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The diel vertical migration (DVM) of the copepod Metridia pacifica was examined in Dabob Bay (47°45.05′N, 122°49.71′W), a fjord in Washington state. Although the population showed deep daytime residence (75-175 m), a proportion of the population was found in the surface waters at night. For individuals that migrated to the surface, the mean size of the oil sac was much smaller than those that remained at depth (mean lengths of oil sac 0.25 mm for individuals collected between 0 and 25 m at night, compared with 0.43 mm for individuals from between 125 and 175 m). Similarly, the C : N ratio was lower for animals collected from near the surface, indicative of their lower lipid reserves. These results suggest that individual variability in DVM was influenced by body condition, with those animals with larger lipid stores not needing to risk coming to the surface to feed at night.


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I am experimenting with ‘exemplification’ (Massumi, 2002) and ‘deconstrucitve writing’ (Maclure, 2010) by applying them to selected data from research for my doctoral thesis. Central to both is the power of examples to expose detail and divergence that lead to new and different possibilities and connections. I have been inspired by Derrida’s (Maclure, 2003; Spitzer, 2011) notion of the fabric of a text with ‘tears’, ‘cuts’, ‘knots or aporias’. Therefore, I have created a fabric of text with tears and aporias: one that encourages readers to think and read doubly (Derrida, cited in Spitzer, 2011). I write in an ‘inattentive’ way (Massumi, 2002): juxtaposing examples (narratives) with the identities of the narrators, my responses to their narratives, and theoretical and other musings to play with the ambiguity of reality and identity. The interplay of inattention, exemplification, and deconstructive writing allows for interpretation, reinterpretation, affective responses, and new and different impressions and possibilities. My aim in writing this paper is threefold: (1) to explore the application of a Derridean perspective to some of my research, (2) to practise exemplification and deconstructive writing, and (3) to write in an inattentive and creative way.


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This paper addresses the question of who is involved in learning in workplaces and the ways in which members of workgroups learn as part of their normal work. It draws on qualitative data from a study of multiple worksites with differentiated work within a large organisation. It examines the value of the notion of communities of practice in conceptualising such workplace learning and suggests that other forms of conceptualisation are also needed.


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This paper is about Chinese immigrant parenting. Drawing on discourses of cultural ideals and living realities of Chinese immigrants, it sketches the complex cultural and contextual web of Chinese immigrant parenting, and explains why the tiger mother practice illustrated in one of the 2011 bestselling books Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother was a story of a mother’s pursuit of cultural ideals in her parenting. The paper proposes that traditions and contexts both play an important role in the constitution of parental expectations and practices of Chinese immigrants.


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Abstract: This paper highlights the tensions evident in maintaining ethical principles while simultaneously responding to interpersonal and cultural demands in an intercultural research setting. The tensions reflect the intersections of relationships between ethical principles and practice, between a researcher and her research participants, and between people in the same or different cultural communities. The intricacies of cultures encompass unpredictable expectations for many aspects of research, as shown in the sociological perspectives, which are at the very centre of deliberations in this paper. It is argued that ethics, interpersonal relationships and cultural considerations are representative of the complexity of considerations that researchers negotiate throughout the conduct of an intercultural study. Therefore, it is important that the positioning of ethical practices is considered as central to the wider research process.