956 resultados para Operating instructions, usability test, target group, misunderstanding


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Bokomslaget är ofta läsarens första möte med en bok och det är därför viktigt att bokomslaget tilltalar och sänder ut rätt signaler till konsumenten. Målgruppen unga vuxna, individer mellan 16 och 27 år, är enligt bokbranschen en grupp som är svår att nå. Svårigheten kan ligga i att det finns en viss okunskap i vad unga vuxna tilltalas av på bokomslag. Det är även en bred målgrupp med många olika sorters individer. Målet med denna studie är att ge en bild av vad målgruppen unga vuxna tilltalas av i ett bokomslag. Vi ville ta reda på hur viktigt bokomslaget är för val av bok, samt hur målgruppen ser på omslagets specifika designfaktorer färg, typografi, illustration, fotografi och efterbehandling. För att ge oss en bild av dagens kunskapsläge har litteraturstudier och intervjuer med formgivare av bokomslag genomförts. Genom en omfattande enkätundersökning och utförda fokusgrupper fick vi fram målgruppens syn och tankar kring bokomslag. Fokusgrupper utfördes för att ge oss en djupare förståelse rörande hur målgruppen ser på bokomslag samt ge oss ett djupare resonemang kring de olika bokomslagen. Resultatet visar att unga vuxna lägger stor vikt vid identitet och ett bokomslag bör således sända tydliga signaler som kan bekräfta läsarens identitet. Typografin ska vara lättläst. Målgruppen ser helst fotografiska bilder på bokomslaget och omslaget ska förmedla en känsla av bokens innehåll. Färger i en dovare färgskala tilltalar unga vuxna, rött och svart tycks vara de populäraste färgerna överlag. Efterbehandlingen (t.ex. lackering och foliering) på ett bokomslag bör vara sparsam och användning av färgen rosa lika så.


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Borlänge Bandy är en sportförening med säte i Borlänge. Målet med detta arbete var att utreda hur Borlänge Bandy uppfattas av sin målgrupp idag, och utifrån detta skapa en ny grafisk profil som gör att Borlänge Bandy bättre uppfattas som enhetligt av målgruppen, det vill säga bandyspelare på Borlänge Bandy, anställda och styrelseledamöter på Borlänge Bandy och nya potentiella medlemmar. Dessutom skapades en förnyad logotyp i enighet med åsikterna som kom fram i enkätundersökningarna som utfördes.   Genom flera enkätundersökningar gavs bakgrundsinformation om hur Borlänge Bandy uppfattas av sin målgrupp. Svaren från enkätundersökningarna låg sedan till grund för en förnyelse av Borlänge Bandys logotyp då det framkommit att en majoritet av Borlänge Bandys målgrupp ansåg att den behövde förändras. Genom diskussion med en fokusgrupp diskuterades förslag på en förnyad logotyp och utifrån deras kritik skapades en slutgiltigt förnyad logotyp. I fokusgruppen diskuterades även vilka typsnitt som passar att bli Borlänge Bandys nya hustypsnitt. Alla resultat som togs fram jämfördes och kontrollerades med hjälp av teorin som framtagits. En utvärderande fokusgrupp kontrollerade sedan att det önskade resultatet uppnåtts genom att jämföra Borlänge Bandys tidigare visuella utseende med den nya grafiska profilen som skapats.     Resultatet blev en ny grafisk profil med tillhörande grafisk manual till Borlänge Bandy innehållandes information om typografi, färger, logotyp, bildspråk, korrespondensmaterial, företagsprodukter och grafiska element. Om det grafiska materialet hanteras konsekvent skapas igenkänning. Slutsatserna blev att den nya grafiska profilen uppfattas som enhetlig och harmonisk enligt den utvärderande fokusgruppen bestående av Borlänge Bandys målgrupp. 


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Tidigare studier som gjorts inom området visade att kvinnor anser att kvinnors skönhet inte är värderad enligt rimliga normer i vårt samhälle. Hård retuschering motarbetas på många håll, bland annat genom att organisationer som ASA (Advertising Standards Authority) och politiska partier som Liberaldemokraterna i Storbritannien arbetar för att missledande retuschering ska försvinna. En studie har visat att det, för att öka annonsers attraktionskraft, är viktigt att den ökade skönheten hos en modell är relevant för produktens användningsområde, då betraktaren anstränger sig intellektuellt vid betraktandet av bilden. Det finns dock inga tidigare studier som bevisar om en retuscherad modell faktiskt ökar målgruppens köplust av skönhetsprodukter vid rådande samhällsattityder och skönhetsideal. Två enkätundersökningar gjordes därför med sammanlagt 1480 deltagare. Produkten i studien var en fiktiv hudkräm. Genom att i den ena undersökningen låta betraktaren möta modellbilden i en situation som efterliknade verkligheten, på så sätt att de inte fick veta om den var retuscherad, kunde studien svara på om retuschering ökade köplusten. Bilder med bortretuscherade skönhetsfläckar och utväxt prefererades. Att retuschera bort flyghår ökade inte köplusten. I den andra jämförande undersökningen kunde betraktaren jämföra den retuscherade med den oretuscherade modellbilden. Resultaten visade att skönhetsfläckar och flyghår tillåts och prefereras borttagna, men inte utväxt. I intervjuer med fem kvinnor hördes målgruppens attityder om vad som ansågs var tillåtet att retuschera. Svaren tydde på att en relevant och försiktig retuschering prefererades. Att lämna några födelsemärken ökade trovärdigheten.


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Rapporten syftade till att undersöka om det finns likheter och skillnader mellanutbildade formgivares och lekmäns uppfattningar avseende formgivna alster.Semistrukturerade intervjuer genomfördes med tre formgivare och tre lekmän,kring tre definierade kategorier, avseende utseendet på fem musikaffischer. Detre kategorierna var åsikter kring affischernas informationskvalité, estetik ochhantverk.Individuell smak tycktes påverka åsikterna kring affischerna mer än utbildningoch erfarenhet inom formgivning. Formgivare föreföll uppleva informationensom tydlig, samtidigt som lekmännen inte gjorde det. Formgivarna märkte flersmå detaljer jämfört med lekmän. Lekmännen märkte sällan typografiska fel.En affisch kunde vara för avancerad för en lekman, den kunde också vara för fulför en formgivare. Det fanns ett mellanläge där båda grupper uppfattadeinformationen och utseendet som bra och tilltalande. Lekmännen tyckte oftareatt tydlig information var viktigare än ett bra utseende.En slutsats i rapporten är att målgruppsanalyser tycks vara viktiga att genomföraeftersom formgivarnas åsikt om vad som var tydligt och informativt inte alltidstämde överens med lekmännens. Med sådana kan den grafiska designen blimer ändamålsenlig och troligen få ett bättre resultat.


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Färg och form kan bidra till att skapa uppmärksamhet, förmedla budskap och skapa känslor som i sin tur kan öka sannolikheten av att kunden genomför köpet. Förpackningens färg och form bör synkronisera för att budskapen inte ska motsäga varandra, och det är mycket viktigt att designen lämpar sig till målgruppen. Färg kan ses som ett språk som kommunicerar med konsumenten, och att förstå detta språk kan vara ett starkt redskap inom marknadsföring och design. Det är vanligt att förpackningsdesign riktas mot något eller bägge könen och att ge produkten en karaktär av maskulint eller feminint kan vara ett effektivt tillvägagångssätt att särskilja produkten från resterande sortiment. I samband med färg och form är det nödvändigt att förstå konsumentens behov samt användning av produkten, och det är viktigt att skapa en god design riktad mot rätt målgrupp. Det är viktigt att förstå vad konsumenten attraheras till och vad som lockar till att genomföra ett köp. Syftet med denna studie var att ta reda på varför förpackningsdesign för duschcreme specificerade för kvinnor respektive män skiljer sig, och vad som anses vara kvinnligt och manligt när det kommer till färg och form, i samband med duschcremesförpackningar. För att ta reda på detta genomfördes en visuell innehållsanalys samt en enkätundersökning. Resultatet som genererades av dessa metoder sammanfattades i tabeller och diagram, som tydligt visar de färger som anses vara maskulina samt feminina. Mörka färger, som svart och blått, anses vara maskulina medan ljusa färger och rosa toner anses vara feminina. Mjuka grafiska element och former kopplas till femininitet medan motsatsen kopplas till maskulinitet. Slutsatsen av detta är att anledningen till att förpackningarna skiljer sig är för att lättare kommunicera med målgruppen, och i detta fall via färg och form.


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Objective: To identify challenges in translating scientific evidence of a  nutrient and health relationship into mandatory food fortification policy.
Design: A case study approach was used in which available evidence  associated with the folate–neural tube defect relationship was reviewed against the Australia New Zealand Food Regulation Ministerial Council's Policy Guideline for mandatory food fortification. Results: Three particular challenges were identified. The first is knowing when and how to act in the face of scientific uncertainty. The second is knowing how to address the special needs of at-risk individuals without compromising the health and safety of the population as a whole. The third is to ensure that a policy is sufficiently monitored and evaluated. Conclusions: Despite the availability of compelling evidence of a relationship between a particular nutrient and a health outcome, a definitive policy response may not be apparent.  Judgement and interpretation inevitably play significant roles in influencing whether and how authorities translate scientific evidence into mandatory food fortification policy. In relation to the case study, it would be prudent to undertake a risk–benefit analysis of policy alternatives and to implement nutrition education activities to promote folic acid supplement use among the target group. Should mandatory folate fortification be implemented,  comprehensive monitoring and evaluation of this policy will be essential to know that it is implemented as planned and does more good than harm. In relation to mandatory food fortification policy-making around the world,  ongoing national nutrition surveys are required to complement national policy guidelines.


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This paper presents the view that policymakers face scientific uncertainties in assessing the case for mandatory folate fortification as a policy response to epidemiological evidence of the relationship between folate and neural tube defects. Moreover, the resolution of these uncertainties is confounded by the under-resourced state of nutrition information systems in Australia and New Zealand. The uncertainties relate to potential risks and benefits associated with the intervention for the target group and the population in general. These risks and benefits reflect the mismatch between evidence and policy that arises when addressing a presumed genetic abnormality in at-risk individuals with an intervention that is population-wide in its scope. There is an urgent need to conduct ongoing national nutrition surveys and monitor and evaluate policy interventions to strengthen the capacity of nutrition information systems to inform decision-making for this current, and future, public health nutrition policy.


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The study assessed the anthropometric status of 337 sub-Saharan African children aged between 3-12 years who migrated to Australia. These children were selected using a snowball sampling method stratified by age, gender and region of origin. The prevalence rates for overweight and obesity were 18.4% (95%CI: 14 - 23%) and 8.6% (95%CI: 6% -12%) respectively. The prevalence rates for the indicators of undernutrition were: wasting 4.3% (95%CI: 1.6%-9.1%), underweight 1.2% (95%CI: 0.3%-3.0%), and stunting 0.3 (95%CI: 0.0%-1.6%). Higher prevalence of overweight/obesity was associated with lower household income level, fewer siblings, lower birth weight, western African background, and single parent households (after controlling for demographic and socio-economic factors). Higher prevalence rates for underweight and wasting were associated with lower household income and shorter lengths of stay in Australia respectively. No effect was found for child's age, gender, parental education and occupation for both obesity and undernutrition indices. In conclusion, obesity and overweight are very prevalent in SSA migrant children and undernutrition, especially wasting, was also not uncommon in this target group.


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This paper reports on a PhD research project being undertaken through the Faculty of Education, Deakin University. Training Packages and the Australian Quality Training Framework (AQTF) form part of the ruling relations of VET, but how do they operate in practice? Do they provide frameworks within which training professionals are free to use judgement and respond in innovative ways to local learning and assessment contexts? Do they impose rigid 'guidelines' within which the decision-making authority of practitioners over appropriate practices is displaced by that of auditors, constraining creativity and creating pressures towards conformity? Or does their impact vary, depending on how they are interpreted and who is doing the interpreting? My PhD research explores issues relating to the use of Training Packages in workbased learning. Interview data suggests that, in practice, different training organisations respond very differently to a regulatory framework that aims to achieve national consistency. Some practitioners describe working in a compliance-driven environment, in which their ability to meet the needs of learners is stifled by standardised training and assessment practices imposed by Training Packages and the AQTF. This view is reflected in phrases such as 'you're not allowed to…', and 'you always feel uneasy because you've got AQTF compliance, inspections, auditors'. In contrast, other practitioners talk about having freedom to design learning and assessment programs for their particular target group and context, providing they stay within broad guidelines that guarantee national recognition of qualifications they issue. This view is reflected in comments such as 'it just leaves it open … to be as creative and flexible as you like', and 'It just gives us freedom'. This paper explores the proposition that the impact of these abstract and generalised texts is influenced by local interpretations, and it considers the role that organisational culture plays in determining these interpretations.


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The aim of this study was to examine women's views on the usefulness of various types of information and practical sessions on weight control, their preferences for program delivery, and likelihood of participation. Cross-sectional survey of 462 women aged 18–33 years randomly selected from the community was conducted. We examined the perceived usefulness of various types of information and practical classes on weight control; preferred mode of delivery; willingness to participate. Among the women 82% were interested in trying to lose or control weight. Information on weight control was considered to be more useful than practical sessions. Information about meal planning, cooking and low-fat recipes and how to manage stress was considered most useful. Fifty-eight per cent of women reported they would prefer to participate in an individual face-to-face program delivered by a health professional. Thirty-one per cent of women reported it was very likely that they would participate in a program if it included the sort of things they considered useful and was offered in the way they preferred; a further 35% felt it 'likely'. It appears that health professional-delivered, individual, information-based programs appear most popular among this target group. Tailoring the content and delivery mode of weight management programs to young women's preferences may enhance program participation.


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To examine associations between weight status and multiple indicators of family circumstance in Australian elementary school children. Data were combined from the 2001 Children's Leisure Activities Study (CLAS Study) and 2002/3 Health, Eating and Play Study (HEAP Study), involving 2520 children in Grades Prep (mean age 6 years) and 5-6 (mean age 11 years) in Melbourne, Australia. Children's body mass index (BMI) was calculated from measured height and weight. Weight status (non-overweight or overweight) was determined according to International Obesity Taskforce cut-off points and BMI was transformed to z-scores based on the 2000 US growth chart data. Parents reported family circumstance (number of parents in the home, marital status, presence of siblings, parental education, parental employment status, parental work hours [HEAP Study only]) and parental BMI. Regression analyses were conducted for the sample overall and separately for young girls, young boys, older girls and older boys. Children in single-parent homes, those without siblings, and those with less educated mothers and fathers tended to have higher z-BMIs (p=0.002, p=0.003, p<0.001 and p<0.001, respectively) and were more likely to be overweight (p=0.003, p<0.001, p<0.001 and p=0.02, respectively). Associations were stronger for older children. Parental employment and work hours were not consistently associated with child weight status. The multivariable models did not demonstrate a cumulative explanatory effect (R2=0.02), except when maternal BMI was included (R2=0.07). Individual measures of family circumstance were differentially associated with child weight status and appeared to be largely independent of other measures of family circumstance. Childhood overweight interventions may need to be tailored based on the age, gender, maternal BMI and family circumstances of the target group.


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Preventing weight gain rather than treating established obesity is an important economic and public health response to the rapidly increasing rates of obesity worldwide. Treatment of established obesity is complex and costly requiring multiple resources. Preventing weight gain potentially requires fewer resources to reach broad population groups, yet there is little evidence for successful interventions to prevent weight gain in the community. Women with children are an important target group because of high rates of weight gain and the potential to influence the health behaviors in family members.

The aim of this cluster randomized controlled trial was to evaluate the short term effect of a community-based self-management intervention to prevent weight gain. Two hundred and fifty mothers of young children (mean age 40 years ± 4.5, BMI 27.9 kg/m2 ± 5.6) were recruited from the community in Melbourne, Australia. The intervention group (n = 127) attended four interactive group sessions over 4 months, held in 12 local primary schools in 2006, and was compared to a group (n = 123) receiving a single, non-interactive, health education session. Data collection included self-reported weight (both groups), measured weight (intervention only), self-efficacy, dietary intake and physical activity.

Mean measured weight decreased significantly in the intervention group (-0.78 kg 95% CI; -1.22 to -0.34, p < 0.001). Comparing groups using self-reported weight, both the intervention and comparison groups decreased weight, -0.75 kg (95% CI; -1.57 to 0.07, p = 0.07) and -0.72 kg (95% CI; -1.59 to 0.14 p = 0.10) respectively with no significant difference between groups (-0.03 kg, 95% CI; -1.32 to 1.26, p = 0.95). More women lost or maintained weight in the intervention group. The intervention group tended to have the greatest effect in those who were overweight at baseline and in those who weighed themselves regularly. Intervention women who rarely self-weighed gained weight (+0.07 kg) and regular self-weighers lost weight (-1.66 kg) a difference of -1.73 kg (95% CI; -3.35 to -0.11 p = 0.04). The intervention reported increased physical activity although the difference between groups did not reach significance. Both groups reported replacing high fat foods with low fat alternatives and self-efficacy deteriorated in the comparison group only.

Both a single health education session and interactive behavioral intervention will result in a similar weight loss in the short term, although more participants in the interactive intervention lost or maintained weight. There were small non-significant changes to physical activity and changes to fat intake specifically replacing high fat foods with low fat alternatives such as fruit and vegetables. Self-monitoring appears to enhance weight loss when part of an intervention.


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Background : Efficiency and equity are both important policy objectives in resource allocation. The discipline of health economics has traditionally focused on maximising efficiency, however addressing inequities in health also requires consideration. Methods to incorporate equity within economic evaluation techniques range from qualitative judgements to quantitative outcomes-based equity weights. Yet, due to definitional uncertainties and other inherent limitations, no method has been universally adopted to date. This paper proposes an alternative cost-based equity weight for use in the economic evaluation of interventions delivered from primary health care services.

Methods :
Equity is defined in terms of 'access' to health services, with the vertical equity objective to achieve 'equitable access for unequal need'. Using the Australian Indigenous population as an illustrative case study, the magnitude of the equity weight is constructed using the ratio of the costs of providing specific interventions via Indigenous primary health care services compared with the costs of the same interventions delivered via mainstream services. Applying this weight to the costs of subsequent interventions deflates the costs of provision via Indigenous health services, and thus makes comparisons with mainstream more equitable when applied during economic evaluation.

Results :
Based on achieving 'equitable access', existing measures of health inequity are suitable for establishing 'need', however the magnitude of health inequity is not necessarily proportional to the magnitude of resources required to redress it. Rather, equitable access may be better measured using appropriate methods of health service delivery for the target group. 'Equity of access' also suggests a focus on the processes of providing equitable health care rather than on outcomes, and therefore supports application of equity weights to the cost side rather than the outcomes side of the economic equation.

Conclusion : Cost-based weights have the potential to provide a pragmatic method of equity weight construction which is both understandable to policy makers and sensitive to the needs of target groups. It could improve the evidence base for resource allocation decisions, and be generalised to other disadvantaged groups who share similar concepts of equity. Development of this decision-making tool represents a potentially important avenue for further health economics research.


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Aims and objectives. To identify the preferred content and delivery mode of education information for people aged 25 to 45 with type 2 diabetes to enable them to effectively self-manage their diabetes.

Background. People with type 2 diabetes are required to manage their own health and initiate behavioural changes. Self-management education and resources have typically been targeted at people aged 50 years and older. Little is known about the concerns and needs of younger people in managing type 2 diabetes, which are likely to be different from those of older people.

Design. A qualitative design was considered the most appropriate to elicit participants' views and perceptions of their type 2 diabetes information needs.

Methods. Data were obtained from one focus group (n = 9) and telephone interviews (n = 4) with people aged 25 to 45 with type 2 diabetes conducted in 2008.

Results. Implicit in participants' responses was their need to be active partners in managing their diabetes. Participants wanted information that is easy to understand, brief, consistent, age-specific and about a number of topics that are not adequately covered at present. They wanted a centralised source of information and a range of delivery mode options. Participants expressed some ambivalence about the Internet as a source of information. Participants also wanted age-specific group sessions, support from peers, psychological support, increased understanding of type 2 diabetes in the community, and a focus on preventing diabetes.

Conclusions. Young people with type 2 diabetes have specific diabetes needs and preferred information delivery modes. Participants felt current diabetes education programs do not cater specifically to their age group. Education and information resources need to be developed for the target group, addressing their content and format preferences.

Relevance to clinical practice. Health professionals need to utilise appropriate delivery modes and include information relevant to younger people when providing education information to young adults with type 2 diabetes.


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The ACE-Obesity study uses an evidence-based approach to evaluate interventions aimed at reducing the prevalence of obesity in Australian youth. It informs decision-makers about the benefits of individual interventions and the packaging of a coherent strategy for obesity prevention and management. To avoid methodological confounding, the approach employs standardised methods including a two stage concept of benefit; a common comparator, setting and decision context; Australian data; and extensive probabilistic uncertainty testing. The technical cost-effectiveness results (cost per DALY) for each of the selected interventions will be reported. Modelling is undertaken to convert changes in behaviour to BMI outcomes and then to DALYs, and issues of the attribution of costs across multiple objectives arise. Due process is achieved by involving stakeholders on a Working Group, and by consideration of second stage filters (such as equity, acceptability and feasibility). The results are brought together in a 'league table' in which all the interventions are ranked in order of economic merit without the usual methodological concerns about results drawn from studies lacking in comparability. In packaging interventions to meet particular budget allocations, the divisibility, mutual exclusivity and returns to scale of individual interventions are considered, as well as issues of program logic, target group coverage and a range of settings.