932 resultados para P19 embryonal carcinoma cells


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We show here that elevated levels of gonadotropins (luteinizing hormone and follicle stimulating hormone), as found in menopause or after ovariectomy, promote growth of human ovarian carcinoma by induction of tumor angiogenesis. Human epithelial ovarian cancer tumors progressed faster in ovariectomized mice. This induced growth could be attributed to the elevated levels of gonadotropins associated with loss of ovarian function because direct administration of gonadotropins also was effective in promoting tumor progression in vivo. On the other hand, gonadotropins had no direct effect on the proliferation of human ovarian cancer cells in vitro. Using MRI, we demonstrated that ovariectomy significantly (P < 0.02) induces neovascularization of human ovarian carcinoma spheroids implanted in nude mice. Moreover, conditioned medium of gonadotropin-treated human ovarian carcinoma cells showed increased mitogenic activity to bovine endothelial cells, and this activity could be blocked by neutralizing antibodies against luteinizing hormone and against vascular endothelial growth factor. Accordingly, gonadotropin stimulation resulted in a dose-dependent-induced expression of vascular endothelial growth factor in monolayer culture as well as in the outer proliferating cells of human ovarian cancer spheroids. These results demonstrate the significance of the elevated levels of gonadotropins, as found in menopause and in all ovarian cancer patients, on the progression of ovarian cancer and could explain the protective effect of estrogen replacement therapy. Based on these results, we suggest that hormonal therapy aimed at lowering the circulating levels of gonadotropins may possibly prolong remission in ovarian cancer by extending tumor dormancy.


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A differentiation induction subtraction hybridization strategy is being used to identify and clone genes involved in growth control and terminal differentiation in human cancer cells. This scheme identified melanoma differentiation associated gene-7 (mda-7), whose expression is up-regulated as a consequence of terminal differentiation in human melanoma cells. Forced expression of mda-7 is growth inhibitory toward diverse human tumor cells. The present studies elucidate the mechanism by which mda-7 selectively suppresses the growth of human breast cancer cells and the consequence of ectopic expression of mda-7 on human breast tumor formation in vivo in nude mice. Infection of wild-type, mutant, and null p53 human breast cancer cells with a recombinant type 5 adenovirus expressing mda-7, Ad.mda-7 S, inhibited growth and induced programmed cell death (apoptosis). Induction of apoptosis correlated with an increase in BAX protein, an established inducer of programmed cell death, and an increase in the ratio of BAX to BCL-2, an established inhibitor of apoptosis. Infection of breast carcinoma cells with Ad.mda-7 S before injection into nude mice inhibited tumor development. In contrast, ectopic expression of mda-7 did not significantly alter cell cycle kinetics, growth rate, or survival in normal human mammary epithelial cells. These data suggest that mda-7 induces its selective anticancer properties in human breast carcinoma cells by promoting apoptosis that occurs independent of p53 status. On the basis of its selective anticancer inhibitory activity and its direct antitumor effects, mda-7 may represent a new class of cancer suppressor genes that could prove useful for the targeted therapy of human cancer.


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Microtubules are intrinsically dynamic polymers, and their dynamics play a crucial role in mitotic spindle assembly, the mitotic checkpoint, and chromosome movement. We hypothesized that, in living cells, suppression of microtubule dynamics is responsible for the ability of taxol to inhibit mitotic progression and cell proliferation. Using quantitative fluorescence video microscopy, we examined the effects of taxol (30–100 nM) on the dynamics of individual microtubules in two living human tumor cell lines: Caov-3 ovarian adenocarcinoma cells and A-498 kidney carcinoma cells. Taxol accumulated more in Caov-3 cells than in A-498 cells. At equivalent intracellular taxol concentrations, dynamic instability was inhibited similarly in the two cell lines. Microtubule shortening rates were inhibited in Caov-3 cells and in A-498 cells by 32 and 26%, growing rates were inhibited by 24 and 18%, and dynamicity was inhibited by 31 and 63%, respectively. All mitotic spindles were abnormal, and many interphase cells became multinucleate (Caov-3, 30%; A-498, 58%). Taxol blocked cell cycle progress at the metaphase/anaphase transition and inhibited cell proliferation. The results indicate that suppression of microtubule dynamics by taxol deleteriously affects the ability of cancer cells to properly assemble a mitotic spindle, pass the metaphase/anaphase checkpoint, and produce progeny.


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Oral squamous cell carcinomas are characterized by complex, often near-triploid karyotypes with structural and numerical variations superimposed on the initial clonal chromosomal alterations. We used immunohistochemistry combined with classical cytogenetic analysis and spectral karyotyping to investigate the chromosomal segregation defects in cultured oral squamous cell carcinoma cells. During division, these cells frequently exhibit lagging chromosomes at both metaphase and anaphase, suggesting defects in the mitotic apparatus or kinetochore. Dicentric anaphase chromatin bridges and structurally altered chromosomes with consistent long arms and variable short arms, as well as the presence of gene amplification, suggested the occurrence of breakage–fusion–bridge cycles. Some anaphase bridges were observed to persist into telophase, resulting in chromosomal exclusion from the reforming nucleus and micronucleus formation. Multipolar spindles were found to various degrees in the oral squamous cell carcinoma lines. In the multipolar spindles, the poles demonstrated different levels of chromosomal capture and alignment, indicating functional differences between the poles. Some spindle poles showed premature splitting of centrosomal material, a precursor to full separation of the microtubule organizing centers. These results indicate that some of the chromosomal instability observed within these cancer cells might be the result of cytoskeletal defects and breakage–fusion–bridge cycles.


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To initiate fertilization, mouse sperm bind to Ser- (O-) linked oligosaccharides located at the sperm combining site of zona pellucida glycoprotein mZP3. Apparently, the oligosaccharides are present on one or more of five Ser residues clustered in the carboxyl-terminal region of the mZP3 polypeptide. Here, each of the Ser residues, as well as an intervening Asn residue, was converted to a small, nonhydroxy amino acid by site-directed mutagenesis. Mouse embryonal carcinoma (EC) cells were then stably transfected with the wild-type and mutated mZP3 genes. In each case, transfected cells synthesized and secreted recombinant EC-mZP3 into the culture medium. The glycoproteins were partially purified and assayed for their ability to inhibit binding of sperm to ovulated eggs in vitro. As compared with wild-type EC-mZP3, mutations of Ser-329, Ser-331, or Ser-333 had no effect on sperm receptor activity. Mutation of Asn-330, a potential N-linked glycosylation site, also had no effect on sperm receptor activity. On the other hand, mutation of either Ser-332 or Ser-334, or mutation of Ser-332, Ser-333, and Ser-334, resulted in complete inactivation of EC-mZP3 as a sperm receptor. These results suggest that Ser-332 and Ser-334, residues conserved in mouse, hamster, and human ZP3, are essential for sperm receptor activity.


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About 70% of hepatocellular carcinomas are known to express α-fetoprotein, which is normally expressed in fetal but not in adult livers. To induce herpes simplex virus-thymidine kinase expression in these cancer cells, we constructed an adeno-associated viral vector containing the HSV-TK gene under the control of the α-fetoprotein enhancer and albumin promoter. We previously demonstrated in vitro that although this vector can transduce a variety of human cells, only transduced AFP and albumin-expressing hepatocellular carcinoma cell lines were sensitive to killing by ganciclovir (GCV). In the present study, we explored the effect of this vector on hepatocellular carcinoma cells in vivo. Subcutaneous tumors generated in nude mice by implanting hepatocellular carcinoma cells previously transduced with this vector shrank dramatically after treatment with GCV. Bystander effect was also observed on the tumors generated by mixing transduced and untransduced cells. To test whether the tumor cells can be transduced by the virus in vivo, we injected the recombinant adeno-associated virus into tumors generated by untransduced hepatocarcinoma cell line. Tumor growth were retarded after treatment with GCV. These experiments demonstrate the feasibility of in vivo transduction of tumor cell with rAAV.


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Replication-competent, attenuated herpes simplex virus-1 (HSV-1) derivatives that contain engineered mutations into the viral γ34.5 virulence gene have been used as oncolytic agents. However, as attenuated mutants often grow poorly, they may not completely destroy some tumors and surviving cancer cells simply regrow. Thus, although HSV-1 γ34.5 mutants can reduce the growth of human tumor xenografts in mice and have passed phase I safety studies, their efficacy is limited because they replicate poorly in many human tumor cells. Previously, we selected for a γ34.5 deletion mutant variant that regained the ability to replicate efficiently in tumor cells. Although this virus contains an extragenic suppressor mutation that confers enhanced growth in tumor cells, it remains attenuated. Here, we demonstrate that the suppressor virus replicates to greater levels in prostate carcinoma cells and, importantly, is a more potent inhibitor of tumor growth in an animal model of human prostate cancer than the γ34.5 parent virus. Thus, genetic selection in cancer cells can be used as a tool to enhance the antitumor activity of a replication-competent virus. The increased therapeutic potency of this oncolytic virus may be useful in the treatment of a wide variety of cancers.


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Maspin, a novel serine protease inhibitor (serpin), inhibits tumor invasion and metastasis of mammary carcinoma. We show here that recombinant maspin protein blocks the motility of these carcinoma cells in culture over 12 h, as demonstrated by time-lapse video microscopy. Lamellopodia are withdrawn but ruffling continues. Both exogenous recombinant maspin and maspin expressed by tumor transfectants exhibit inhibitory effects on cell motility and cell invasion as shown in modified Boyden chamber assays. In addition, three prostatic cancer cell lines treated with recombinant maspin exhibited similar inhibition of both invasion and motility, suggesting a similar mode of maspin action in these two glandular epithelial cancers. When mammary carcinoma cells were treated with recombinant maspin, the protein was shown by immunostaining to bind specifically to the cell surface, suggesting that maspin activity is membrane associated. When pretreated with antimaspin antibody, maspin loses its inhibitory effects on both invasion and motility. However, when maspin is added to these cells preceding antibody treatment, the activity of maspin is no longer inhibited by subsequent addition of the antibody. It is concluded therefore that the inhibition of invasion and motility by maspin is initially localized to the cell surface.


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We previously demonstrated that the putative oncogene AKT2 is amplified and overexpressed in some human ovarian carcinomas. We have now identified amplification of AKT2 in approximately 10% of pancreatic carcinomas (2 of 18 cell lines and 1 of 10 primary tumor specimens). The two cell lines with altered AKT2 (PANC1 and ASPC1) exhibited 30-fold and 50-fold amplification of AKT2, respectively, and highly elevated levels of AKT2 RNA and protein. PANC1 cells were transfected with antisense AKT2, and several clones were established after G418 selection. The expression of AKT2 protein in these clones was greatly decreased by the antisense RNA. Furthermore, tumorigenicity in nude mice was markedly reduced in PANC1 cells expressing antisense AKT2 RNA. To examine further whether overexpression of AKT2 plays a significant role in pancreatic tumorigenesis, PANC1 cells and ASPC1 cells, as well as pancreatic carcinoma cells that do not overexpress AKT2 (COLO 357), were transfected with antisense AKT2, and their growth and invasiveness were characterized by a rat tracheal xenotransplant assay. ASPC1 and PANC1 cells expressing antisense AKT2 RNA remained confined to the tracheal lumen, whereas the respective parental cells invaded the tracheal wall. In contrast, no difference was seen in the growth pattern between parental and antisense-treated COLO 357 cells. These data suggest that overexpression of AKT2 contributes to the malignant phenotype of a subset of human ductal pancreatic cancers.


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Telomerase, a ribonucleic acid-protein complex, adds hexameric repeats of 5'-TTAGGG-3' to the ends of mammalian chromosomal DNA (telomeres) to compensate for the progressive loss that occurs with successive rounds of DNA replication. Although somatic cells do not express telomerase, germ cells and immortalized cells, including neoplastic cells, express this activity. To determine whether the phenotypic differentiation of immortalized cells is linked to the regulation of telomerase activity, terminal differentiation was induced in leukemic cell lines by diverse agents. A pronounced downregulation of telomerase activity was produced as a consequence of the differentiated status. The differentiation-inducing agents did not directly inhibit telomerase activity, suggesting that the inhibition of telomerase activity is in response to induction of differentiation. The loss of telomerase activity was not due to the production of an inhibitor, since extracts from differentiated cells did not cause inhibition of telomerase activity. By using additional cell lineages including epithelial and embryonal stem cells, down-regulation of telomerase activity was found to be a general response to the induction of differentiation. These findings provide the first direct link between telomerase activity and terminal differentiation and may provide a model to study regulation of telomerase activity.


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Many cancers overexpress a member of the bcl-2 family of inhibitors of apoptosis. To determine the role of these proteins in maintaining cancer cell viability, an adenovirus vector that expresses bcl-xs, a functional inhibitor of these proteins, was constructed. Even in the absence of an exogenous apoptotic signal such as x-irradiation, this virus specifically and efficiently kills carcinoma cells arising from multiple organs including breast, colon, stomach, and neuroblasts. In contrast, normal hematopoietic progenitor cells and primitive cells capable of repopulating severe combined immunodeficient mice were refractory to killing by the bcl-xs adenovirus. These results suggest that Bcl-2 family members are required for survival of cancer cells derived from solid tissues. The bcl-xs adenovirus vector may prove useful in killing cancer cells contaminating the bone marrow of patients undergoing autologous bone marrow transplantation.


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Multidrug-resistance-associated protein (MRP) is a plasma membrane glycoprotein that can confer multidrug resistance (MDR) by lowering intracellular drug concentration. Here we demonstrate that depletion of intracellular glutathione by DL-buthionine (S,R)-sulfoximine results in a complete reversal of resistance to doxorubicin, daunorubicin, vincristine, and VP-16 in lung carcinoma cells transfected with a MRP cDNA expression vector. Glutathione depletion had less effect on MDR in cells transfected with MDR1 cDNA encoding P-glycoprotein and did not increase the passive uptake of daunorubicin by cells, indicating that the decrease of MRP-mediated MDR was not due to nonspecific membrane damage. Glutathione depletion resulted in a decreased efflux of daunorubicin from MRP-transfected cells, but not from MDR1-transfected cells, suggesting that glutathione is specifically required for the export of drugs from cells by MRP. We also show that MRP increases the export of glutathione from the cell and this increased export is further elevated in the presence of arsenite. Our results support the hypothesis that MRP functions as a glutathione S-conjugate carrier.


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Targeted inhibition of oncogenes in tumor cells is a rational approach toward the development of cancer therapies based on RNA interference (RNAi). Tumors caused by human papillomavirus (HPV) infection are an ideal model system for RNAi-based cancer therapies because the oncogenes that cause cervical cancer, E6 and E7, are expressed only in cancerous cells. We investigated whether targeting HPV E6 and E7 oncogenes yields cancer cells more sensitive to chemotherapy by cisplatin, the chemotherapeutic agent currently used for the treatment of advanced cervical cancer. We have designed siRNAs directed against the HPV E6 oncogene that simultaneously targets both E6 and E7, which results in an 80% reduction in E7 protein and reactivation of the p53 pathway. The loss of E6 and E7 resulted in a reduction in cellular viability concurrent with the induction of cellular senescence. Interference was specific in that no effect on HPV-negative cells was observed. We demonstrate that RNAi against E6 and E7 oncogenes enhances the chemotherapeutic effect of cisplatin in HeLa cells. The IC50 for HeLa cells treated with cisplatin was 9.4 mu M, but after the addition of a lentivirus-delivered shRNA against E6, the IC50 was reduced almost 4-fold to 2.4 mu M. We also observed a decrease in E7 expression with a concurrent increase in p53 protein levels upon cotreatment with shRNA and cisplatin over that seen with individual treatment alone. Our results provide strong evidence that loss of E6 and E7 results in increased sensitivity to cisplatin, probably because of increased p53 levels.


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The prevalence of tumours of the germ line is increasing in the male population. This complex disease has a complex aetiology. We examine the contribution of genetic mutations to the development of germ line tumours in this review. In particular, we concentrate on fly and mouse experimental systems in order to demonstrate that mutations in some conserved genes cause pathologies typical of certain human germ cell tumours, whereas other mutations elicit phenotypes that are unique to the experimental model. Despite these experimental systems being imperfect, we show that they are useful models of human testicular germ cell tumourigenesis.


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This thesis describes investigations upon pseudopeptides which were conducted to improve our understanding of the fate of synthetic macromolecules in cells and to develop approaches to influence that fate. The low uptake of molecules across the external cellular membrane is the principal barrier against effective delivery of therapeutic products to within the cell structure. In nature, disruption of this membrane by amphiphilic peptides plays a central role in the pathogenesis by bacterial and toxin infections. These amphiphilic peptides contain both hydrophobic and weakly charged hydrophilic amino acid residues and upon activation they become integrated into the lipid bilayers of the extracellular or endosomal membranes. The architectures of the pseudopeptides described here were designed to display similar pH dependent membrane rupturing activity to that of peptides derived from the influenza virus hemagglutinin HA-2. This HA protein promotes fusion of the influenza virus envelope with the cell endosome membrane due to a change in conformation in response to the acidic pH of the endosome lumen (pH 5.0-6.0). The pseudopeptides were obtained by the copolymerisation of L-lysine and L-lysine ethyl-ester with various dicarboxylic acid moieties. In this way a linear polyamide comprising of alternating pendant carboxylic acids and pendant hydrophobic moieties was made. At physiological pH (pH 7.4), electrostatic repulsion of pendant anionic carboxyl groups along the polymer backbone is sufficient to overcome the intramolecular association of the hydrophobic groups resulting in an extended conformation. At low pH (typically pH 4.8) loss of charge results in increased intramolecular hydrophobic association and the polymer chain collapses to a compact conformation, leading to precipitation of the polymer. Consequently, a conformation dependent functional property could be made to respond to small changes in the environmental pH. Pseudopepides were investigated for their cytoxicity towards a well known cell line, namely C26 (colorectal adenocarcinoma) and were shown through the use of a cell viability assay, MTT (3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5 diphenyltetrazolium bromide) to be well tolerated by C26 cells over a range of concentrations (2-500,μg/ml) at physiological pH (pH 7.4). A modified version of a shorter 30-minute coupled enzymatic assay, the LDH (lactate dehydrogenase) assay was used to evaluate the ability of the pseudopeptides to disrupt the membrane of two different cell lines (COS-1; African green monkey, kidney and A2780; human ovarian carcinoma) at low pH (pH 5.5). The cell membrane disruption property of the pseudopeptides was successfully demonstrated for COS-I and A2780 cell lines at this pH (pH 5.5). A variety of cell lines were chosen owing to limited availability and to compare the cytotoxic action of these pH responsive psudopeptides towards normal and tumorogenic cell lines. To investigate the intracellular delivery of one of the pseudopeptides, poly (L-lysine iso-phthalamide) and its subcellular location, a Cy3 bisamine fluorophore was conjugated into its backbone, at ratios of dye:lysine of 1:20, 1:30, 1:40, 1:60 and 1:80. Native polyacrylacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE) and high voltage paper electrophoresis (HVPE) studies of the polydyes were conducted and provided evidence that that the Cy3 bisamine fluorophore was conjugated into the backbone of the polymer, poly (L-lysine iso-phthalamide). The subcellular fate of the fluorescentlylabelled "polydye" (hereafter PD20) was monitored by laser scanning confocal microscopy (LSCM) in CHO (Chinese hamster ovary) cells cultured in-vitro at various pH values (pH 7.4 and 5.0). LSCM images depicting time-dependent internalisation of PD20 indicated that PD20 traversed the extracellular membrane of CHO cells cultured in-vitro within ten minutes and migrated towards the endosomal regions where the pH is in the region of 5.0 to 6.0. Nuclear localisation of PD20 was demonstrated in a subpopulation of CHO cells. A further study was completed in CHO and HepG2 (hepatocellular carcinoma) cells cultured in-vitro using a lower molecular weight polymer to demonstrate that the molecular weight of "polydye" could be tailored to attain nuclear trafficking in cells. Prospective use of this technology encompasses a method of delivering a payload into a living cell based upon the hypercoiling nature of the pseudopeptides studied in this thesis and has led to a patent application (GB0228525.2; 20(2).