849 resultados para Occupational accidents - Epidemiological study
OBJECTIVE: To identify the prevalence of ischemic heart disease (IHD) and correlates in an adult population. METHODS: Cross-sectional population-based epidemiological study including a weighted sample of 2,471 adults of both sexes and with age 30 years or older residing in Ribeirao Preto, Southeastern Brazil, in 2007. The Rose Questionnaire was administered, and IHD prevalence was calculated with point estimates and 95% confidence intervals. To identify correlates (sociodemographic, cardiovascular risk factors, and those related to access to health services and to physical activity level), crude and adjusted prevalence ratios were estimated using Poisson regression. RESULTS: IHD prevalence was higher in females than males at all age strata. In the final model, the following variables were independently associated with IHD: work status (PR = 0.54 [0.37; 0.78]); family history of IHD (PR = 1.55 [1.12;2.13]); hypertension (PR = 1.70 [1.18;2.46]); self-reported health status (PR=2.15 [1.40;3.31]); smoking duration (third tertile) (PR=1.73 [1.08;2.76]); adjusted waist circumference (PR=1.79 [1.21;2.65]) and hypertriglyceridemia (PR=1.48 [1.05;2.10]). Linear trend test of PR across self-reported health status categories was statistically significant (p<0.05). CONCLUSIONS: A high prevalence of IHD was found, and the factors associated with the outcome are almost all modifiable and potentially influenced by public policy interventions.
OBJECTIVE: To analyze drug use trends among college students in 1996, 2001 and 2009. METHODS: A cross-sectional epidemiological study with a multistage stratified cluster sample with 9,974 college students was conducted in the city of Sao Paulo, southeastern Brazil. An anonymous self-administered questionnaire was used to collect information on drug use assessed in lifetime, the preceding 12 months and the preceding 30 days. The Bonferroni correction was used for multiple comparisons of drug use rates between surveys. RESULTS: There were changes in the lifetime use of tobacco and some other drugs (hallucinogens [6.1% to 8.8%], amphetamines [4.6% to 8.7%], and tranquilizers [5.7% to 8.2%]) from 1996 to 2009. Differences in the use of other drugs over the 12 months preceding the survey were also seen: reduced use of inhalants [9.0% to 4.8%] and increased use of amphetamines [2.4% to 4.8%]. There was a reduction in alcohol [72.9% to 62.1%], tobacco [21.3% to 17.2%] and marijuana [15.0% to 11.5%] use and an increase in amphetamine use [1.9% to 3.3%] in the preceeding 30 days. CONCLUSIONS: Over the 13-year study period, there was an increase in lifetime use of tobacco, hallucinogens, amphetamines, and tranquilizers. There was an increase in amphetamine use and a reduction in alcohol use during the preceding 12 months. There was an increase in amphetamine use during the preceding 30 days.
The presence of cognitive impairment is a frequent complaint among elderly individuals in the general population. This study aimed to investigate the relationship between aging-related regional gray matter (rGM) volume changes and cognitive performance in healthy elderly adults. Morphometric magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) measures were acquired in a community-based sample of 170 cognitively-preserved subjects (66 to 75 years). This sample was drawn from the "Sao Paulo Ageing and Health" study, an epidemiological study aimed at investigating the prevalence and risk factors for Alzheimer's disease in a low income region of the city of Sao Paulo. All subjects underwent cognitive testing using a cross-culturally battery validated by the Research Group on Dementia 10/66 as well as the SKT (applied on the day of MRI scanning). Blood genotyping was performed to determine the frequency of the three apolipoprotein E allele variants (APOE epsilon 2/epsilon 3/epsilon 4) in the sample. Voxelwise linear correlation analyses between rGM volumes and cognitive test scores were performed using voxel-based morphometry, including chronological age as covariate. There were significant direct correlations between worse overall cognitive performance and rGM reductions in the right orbitofrontal cortex and parahippocampal gyrus, and also between verbal fluency scores and bilateral parahippocampal gyral volume (p < 0.05, familywise-error corrected for multiple comparisons using small volume correction). When analyses were repeated adding the presence of the APOE epsilon 4 allele as confounding covariate or excluding a minority of APOE epsilon 2 carriers, all findings retained significance. These results indicate that rGM volumes are relevant biomarkers of cognitive deficits in healthy aging individuals, most notably involving temporolimbic regions and the orbitofrontal cortex.
Objective. To identify the factors linked to patients and health services in delays in the diagnosis of tuberculosis. Methods. Epidemiological study in Foz do Iguacu, Parana, Brazil, 2009. The Primary Care Assessment Tool, adapted for appraising tuberculosis treatment, was the instrument used. Descriptive statistics techniques were used, such as frequency distributions, central tendency and dispersion measurements (median and interquartile intervals), and odds ratios. Results. There were greater delays in seeking health services for those in the age group 60 years and older, for females, for patients with low levels of education, and for patients with poor knowledge of the disease. Clinical variables (being a new case and HIV infection) and behavioral variables (use of tobacco and alcohol consumption) were not linked with delays in diagnosis. The median time delays before diagnosis attributable to patients and to the health services were 30 days and 10 days, respectively. Emergency 24-hour medical services and primary health care services were not effective in identifying suspicious cases of tuberculosis and requesting tests to confirm the diagnosis, with a high percentage of referrals to the Tuberculosis Control Program clinic. Conclusions. Going to primary health care services for diagnosis increased the time before diagnosis of the disease was reached. The Tuberculosis Control Program clinic was more effective in diagnosis of tuberculosis, due to the training of the staff and to an organized process for receiving patients, including the availability of tests to support the diagnosis.
This study analyzes an accident in which two maintenance workers suffered severe burns while replacing a circuit breaker panel in a steel mill, following model of analysis and prevention of accidents (MAPA) developed with the objective of enlarging the perimeter of interventions and contributing to deconstruction of blame attribution practices. The study was based on materials produced by a health service team in an in-depth analysis of the accident. The analysis shows that decisions related to system modernization were taken without considering their implications in maintenance scheduling and creating conflicts of priorities and of interests between production and safety; and also reveals that the lack of a systemic perspective in safety management was its principal failure. To explain the accident as merely non-fulfillment of idealized formal safety rules feeds practices of blame attribution supported by alibi norms and inhibits possible prevention. In contrast, accident analyses undertaken in worker health surveillance services show potential to reveal origins of these events incubated in the history of the system ignored in practices guided by the traditional paradigm.
Os acidentes são fenômenos complexos, cuja determinação situa-se na organização do trabalho, dimensão invisível aos agentes de vigilância. O objetivo deste artigo é analisar e comparar o alcance das intervenções realizadas em uma empresa frigorífica, em 1997, baseada na checagem de normas de saúde e segurança, e em 2008, quando se incorpora a ergonomia da atividade. Foi realizado estudo de caso com análise documental referente à intervenção de 1997 e análise ergonômica do trabalho adotada em 2008. Em 1997 as ações de vigilância incidiram principalmente sobre os fatores de risco visíveis. Mesmo cumprindo as exigências, a empresa continuava, em 2008, com proporção de incidência anual de 26% de acidentes, o que motivou a busca da nova abordagem. Verificou-se, em 2008, que a gênese dos acidentes era provocada por um circulo vicioso: trabalho intenso; inadequação de meios técnicos; absenteísmo e rotatividade (84% ao ano) com recrutamento de inexperientes. Esse quadro é agravado por práticas autoritárias. A ergonomia da atividade contribuiu para compreender as causas organizacionais ultrapassando os aspectos normativos da vigilância tradicional, o que indica sua importância para tornar mais efetivas as ações de vigilância para a prevenção.
This epidemiological study was conducted using antigenic and genetic characterisation of rabies virus isolates obtained from different animal species in the southeast of Brazil from 1993 to 2007. An alteration in the epidemiological profile was observed. One hundred two samples were tested using a panel of eight monoclonal antibodies, and 94 were genetically characterised by sequencing the nucleoprotein gene. From 1993 to 1997, antigenic variant 2 (AgV-2), related to a rabies virus maintained in dog populations, was responsible for rabies cases in dogs, cats, cattle and horses. Antigenic variant 3 (AgV-3), associated with Desmodus rotundus, was detected in a few cattle samples from rural areas. From 1998 to 2007, rabies virus was detected in bats and urban pets, and four distinct variants were identified. A nucleotide similarity analysis resulted in two primary groups comprising the dog and bat antigenic variants and showing the distinct endemic cycles maintained in the different animal species in this region.
Incapacidade para o trabalho: análise dos benefícios auxílio-doença concedidos no estado de Rondônia
Trata-se de um estudo epidemiológico descritivo com objetivo de estimar a prevalência e a duração dos benefícios auxílio-doença, concedidos pelo Instituto Nacional de Seguro Social, bem como dos fatores associados à incapacidade para o trabalho entre os trabalhadores empregados em Rondônia em 2008. As prevalências foram apresentadas por 10.000 trabalhadores e estratificadas por sexo, idade, diagnóstico, atividade econômica, espécie e duração dos benefícios. Os homens apresentaram maiores prevalência e duração dos benefícios. Os benefícios previdenciários mostraramse 2,5 mais prevalentes do que os acidentários e ambos aumentaram com a idade. Os acidentários foram mais prevalentes na faixa etária de 50-59 anos. Silvicultura, construção civil e locação de mão de obra apresentaram as maiores prevalências. Os principais grupos diagnósticos foram lesões; doenças do sistema osteomuscular e doenças do aparelho digestivo. A duração dos benefícios auxílio-doença foi maior entre homens, com > 40 anos e na espécie previdenciária. A atividade econômica é um importante fator de risco para a incapacidade para o trabalho, e precisa ser mais bem explorada como tal visando melhorar a prevenção de doenças e diminuir o impacto na saúde dos trabalhadores decorrentes das condições ambientais e dos processos de trabalho.
La tesi si occupa, con originalità e spunti di innovazione, del tema degli infortuni sul lavoro e tecnopatie, attraverso un'ottica del tutto nuova perchè attenta sia agli aspetti previdenziali (indennizzo Inail) e sia agli aspetti risarcitori (risarcimento dei danni differenziali e complementari). Lo studio, non scevro da analisi critiche, indaga in particolare sulla risarcibiità del danno c.d. differenziale e sperimenta le nuove poste risarcitorie applicabili, alla luce delle più recenti evoluzioni legislative e giurisprudenziali. L'Autore non trascura, infine, i complessi profili processuali a completamento delle tutele e le responsabilità sia del datore di lavoro (obbligato principale) e sia dei terzi.
La tesi affronta il concetto di esposizione al rischio occupazionale e il suo scopo è quello di indagare l’ambiente di lavoro e il comportamento dei lavoratori, con l'obiettivo di ridurre il tasso di incidenza degli infortuni sul lavoro ed eseguire la riduzione dei rischi. In primo luogo, è proposta una nuova metodologia denominata MIMOSA (Methodology for the Implementation and Monitoring of Occupational SAfety), che quantifica il livello di "salute e sicurezza" di una qualsiasi impresa. Al fine di raggiungere l’obiettivo si è reso necessario un approccio multidisciplinare in cui concetti d’ingegneria e di psicologia sono stati combinati per sviluppare una metodologia di previsione degli incidenti e di miglioramento della sicurezza sul lavoro. I risultati della sperimentazione di MIMOSA hanno spinto all'uso della Logica Fuzzy nel settore della sicurezza occupazionale per migliorare la metodologia stessa e per superare i problemi riscontrati nell’incertezza della raccolta dei dati. La letteratura mostra che i fattori umani, la percezione del rischio e il comportamento dei lavoratori in relazione al rischio percepito, hanno un ruolo molto importante nella comparsa degli incidenti. Questa considerazione ha portato ad un nuovo approccio e ad una seconda metodologia che consiste nella prevenzione di incidenti, non solo sulla base dell'analisi delle loro dinamiche passate. Infatti la metodologia considera la valutazione di un indice basato sui comportamenti proattivi dei lavoratori e sui danni potenziali degli eventi incidentali evitati. L'innovazione consiste nell'applicazione della Logica Fuzzy per tener conto dell’"indeterminatezza" del comportamento umano e del suo linguaggio naturale. In particolare l’applicazione è incentrata sulla proattività dei lavoratori e si prefigge di impedire l'evento "infortunio", grazie alla generazione di una sorta d’indicatore di anticipo. Questa procedura è stata testata su un’azienda petrolchimica italiana.
BACKGROUND: Mortality and morbidity are particularly high in the building industry. The annual rate of non-fatal occupational accidents in Switzerland is 1,133 per 100,000 inhabitants. METHODS: Retrospective analysis of the electronic database of a university emergency centre. Between 2001 and 2011, 782 occupational accidents to construction workers were recorded and analysed using specific demographic and medical keywords. RESULTS: Most patients were aged 30-39 (30.4%). 66.4% of the injured workers were foreigners. This is almost twice as high as the overall proportion of foreigners in Switzerland or in the Swiss labour market. 16% of the Swiss construction workers and 8% of the foreign construction workers suffered a severe injury with ISS >15. There was a trend for workers aged 60 and above to suffer an accident with a high ISS (p = 0.089). CONCLUSIONS: As in other European countries, most patients were in their thirties. Older construction workers suffered fewer injuries, although these tended to be more severe. The injuries were evenly distributed through the working days of the week. A special effort should be made that current health and safety measures are understood and applied by foreign and older construction workers.
Background. Despite the increasing attention to the effects of dietary factors on lung cancer risk, epidemiological research on the role of black/green tea and coffee intake and lung cancer risk is scarce. The purpose of this study was to explore the following three hypotheses: (1) the preventive (protective) effect from lung cancer is higher in green tea than in black tea and coffee consumption. (2) brewed tea (either black or green) daily drinkers have lower odds of lung cancer than non-drinkers of brewed tea (3) regular black and green tea have more preventive effect against lung cancer than decaffeinated teas due to the synergistic effect of caffeine and other tea components. ^ Methods. Data on 1,088 lung cancer cases and 1,127 controls from an ongoing epidemiological study of lung cancer by the Department of Epidemiology of the University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer were analyzed. Multiple logistic regressions were performed for testing associations between frequency of specific types of tea/coffee consumption and the risk of lung cancer. ^ Results. We observed that more than a cup a week of green tea and decaffeinated black tea were significantly associated with reduced odds of lung cancer by 64% for green tea (adjusted OR = 0.44; 95% CI = 0.31–0.64), 36% for decaffeinated black tea (OR = 0.64; 95% CI = 0.45–0.90), when compared with non-drinkers and those who drank less than a cup a week. On the other hand, increasing intake of regular coffee (more than 3 cups a day) was associated with a 30% higher odds ratio of lung cancer (OR = 1.30; 95% CI = 1.01–1.09). No association was found between regular black tea, decaffeinated coffee consumption and the odds ratio of lung cancer. However, when drinkers of other tea/coffee beverages were excluded from each model in order to explore the independent effect of each type of tea/coffee, green tea and decaffeinated black tea-lung cancer associations remained but no association was observed for drinkers of regular coffee. ^ Conclusion. We report the chemopreventive effects of more than a cup a week of green tea and decaffeinated black tea on lung cancer. ^
La necesidad de mejorar la eficacia preventiva del sector de la construcción en España exige profundizar en el análisis del modelo regulatorio vigente a la vez que evaluar los resultados del mismo. Considerando que la regulación española emana de la Directiva 92/57/CEE, es preciso partir de un estudio específico de dicha referencia normativa para, seguidamente, identificar tanto las diferencias y particularidades introducidas en nuestra transposición nacional como, en su caso, la coherencia de las mismas con la regulación comunitaria. Para todo ello, la memoria realizada analiza de manera discriminada las diferencias que, cada modelo regulatorio de la UE-15, introduce en las figuras y herramientas de gestión preventiva instauradas por la citada Directiva. Adicionalmente, la presente investigación evalúa los resultados que, en términos de siniestralidad laboral, costes económicos y responsabilidades legales, han arrojado los vigentes modelos de regulación del sector a nivel comunitario (UE-15) y español. Dicho análisis permite identificar, además, aquellos estados miembros de la UE-15 que, en términos comparativos, han logrado una mayor eficacia preventiva específica en el sector de la construcción y establecer, en su caso, la correspondiente correlación con el tipo de modelo regulatorio. Por otra parte, se analiza la vinculación existente entre los accidentes de trabajo en la construcción y las decisiones tomadas en la etapa de diseño (incluyendo un estudio experimental) así como, con carácter específico, las técnicas desarrolladas para integrar los aspectos preventivos en dicha etapa. Dichas técnicas, englobadas a nivel internacional bajo la denominación de Prevention Through Design (PtD), son analizadas en detalle a la vez que se prospecciona su aplicación al modelo regulatorio español. Por último, se realiza un análisis comparativo del modelo regulatorio español frente a aquellos sistemas que, a nivel internacional, han logrado mejores resultados relativos para, en base al mismo, efectuar una propuesta justificada y pormenorizada de modificación del actual modelo regulatorio de la seguridad y salud en la construcción en España. The need to improve risk prevention efficacy in construction sites in Spain requires a deeper analysis of the current regulatory model while evaluating its results. Whereas the Spanish regulation stems from Directive 92/57/EEC, it is necessary to start from a specific study of such reference, and then pass to identify both the differences and particularities introduced in national transposition and, where appropriate, its consistency with the European regulation system. Above from that, this research analyzes how each country of the EU15 has adapted the provisions in Directive 92/57/EEC and their respective regulation of the preventive management tools introduced by it. Additionally, this research evaluates the results, in terms of workplace accidents, economic costs and liabilities, produced by the current models of sector regulation both at EU-15 and Spanish level. This analysis allows to identify also those member states of the EU-15 that, in comparison, have achieved greater efficiency in specific preventive construction sector and establish, where appropriate, the corresponding correlation with the type of regulatory model. Moreover, we analyze the link between occupational accidents in the construction and the decisions taken at the design stage (including a pilot study) and, with specificity, the techniques developed to integrate the preventive aspects in the design works. Such techniques, included internationally under the name of Prevention through Design (PtD), are analyzed in detail while collating their application routes to the Spanish regulatory model. Finally, we develop a comparative analysis of the Spanish regulatory model against those systems that, worldwide, have achieved better results relating to make a justified and detailed proposal to amend the current regulatory model and health and safety in construction in Spain.
Introdução – Os acidentes de trabalho envolvendo material biológico entre profissionais de saúde são frequentes e constituem um problema de saúde pública, pois representam uma preocupação constante das instituições e dos profissionais de saúde. Os profissionais do pré hospitalar tornam-se mais expostos pela tensão emocional vivida, pela natureza e circunstâncias do seu exercício profissional. Objetivos – Identificar a ocorrência de acidentes ocupacionais com materiais perfurocortantes nos profissionais de saúde do SAMU Maceió; identificar os acidentes mais frequentes, os períodos em que ocorrem e avaliar as condutas tomadas após o acidente. Métodos – Estudo descritivo com orientação analítico-descritiva desenvolvido numa amostra de 40 profissionais de saúde, Enfermeiro socorrista, Técnico Enfermagem e Médicos Socorristas. A recolha de informação foi suportada num questionário elaborado para o efeito. Resultados – A nossa amostra apresentou uma média de idades de 39,2 anos, o sexo feminino foi maioritário com 70,0% e 50,0% trabalha entre 6 a 10 anos na unidade. A maioria dos acidentes perfuro cortantes foram provocados por agulhas (75,0%) e dos quais não resultou incapacidade em 75%. A maioria dos acidentes ocorreram no verão e no turno da noite. Grande número de profissionais (70%) não cumpriu com as normas de procedimentos após o acidente e 80,0% dos profissionais não realizaram a quimioprofilaxia, não cumprindo com o protocolo do Ministérios da Saúde do Brasil. O paciente-fonte foi identificado em 87,5% dos casos mas verificamos uma subnotificação dos acidentes pois 45,0% dos profissionais não o fizeram. Nenhum profissional frequentou formação específica sobre acidentes de trabalho Conclusões – Verificamos uma alta incidência de acidentes perfurocortantes entre os profisionais do SAMU. Existe uma subnotificação do acidente e um déficite nas condutas apropriadas após o acidente. A população estudada necessita de uma maior sensibilização/formação quanto às medidas preventivas de segurança no ambiente de trabalho e motivação para o controle e prevenção dos acidentes ocupacionais no exercício de sua profissão. Palavras-chave: Acidente de trabalho. Materiais biológicos. Materiais perfurocortantes.
Federal Highway Administration, Washington, D.C.