999 resultados para Ondjaki 1977 Ynari : a menina das cinco tranças


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In the Ebrié lagoon fishes are mostly caught by means of 6 kinds of fishing gear: small and large mesh gillnets (respectively 1.5-2 and 6.5-8 inches stretched mesh), cast-nets and multi-hooked lines for individual fishermen, and beach seines and ring-nets for collective fishing. Statistical data gathered during 1977 allowed an estimation of total catches: about 6700 tons. The bulk of the catch, 4800 tons, came from beach nets and ring nets, the contribution of which is nearly the same. Individual fishing gear, small mesh gillnets repesenting the main part, account for 25 to 30% of total catch; about 1900 tons for year 1977. Six species, or species groups, comprise more than 85% of the catch. In the Abidjan area, where marine influence is the more noticeable, ring nets are more numerous and their catches increased since 1975. On the other hand, fish captures in unsalted and brackish waters seem to show a stagnancy and a decrease in fish lengths; this phenomenon is probably in connection with beach-seine excessive fishing effort and/or their small meshes (one inch stretched).


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A Violência entre Parceiros Íntimos (VPI) tem sido reconhecida como um importante problema de saúde pública e um fator de risco para agravos a saúde de mulheres e crianças. Os serviços de saúde desempenham importante papel na detecção precoce da VPI, especialmente em momentos da vida nos quais se preconiza o atendimento sistematizado, como na gestação e primeira infância. Esta dissertação tem como objetivo principal estimar a probabilidade de ocorrência de Violência Física entre Parceiros Íntimos (VFPI) durante a gestação e/ou pós-parto em população atendida em Unidades Básicas de Saúde (UBS), segundo diferentes características sócio-econômicas e demográficas da clientela. Trata-se de um estudo transversal, realizado com usuárias de 5 UBS da cidade do Rio de Janeiro no ano de 2007. Foram entrevistadas 811 mães de crianças de até cinco meses de idade, que não possuíam nenhuma contra-indicação formal para a amamentação e que relataram ter tido pelo menos uma relação amorosa um mês ou mais durante a gestação ou no período do pós-parto. Condições socioeconômicas e demográficas e relativas aos hábitos de vida do casal foram consideradas como potenciais preditores de violência. Utilizou-se a versão em português da CTS2 para identificar as situações de VPI. A variável de desfecho foi analisada em três níveis: ausência de VFPI, presença de VFPI no período da gestação ou do pós-parto e presença de VFPI em ambos os períodos. Utilizou-se um modelo logito-multinomial para as projeções de prevalências segundo os descritores selecionados. Os fatores que mais aumentaram a probabilidade de ocorrência de violência durante a gestação e/ou nos primeiros cinco meses de vida da criança foram: idade materna < 20 anos, escolaridade materna inferior ao 2 grau completo, ter 2 ou mais filhos menores de cinco anos, tabagismo materno, uso inadequado de álcool pela mãe e/ou companheiro, uso de drogas pela mãe e/ou companheiro e percepção materna sobre a saúde do bebê aquém da esperada. Entre mães com todas estas características, a estimativa de prevalência projetada de VFPI na gestação e/ou no pós-parto chegou a 96,4%, sendo 59,4% a estimativa de ocorrência em apenas um dos dois períodos e 37% em ambos. Por outro lado, a probabilidade de ocorrência de VFPI cai a 3,6% em famílias sem estas características. Os resultados indicam que a presença de certas características da criança e de sua família aumenta enormemente a probabilidade de ocorrência de VFPI, devendo ser levadas em consideração ao se estabelecer estratégias de intervenção que visem à detecção precoce e uma efetiva intervenção.


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This study gives the results of oblique plankton hauls (from the sea-surface to the top of the thermocline), made during the dry season (January to March) by oceanographic vessel R.V. Capricorne during three cruises, of tuna larvae research in 1976 and 1977, between the African Coast and the Equator, from 17 degrees W to 9 degrees E.


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O amendoim A. hypogaea L. é a quarta oleaginosa mais consumida no mundo e suas sementes são altamente energéticas, com grandes quantidades de lipídios, proteínas, vitaminas e carboidratos. Diversas atividades farmacológicas já foram observadas em extratos de raízes, folhas e sementes, sendo a principal delas a atividade antioxidante. Neste trabalho, foi realizada a comparação entre duas metodologias (por maceração e assistida por micro-ondas) para a extração de compostos antioxidantes, incluindo o resveratrol. Também foi realizada a comparação entre extratos de diferentes órgãos de cultivares brasileiras (IAC 886, IAC Caiapó, IAC Tatu ST, IAC 8112 e IAC 99-1) quanto à atividade antioxidante, por DPPH, ao teor de compostos fenólicos, por Folin-Ciocalteu, e ao teor de resveratrol, por HPLC. Por fim, foram estabelecidos protocolos de cultura de tecidos para explantes de sementes, visando à produção de calos e plantas in vitro para posterior dosagem de compostos de interesse, tendo em vista a possibilidade de modulação das condições in vitro. As melhores condições determinadas para a extração por maceração de antioxidantes de A. hypogaea foram 80% de etanol em água como solvente, trituração com almofariz e pistilo, 50 mL solvente por grama de material vegetal seco, 120 minutos de incubação e dois estágios de extração. As melhores condições para a extração de resveratrol assistida por micro-ondas foram o uso de 37 mL de solvente/g material vegetal seco, com agitação de 1200 rpm por 15 minutos, a 37C. De uma maneira geral, os extratos de raízes e oriundos de micro-ondas apresentaram maior atividade antioxidante (até 92,36 2,71%), teor de compostos fenólicos (até 54,15 1,39 mg EAG/g extrato) e teor de resveratrol (até 1,614 0,356 mg/g extrato). Dentre as cultivares estudadas, IAC Tatu e IAC 99-1 foram as que apresentaram os teores mais elevados. Brotos e calos friáveis foram obtidos a partir de cotilédones, eixos embrionários e folíolos embrionários cultivados em meios suplementados com BAP e picloram, respectivamente.


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Esta dissertação consiste num estudo em forma de narrativa que permite percorrer o cotidiano das práticas dos profissionais de saúde, tendo como pano de fundo o Programa de Saúde da Família, do Ministério da Saúde. A opção pelo PSF se fundamenta no fato de que, desde sua institucionalização, ele vem assumindo relevância no discurso político, institucional e social, no âmbito da política nacional de saúde, o SUS concebido como uma estratégia importante para reorganização do modelo assistencial em saúde. Todo modelo inovador requer descobertas inevitáveis, em que idas e vindas, sucessos e fracassos nos permitem traçar um cenário das situações vivenciadas. O campo de estudo foi o Programa de Saúde da Família em Jardim Cinco Marias, localizado no bairro de Guaratiba, Zona Oeste do município do Rio de Janeiro. O processo de implantação do PSF nessa comunidade trouxe algumas inquietações a respeito das questões de demanda, trabalho e organização da equipe de saúde da família e do relacionamento e das expectativas da população em relação ao PSF. A partir desse olhar, o presente trabalho pretende apontar problemas e discutir questões relacionadas a esses três maiores temas, à luz da bibliografia apresentada.


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Recent research demonstrated significantly lower growth and survival of Bristol Bay sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) during odd-numbered years of their second or third years at sea (1975, 1977, etc.), a trend that was opposite that of Asian pink salmon (O. gorbuscha) abundance. Here we evaluated seasonal growth trends of Kvichak and Egegik river sockeye salmon (Bristol Bay stocks) during even- and odd-numbered years at sea by measuring scale circuli increments within each g rowth zone of each major salmon age group between 1955 and 2000. First year scale growth was not significantly different between odd- and even-numbered years, but peak growth of age-2 smolts was significantly higher than age-1. smolts. Total second and third year scale growth of salmon was significantly lower during odd- than during even-numbered years. However, reduced scale growth in odd-numbered years began after peak growth in spring and continued through summer and fall even though most pink salmon had left the high seas by late July (10−18% growth reduction in odd vs. even years). The alternating odd and even year growth pattern was consistent before and after the 1977 ocean reg ime shift. During 1977−2000, when salmon abundance was relatively great, sockeye salmon growth was high during specific seasons compared with that during 1955−1976, that is to say, immediately after entry to Bristol Bay, after peak growth in the first year, during the middle of the second growing season, and during spring of the third season. Growth after the spring peak in the third year at sea was relatively low during 1977−2000. We hypothesize that high consumption rates of prey by pink salmon during spring through mid-July of odd-numbered years, coupled with declining zooplankton biomass during summer and potentially cyclic abundances of squid and other prey, contributed to reduced prey availability and therefore reduced growth of Bristol Bay sockeye salmon during late spring through fall of odd-numbered years.


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This is the report from the Lune, Wyre and Furness Fisheries Advisory Committee meeting, which was held on the 4th July 1977. The report looks at comments of the Regional Fisheries Officer on the report on specific matters such as different river stretches and water quality. It also includes sea-trout ova and fry propagation and re-stocking programmes carried out and planned in determined rivers: Kent, Leven, Crake, Duddon, Keer and Eea. The Fisheries Advisory Committee was part of the Regional Water Authorities, in this case the North West Water Authority. This preceded the Environment Agency which came into existence in 1996.


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This is the report from the Eden and District Fisheries Advisory Committee, which was held on the 28th June, 1977. The report looks at the comments of the Regional Fisheries Officer which includes information on salmon, brown trout and sea trout catches in the River Eden; restockings from Holmwrangle Hatchery to some rivers: Eden, Esk and Tarn. Electro fishing information is also given by river (Cocker, Marron, Ellen, Glenderaterra, Ehen, Calder, Irt, Esk or Annas)and stream for 1977. The Fisheries Advisory Committee was part of the Regional Water Authorities, in this case the North West Water Authority. This preceded the Environment Agency which came into existence in 1996.


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This is the report from the South and West Cumberland Fisheries Advisory Committee meeting, which was held on the 27th June, 1977. The report contains sections on water resources development in West Cumbria which includes essential short and long term requirements for conservation of migratory fish stocks in the River Ehen. The section on fisheries activities includes salmon, sea trout and brown trout catches; restocking; fish mortalities; fisheries investigations/gravel abstractions in Rivers Annas, Calder, Esk, Newlands Beck, St. John's Beck, Trout Beck and Caldew; and general activities held in Holmwrange Hatchery. It also covers prosecutions and electrofishing carried out in Rivers Cocker, Marron, Ellen, Glenderaterra, Ehen, Calder, Irt, Esk and Annas. The Fisheries Advisory Committee was part of the Regional Water Authorities, in this case the North West Water Authority. This preceded the Environment Agency which came into existence in 1996.


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This is the report from the Regional Fisheries Advisory Committee meeting, which was held on the 25th April 1977. The report contains the minutes of the previous meetings of the Local Fisheries Advisory Committees, fisheries income and expenditure and information on the distribution of licences. The report also includes the National Water Council Review of Discharge Consent Conditions Consultation Paper, and information on fishery byelaws and netting on the Solway Firth. The Fisheries Advisory Committee was part of the Regional Water Authorities, in this case the North West Water Authority. This preceded the Environment Agency which came into existence in 1996.


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This is the report from the Mersey and Weaver Fisheries Advisory Committee meeting, which was held on the 7th April, 1977. The report contains sections on fisheries income and expenditure, fishing licences, and fisheries activities. The section on the fisheries activities looks at fisheries management; stocking of tench, roach and carp; fish mortalities; netting operations and Worthington Reservoir’s stocks. The Fisheries Advisory Committee was part of the Regional Water Authorities, in this case the North West Water Authority. This preceded the Environment Agency which came into existence in 1996.


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This is the report from the Lune, Wyre and Furness Fisheries Advisory Committee meeting, which was held on the 4th April, 1977. The report contains information on byelaws, net limitation on the River Lune, Goosanders and Mergansers which concentrates on predation issues of these birds groups upon young salmonids, fisheries income and expenditure and fisheries activities. The section on fisheries activities includes an update on Middleton Hatchery; fishing conditions; and fisheries improvement work on the River Leven. The Fisheries Advisory Committee was part of the Regional Water Authorities, in this case the North West Water Authority. This preceded the Environment Agency which came into existence in 1996.


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This is the report from the South Lancashire Fisheries Advisory Committee meeting, which was held on the 30th March, 1977. The report contains sections on radioactivity discharges and fisheries interests, fish mortality at Henthorn on the River Ribble, and fisheries activities. The section on radioactivity discharges looks at pollution caused by radioactive discharges from Windscale to the Irish Sea and possible effects on fish. The section on fisheries activities includes information on artificial propagation of salmonids; fish mortalities; silting in River Hodder; and the fish counter Winckley Hall. The Fisheries Advisory Committee was part of the Regional Water Authorities, in this case the North West Water Authority. This preceded the Environment Agency which came into existence in 1996.


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This is the report from the Regional Fisheries Advisory Committee meeting, which was held on the 18th July 1977. The report contains the minutes of the last meetings of the Local Fisheries Advisory Committees, information on fisheries income and expenditure and fisheries byelaws. The Fisheries Advisory Committee was part of the Regional Water Authorities, in this case the North West Water Authority. This preceded the Environment Agency which came into existence in 1996.