943 resultados para P300 latency


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Study design: Cross-sectional study. Objectives: To observe if there is a relationship between the level of injury by the American Spinal Cord Injury Association (ASIA) and cortical somatosensory evoked potential (SSEP) recordings of the median nerve in patients with quadriplegia. Setting: Rehabilitation Outpatient Clinic at the university hospital in Brazil. Methods: Fourteen individuals with quadriplegia and 8 healthy individuals were evaluated. Electrophysiological assessment of the median nerve was performed by evoked potential equipment. The injury level was obtained by ASIA. N(9), N(13) and N(20) were analyzed based on the presence or absence of responses. The parameters used for analyzing these responses were the latency and the amplitude. Data were analyzed using mixed-effect models. Results: N(9) responses were found in all patients with quadriplegia with a similar latency and amplitude observed in healthy individuals; N(13) responses were not found in any patients with quadriplegia. N(20) responses were not found in C5 patients with quadriplegia but it was present in C6 and C7 patients. Their latencies were similar to healthy individuals (P > 0.05) but the amplitudes were decreased (P < 0.05). Conclusion: This study suggests that the SSEP responses depend on the injury level, considering that the individuals with C6 and C7 injury levels, both complete and incomplete, presented SSEP recordings in the cortical area. It also showed a relationship between the level of spinal cord injury assessed by ASIA and the median nerve SSEP responses, through the latency and amplitude recordings. Spinal Cord (2009) 47, 372-378; doi:10.1038/sc.2008.147; published online 20 January 2009


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Although it has long been supposed that resistance training causes adaptive changes in the CNS, the sites and nature of these adaptations have not previously been identified. In order to determine whether the neural adaptations to resistance training occur to a greater extent at cortical or subcortical sites in the CNS, we compared the effects of resistance training on the electromyographic (EMG) responses to transcranial magnetic (TMS) and electrical (TES) stimulation. Motor evoked potentials (MEPs) were recorded from the first dorsal interosseous muscle of 16 individuals before and after 4 weeks of resistance training for the index finger abductors (n = 8), or training involving finger abduction-adduction without external resistance (n = 8). TMS was delivered at rest at intensities from 5 % below the passive threshold to the maximal output of the stimulator. TMS and TES were also delivered at the active threshold intensity while the participants exerted torques ranging from 5 to 60 % of their maximum voluntary contraction (MVC) torque. The average latency of MEPs elicited by TES was significantly shorter than that of TMS MEPs (TES latency = 21.5 ± 1.4 ms; TMS latency = 23.4 ± 1.4 ms; P < 0.05), which indicates that the site of activation differed between the two forms of stimulation. Training resulted in a significant increase in MVC torque for the resistance-training group, but not the control group. There were no statistically significant changes in the corticospinal properties measured at rest for either group. For the active trials involving both TMS and TES, however, the slope of the relationship between MEP size and the torque exerted was significantly lower after training for the resistance-training group (P < 0.05). Thus, for a specific level of muscle activity, the magnitude of the EMG responses to both forms of transcranial stimulation were smaller following resistance training. These results suggest that resistance training changes the functional properties of spinal cord circuitry in humans, but does not substantially affect the organisation of the motor cortex.


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This investigation was designed to examine the antinociceptive activity in rats of 3-O-acyl prodrugs of M6S relative to the parent drug, after intravenous and intramuscular injection, using the tail flick latency test of antinociception. M6S, 3-acetylmorphine-6-sulfate (3AcM6S), 3-propionylmorphine-6-sulfate (3PrM6S), 3-butanoylmorphine-6-sulfate (3BuM6S) and 3-heptanoylmorphine-6-sulfate (3HpM6S) were administered by the IV route in a dose of 4.10 mu mol/kg. Relatively high levels of antinociception (>40% Maximum Possible Effect) were achieved following administration of M6S, 3AcM6S and 3PrM6S, whereas insignificant antinociception (<20%MPE) was achieved following administration of 3BuM6S or 3HpM6S. Although the mean duration of action for 3AcM6S (6 h) was longer than for M6S or 3PrM6S (4 h), the mean area (+/- S.E.M.) under the degree of antinociception versus time curve (AUG) for 3AcM6S (151.6 +/- 6.9%MPE h) was not significantly different (p <0.05) from that for M6S (120.8 +/- 32.7%MPE h) or for 3PrM6S (106.0 +/- 21.3%MPE h). The mean ED50 (range) doses for M6S, 3AcM6S and 3PrM6S were calculated to be 4.16 (3.61-4.48), 4.32 (3.55-5.09) and 4.54 (4.21-4.79) mu mol/kg, respectively. Preliminary studies were conducted on potential long-acting formulations containing 8 x ED50 doses of M6S and the 3-acetyl and 3-propionyl esters suspended in soybean oil. These showed that 3PrM6S gave a greater AUC (mean + S.E.M.) (1087.4 +/- 97.4%MPE h) and longer duration of action (20 h) than did M6S (613.1 +/- 155.9%MPE h; 10 h duration) or 3AcM6S (379.3 + 114.2%MPE h: 8 h duration). Further studies are needed to more fully investigate these findings. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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A set of five tasks was designed to examine dynamic aspects of visual attention: selective attention to color, selective attention to pattern, dividing and switching attention between color and pattern, and selective attention to pattern with changing target. These varieties of visual attention were examined using the same set of stimuli under different instruction sets; thus differences between tasks cannot be attributed to differences in the perceptual features of the stimuli. ERP data are presented for each of these tasks. A within-task analysis of different stimulus types varying in similarity to the attended target feature revealed that an early frontal selection positivity (FSP) was evident in selective attention tasks, regardless of whether color was the attended feature. The scalp distribution of a later posterior selection negativity (SN) was affected by whether the attended feature was color or pattern. The SN was largely unaffected by dividing attention across color and pattern. A large widespread positivity was evident in most conditions, consisting of at least three subcomponents which were differentially affected by the attention conditions. These findings are discussed in relation to prior research and the time course of visual attention processes in the brain. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Chloramphenicol, an in vitro inhibitor of the glucuronidation of morphine to its putative antianalgesic metabolite, morphine-3-glucuronide (M3G), was coadministered with morphine in adult male Sprague-Dawley rats to determine whether it inhibited the in vivo metabolism of morphine to M3G, thereby enhancing morphine antinociception and/or delaying the development of antinociceptive tolerance. Parenteral chloramphenicol was given acutely (3-h studies) or chronically (48-h studies). Morphine was administered by the i.v. or i.c.v. route. Control rats received chloramphenicol and/or vehicle. Antinociception was quantified using the hotplate latency test. Coadministration of chloramphenicol with i.v. but not i.cv. morphine increased the extent and duration of morphine antinociception by approximate to 5.5-fold relative to rats that received i.v. morphine alone. Thus, the mechanism through which chloramphenicol enhances i.v. morphine antinociception in the rat does not directly involve supraspinal opioid receptors. Acutely, parenteral coadministration of chloramphenicol and morphine resulted in an approximate to 75% increase in the mean area under the serum morphine concentration-time curve but for chronic dosing there was no significant change in this curve, indicating that factors other than morphine concentrations contribute significantly to antinociception. Antinociceptive tolerance to morphine developed more slowly in rats coadministered chloramphenicol, consistent with our proposal that in vivo inhibition of M3G formation would result in increased antinociception and delayed development of tolerance. However, our data also indicate that chloramphenicol inhibited the biliary secretion of M3G. Whether chloramphenicol altered the passage of M3G and morphine across the blood-brain barrier remains to be investigated.


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Our previous studies indicate that oxycodone is a putative kappa-opioid agonist, whereas morphine is a well documented mu-opioid agonist. Because there is limited information regarding the development of tolerance to oxycodone, this study was designed to 1) document the development of tolerance to the antinociceptive effects of chronically infused i.v. oxycodone relative to that for i.v. morphine and 2) quantify the degree of antinociceptive cross-tolerance between morphine and oxycodone in adult male Dark Agouti (DA) rats. Antinociceptive testing was performed using the tail-flick latency test. Complete antinociceptive tolerance was achieved in 48 to 84 h after chronic infusion of equi-antinociceptive doses of i.v. oxycodone (2.5 mg/24 h and 5 mg/24 h) and i.v. morphine (10 mg/24 h and 20 mg/24 h, respectively). Dose-response curves for bolus doses of i.v. and i.c.v. morphine and oxycodone were produced in naive, morphine-tolerant, and oxycodone-tolerant rats. Consistent with our previous findings that oxycodone and morphine produce their intrinsic antinociceptive effects through distinctly different opioid receptor populations, there was no discernible cross-tolerance when i.c.v. oxycodone was given to morphine-tolerant rats. Similarly, only a low degree of cross-tolerance (approximate to 24%) was observed after i.v. oxycodone administration to morphine-tolerant rats. By contrast, both i.v. and i.c.v. morphine showed a high degree of cross-tolerance (approximate to 71% and approximate to 54%, respectively) in rats rendered tolerant to oxycodone. Taken together, these findings suggest that, after parenteral but not supraspinal administration, oxycodone is metabolized to a mu-opioid agonist metabolite, thereby explaining asymmetric and incomplete cross-tolerance between oxycodone and morphine.


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We used the startle eyeblink modification paradigm to investigate whether clinically anxious children, like high trait-anxious adults, display a bias in favour of threat words compared to neutral words. The present study included 16 clinically anxious children whose diagnostic status was determined using the parent version of a semistructured diagnostic interview as part of a larger childhood anxiety study. The children were presented with threat and neutral words fur 6 s each. A startle-eliciting auditory stimulus - a 100 dBA burst of white noise of 50 ms duration - was presented during the words at lead intervals of 60, 120, 240, or 3500 ms and during intertrial intervals. The overall pattern of startle eyeblink modification indicated inhibition at the 120 and 240 ms lead intervals and facilitation at the 3500 ms lead interval. startle-latency shortening during threat words at the :60 ms lead interval was larger than at other intervals, whereas there was no difference during neutral words. This result reflects an anxiety-related bias in favour of threat words occurring at a very early - and possibly preattentive stage - of information processing.


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In two experiments we investigated the effect of generalized orienting induced by changing the modality of the lead stimulus on the modulation of blink reflexes elicited by acoustic stimuli. In Experiment 1 (n = 32), participants were presented with acoustic or visual change stimuli after habituation training with tactile lead stimuli. In Experiment 2 (n = 64), modality of the lead stimulus (acoustic vs. visual) was crossed with experimental condition (change vs. no change). Lead stimulus change resulted in increased electrodermal orienting in both experiments. Blink latency shortening and blink magnitude facilitation increased from habituation to change trials regardless of whether the change stimulus was presented in the same or in a different modality as the reflex-eliciting stimulus. These results are not consistent with modality-specific accounts of attentional startle modulation.


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1. The present study investigated the effects of lengthening and shortening actions on IT-reflex amplitude. H-reflexes were evoked in the soleus (SOL) and medial gastroenemius (MG) of human subject, during passive isometric, lengthening and shortening actions performed at angular velocities of 0, +/-2, +/-5 and +/- 15 deg s(-1). 2. H-reflex amplitude, in froth SOL and MG were significantly depressed during passive lengthening actions and facilitated during passive shortening actions, when compared with the isometric R-reflex amplitude. 3. Four experiments were performed in which the latencies front the onset of movement to delivery of the stimulus were altered. Passive H-reflex modulation during lengthening actions was found tee begin at latencies of less than 60 ms suggesting that this inhibition was due to peripheral and/or spinal mechanisms. 4. It is postulated that, the H-reflex modulation seen in the present study is related to the tunic discharge of muscle spindle afferents and the consequent effects of transmission within the la pathway. Inhibition of the H-reflex at less than 60 ms after the onset of muscle lengthening may he attributed to several mechanisms, which cannot be distinguished using the current protocol. These may include the inability to evoke volleys in la fibres that are refractory following muscle spindle discharge during; rapid muscle lengthening, a reduced probability of transmitter release front the presynaptic terminal (homosynaptic post.-activation depression) and presynaptic inhibition of la afferents from plantar flexor agonists. Short latency facilitation of the H-reflex may be attributed to temporal summation of excitatory postsynaptic potentials arising from muscle spindle afferents during rapid muscle lengthening. At longer latencies, presynaptic inhibition of Ia afferents cannot be excluded as a potential inhibitory mechanism.


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This study compared emotional Stroop interference in the emotional colour naming Stroop and the emotional counting Stroop by measuring reaction times and event-related potentials to positive, negative and neutral words. Twenty participants had ERPs recorded at 61 sites while performing both types of emotional Stroop tasks as well as congruent and incongruent conflict conditions. All participants rated stimulus emotionality retrospectively. A robust reaction time Stroop effect was observed in response latency for the traditional ‘‘conflict’’ conditions (congruent vs. incongruent) for the counting Stroop though not the colour naming Stroop task. There was also no evidence of emotional interference for either of the tasks; however, there was trend for positive interference in the colour naming Stroop. The P5 was identified as the event-related potential associated with emotional processing. For the P5 component, significant emotionality effects were evident in the emotional colour naming Stroop for latency (542 ms). There was a significant interaction between valence and hemisphere. The latency of the P5 in the right hemisphere was later for the positive words than negative and neutral. Comparable effects of valence were evident for the emotional counting Stroop for amplitude but not latency.


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Neural mechanisms underlying the onset and maintenance of epileptic seizures involve alterations in inhibitory and/or excitatory neurotransmitter pathways. Thus, the prospecting of novel molecules from natural products that target both inhibition and excitation systems has deserved interest in the rational design of new anticonvulsants. We isolated the alkaloids (+)-erythravine and ( +)-11-alpha-hydroxyerythravine from the flowers of Erythrina mulungu and evaluated the action of these compounds against chemically induced seizures in rats. Our results showed that the administration of different doses of (+)-erythravine inhibited seizures evoked by bicuculline, pentylenetetrazole, and kainic acid at maximum of 80, 100, and 100%, respectively, whereas different doses of (+)-11-alpha-hydroxy-erythravine inhibited seizures at a maximum of 100% when induced by bicuculline, NMDA, and kainic acid, and, to a lesser extent, PTZ (60%). The analysis of mean latency to seizure onset of nonprotected animals, for specific doses of alkaloids, showed that (+)-erythravine increased latencies to seizures induced by bicuculline. Although (+)-erythravine exhibited very weak anticonvulsant action against seizures induced by NMDA, this alkaloid increased the latency in this assay. The increase in latency to onset of seizures promoted by (+)-11-alpha-hydroxy-erythravine reached a maximum of threefold in the bicuculline test. All animals were protected against death when treated with different doses of (+)-11-alpha-hydroxy-erythravine in the tests using the four chemical convulsants. Identical results were obtained when using (+)-erythravine in the tests of bicuculline, NMDA, and VIZ, and, to a lesser extent, kainic acid. Therefore, these data validate the anticonvulsant properties of the tested alkaloids, which is of relevance in consideration of the ethnopharmacological/biotechnological potential of E. mulungu. (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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The present study (N532) investigated attentional modulation of the startle blink reflex at long lead intervals under conditions of differing emotional valence. Participants performed a visual discrimination and counting task while coloured lights indicated whether it was possible for the participant to receive an electrotactile shock (threat of shock) or if no shock would be presented (safe). Latency and magnitude of startle responses to probes during inter-stimulus intervals were facilitated during threat periods relative to safe periods. Startle latency and magnitude modulation were enhanced during attended discrimination and counting task stimuli relative to startle during ignored stimuli. This attention effect did not vary under threat or safe conditions, suggesting that attentional startle modulation is not affected by the emotional valence of the context.


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Aims: The beta-adrenergic and 5-HT(1A) receptor antagonist pindolol has been used in combination with antidepressant drugs, to shorten the time of onset of clinical efficacy and/or increase the proportion of responders in depressive and anxiety disorders. The aim of this study was to examine the interaction between pindolol and the selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI), paroxetine in rats submitted to the elevated T-maze (ETM). Main methods: For assessing the drug combination effect, rats were administered with pindolol before paroxetine, using oral or intraperitoneal (i.p.) routes of acute administration, and were submitted to the ETM model. Key findings: The highest dose of pindolol used (15.0 mg/kg, i.p.) increased both inhibitory avoidance and escape latencies in the ETM, probably due to nonspecific motor deficit, since locomotion in a circular arena was also significantly decreased. The highest dose of paroxetine (3.0 mg/kg, i.p.) selectively impaired escape, considered a panicolytic effect. Combination of pindolol (5.0 mg/kg, i.p.) with an ineffective dose of paroxetine (1.5 mg/kg, i.p.) impaired escape, indicating a potentiation of the panicolytic effect of paroxetine. By the oral route, neither paroxetine (3.0 mg/kg) nor pindolol (5.0 mg/kg) alone were effective, but the combination treatment had a marked panicolytic effect, again indicating drug potentiation. Significance: The present results show that the combination of the ineffective doses of pindolol and paroxetine significantly increased escape latency, indicating a selective panicolytic effect. These findings give preclinical support for the use of this drug combination in the treatment of panic disorder (PD). (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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The inferior colliculus (IC) is primarily involved in the processing of auditory information, but it is distinguished from other auditory nuclei in the brainstem by its connections with structures of the motor system. Functional evidence relating the IC to motor behavior derives from experiments showing that activation of the IC by electrical stimulation or excitatory amino acid microinjection causes freezing, escape-like behavior, and immobility. However, the nature of this immobility is still unclear. The present study examined the influence of excitatory amino acid-mediated mechanisms in the IC on the catalepsy induced by the dopamine receptor blocker haloperidol administered systemically (1 or 0.5 mg/kg) in rats. Haloperidol-induced catalepsy was challenged with prior intracollicular microinjections of glutamate NMDA receptor antagonists, MK-801 (15 or 30 mmol/0.5 mu l) and AP7 (10 or 20 nmol/0.5 mu l), or of the NMDA receptor agonist N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA, 20 or 30 nmol/0.5 mu l). The results showed that intracollicular microinjection of MK-801 and AP7 previous to systemic injections of haloperidol significantly attenuated the catalepsy, as indicated by a reduced latency to step down from a horizontal bar. Accordingly, intracollicular microinjection of NMDA increased the latency to step down the bar. These findings suggest that glutamate-mediated mechanisms in the neural circuits at the IC level influence haloperidol-induced catalepsy and participate in the regulation of motor activity. (C) 2010 Published by Elsevier B.V.


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The beta-adrenergic blocker and 5-HT(1A) receptor antagonist pindolol has been combined with selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) in patients with depressive and anxiety disorders to shorten the onset of the clinical action and/or increase the proportion of responders. The results of a previous study have shown that pindolol potentiates the panicolytic effect of paroxetine in rats submitted to the elevated T-maze (ETM). Since reported evidence has implicated the 5-HT(1A) receptors of the dorsal periaqueductal gray matter (DPAG) in the panicolytic effect of antidepressants, rats treated with pindolol (5.0 mg/kg, i.p.) and paroxetine (1.5 mg/kg, i.p.) received a previous intra-DPAG injection of the selective 5-HT(1A) antagonist, WAY-100635 (0.4 mu g) and were submitted to the ETM. Pretreatment with WAY-100635 reversed the increase in escape latency, a panicolytic effect, determined by the pindolol-paroxetine combination. These results implicate the 5-HT(1A) receptors of the DPAG in the panicolytic effect of the pindolol-paroxetine combination administered systemically. They also give further preclinical support for the use of this drug combination in the treatment of panic disorder. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.