958 resultados para PANCREATIC-ISLETS


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Le diabète de type 2 (DT2) est une maladie métabolique complexe causée par des facteurs génétiques mais aussi environnementaux, tels la sédentarité et le surpoids. La dysfonction de la cellule β pancréatique est maintenant reconnue comme l’élément déterminant dans le développement du DT2. Notre laboratoire s’intéresse à la sécrétion d’insuline par la cellule β en réponse aux nutriments calorigéniques et aux mécanismes qui la contrôle. Alors que la connaissance des mécanismes responsables de l’induction de la sécrétion d’insuline en réponse aux glucose et acides gras est assez avancée, les procédés d’inhibition de la sécrétion dans des contextes normaux ou pathologiques sont moins bien compris. L’objectif de la présente thèse était d’identifier quelques-uns de ces mécanismes de régulation négative de la sécrétion d’insuline dans la cellule β pancréatique, et ce en situation normale ou pathologique en lien avec le DT2. La première hypothèse testée était que l’enzyme mitochondriale hydroxyacyl-CoA déshydrogénase spécifique pour les molécules à chaîne courte (short-chain hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenase, SCHAD) régule la sécrétion d’insuline induite par le glucose (SIIG) par la modulation des concentrations d’acides gras ou leur dérivés tels les acyl-CoA ou acyl-carnitine dans la cellule β. Pour ce faire, nous avons utilisé la technologie des ARN interférants (ARNi) afin de diminuer l’expression de SCHAD dans la lignée cellulaire β pancréatique INS832/13. Nous avons par la suite vérifié chez la souris DIO (diet-induced obesity) si une exposition prolongée à une diète riche en gras activerait certaines voies métaboliques et signalétiques assurant une régulation négative de la sécrétion d’insuline et contribuerait au développement du DT2. Pour ce faire, nous avons mesuré la SIIG, le métabolisme intracellulaire des lipides, la fonction mitochondriale et l’activation de certaines voies signalétiques dans les îlots de Langerhans isolés des souris normales (ND, normal diet) ou nourries à la dière riche en gras (DIO) Nos résultats suggèrent que l’enzyme SCHAD est importante dans l’atténuation de la sécrétion d’insuline induite par le glucose et les acides aminés. En effet, l’oxydation des acides gras par la protéine SCHAD préviendrait l’accumulation d’acyl-CoA ou de leurs dérivés carnitine à chaîne courtes potentialisatrices de la sécrétion d’insuline. De plus, SCHAD régule le métabolisme du glutamate par l’inhibition allostérique de l’enzyme glutamate déshydrogénase (GDH), prévenant ainsi une hyperinsulinémie causée par une sur-activité de GDH. L’étude de la dysfonction de la cellule β dans le modèle de souris DIO a démontré qu’il existe une grande hétérogénéité dans l’obésité et l’hyperglycémie développées suite à la diète riche en gras. L’orginialité de notre étude réside dans la stratification des souris DIO en deux groupes : les faibles et forts répondants à la diète (low diet responders (LDR) et high diet responder (HDR)) sur la base de leur gain de poids corporel. Nous avons mis en lumières divers mécanismes liés au métabolisme des acides gras impliqués dans la diminution de la SIIG. Une diminution du flux à travers le cycle TG/FFA accompagnée d’une augmentation de l’oxydation des acides gras et d’une accumulation intracellulaire de cholestérol contribuent à la diminution de la SIIG chez les souris DIO-HDR. De plus, l’altération de la signalisation par les voies AMPK (AMP-activated protein kinase) et PKC epsilon (protéine kinase C epsilon) pourrait expliquer certaines de ces modifications du métabolisme des îlots DIO et causer le défaut de sécrétion d’insuline. En résumé, nous avons mis en lumière des mécanismes importants pour la régulation négative de la sécrétion d’insuline dans la cellule β pancréatique saine ou en situation pathologique. Ces mécanismes pourraient permettre d’une part de limiter l’amplitude ou la durée de la sécrétion d’insuline suite à un repas chez la cellule saine, et d’autre part de préserver la fonction de la cellule β en retardant l’épuisement de celle-ci en situation pathologique. Certaines de ces voies peuvent expliquer l’altération de la sécrétion d’insuline dans le cadre du DT2 lié à l’obésité. À la lumière de nos recherches, le développement de thérapies ayant pour cible les mécanismes de régulation négative de la sécrétion d’insuline pourrait être bénéfique pour le traitement de patients diabétiques.


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La tolérance immunitaire dépend de la distinction entre le soi et le non soi par le système immunitaire. Un bris dans la tolérance immunitaire mène à l'auto-immunité, qui peut provoquer la destruction des organes, des glandes, des articulations ou du système nerveux central. Le diabète auto-immun, également connu sous le nom diabète juvénile et diabète de type 1, résulte d'une attaque auto-immune sur les cellules β pancréatiques sécrétrices d’insuline, localisées au niveau des îlots de Langerhans du pancréas. Bien que le diabète auto-immun soit traitable par une combinaison d’injections quotidiennes d’insuline d’origine exogène, de régime et d'exercices, beaucoup de complications chroniques peuvent se manifester chez les patients, y compris, mais non limitées à, la cécité, les maladies cardiovasculaires, l’insuffisance rénale et l'amputation. En raison des nombreuses complications liées au diabète auto-immun à long terme, la recherche continue afin de mieux comprendre tous les facteurs impliqués dans la progression de la maladie dans le but de développer de nouvelles thérapies qui empêcheront, renverseront et/ou traiteront cette maladie. Un rôle primordial dans la génération et l'entretien de la tolérance immunitaire a été attribué au nombre et à la fonction des sous-populations de cellules régulatrices. Une de ces populations est constituée de cellules T CD4-CD8- (double négatives, DN), qui ont été étudiées chez la souris et l'humain pour leur contribution à la tolérance périphérique, à la prévention des maladies et pour leur potentiel associé à la thérapie cellulaire. En effet, les cellules de T DN sont d'intérêt thérapeutique parce qu'elles montrent un potentiel immunorégulateur antigène-spécifique dans divers cadres expérimentaux, y compris la prévention du diabète auto-immun. D’ailleurs, en utilisant un système transgénique, nous avons démontré que les souris prédisposées au diabète auto-immun présentent peu de cellules T DN, et que ce phénotype contribue à la susceptibilité au diabète auto-immun. En outre, un transfert des cellules T DN est suffisant pour empêcher la progression vers le diabète chez les souris prédisposées au diabète auto-immun. Ces résultats suggèrent que les cellules T DN puissent présenter un intérêt thérapeutique pour les patients diabétiques. Cependant, nous devons d'abord valider ces résultats en utilisant un modèle non-transgénique, qui est plus physiologiquement comparable à l'humain. L'objectif principal de cette thèse est de définir la fonction immunorégulatrice des cellules T DN, ainsi que le potentiel thérapeutique de celles-ci dans la prévention du diabète auto-immun chez un modèle non-transgénique. Dans cette thèse, on démontre que les souris résistantes au diabète auto-immun présentent une proportion et nombre absolu plus élevés de cellules T DN non-transgéniques, lorsque comparées aux souris susceptibles. Cela confirme une association entre le faible nombre de cellules T DN et la susceptibilité à la maladie. On observe que les cellules T DN éliminent les cellules B activées in vitro par une voie dépendante de la voie perforine et granzyme, où la fonction des cellules T DN est équivalente entre les souris résistantes et prédisposées au diabète auto-immun. Ces résultats confirment que l'association au diabète auto-immun est due à une insuffisance en terme du nombre de cellules T DN, plutôt qu’à une déficience fonctionnelle. On démontre que les cellules T DN non-transgéniques éliminent des cellules B chargées avec des antigènes d'îlots, mais pas des cellules B chargées avec un antigène non reconnu, in vitro. Par ailleurs, on établit que le transfert des cellules T DN activées peut empêcher le développement du diabète auto-immun dans un modèle de souris non-transgénique. De plus, nous observons que les cellules T DN migrent aux îlots pancréatiques, et subissent une activation et une prolifération préférentielles au niveau des ganglions pancréatiques. D'ailleurs, le transfert des cellules T DN entraîne une diminution d'auto-anticorps spécifiques de l'insuline et de cellules B de centres germinatifs directement dans les îlots, ce qui corrèle avec les résultats décrits ci-dessus. Les résultats présentés dans cette thèse permettent de démontrer la fonction des cellules T DN in vitro et in vivo, ainsi que leur potentiel lié à la thérapie cellulaire pour le diabète auto-immun.


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Background: The biologic attributes of the endocrine pancreas and the comparative endocrinology of islet amyloid polypeptide (IAPP) of fish are not well described in the literature. This study describes the endocrine pancreas of one teleostean fish. Ten captive Atlantic wolffish (Anarhichas lupus) from the Montreal Biodome were submitted for necropsy and their pancreata were collected. Results: Grossly, all the fish pancreata examined contained 1-3 nodules of variable diameter (1-8 mm). Microscopically, the nodules were uniform, highly cellular, and composed of polygonal to elongated cells. Immunofluorescence for pancreatic hormones was performed. The nodules were immunoreactive for insulin most prominent centrally, but with IAPP and glucagon only in the periphery of the nodules. Exocrine pancreas was positive for chromogranin A. Not previously recognized in fish, IAPP immunoreactivity occurred in α, glucagon-containing, cells and did not co-localize with insulin in β cells. The islet tissues were devoid of amyloid deposits. IAPP DNA sequencing was performed to compare the sequence among teleost fish and the potency to form amyloid fibrils. In silico analysis of the amino acid sequences 19-34 revealed that it was not amyloidogenic. Conclusions: Amyloidosis of pancreatic islets would not be expected as a spontaneous disease in the Atlantic wolffish. Our study underlines that this teleost fish is a potential candidate for pancreatic xenograft research.


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Diabetes Mellitus is a metabolic disorder associated with insulin deficiency, which not.only affects the carbohydrate metabolism but also is associated with various central and peripheral complications. Chronic hyperglycemia during diabetes mellitus is a major initiator of diabetic microvascular complications like retinopathy, neuropathy, The central nervous system (CNS) neurotransmitters play an important role in the regulation of glucose homeostasis. These neurotransmitters mediate rapid intracellular communications not only within the central nervous system but also in the peripheral tissues. They exert their function through receptors present in both neuronal and non neuronal cell surface that trigger second messenger signaling pathways. Dopamine is a neurotransmitter that has been implicated in various central neuronal degenerative disorders like Parkinson's disease and behavioral diseases like Schizophrenia. Dopamine is synthesised from tyrosine, stored in vesicles in axon terminals and released when the neuron is depolarised. Dopamine interacts with specific membrane receptors to produce its effect. Dopamine plays an important role both centrally and peripherally. The recent identification of five dopamine receptor subtypes provides a basis for understanding dopamine's central and peripheral actions . Dopamine receptors are classified into two major groups : DA D1 like and DA D2 like. Dopamine D1 like receptors consists of DA D1 and DA D5 receptors . Dopamine D2 like receptors consists of DA D2, DA D3 and DA D4 receptors. Stimulation of the DA D1 receptor gives rise to increased production of cAMP. Dopamine D2 receptors inhibit cAMP production, but activate the inositol phosphate second messenger system . Impairment of central dopamine neurotransmission causes muscle rigidity, hormonal regulation , thought disorder and cocaine addiction. Peripheral dopamine receptors mediate changes in blood flow, glomerular filtration rate, sodium excretion and catecholamine release. The dopamine D2 receptors increased in the corpus striatum and cerebral cortex but decreased in the hypothalamus and brain stem indicating their involvement in regulating insulin secretion. Dopamine D2 receptor which has a stimulatory effecton insulin secretion decreased in the pancreatic islets during diabetes. Our in vitro studies confirmed the stimulatory role of dopamine D2 receptors in stimulation of glucose induced insulin secretion. A detailed study at the molecular level on the mechanisms involved in the role of dopamine in insulin secretion, its functional modification could lead to therapeutic interventions that will have immense clinical importance.


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Department of Biotechnology, Cochin University of Science and Technology


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The present work is to understand the alterations of total Muscarinic and Muscarinic MI receptors in brain and pancreatic islets of Streptozotocin induced diabetic rats. The work focuses on the evaluation of the antihyperglycemic activity of aqueous extracts of Aegle marmelose and Costus pictus leaves in vivo and the changes in the total Muscarinic and Muscarinic MI receptors during diabetes and after the treatment with insulin. The insulin secretory activity of Aegle marmelose and Costus pictus leaf extracts and the effect of cholinergic receptor agonist were investigated in vitro using rat primary pancreatic islet culture. Muscarinic MI receptor kinetics and gene expression during diabetes and regulation of insulin secretion by Aegle marmelose and Costus pie/us leaf extracts will help us to elucidate the role of Muscarinic and Muscarinic MI receptors in hyperglycemia and the regulatory activity of these plant extracts on insulin secretion through Muscarinic receptors.


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Recent studies have established a fimctional correlation of serotonergic and adrenergic function in the brain regions with insulin secretion in diabetic rats (Vahabzadeh et al., 1995). Administration of 5-HT”. agonist 8-OH-DPAT to conscious rats caused an increase in blood glucose level. This increase in blood glucose is due to inhibition of insulin secretion by increased circulating EPI (Chaouloff et al., 1990a; Chaouloff et al., 1990d; Chaoulo1T& Jeanrenaud, 1987). The increase in EPI is brought about by increased sympathetic stimulation. This increase can lead to increased sympatho-medullary stimulation thereby inhibiting insulin release (Bauhelal & Mir, 1993, Bauhelal & Mir, 1990a; Chaouloffet al., 1990d). Also, studies have shown that Gi protein in the liver has been decreased in diabetes which will increase gluconeogenesis and glycogenolysis thereby causing hyperglycaemia (Pennington, 1987). Serotonergic control is suggested to exert different effects on insulin secretion according to the activation of different receptor subclasses (Pontiroli et al., 1975). In addition to this mechanism, the secretion of insulin is dependent on the turnover ratio of endogenous 5-hydroxy tryptophan (5-HTP) to 5-HT in the pancreatic islets (Jance er al., 1980). The reports so far stated does not explain the complete mechanism and the subclass of 5-HT receptors whose expression regulate insulin secretion in a diabetic state. Also, there is no report of a direct regulation of insulin secretion by 5-HT from the pancreatic islets even though there are reports stating that the pancreatic islets is a rich source of 5-HT (Bird et al., 1980). Therefore, in the present study the mechanism by which 5-HT and its receptors regulate insulin secretion from pancreatic [3-cells was investigated. Our results led to the following hypotheses by which 5-HT and its receptors regulate the insulin secretion.


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Importancia: el paciente con fibrosis quística después de las complicaciones gastrointestinales y pulmonares debe enfrentar otras comorbilidades como la diabetes relacionada a su condición . Dado el aumento en la esperanza de vida y el hecho de que virtualmente todas los pacientes con esta enfermedad pueden desarrollar alteración en el metabolismo de los carbohidratos, se requiere una sensibilización frente al tema que posibilite una detección temprana de esta entidad y un tratamiento óptimo que evite las complicaciones microvasculares e impacte entre otros el crecimiento pondo-estatural en pacientes en desarrollo y la función pulmonar. Objetivo : realizar una revisión actualizada de la literatura sobre la diabetes relacionada a la fibrosis quística, destacando las indicaciones de tamización y tratamiento. Conclusión : la FQ dentro de su abordaje requiere la detección temprana de la alteración del metabolismo de los carbohidratos con una prueba de tolerancia a la glucosa , el daño del islote pancreático , la disfunción inmune, la resistencia a la insulina, el estrés oxidativo entre otros elementos fisiopatológicos conllevan a un estado de depleción de insulina que producirán un efecto negativo microvascular así como a una reducción marcada de la función pulmonar, mayores tasa de infección e incremento de la mortalidad. La piedra angular del tratamiento en pacientes con o sin hiperglicemia es la insulina que mejora tanto el estado nutricional como la función pulmonar ; nuevos antidiabéticos orales con efecto incretinas y fármacos modificadores de la enfermedad se vislumbran como alternativas al corto plazo


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Objectives: In the present study, a novel pathway by which palmilate potentiates glucose-induced insulin secretion by pancreatic beta cells was investigated. Methods: Groups of freshly isolated islets were incubated in 10 mM glucose with palmitate, LY294002, wortmannin, and fumonism B I for measurement of insulin secretion by radioimmunoassay (RIA). Also, phosphorylation and content of AKT and PKC proteins were evaluated by immunoblotting. Results: Glucose plus palmitate and glucose plus LY294002 or wortmannin (PI3K inhibitors) increased glucose-induced insulin secretion by isolated pancreatic islets. Glucose at 10 mM induced AKT and PKC zeta/lambda phosphorylation. Palmitate (0.1 mM) abolished glucose stimulation of AKT and PKC zeta/lambda phosphorylation possibly through PI3K inhibition because both LY294002 (50 mu M) and wortmannin (100 nM) caused the same effect. The inhibitory effect of palmitate on glucose-induced AKT and PKC zeta/lambda phosphorylation and the stimulatory effect of palmitate on glucose-induced insulin secretion were not observed in the presence of fumonisin B1, all inhibitor of ceramide synthesis. Conclusions: These findings support the proposition that palmilate increases insulin release in the presence of 10 mM glucose by inhibiting PI3K activity through a mechanism that involves ceramide synthesis.


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A regimen of low-protein diet induces a reduction of pancreatic islet function that is associated with development of metabolic disorders including diabetes and obesity afterward. In the present study, the influence of leucine supplementation on metabolic parameters, insulin secretion to glucose and to amino acids, as well as the levels of proteins that participate in the phosphatidylinositol 3-phosphate kinase (PI3K) pathway was investigated in malnourished rats. Four groups were fed with different diets for 12 weeks: a normal protein diet (17%) without (NP) or with leucine supplementation (NPL) or a low (6%)-protein diet without (LP) or with leucine supplementation (LPL). Leucine was given in the drinking water during the last 4 weeks. As indicated by the intraperitoneal glucose tolerance test, LPL rats exhibited increased glucose tolerance as compared with NPL group. Both NPL and LPL rats had higher circulating insulin levels than controls. The LPL rats also showed increased insulin secretion by pancreatic islets in response to glucose or arginine compared with those observed in islets from LP animals. Glucose oxidation was significantly reduced in NPL, LP, and LPL isolated islets as compared with NP; but no alteration was observed for leucine and glutamate oxidation among the 4 groups. Western blotting analysis demonstrated increased PI3K and mammalian target protein of rapamycin protein contents in LPL compared with LP islets. A significant increase in insulin-induced insulin receptor substrate I associated PI3K activation was also observed in LPL compared with LP islets. These findings indicate that leucine supplementation can augment islet function in malnourished rats and that activation of the PI3K/maminalian target protein of rapamycin pathway may play a role in this process. (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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The inhibitory effect of hydrogen peroxide (H(2)O(2)) on glucose-stimulated insulin secretion was previously reported. However, the precise mechanism involved was not systematically investigated. In this study, the effects of low concentrations of H(2)O(2) (5-10 mu mol/L) on glucose metabolism, intracellular calcium ([Ca(2+)](i)) oscillations, and dynamic insulin secretion in rat pancreatic islets were investigated. Low concentrations of H(2)O(2) impaired insulin secretion in the presence of high glucose levels (16.7 mmol/L). This phenomenon was observed already after 2 minutes of exposure to H(2)O(2). Glucose oxidation and the amplitude of [Ca(2+)](i); oscillations were dose-dependently suppressed by H(2)O(2). These findings indicate that low concentrations of H(2)O(2) reduce insulin secretion in the presence of high glucose levels via inhibition of glucose metabolism and consequent impairment in [Ca(2+)](i); handling. (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Bone morphogenetic protein 9 (BMP-9), a member of the TGF-beta superfamily predominantly expressed in nonparenchymal liver cells, has been demonstrated to improve glucose homeostasis in diabetic mice. Along with this therapeutic effect, BMP-9 was proposed as a candidate for the hepatic insulin-sensitizing substance ( HISS). Whether BMP-9 plays a physiological role in glucose homeostasis is still unknown. In the present study, we show that BMP-9 expression and processing is severely reduced in the liver of insulin-resistant rats. BMP-9 expression and processing was directly stimulated by in situ exposition of the liver to the combination of glucose and insulin and oral glucose in overnight fasted rats. Additionally, prolonged fasting ( 72 h) abrogated refeeding-induced BMP-9 expression and processing. Previous exposition to dexamethasone, a known inductor of insulin resistance, reduced BMP-9 processing stimulated by the combination of insulin and glucose. Finally, we show that neutralization of BMP-9 with an anti-BMP-9 antibody induces glucose intolerance and insulin resistance in 12-h fasted rats. Collectively, the present results demonstrate that BMP-9 plays an important role in the control of glucose homeostasis of the normal rat. Additionally, BMP-9 is expressed and processed in an HISS-like fashion, which is impaired in the presence of insulin resistance. BMP-9 regulation according to the feeding status and the presence of diabetogenic factors reinforces the hypothesis that BMP-9 might exert the role of HISS in glucose homeostasis physiology. ( Endocrinology 149: 6326-6335, 2008)


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Aims: In our previous work, we reported that the insulin potentiating effect on melatonin synthesis is regulated by a post-transcriptional mechanism. However, the major proteins of the insulin signaling pathway (ISP) and the possible pathway component recruited on the potentiating effect of insulin had not been characterized. A second question raised was whether windows of sensitivity to insulin exist in the pineal gland due to insulin rhythmic secretion pattern. Main methods: Melatonin content from norepinephrine(NE)-synchronized pineal gland cultures was quantified by high performance liquid chromatography with electrochemical detection and arylalkylamine-N-acetyltransferase (AANAT) activity was assayed by radiometry. Immunoblotting and immunoprecipitation techniques were performed to establish the ISP proteins expression and the formation of 14-3-3: AANAT complex, respectively. Key findings: The temporal insulin susceptibility protocol revealed two periods of insulin potentiating effect, one at the beginning and another one at the end of the in vitro induced ""night"". In some Timed-insulin Stimulation (TSs), insulin also promoted a reduction on melatonin synthesis, showing its dual action in cultured pineal glands. The major ISP components, such as IR beta, IGF-1R, IRS-1, IRS-2 and PI3K(p85), as well tyrosine phosphorylation of pp85 were characterized within pineal glands. Insulin is not involved in the 14-3-3:AANAT complex formation. The blockage of PI3K by LY 294002 reduced melatonin synthesis and AANAT activity. Significance: The present study demonstrated windows of differential insulin sensitivity, a functional ISP and the PI3K-dependent insulin potentiating effect on NE-mediated melatonin synthesis, supporting the hypothesis of a crosstalk between noradrenergic and insulin pathways in the rat pineal gland. (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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During pregnancy, the maternal endocrine pancreas undergoes, as a consequence of placental lactogens and prolactin (PR,L) action, functional changes that are characterized by increased glucose-induced insulin secretion. After delivery, the maternal endocrine pancreas rapidly returns to nonpregnant state, which is mainly attributed to the increased serum levels of glucocorticoids (GCs). Although GCs are known to decrease insulin secretion and counteract PRL action, the mechanisms for these effects are poorly understood. We have previously demonstrated that signal transducer and activator of transcription 3 (STAT3) is increased in islets treated with PRL. In the present study, we show that STAT3 expression and serine phosphorylation are increased in pancreatic islets at the end of pregnancy (P19). STAT3 serine phosphorylation rapidly returned to basal levels 3 days after delivery (U). The expression of the sarcoendoplasmic reticulum Ca2+-ATPase 2 (SERCA2), a crucial protein involved in the regulation of calcium handling in P-cells, was also increased in P19, returning to basal levels at L3. PRL increased SERCA2 and STAT3 expressions and STAT3 serine phosphorylation in RINm5F cells. The upregulation of SERCA2 by PRL was abolished after STAT3 knockdown. Moreover, PRL-induced STAT3 serine phosphorylation and SERCA2 expression were inhibited by dexamethasone (DEX). Insulin secretion from islets of PI 9 rats pre-incubated with thapsigargin and L3 rats showed a dramatic suppression of first phase of insulin release. The present results indicate that PRL regulates SERCA2 expression by a STAT3-dependent mechanism. PRL effect is counteracted by DEX and might contribute to the adaptation of maternal endocrine pancreas during the peripartum period.


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Objectives: We have analyzed the peripheral insulin and glucose sensitivity in vivo, and islet function ex vivo in rats with different degrees of insulin resistance induced by dexamethasone (DEX).Methods: Dexamethasone, in the concentrations of 0.1 (DEX 0.1), 0.5 (DEX 0.5), and 1.0 mg/kg body weight (DEX 1.0) was administered daily, intraperitoneally, to adult Wistar rats for 5 days, whereas controls received saline.Results: Dexamethasone treatment induced peripheral insulin resistance in a dose-dependent manner. At the end of the treatment, only DEX 1.0 rats showed significant increase of postabsorptive blood glucose and serum triglycerides, and nonesterified fatty acids levels. Incubation of pancreatic islets in increasing glucose concentrations (2.8-22 mM) led to an augmented insulin secretion in all DEX-treated rats. Leucine, carbachol, and high KCl concentrations induced the insulin release in DEX 0.5 and DEX 1.0, whereas arginine augmented secretion in all DEX-treated groups.Conclusions: We demonstrate that in DEX 0.5 and, especially in DEX 0.1 groups, but not in DEX 1.0, the adaptations that occurred in the endocrine pancreas are able to counteract metabolic disorders (glucose intolerance and dyslipidemia). These animal models seem to be interesting approaches for the study of degrees of subjacent effects that may mediate type 2 diabetes (DEX 1.0) and islet function alterations, without collateral effects (DEX 0.1 and DEX 0.5).