média com efusão ainda não está completamente estabelecida, mas agentes infecciosos podem contribuir para sua patogênese. Demonstrou-se que a reação em cadeia da polimerase (PCR) é superior ao exame cultural para detectar espécies bacterianas. O conhecimento sobre a epidemiologia bacteriana da otite média com efusão em áreas geográficas distintas é essencial para a implementação de tratamentos racionais, quando necessários. Objetivos: Determinar a prevalência do Streptococcus pneumoniae, Haemophilus influenzae, Moraxella catarrhalis e Alloiococcus otitidis nas efusões de orelha média de crianças com otite média recorrente e otite média com efusão crônica que foram submetidas à miringotomia, comparar os resultados obtidos por cultura e PCR, comparar os achados bacteriológicos em crianças menores e maiores de dois anos e determinar o perfil de resistência à penicilina dos germes isolados. Métodos: Analisaram-se 128 amostras de efusões de orelha média de 75 crianças entre 11 meses e 9 anos e 4 meses de idade (média = 34,7 meses). Pacientes com otite média recorrente tinham efusão documentada por ≥ 6 semanas e aqueles com otite média com efusão crônica, por ≥3 meses. Os pacientes não tinham sinais de otite média aguda ou infecção do trato respiratório e não estavam sob antibioticoterapia no momento do procedimento. A aspiração do material foi realizada por timpanocentese, utilizando-se um coletor de Alden-Senturia. Os estudos bacteriológicos foram iniciados em menos de 15 minutos após a obtenção da efusão e uma parte da amostra foi armazenada a -20oC para análise posterior pela PCR. Utilizou-se um método de PCR simultânea para a detecção de quatro patógenos. A análise estatística foi efetivada com o teste χ2 de McNemar, teste χ2 com correção de Yates e teste exato de Fisher, quando apropriados. Resultados: Cultivaram-se bactérias em 32 (25,1%) das 128 amostras e os patógenos principais foram encontrados em 25 (19,6%). O A. otitidis não foi isolado em cultura. A PCR identificou bactérias em 110 (85,9%) das amostras, e os resultados positivos foram: 67 (52,3%) para A. otitidis, 50 (39,1%) para H. influenzae, 16 (12,5%) para S. pneumoniae e 13 (10,2%) para M. catarrhalis. Todas as amostras positivas por cultura foram positivas pela PCR, mas 85 (77,2%) das efusões com resultado positivo pela PCR foram negativas por cultura, para os germes estudados. A PCR foi significativamente mais sensível que a cultura (P<0,001). O S. pneumoniae foi encontrado mais freqüentemente em otite média recorrente do que em otite média com efusão crônica (P=0,038) e o H. influenzae foi encontrado mais vezes em crianças menores de dois anos (P=0,049). Quanto ao perfil de resistência, 100% das M. catarrhalis, 62,5% dos S. pneumoniae e 23% dos H. influenzae eram resistentes à penicilina. Conclusões: A prevalência das bactérias na otite média com efusão em um grupo de crianças brasileiras é semelhante àquelas relatadas em outros países, sendo o H. influenzae o mais encontrado dentre os patógenos principais da orelha média. Essa prevalência sugere que bactérias podem desempenhar um papel na patogênese da otite média com efusão. Os resultados mostram que a PCR é mais sensível na detecção de bactérias na efusão da orelha média, comparada com cultura, e é essencial para a identificação do A. otitidis. O elevado percentual de detecção do A. otitidis sugere mais investigações sobre sua atuação no início e no prolongamento de doenças da orelha média. O S. pneumoniae foi mais freqüente em otite média recorrente do que em otite média com efusão crônica e o H. influenzae foi mais encontrado em crianças menores de dois anos. A resistência à penicilina por parte do pneumococo e da moraxela é semelhante à relatada em outros países, ao passo que a produção de β-lactamase pelo hemófilo é mais baixa que aquela referida em bactérias isoladas em amostras de efusões de otite média com efusão.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The extracellular glycerol kinase gene from Saccharomyces cerevisiae (GUT]) was cloned into the expression vector pPICZ alpha. A and integrated into the genome of the methylotrophic yeast Pichia pastoris X-33. The presence of the GUT1 insert was confirmed by PCR analysis. Four clones were selected and the functionality of the recombinant enzyme was assayed. Among the tested clones, one exhibited glycerol kinase activity of 0.32 U/mL, with specific activity of 0.025 U/mg of protein. A medium optimized for maximum biomass production by recombinant Pichia pastoris in shaker cultures was initially explored, using 2.31 % (by volume) glycerol as the carbon source. Optimization was carried out by response surface methodology (RSM). In preliminary experiments, following a Plackett-Burman design, glycerol volume fraction (phi(Gly)) and growth time (t) were selected as the most important factors in biomass production. Therefore, subsequent experiments, carried out to optimize biomass production, followed a central composite rotatable design as a function of phi(Gly) and time. Glycerol volume fraction proved to have a significant positive linear effect on biomass production. Also, time was a significant factor (at linear positive and quadratic levels) in biomass production. Experimental data were well fitted by a convex surface representing a second order polynomial model, in which biomass is a function of both factors (R(2)=0.946). Yield and specific activity of glycerol kinase were mainly affected by the additions of glycerol and methanol to the medium. The optimized medium composition for enzyme production was: 1 % yeast extract, 1 % peptone, 100 mM potassium phosphate buffer, pH=6.0, 1.34 % yeast nitrogen base (YNB), 4.10(-5) % biotin, 1 %, methanol and 1 %, glycerol, reaching 0.89 U/mL of glycerol kinase activity and 14.55 g/L of total protein in the medium after 48 h of growth.


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In the present study, the GPD2 gene from Saccharomyces cerevisiae, which codifies for the enzyme glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GPDH), was cloned from the pPICZ-alpha expression vector and used with the purpose of inducing the extracellular expression of the glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase under the control of the methanol-regulated AOX promoter. The presence of the GPD2 insert was confirmed by PCR analysis. Pichia pastoris X-33 (Mut(+)) was transformed with linearized plasmids by electroporation and transformants were selected on YPDS plates containing 100 mu g/mL of zeocin. Several clones were selected and the functionality of this enzyme obtained in a culture medium was assayed. Among the mutants tested, one exhibited 3.1 x 10(-2) U/mg of maximal activity. Maximal enzyme activity was achieved at 6 days of growth. Medium composition and pre-induction osmotic stress influenced protein production. Pre-induction osmotic stress (culturing cells in medium with either 0.35 M sodium chloride or 1.0 M sorbitol for 4h prior to induction) led to an increase in cell growth with sorbitol and resulted in a significant increase in GPDH productivity with sodium chloride in 24h of induction approximately fivefold greater than under standard conditions (without pre-induction). (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The aim of the present study was to investigate the presence of Trypanosoma cruzi in the heart, liver, lung, and kidneys, using hemoculture and PCR analysis, of mice infected with different parasite strains during the acute and chronic phases of infection. Parasitemia curves revealed strain-specific biological behaviors. For the Y and JLP strains, the acute phase of infection started at days six and ten post-infection, parasitemia peaked at days seven and 15 post-infection, the chronic phase started at days nine and 28 post-infection, and animals started dying at days 19 and 120 post-infection, respectively. When the two strains were compared, the JLP strain exhibited reduced and slower replication rates associated with a delayed peak of parasitism and reduced parasite burdens. However, parasites were detected in all studied organs using PCR analysis. The capacity of both strains to infect different organs likely influences disease pathogenesis.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)