959 resultados para PARITY-VIOLATION


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Classical electromagnetism predicts two massless propagating modes, which are known as the two polarizations of the photon. On the other hand, if the Lorentz symmetry of classical electromagnetism is spontaneously broken, the new theory will still have two massless Nambu-Goldstone modes resembling the photon. If the Lorentz symmetry is broken by a bumblebee potential that allows for excitations out of the minimum, then massive modes arise. Furthermore, in curved spacetime, such massive modes will be created through a process other than the usual Higgs mechanism because of the dependence of the bumblebee potential on both the vector field and the metric tensor. Also, it is found that these massive modes do not propagate due to the extra constraints.


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In this paper, we apply a range of univariate unit root tests including the Lagrangian multiplier (LM) univariate and panel unit root tests to examine PPP for 16 OECD countries. In addition to incorporating structural breaks in the univariate exchange rate series, we also incorporate structural breaks in the panel exchange rate models. Our main finding from univariate tests, with and without structural breaks and panel LM test with one break, is that real exchange rates are not stationary, inconsistent with PPP hypothesis. However, when we incorporate two structural breaks in the univariate LM test, for most countries we find that real exchange rates are stationary. Moreover, we obtain overwhelming support for PPP when we apply panel LM unit root tests with two structural breaks.


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Purpose. Rape victims have been found to have a heightened risk of secondary victimization in the legal system through biased perceptions of their credibility. In this study, participants observed a video of a rape victim reporting the crime and evaluated her credibility, to establish the influence of victim emotional expressiveness on evaluations of victim credibility. Methods. The nonverbal (eye-contact, crying) and paralinguistic (tone of voice) behaviour of the rape victim was manipulated such that the emotional presentation viewed by observers was either expressive, or not expressive. One hundred and thirty seven participants were randomly allocated to observe a videotape of either an expressive or a non-expressive victim. Participants' specific expectations about the emotional expressiveness of rape victims in general were also measured. Results. Results revealed no significant main effect of emotional expressiveness on perceptions of credibility. However, among participants with a strong expectation of emotional expressiveness, a rape victim who was emotionally expressive was perceived to be significantly more credible than a victim who was not emotionally expressive. Conclusions. It appears to be expectancy violation rather than emotional expressiveness per se that biases observers' perceptions of rape victim credibility.


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There is a large literature that investigates whether or not real exchange rates are stationary in an attempt to unravel support for purchasing power parity (PPP). At best, the empirical results are mixed. This paper applies a unit root test that allows for a simultaneous structural break in the intercept and slope, shown by Sen (2003) to minimize power distortions, to examine PPP for 17 OECD countries. Our results on PPP are mixed. When the real exchange rate is based on the US dollar, evidence is found of PPP for only France, Portugal and Denmark. When the real exchange rate is based on the Deutschmark, we find evidence of PPP for Austria, Belgium, Norway, Spain, Netherlands, Switzerland, and Denmark.


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Parity in sentencing is the principle that offenders who are parties to a crime should, all things being equal, receive the same penalty. While it is a well-established principle, the reality is that its scope is greatly limited by the largely unfettered nature of the sentencing calculus. Things are rarely equal between offenders due to the large number of variables that current orthodoxy maintains are relevant to sentencing. This makes application of the parity principle unpredictable, resulting in the paradox that parity highlights the unfairness that it is meant to mitigate: inconsistency in sentencing. This article contends that parity will remain an aspiration, as opposed to a concrete principle, until the instinctive synthesis approach to sentencing yields to a more transparent and precise decision-making process. The article focuses on Australian jurisprudence, but the analysis applies to all jurisdictions where sentencing has a considerable discretionary component (including the UK and the USA--apart from the limited circumstances where mandatory sentences apply).


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In this paper we use monthly time series data for not less than 64 countries and a new sequential approach to test for purchasing power parity (PPP). The results are strong in that the evidence in favor of PPP is very weak. In fact, for the US-dollar-based exchange rates the evidence is basically non-existent. In order to eliminate the effect of the base currency, we also apply the sequential PPP test to all pairs of exchange rates, and find similarly weak evidence of PPP. However, for those rates where evidence is found, using a technical trading rule, we find evidence of significant profits. The predictability of the stationary pairs is therefore important for investors. © 2014 © 2014 Taylor & Francis.


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In this paper we use monthly time series data for not less than 64 countries and a new sequential approach to test for purchasing power parity (PPP). The results are strong in that the evidence in favor of PPP is very weak. In fact, for the US-dollar-based exchange rates the evidence is basically non-existent. In order to eliminate the effect of the base currency, we also apply the sequential PPP test to all pairs of exchange rates, and find similarly weak evidence of PPP. However, for those rates where evidence is found, using a technical trading rule, we find evidence of significant profits. The predictability of the stationary pairs is therefore important for investors.


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OBJECTIVES: Parity, excessive gestational weight gain (GWG), and postpartum weight retention (PPWR) have been identified as risk factors for maternal obesity. The aim of this study was to explore whether GWG and PPWR at 6 and 12 months after birth differed for primiparous and multiparous Australian women. METHODS: One hundred thirty-eight Australian women provided weight measures in early to mid pregnancy (M = 16.7 weeks, SD = 2.3), late pregnancy (M = 37.7 weeks, SD = 2.4), 6 months postpartum (M = 6.1 months, SD = 1.4), and 12 months postpartum (M = 12.6 months, SD = 0.7). Height, parity, and demographic information were also collected. Prepregnancy body mass index (BMI), total GWG, incidence of excessive GWG, as well as change in BMI and BMI category from prepregnancy to 6 and 12 months postpartum were computed. Differences between primiparous and multiparous women were compared using analysis of covariance (controlling for age, prepregnancy BMI, and GWG) and χ(2) test of independence. RESULTS: Seventy women (50.7%) were primiparous and 68 women (49.3%) were multiparous. Primiparous women were more likely to retain weight at 12 months postpartum than multiparous women (p = .021; Cohen's d = .24). This difference was not reflected when analyzing change in BMI categories from prepregnancy to the postpartum. CONCLUSIONS: Evidence for the role of parity in PPWR is inconclusive. Future research should consider the temporal development of PPWR in primiparous and multiparous women, leading to tailored care in the postpartum period to help women return to a healthy prepregnancy weight.


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OBJECTIVES: psychosocial variables can be protective or risk factors for excessive gestational weight gain (GWG). Parity has also been associated with GWG; however, its effect on psychosocial risk factors for GWG is yet to be determined. The aim of this study was to investigate if, and how, psychosocial factors vary in their impact on the GWG of primiparous and multiparous women. DESIGN/PARTICIPANTS: pregnant women were recruited in 2011 via study advertisements placed in hospitals, online, in parenting magazines, and at baby and children's markets, resulting in a sample of 256 women (113 primiparous, 143 multiparous). Participants completed questionnaires at 16-18 weeks' gestation and their pregravid BMI was recorded. Final weight before delivery was measured and used to calculate GWG. FINDINGS: the findings revealed that primiparous women had significantly higher feelings of attractiveness (a facet of body attitude; p=0.01) than multiparous women. Hierarchical regressions revealed that in the overall sample, increased GWG was associated significantly with lower pre-pregnancy BMI (standardised coefficient β=-0.39, p<0.001), higher anxiety symptoms (β=0.25, p=0.004), and reduced self-efficacy to eat a healthy diet (β=-0.20, p=0.02). Although higher GWG was predicted significantly by decreased feelings of strength and fitness for primiparous women (β=-0.25, p=0.04) and higher anxiety was related significantly to greater GWG for multiparous women (β=0.43, p<0.001), statistical comparison of the model across the two groups suggested the magnitude of these effects did not differ across groups (p>0.05). CONCLUSIONS/IMPLICATIONS FOR PRACTICE: the findings suggest that psychosocial screening and interventions by healthcare professionals may help to identify women who are at risk of excessive GWG, and there may be specific psychosocial factors that are more relevant for each parity group.


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Empirical evidence suggests that real exchange rate is characterized by the presence of near-unity and additive outliers. Recent studeis have found evidence on favor PPP reversion by using the quasi-differencing (Elliott et al., 1996) unit root tests (ERS), which is more efficient against local alternatives but is still based on least squares estimation. Unit root tests basead on least saquares method usually tend to bias inference towards stationarity when additive out liers are present. In this paper, we incorporate quasi-differencing into M-estimation to construct a unit root test that is robust not only against near-unity root but also against nonGaussian behavior provoked by assitive outliers. We re-visit the PPP hypothesis and found less evidemce in favor PPP reversion when non-Gaussian behavior in real exchange rates is taken into account.


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Looking closely at the PPP argument, it states that the currencies purchasing power should not change when comparing the same basket goods across countries, and these goods should all be tradable. Hence, if PPP is valid at all, it should be captured by the relative price indices that best Öts these two features. We ran a horse race among six di§erent price indices available from the IMF database to see which one would yield higher PPP evidence, and, therefore, better Öt the two features. We used RER proxies measured as the ratio of export unit values, wholesale prices, value added deáators, unit labor costs, normalized unit labor costs and consumer prices, for a sample of 16 industrial countries, with quarterly data from 1975 to 2002. PPP was tested using both the ADF and the DFGLS unit root test of the RER series. The RER measured as WPI ratios was the one for which PPP evidence was found for the larger number of countries: six out of sixteen when we use DF-GLS test with demeaned series. The worst measure of all was the RER based on the ratio of foreign CPIs and domestic WPI. No evidence of PPP at all was found for this measure.


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Este trabalho propõe a modelagem da paridade hedgeada de juros (HIP, hedged interest parity) – uma alternativa ao uso da paridade descoberta de juros (UIP, uncovered interest parity) que faz uso de opções sobre a taxa de câmbio e pode ser usada no estudo de um dos puzzles ainda não resolvidos na teoria econômica: a não ausência de viés no mercado futuro de câmbio como indicador das expectativas dos agentes. Através das pistas encontradas na revisão da vasta literatura disponível sobre o assunto e considerando a disponibilidade atual de dados sobre o mercado de opções – uma novidade recente - a HIP é proposta. A forma com que a modelagem usando opções se encaixa no framework tradicional é animadora do ponto de vista teórico: a HIP pode ser vista como uma forma genérica que, dependendo dos parâmetros escolhidos, converge para a CIP (covered interest parity) ou para a UIP (uncovered interest parity). Além disso, ela mitiga efeitos de duas das principais explicações tradicionais para as falhas dos testes da UIP, i.e. learning e peso problem, o que a torna potencialmente melhor do que esta como modelo para o estudo das paridades de juros. Mais importante do que isso, ela sugere uma forma funcional para o prêmio pelo risco cambial (PRC) que pode ser testada econométricamente. O ensaio também propõe e implementa um teste comparativo da HIP com a UIP com resultados animadores. Além do coeficiente do forward premium mudar para mais próximo do previsto pela teoria quando se troca a UIP pela HIP, o prêmio pelo risco cambial gerado pela modelagem da HIP apresenta resultados próximos aos previstos por Fama(1984). Isso permite concluir que a investigação do prêmio pelo risco cambial usando os dados do mercado de opções é um caminho fértil para pesquisa futura. O trabalho traz ainda conclusões importantes para a implementação de política monetária, uma vez que propõe a inclusão da volatilidade implícita do câmbio (via custos das opções) na equação de paridade de juros.