881 resultados para Occupational Health
Objective and background. Tobacco smoking, pancreatitis and diabetes mellitus are the only known causes of pancreatic cancer, leaving ample room for yet unidentified determinants. This is an empirical study on a Finnish data on occupational exposures and pancreatic cancer risk, and a non-Bayesian and a hierarchical Bayesian meta-analysis of data on occupational factors and pancreatic cancer. Methods. The case-control study analyzed 595 incident cases of pancreatic cancer and 1,622 controls of stomach, colon, and rectum cancer, diagnosed 1984-1987 and known to be dead by 1990 in Finland. The next-of-kin responded to a mail questionnaire on job and medical histories and lifestyles. Meta-analysis of occupational risk factors of pancreatic cancer started off with 1,903 identified studies. The analyses were based on different subsets of that database. Five epidemiologists examined the reports and extracted the pertinent data using a standardized extraction form that covered 20 study descriptors and the relevant relative risk estimates. Random effects meta-analyses were applied for 23 chemical agents. In addition, hierarchical Bayesian models for meta-analysis were applied to the occupational data of 27 job titles using job exposure matrix as a link matrix and estimating the relative risks of pancreatic cancer associated with nine occupational agents. Results. In the case-control study, logistic regressions revealed excess risks of pancreatic cancer associated with occupational exposures to ionizing radiation, nonchlorinated solvents, and pesticides. Chlorinated hydrocarbon solvents and related compounds, used mainly in metal degreasing and dry cleaning, are emerging as likely risk factors of pancreatic cancer in the non-Bayesian and the hierarchical Bayesian meta-analysis. Consistent excess risk was found for insecticides, and a high excess for nickel and nickel compounds in the random effects meta-analysis but not in the hierarchical Bayesian meta-analysis. Conclusions. In this study occupational exposure to chlorinated hydrocarbon solvents and related compounds and insecticides increase risk of pancreatic cancer. Hierarchical Bayesian meta-analysis is applicable when studies addressing the agent(s) under study are lacking or very few, but several studies address job titles with potential exposure to these agents. A job-exposure matrix or a formal expert assessment system is necessary in this situation.
This study investigated within-person relationships between daily problem solving demands, selection, optimization, and compensation (SOC) strategy use, job satisfaction, and fatigue at work. Based on conservation of resources theory, it was hypothesized that high SOC strategy use boosts the positive relationship between problem solving demands and job satisfaction, and buffers the positive relationship between problem solving demands and fatigue. Using a daily diary study design, data were collected from 64 administrative employees who completed a general questionnaire and two daily online questionnaires over four work days. Multilevel analyses showed that problem solving demands were positively related to fatigue, but unrelated to job satisfaction. SOC strategy use was positively related to job satisfaction, but unrelated to fatigue. A buffering effect of high SOC strategy use on the demands-fatigue relationship was found, but no booster effect on the demands-satisfaction relationship. The results suggest that high SOC strategy use is a resource that protects employees from the negative effects of high problem solving demands.
Non-resident workforces experience high labour turnover, which has an impact on organisational operations and affects worker satisfaction and, in turn, partners’ ability to cope with work-related absences. Research suggests that partner satisfaction may be increased by providing a range of support services, which include professional, practical, and social support. A search was conducted to identify support available for resources and health-industry non-resident workers. These were compared to the supports available to families of deployed defence personnel. They were used to compare and contrast the spread available for each industry. The resources industry primarily provided social support, and lacked an inclusion of professional and practical supports. Health-professional support services were largely directed towards extended locum support, rather than to Fly-In Fly-Out workers. Improving sources of support which parallel support provided to the Australian Defence Force is suggested as a way to increase partner satisfaction. The implications are to understand the level of uptake, perceived importance, and utilisation of such support services.
The construction industries of developed countries are faced with an aging workforce and a shortage of recruits. It is common for migrant workers/ethnic minorities (EMs) who are already part of the society to join the construction industry. With increasing involvement of EMs in the construction industry, effective strategies for improving their safety and health are urgently needed. The existing body of knowledge is mainly derived from research conducted in English-speaking countries with Western cultures. Research on safety of migrant/EM construction workers in multidialect Asian countries with Eastern cultures has been lacking. This study aimed to identify various strategies for improving the safety and health of EM construction workers from the Asian perspective. Twenty-two face-to-face semistructured interviews were performed with safety professionals in Hong Kong followed by two rounds of Delphi survey with 18 safety experts to verify the interview findings and rank the relative importance of the strategies. The study unveiled 14 strategies for improving the safety performance of EM workers. The three most important ones identified were: (1) to provide safety training in EM native languages; (2) that government and industry associations should play an active role in promoting health and safety awareness of EM workers, and; (3) to encourage EM workers to learn the local language. This study contributes to filling the research gap by evaluating the strategies for improving safety of migrant/EM construction workers in Asian countries with Eastern cultures in which English is not the first language. Research findings would assist occupational health and safety experts and relevant stakeholders in designing strategies for improving the safety and health of EM workers, which will ultimately improve overall safety performance of the construction industry.
Masennus, ahdistuneisuus, alkoholiriippuvuus ja alkoholin väärinkäyttö sekä unihäiriöt ovat yleisiä ongelmia työssä käyvän väestön keskuudessa. Nämä sairaudet ja oireet aiheuttavat huomattavia kuluja myös yhteiskunnalle. Sosiaalisen tuen ja työilmapiirin yhteyttä työssä käyvien (n = 3 347–3 430) terveyteen tutkittiin Terveyden ja hyvinvoinnin laitoksen Terveys 2000 -aineistossa. Sosiaalista tukea työssä mitattiin JCQ-kyselyllä (Job Content Questionnaire) ja yksityiselämän sosiaalista tukea SSQ-kyselyllä (Social Support Questionnaire). Työilmapiiriä mitattiin kyselyllä, joka on osa Terve työyhteisö -kyselyä. Mielenterveyshäiriöiden diagnoosit perustuivat CIDI-haastatteluun (Composite International Diagnostic Interview). Tiedot lääkärin määräämistä masennus- ja unilääkkeistä poimittiin Kelan lääkerekisteristä ja tiedot työkyvyttömyyseläkkeistä Eläketurvakeskuksen ja Kelan rekistereistä. Ilmapiirin kokemisessa ei ollut merkitsevää eroa sukupuolten välillä. Sen sijaan naiset kokivat saavansa sosiaalista tukea enemmän sekä työssä että yksityiselämässä. Vähäinen sosiaalinen tuki sekä työssä että yksityiselämässä oli yhteydessä masennukseen, ahdistuneisuushäiriöihin ja moniin uniongelmiin. Huono työilmapiiri oli yhteydessä sekä masennukseen että ahdistuneisuushäiriöihin. Vähäinen tuki sekä esimiehiltä että työtovereilta oli yhteydessä myöhempään masennuslääkkeiden käyttöön. Huono työilmapiiri ennusti myös masennuslääkkeiden käyttöä. Vähäinen sosiaalinen tuki esimieheltä näytti lisäävän työkyvyttömyyseläkkeen todennäköisyyttä. Työhyvinvointiin täytyy kiinnittää huomiota, koska vähäinen sosiaalinen tuki ja huono työilmapiiri ovat yhteydessä mielenterveysongelmiin ja lisäävät työkyvyn menettämisen riskiä. – Englanninkielinen julkaisu. Suomenkielinen yhteenveto s. 89–90.
The occurrence of occupational chronic solvent encephalopathy (CSE) seems to decrease, but still every year reveals new cases. To prevent CSE and early retirement of solvent-exposed workers, actions should focus on early CSE detection and diagnosis. Identifying the work tasks and solvent exposure associated with high risk for CSE is crucial. Clinical and exposure data of all the 128 cases diagnosed with CSE as an occupational disease in Finland during 1995-2007 was collected from the patient records at the Finnish Institute of Occupational Health (FIOH) in Helsinki. The data on the number of exposed workers in Finland were gathered from the Finnish Job-exposure Matrix (FINJEM) and the number of employed from the national workforce survey. We analyzed the work tasks and solvent exposure of CSE patients and the findings in brain magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), quantitative electroencephalography (QEEG), and event-related potentials (ERP). The annual number of new cases diminished from 18 to 3, and the incidence of CSE decreased from 8.6 to 1.2 / million employed per year. The highest incidence of CSE was in workers with their main exposure to aromatic hydrocarbons; during 1995-2006 the incidence decreased from 1.2 to 0.3 / 1 000 exposed workers per year. The work tasks with the highest incidence of CSE were floor layers and lacquerers, wooden surface finishers, and industrial, metal, or car painters. Among 71 CSE patients, brain MRI revealed atrophy or white matter hyperintensities or both in 38% of the cases. Atrophy which was associated with duration of exposure was most frequently located in the cerebellum and in the frontal or parietal brain areas. QEEG in a group of 47 patients revealed increased power of the theta band in the frontal brain area. In a group of 86 patients, the P300 amplitude of auditory ERP was decreased, but at individual level, all the amplitude values were classified as normal. In 11 CSE patients and 13 age-matched controls, ERP elicited by a multimodal paradigm including an auditory, a visual detection, and a recognition memory task under single and dual-task conditions corroborated the decrease of auditory P300 amplitude in CSE patients in single-task condition. In dual-task conditions, the auditory P300 component was, more often in patients than in controls, unrecognizable. Due to the paucity and non-specificity of the findings, brain MRI serves mainly for differential diagnostics in CSE. QEEG and auditory P300 are insensitive at individual level and not useful in the clinical diagnostics of CSE. A multimodal ERP paradigm may, however, provide a more sensitive method to diagnose slight cognitive disturbances such as CSE.
The Southeast Asia and Western Pacific regions contain half of the world's children and are among the most rapidly industrializing regions of the globe. Environmental threats to children's health are widespread and are multiplying as nations in the area undergo industrial development and pass through the epidemiologic transition. These environmental hazards range from traditional threats such as bacterial contamination of drinking water and wood smoke in poorly ventilated dwellings to more recently introduced chemical threats such as asbestos construction materials; arsenic in groundwater; methyl isocyanate in Bhopal, India; untreated manufacturing wastes released to landfills; chlorinated hydrocarbon and organophosphorous pesticides; and atmospheric lead emissions from the combustion of leaded gasoline. To address these problems, pediatricians, environmental health scientists, and public health workers throughout Southeast Asia and the Western Pacific have begun to build local and national research and prevention programs in children's environmental health. Successes have been achieved as a result of these efforts: A cost-effective system for producing safe drinking water at the village level has been devised in India; many nations have launched aggressive antismoking campaigns; and Thailand, the Philippines, India, and Pakistan have all begun to reduce their use of lead in gasoline, with resultant declines in children's blood lead levels. The International Conference on Environmental Threats to the Health of Children, held in Bangkok, Thailand, in March 2002, brought together more than 300 representatives from 35 countries and organizations to increase awareness on environmental health hazards affecting children in these regions and throughout the world. The conference, a direct result of the Environmental Threats to the Health of Children meeting held in Manila in April 2000, provided participants with the latest scientific data on children's vulnerability to environmental hazards and models for future policy and public health discussions on ways to improve children's health. The Bangkok Statement, a pledge resulting from the conference proceedings, is an important first step in creating a global alliance committed to developing active and innovative national and international networks to promote and protect children's environmental health.
The frequency and scale of Harmful Algal Bloom (HAB) and marine algal toxin incidents have been increasing and spreading in the past two decades, causing damages to the marine environment and threatening human life through contaminated seafood. To better understand the effect of HAB and marine algal toxins on marine environment and human health in China, this paper overviews HAB occurrence and marine algal toxin incidents, as well as their environmental and health effects in this country. HAB has been increasing rapidly along the Chinese coast since the 1970s, and at least 512 documented HAB events have occurred from 1952 to 2002 in the Chinese mainland. It has been found that PSP and DSP toxins are distributed widely along both the northern and southern Chinese coasts. The HAB and marine algal toxin events during the 1990s in China were summarized, showing that the HAB and algal toxins resulted in great damages to local fisheries, marine culture, quality of marine environment, and human health. Therefore, to protect the coastal environment and human health, attention to HAB and marine algal toxins is urgently needed from the environmental and epidemiological view.
Increasing emphasis is being placed on the evaluation of health-related quality of life. However, there is no consensus on the definition of this concept and as a result there are a plethora of existing measurement instruments. Head-to-head comparisons of the psychometric properties of existing instruments are necessary to facilitate evidence-based decisions about which instrument should be chosen for routine use. Therefore, an individualised instrument (the modified Patient Generated Index), a generic instrument (the Short Form 36) and a disease-specific instrument (the Quality of Life after Myocardial Infarction questionnaire) were administered to patients with ischaemic heart disease (n=117) and the evidence for the validity, reliability and sensitivity of each instrument was examined and compared. The modified Patient Generated Index compared favourably with the other instruments but none of the instruments examined provided sound evidence for sensitivity to change. Therefore, any recommendation for the use of the individualised approach in the routine collection of health-related quality of life data in clinical practice must be conditional upon the submission of further evidence to support the sensitivity of such instruments.
Much of the evidence suggesting that inequalities in health have been increasing over the last two decades has come from studies that compared the changes in relative health status of areas over time. Such studies ignore the movement of people between areas. This paper examines the population movement between small areas in Northern Ireland in the year prior to the 1991 census as well as the geographical distribution of migrants to Northern Ireland over the same period. It shows that deprived areas tended to become depopulated and that those who left these areas were the more affluent residents. While immigrants differed a little from the indigenous population, the overall effect of their distribution would be to maintain the geographical socio-economic status quo. The selective movement of people between areas would result in the distribution of health and ill-health becoming more polarized, i.e. produce a picture of widening inequalities between areas even though the distribution between individuals is unchanged. These processes suggest potential significant problems with the area-based approaches to monitoring health and inequalities in health.