262 resultados para Oligomerization


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La réaction de macrocyclisation est une transformation fondamentale en chimie organique de synthèse. Le principal défi associcé à la formation de macrocycles est la compétition inhérente avec la réaction d’oligomérisation qui mène à la formation de sousproduits indésirables. De plus, l’utilisation de conditions de dilutions élevées qui sont nécessaires afin d’obtenir une cyclisation “sélective”, sont souvent décourageantes pour les applications à l’échelle industrielle. Malgré cet intérêt pour les macrocycles, la recherche visant à développer des stratégies environnementalement bénignes, qui permettent d’utiliser des concentrations normales pour leur synthèse, sont encore rares. Cette thèse décrit le développement d’une nouvelle approche générale visant à améliorer l’efficacité des réactions de macrocyclisation en utilisant le contrôle des effets de dilution. Une stratégie de “séparation de phase” qui permet de réaliser des réactions à des concentrations plus élevées a été developpée. Elle se base sur un mélange de solvant aggrégé contrôlé par les propriétés du poly(éthylène glycol) (PEG). Des études de tension de surface, spectroscopie UV et tagging chimique ont été réalisées afin d’élucider le mécanisme de “séparation de phase”. Il est proposé que celui-ci fonctionne par diffusion lente du substrat organique vers la phase ou le catalyseur est actif. La nature du polymère co-solvant joue donc un rôle crutial dans le contrôle de l’aggrégation et de la catalyse La stratégie de “séparation de phase” a initiallement été étudiée en utilisant le couplage oxidatif d’alcynes de type Glaser-Hay co-catalysé par un complexe de cuivre et de nickel puis a été transposée à la chimie en flux continu. Elle fut ensuite appliquée à la cycloaddition d’alcynes et d’azotures catalysée par un complexe de cuivre en “batch” ainsi qu’en flux continu.


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La présentation antigénique par les molécules de classe II du complexe majeur d’histocompatibilité (CMH II) est un mécanisme essentiel au contrôle des pathogènes par le système immunitaire. Le CMH II humain existe en trois isotypes, HLA-DP, DQ et DR, tous des hétérodimères composés d’une chaîne α et d’une chaîne β. Le CMH II est entre autres exprimé à la surface des cellules présentatrices d’antigènes (APCs) et des cellules épithéliales activées et a pour fonction de présenter des peptides d’origine exogène aux lymphocytes T CD4+. L’oligomérisation et le trafic intracellulaire du CMH II sont largement facilités par une chaperone, la chaîne invariante (Ii). Il s’agit d’une protéine non-polymorphique de type II. Après sa biosynthèse dans le réticulum endoplasmique (ER), Ii hétéro- ou homotrimérise, puis interagit via sa région CLIP avec le CMH II pour former un complexe αβIi. Le complexe sort du ER pour entamer son chemin vers différents compartiments et la surface cellulaire. Chez l’homme, quatre isoformes d’Ii sont répertoriées : p33, p35, p41 et p43. Les deux isoformes exprimées de manière prédominante, Iip33 et p35, diffèrent par une extension N-terminale de 16 acides aminés portée par Iip35. Cette extension présente un motif de rétention au réticulum endoplasmique (ERM) composé des résidus RXR. Ce motif doit être masqué par la chaîne β du CMH II pour permettre au complexe de quitter le ER. Notre groupe s’est intéressé au mécanisme du masquage et au mode de sortie du ER des complexes αβIi. Nous montrons ici que l’interaction directe, ou en cis, entre la chaîne β du CMH II et Iip35 dans une structure αβIi est essentielle pour sa sortie du ER, promouvant la formation de structures de haut niveau de complexité. Par ailleurs, nous démontrons que NleA, un facteur de virulence bactérien, permet d’altérer le trafic de complexes αβIi comportant Iip35. Ce phénotype est médié par l’interaction entre p35 et les sous-unités de COPII. Bref, Iip35 joue un rôle central dans la formation des complexes αβIi et leur transport hors du ER. Ceci fait d’Iip35 un régulateur clef de la présentation antigénique par le CMH II.


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Conserved among all coronaviruses are four structural proteins: the matrix (M), small envelope (E), and spike (S) proteins that are embedded in the viral membrane and the nucleocapsid phosphoprotein (N), which exists in a ribonucleoprotein complex in the lumen. The N-terminal domain of coronaviral N proteins (N-NTD) provides a scaffold for RNA binding, while the C-terminal domain (N-CTD) mainly acts as oligomerization modules during assembly. The C terminus of the N protein anchors it to the viral membrane by associating with M protein. We characterized the structures of N-NTD from severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SARS-CoV) in two crystal forms, at 1.17 A (monoclinic) and at 1.85 A (cubic), respectively, resolved by molecular replacement using the homologous avian infectious bronchitis virus (IBV) structure. Flexible loops in the solution structure of SARS-CoV N-NTD are now shown to be well ordered around the beta-sheet core. The functionally important positively charged beta-hairpin protrudes out of the core, is oriented similarly to that in the IBV N-NTD, and is involved in crystal packing in the monoclinic form. In the cubic form, the monomers form trimeric units that stack in a helical array. Comparison of crystal packing of SARS-CoV and IBV N-NTDs suggests a common mode of RNA recognition, but they probably associate differently in vivo during the formation of the ribonucleoprotein complex. Electrostatic potential distribution on the surface of homology models of related coronaviral N-NTDs suggests that they use different modes of both RNA recognition and oligomeric assembly, perhaps explaining why their nucleocapsids have different morphologies.


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The D 2 dopamine receptor exists as dimers or as higher-order oligomers, as determined from data from physical experiments. In this study, we sought evidence that this oligomerization leads to cooperativity by examining the binding of three radioligands ([H-3] nemonapride, [H-3] raclopride, and [H-3] spiperone) to D 2 dopamine receptors expressed in membranes of Sf9 cells. In saturation binding experiments, the three radioligands exhibited different B-max values, and the B-max values could be altered by the addition of sodium ions to assays. Despite labeling different numbers of sites, the different ligands were able to achieve full inhibition in competition experiments. Some ligand pairs also exhibited complex inhibition curves in these experiments. In radioligand dissociation experiments, the rate of dissociation of [H-3] nemonapride or [H-3] spiperone depended on the sodium ion concentration but was independent of the competing ligand. Although some of the data in this study are consistent with the behavior of a cooperative oligomeric receptor, not all of the data are in agreement with this model. It may, therefore, be necessary to consider more complex models for the behavior of this receptor.


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Electrochemical and spectroelectrochemical techniques were employed to study in detail the formation and so far unreported spectroscopic properties of soluble electroactive molecular chains with nonbridged metal-metal backbones, namely, [{Ru-0(CO)(PrCN)(bpy)}(m)](n) (m = 0, -1) and [{Ru-0(CO)(bpy)Cl}(m)](n) (m = -1, -2; bpy = 2,2'-bipyridine). The precursors cis-(Cl)-[Ru-II(CO)(MeCN)(bpy)Cl-2] (in PrCN) and mer-[Ru-II(CO)(bpy)Cl-3](-) (in tetrahydrofuran (THF) and PrCN) undergo one-electron reductions to reactive radicals [Ru-II(CO)(MeCN)(bpy(center dot-))Cl-2](-) and [Ru-II(CO)(bpy(center dot-))Cl-3](2-), respectively. Both [bpy(center dot-)]-containing species readily electropolymerize on concomitant dissociation of two chloride ligands and consumption of a second electron. Along this path, mer-to-fac isomerization of the bpy-reduced trichlorido complex (supported by density functional theory calculations) and a concentration-dependent oligomerization process contribute to the complex reactivity pattern. In situ spectroelectrochemistry (IR, UV/vis a has revealed that the charged polymer [{Ru-0(CO)(bpy)Cl}(-)](n) is stable in THF, but in PrCN it converts readily to [Ru-0(CO)(PrCN)(bpy)](n). An excess of chloride ions retards this substitution at low temperatures. Both polymetallic chains are completely soluble in the electrolyte solution and can be reduced reversibly to the corresponding [bpy(center dot-)]-containing species.


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The D 2 dopamine receptor exists as dimers or as higher-order oligomers, as determined from data from physical experiments. In this study, we sought evidence that this oligomerization leads to cooperativity by examining the binding of three radioligands ([H-3] nemonapride, [H-3] raclopride, and [H-3] spiperone) to D 2 dopamine receptors expressed in membranes of Sf9 cells. In saturation binding experiments, the three radioligands exhibited different B-max values, and the B-max values could be altered by the addition of sodium ions to assays. Despite labeling different numbers of sites, the different ligands were able to achieve full inhibition in competition experiments. Some ligand pairs also exhibited complex inhibition curves in these experiments. In radioligand dissociation experiments, the rate of dissociation of [H-3] nemonapride or [H-3] spiperone depended on the sodium ion concentration but was independent of the competing ligand. Although some of the data in this study are consistent with the behavior of a cooperative oligomeric receptor, not all of the data are in agreement with this model. It may, therefore, be necessary to consider more complex models for the behavior of this receptor.


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FtnA is the major iron-storage protein of Escherichia coli accounting for < or = 50% of total cellular iron. The FtnA gene (ftnA) is induced by iron in an Fe(2+)-Fur-dependent fashion. This effect is reportedly mediated by RyhB, the Fe(2+)-Fur-repressed, small, regulatory RNA. However, results presented here show that ftnA iron induction is independent of RyhB and instead involves direct interaction of Fe(2+)-Fur with an 'extended' Fur binding site (containing five tandem Fur boxes) located upstream (-83) of the ftnA promoter. In addition, H-NS acts as a direct repressor of ftnA transcription by binding at multiple sites (I-VI) within, and upstream of, the ftnA promoter. Fur directly competes with H-NS binding at upstream sites (II-IV) and consequently displaces H-NS from the ftnA promoter (sites V-VI) which in turn leads to derepression of ftnA transcription. It is proposed that H-NS binding within the ftnA promoter is facilitated by H-NS occupation of the upstream sites through H-NS oligomerization-induced DNA looping. Consequently, Fur displacement of H-NS from the upstream sites prevents cooperative H-NS binding at the downstream sites within the promoter, thus allowing access to RNA polymerase. This direct activation of ftnA transcription by Fe(2+)-Fur through H-NS antisilencing represents a new mechanism for iron-induced gene expression.


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The interfacial behavior of the model amyloid peptide octamer YYKLVFFC (peptide 1) and two other amyloid peptides YEVHHQKLVFF (peptide 2) and KKLVFFA (peptide 3) at the metal|aqueous solution interface was studied by voltammetric and constant current chronopotentiometric stripping (CPS). All three peptides are adsorbed in a wide potential range and exhibit different interfacial organizations depending on the electrode potential. At the least negative potentials, chemisorption of peptide 1 occurs through the formation of a metal sulfur bond. This bond is broken close to −0.6 V. The peptide undergoes self-association at more negative potentials, leading to the formation of a “pit” characteristic of a 2D condensed film. Under the same conditions the other peptides do not produce such a pit. Formation of the 2D condensed layer in peptide 1 is supported by the time, potential and temperature dependences of the interfacial capacity and it is shown that presence of the 2D layer is reflected by the peptide CPS signals due to the catalytic hydrogen evolution. The ability of peptide 1 to form the potential-dependent 2D condensed layer has been reported neither for any other peptide nor for any protein molecule. This ability might be related to the well-known oligomerization and aggregation of Alzheimer amyloid peptides.


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Objectives: To construct a recombinant baculovirus expressing the fiber knob domain of human adenovirus type 2 modified by the insertion of a foreign peptide, purify this protein after its production in insect cells, and to test its properties. Methods: Recombinant baculoviruses expressing the fiber knob were produced in Sf9 cells. The recombinant fiber knob was recovered from culture supernatants of infected cells and purified by a combination of Ni-NTA and ion-exchange chromatography. Results: Fiber knob was recovered from the culture media as a soluble protein. In the system used, the fiber knob is expressed fused with the V5 epitope and a histidine tag, which allowed purification by Ni-NTA chromatography. The protein was further purified by ion-exchange chromatography. We show that the recombinant fiber knob produced, with 31 extra amino acids in the C-terminus, can oligomerize and bind to the adenovirus receptor CAR, as it can block the infection of a recombinant type 5 adenovirus. Conclusions: The modified form of the fiber knob, produced in insect cells and purified by Ni-NTA and ion-exchange chromatography, retains the properties of oligomerization and binding to the fiber natural receptor, CAR. This construct has the potential to be a new adjuvant. Copyright (C) 2008 S. Karger AG, Basel.


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Phosphofructokinase-1 and -2 (Pfk-1 and Pfk-2, respectively) from Escherichia coli belong to different homologous superfamilies. However, in spite of the lack of a common ancestor, they share the ability to catalyze the same reaction and are inhibited by the substrate MgATP. Pfk-2, an ATP-dependent 6-phosphofructokinase member of the ribokinase-like superfamily, is a homodimer of 66 kDa subunits whose oligomerization state is necessary for catalysis and stability. The presence of MgATP favors the tetrameric form of the enzyme. In this work, we describe the structure of Pfk-2 in its inhibited tetrameric form, with each subunit bound to two ATP molecules and two Mg ions. The present structure indicates that substrate inhibition occurs due to the sequential binding of two MgATP molecules per subunit, the first at the usual site occupied by the nucleotide in homologous enzymes and the second at the allosteric site, making a number of direct and Mg-mediated interactions with the first. Two configurations are observed for the second MgATP, one of which involves interactions with Tyr23 from the adjacent subunit in the dimer and the other making an unusual non-Watson-Crick base pairing with the adenine in the substrate ATP. The oligomeric state observed in the crystal is tetrameric, and some of the structural elements involved in the binding of the Substrate and allosteric ATPs are also participating in the dimer-dimer interface. This structure also provides the grounds to compare analogous features of the nonhomologous phosphofructokinases from E. coli. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Lectins have been classified into a structurally diverse group of proteins that bind carbohydrates and glycoconjugates with high specificity. They are extremely useful molecules in the characterization of saccharides, as drug delivery mediators, and even as cellular surface makers. In this study, we present camptosemin, a new lectin from Camptosema ellipticum. It was characterized as an N-acetyl-d-galactosamine-binding homo-tetrameric lectin, with a molecular weight around 26 kDa/monomers. The monomers were stable over a wide range of pH values and exhibited pH-dependent oligomerization. Camptosemin promoted adhesion of breast cancer cells and hemagglutination, and both activities were inhibited by its binding of sugar. The stability and unfolding/folding behavior of this lectin was characterized using fluorescence and far-UV circular dichroism spectroscopies. The results indicate that chemical unfolding of camptosemin proceeds as a two-state monomer-tetramer process. In addition, small-angle X-ray scattering shows that camptosemin behaves as a soluble and stable homo-tetramer molecule in solution.


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Experimental evidence shows that the mechanism of pore formation by actinoporins is a multistep process, involving binding of the water-soluble monomer to the membrane and subsequent oligomerization on the membrane surface, leading to the formation of a functional pore. However, as for other eukaryotic pore-forming toxins, the molecular details of the mechanism of membrane insertion and oligomerization are not clear. In order to obtain further insight with regard to the structure-function relationship in sticholysins, we designed and produced three cysteine mutants of recombinant sticholysin I (rStI) in relevant functional regions for membrane interaction: StI E2C and StI F15C (in the N-terminal region) and StI R52C (in the membrane binding site). The conformational characterization derived from fluorescence and CD spectroscopic studies of StI E2C, StI F15C and StI R52C suggests that replacement of these residues by Cys in rStI did not noticeably change the conformation of the protein. The substitution by Cys of Arg(52) in the phosphocholine-binding site, provoked noticeable changes in rStI permeabilizing activity; however, the substitutions in the N-terminal region (Glu(2), Phe(15)) did not modify the toxin`s permeabilizing ability. The presence of a dimerized population stabilized by a disulfide bond in the StI E2C mutant showed higher pore-forming activity than when the protein is in the monomeric state, suggesting that sticholysins pre-ensembled at the N-terminal region could facilitate pore formation. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Unlike intermolecular disulfide bonds, other protein cross-links arising from oxidative modifications cannot be reversed and are presumably more toxic to cells because they may accumulate and induce protein aggregation. However, most of these irreversible protein cross-links remain poorly characterized. For instance, the antioxidant enzyme human superoxide dismutase 1 (hSod1) has been reported to undergo non-disulfide covalent dimerization and further oligomerization during its bicarbonate-dependent peroxidase activity. The dimerization was shown to be dependent on the oxidation of the single, solvent-exposed TrP(32) residue of hSod1, but the covalent dimer was not isolated nor was its structure determined. In this work, the hSod1 covalent dimer was isolated, digested with trypsin in H(2)O and H(2)(18)O, and analyzed by UV-Vis spectroscopy and mass spectrometry (MS). The results demonstrate that the covalent dimer consists of two hSod1 subunits cross-linked by a ditryptophan, which contains a bond between C3 and N1 of the respective Trp(32) residues. We further demonstrate that the cross-link cleaves under usual MS/MS conditions leading to apparently unmodified Trp(32), partially hinders proteolysis, and provides a mechanism to explain the formation of hSod1 covalent trimers and tetramers. This characterization of the covalent hSod1 dimer identifies a novel oxidative modification of protein Trp residues and provides clues for studying its occurrence in vivo. (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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2,4-Dinitrophenol (DNP) is classically known as a mitochondrial uncoupler and, at high concentrations, is toxic to a variety of cells. However, it has recently been shown that, at subtoxic concentrations, DNP protects neurons against a variety of insults and promotes neuronal differentiation and neuritogenesis. The molecular and cellular mechanisms underlying the beneficial neuroactive properties of DNP are still largely unknown. We have now used DNA microarray analysis to investigate changes in gene expression in rat hippocampal neurons in culture treated with low micromolar concentrations of DNP. Under conditions that did not affect neuronal viability, high-energy phosphate levels or mitochondrial oxygen consumption, DNP induced up-regulation of 275 genes and down-regulation of 231 genes. Significantly, several up-regulated genes were linked to intracellular cAMP signaling, known to be involved in neurite outgrowth, synaptic plasticity, and neuronal survival. Differential expression of specific genes was validated by quantitative RT-PCR using independent samples. Results shed light on molecular mechanisms underlying neuroprotection by DNP and point to possible targets for development of novel therapeutics for neurodegenerative disorders.


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With the successful clinical trials, multifunctional glycoprotein bovine lactoferrin is gaining attention as a safe nutraceutical and biologic drug targeting cancer, chronic-inflammatory, viral and microbial diseases. Interestingly, recent findings that human lactoferrin oligomerizes under simulated physiological conditions signify the possible role of oligomerization in the multifunctional activities of lactoferrin molecule during infections and in disease targeting signaling pathways. Here we report the purification and physicochemical characterization of high molecular weight biomacromolecular complex containing bovine lactoferrin (≥250 kDa), from bovine colostrum, a naturally enriched source of lactoferrin. It showed structural similarities to native monomeric iron free (Apo) lactoferrin (∼78-80 kDa), retained anti-bovine lactoferrin antibody specific binding and displayed potential receptor binding properties when tested for cellular internalization. It further displayed higher thermal stability and better resistance to gut enzyme digestion than native bLf monomer. High molecular weight bovine lactoferrin was functionally bioactive and inhibited significantly the cell proliferation (p<0.01) of human breast and colon carcinoma derived cells. It induced significantly higher cancer cell death (apoptosis) and cytotoxicity in a dose-dependent manner in cancer cells than the normal intestinal cells. Upon cellular internalization, it led to the up-regulation of caspase-3 expression and degradation of actin. In order to identify the cutting edge future potential of this bio-macromolecule in medicine over the monomer, its in-depth structural and functional properties need to be investigated further.