968 resultados para Object-oriented programming -- TFC
Ohjelmistojen uudelleenkäyttö on hyvin tärkeä käsite ohjelmistotekniikan alueella.Ohjelmistojen uudelleenkäyttötekniikat parantavat ohjelmistokehitysprosessin laatua. Yleisiä ratkaisuja sekä ohjelmiston suunnittelun että arkkitehtuurin uudelleenkäyttöön ovat olio-ohjelmointi ja sovelluskehykset. Tähän asti ei ole ollut olemassa yleisiä tapoja sovelluskehysten erikoistamiseen. Monet nykyääntunnetuista sovelluskehyksistä ovat hyvin suuria ja mutkikkaita. Tällaisten sovelluskehyksien käyttö on monimutkaista myös kokeneille ohjelmoijille. Hyvin dokumentoidut uudelleenkäytettävät sovelluskehyksen rajapinnat parantavat kehyksen käytettävyyttä ja tehostavat myös erikoistamisprosessiakin sovelluskehyksen käyttäjille. Sovelluskehyseditori (framework editor, JavaFrames) on prototyyppityökalu, jota voidaan käyttää yksinkertaistamaan sovelluskehyksen käyttöä. Perusajatus JavaFrames lähestymistavassa ovat erikoistamismallit, joita käytetään kuvamaan sovelluskehyksen uudelleenkäytettäviä rajapintoja. Näihin malleihin perustuen JavaFrames tarjoaa automaattisen lähdekoodi generaattorin, dokumentoinninja arkkitehtuurisääntöjen tarkistuksen. Tämä opinnäyte koskee graafisen mallieditorin kehittämistä JavaFrames ympäristöön. Työssä on laadittu työkalu,jonka avulla voidaan esittää graafisesti erikoistamismalli. Editori sallii uusien mallien luomisen, vanhojen käyttämättä olevien poistamisen, kuten myös yhteyksien lisäämisen mallien välille. Tällainen graafinen tuki JavaFrames ympäristöönvoi huomattavasti yksinkertaistaa sen käyttöä ja tehdä sovellusten kehittämisprosessista joustavamman.
Diplomityön tavoitteena oli tutkia, miten uusi arkkitehtuurialusta soveltuu erään teolli-suusyrityksen tietojärjestelmien kehittämiseen ja sovellusten toteuttamiseen. Työssä keskeisin käsite oli ohjelmistoarkkitehtuuri ja siihen liittyvät suunnittelumallit sekä komponentit, jotka hyvin suunniteltuina toimivat perustana nopeammalle sovelluskehi-tykselle. Tutkimusmetodina käytettiin konstruktiivista (suunnittelutieteellistä) tutkimusmetodia. Sen vahvat ominaisuudet tukevat tutkimusaiheen innovatiivisuutta sekä soveltavan tie-teen käyttöä uuden tiedon tuottamiseksi. Heikkoutena voinee pitää tulosten analysoinnin vaikeutta, sillä evaluointi tapahtuu käytännöstä saatujen kokemusten perusteella. Työn tuloksena saatiin lisätietämystä komponenttiensuunnitteluun ja toteutukseen liit-tyvissä kysymyksissä. Lisäksi sovelluspalvelimelle luotiin joukko komponentteja, joita tullaan käyttämään jatkossa tietokantasovelluksissa: uusien komponenttien suunnittelua jatketaan ja järjestelmien suunnittelua muutetaan oliopohjaiseksi.
We describe a model-based objects recognition system which is part of an image interpretation system intended to assist autonomous vehicles navigation. The system is intended to operate in man-made environments. Behavior-based navigation of autonomous vehicles involves the recognition of navigable areas and the potential obstacles. The recognition system integrates color, shape and texture information together with the location of the vanishing point. The recognition process starts from some prior scene knowledge, that is, a generic model of the expected scene and the potential objects. The recognition system constitutes an approach where different low-level vision techniques extract a multitude of image descriptors which are then analyzed using a rule-based reasoning system to interpret the image content. This system has been implemented using CEES, the C++ embedded expert system shell developed in the Systems Engineering and Automatic Control Laboratory (University of Girona) as a specific rule-based problem solving tool. It has been especially conceived for supporting cooperative expert systems, and uses the object oriented programming paradigm
Developing software is a difficult and error-prone activity. Furthermore, the complexity of modern computer applications is significant. Hence,an organised approach to software construction is crucial. Stepwise Feature Introduction – created by R.-J. Back – is a development paradigm, in which software is constructed by adding functionality in small increments. The resulting code has an organised, layered structure and can be easily reused. Moreover, the interaction with the users of the software and the correctness concerns are essential elements of the development process, contributing to high quality and functionality of the final product. The paradigm of Stepwise Feature Introduction has been successfully applied in an academic environment, to a number of small-scale developments. The thesis examines the paradigm and its suitability to construction of large and complex software systems by focusing on the development of two software systems of significant complexity. Throughout the thesis we propose a number of improvements and modifications that should be applied to the paradigm when developing or reengineering large and complex software systems. The discussion in the thesis covers various aspects of software development that relate to Stepwise Feature Introduction. More specifically, we evaluate the paradigm based on the common practices of object-oriented programming and design and agile development methodologies. We also outline the strategy to testing systems built with the paradigm of Stepwise Feature Introduction.
Ce mémoire vise à recenser les avantages et les inconvénients de l'utilisation du langage de programmation fonctionnel dynamique Scheme pour le développement de jeux vidéo. Pour ce faire, la méthode utilisée est d'abord basée sur une approche plus théorique. En effet, une étude des besoins au niveau de la programmation exprimés par ce type de développement, ainsi qu'une description détaillant les fonctionnalités du langage Scheme pertinentes au développement de jeux vidéo sont données afin de bien mettre en contexte le sujet. Par la suite, une approche pratique est utilisée en effectuant le développement de deux jeux vidéo de complexités croissantes: Space Invaders et Lode Runner. Le développement de ces jeux vidéo a mené à l'extension du langage Scheme par plusieurs langages spécifiques au domaine et bibliothèques, dont notamment un système de programmation orienté objets et un système de coroutines. L'expérience acquise par le développement de ces jeux est finalement comparée à celle d'autres développeurs de jeux vidéo de l'industrie qui ont utilisé Scheme pour la création de titres commerciaux. En résumé, l'utilisation de ce langage a permis d'atteindre un haut niveau d'abstraction favorisant la modularité des jeux développés sans affecter les performances de ces derniers.
Les systèmes Matériels/Logiciels deviennent indispensables dans tous les aspects de la vie quotidienne. La présence croissante de ces systèmes dans les différents produits et services incite à trouver des méthodes pour les développer efficacement. Mais une conception efficace de ces systèmes est limitée par plusieurs facteurs, certains d'entre eux sont: la complexité croissante des applications, une augmentation de la densité d'intégration, la nature hétérogène des produits et services, la diminution de temps d’accès au marché. Une modélisation transactionnelle (TLM) est considérée comme un paradigme prometteur permettant de gérer la complexité de conception et fournissant des moyens d’exploration et de validation d'alternatives de conception à des niveaux d’abstraction élevés. Cette recherche propose une méthodologie d’expression de temps dans TLM basée sur une analyse de contraintes temporelles. Nous proposons d'utiliser une combinaison de deux paradigmes de développement pour accélérer la conception: le TLM d'une part et une méthodologie d’expression de temps entre différentes transactions d’autre part. Cette synergie nous permet de combiner dans un seul environnement des méthodes de simulation performantes et des méthodes analytiques formelles. Nous avons proposé un nouvel algorithme de vérification temporelle basé sur la procédure de linéarisation des contraintes de type min/max et une technique d'optimisation afin d'améliorer l'efficacité de l'algorithme. Nous avons complété la description mathématique de tous les types de contraintes présentées dans la littérature. Nous avons développé des méthodes d'exploration et raffinement de système de communication qui nous a permis d'utiliser les algorithmes de vérification temporelle à différents niveaux TLM. Comme il existe plusieurs définitions du TLM, dans le cadre de notre recherche, nous avons défini une méthodologie de spécification et simulation pour des systèmes Matériel/Logiciel basée sur le paradigme de TLM. Dans cette méthodologie plusieurs concepts de modélisation peuvent être considérés séparément. Basée sur l'utilisation des technologies modernes de génie logiciel telles que XML, XSLT, XSD, la programmation orientée objet et plusieurs autres fournies par l’environnement .Net, la méthodologie proposée présente une approche qui rend possible une réutilisation des modèles intermédiaires afin de faire face à la contrainte de temps d’accès au marché. Elle fournit une approche générale dans la modélisation du système qui sépare les différents aspects de conception tels que des modèles de calculs utilisés pour décrire le système à des niveaux d’abstraction multiples. En conséquence, dans le modèle du système nous pouvons clairement identifier la fonctionnalité du système sans les détails reliés aux plateformes de développement et ceci mènera à améliorer la "portabilité" du modèle d'application.
”compositions” is a new R-package for the analysis of compositional and positive data. It contains four classes corresponding to the four different types of compositional and positive geometry (including the Aitchison geometry). It provides means for computation, plotting and high-level multivariate statistical analysis in all four geometries. These geometries are treated in an fully analogous way, based on the principle of working in coordinates, and the object-oriented programming paradigm of R. In this way, called functions automatically select the most appropriate type of analysis as a function of the geometry. The graphical capabilities include ternary diagrams and tetrahedrons, various compositional plots (boxplots, barplots, piecharts) and extensive graphical tools for principal components. Afterwards, ortion and proportion lines, straight lines and ellipses in all geometries can be added to plots. The package is accompanied by a hands-on-introduction, documentation for every function, demos of the graphical capabilities and plenty of usage examples. It allows direct and parallel computation in all four vector spaces and provides the beginner with a copy-and-paste style of data analysis, while letting advanced users keep the functionality and customizability they demand of R, as well as all necessary tools to add own analysis routines. A complete example is included in the appendix
En aquest projecte es vol implementar una llibreria en Java, que proporcioni les eines necessàries per a crear diagrames i esquemes. Es vol proporcionar a la llibreria un conjunt d’objectes bàsics, també mètodes i funcionalitats suficients per a gestionar aquests objectes. Per altra part, es vol implementar una aplicació per a dissenyar diagrames Entitat-Relació que utilitzi aquesta llibreria
We describe a model-based objects recognition system which is part of an image interpretation system intended to assist autonomous vehicles navigation. The system is intended to operate in man-made environments. Behavior-based navigation of autonomous vehicles involves the recognition of navigable areas and the potential obstacles. The recognition system integrates color, shape and texture information together with the location of the vanishing point. The recognition process starts from some prior scene knowledge, that is, a generic model of the expected scene and the potential objects. The recognition system constitutes an approach where different low-level vision techniques extract a multitude of image descriptors which are then analyzed using a rule-based reasoning system to interpret the image content. This system has been implemented using CEES, the C++ embedded expert system shell developed in the Systems Engineering and Automatic Control Laboratory (University of Girona) as a specific rule-based problem solving tool. It has been especially conceived for supporting cooperative expert systems, and uses the object oriented programming paradigm
This paper introduces how artificial intelligence technologies can be integrated into a known computer aided control system design (CACSD) framework, Matlab/Simulink, using an object oriented approach. The aim is to build a framework to aid supervisory systems analysis, design and implementation. The idea is to take advantage of an existing CACSD framework, Matlab/Simulink, so that engineers can proceed: first to design a control system, and then to design a straightforward supervisory system of the control system in the same framework. Thus, expert systems and qualitative reasoning tools are incorporated into this popular CACSD framework to develop a computer aided supervisory system design (CASSD) framework. Object-variables an introduced into Matlab/Simulink for sharing information between tools
The SystemVerilog implementation of the Open Verification Methodology (OVM) is exercised on an 8b/10b RTL open core design in the hope of being a simple yet complete exercise to expose the key features of OVM. Emphasis is put onto the actual usage of the verification components rather than a complete verification flow aiming at being of help to readers unfamiliar with OVM seeking to apply the methodology to their own designs. A link that takes you to the complete code is given to reinforce this aim. We found the methodology easy to use but intimidating at first glance specially for someone with little experience in object oriented programming. However it is clear to see the flexibility, portability and reusability of verification code once you manage to give some first steps.
Despite several examples of deployed agent systems, there remain barriers to the large-scale adoption of agent technologies. In order to understand these barriers, this paper considers aspects of marketing theory which deal with diffusion of innovations and their relevance to the agents domain and the current state of diffusion of agent technologies. In particular, the paper examines the role of standards in the adoption of new technologies, describes the agent standards landscape, and compares the development and diffusion of agent technologies with that of object-oriented programming. The paper also reports on a simulation model developed in order to consider different trajectories for the adoption of agent technologies, with trajectories based on various assumptions regarding industry structure and the existence of competing technology standards. We present details of the simulation model and its assumptions, along with the results of the simulation exercises.
This paper presents results of a pricing system to compute the option adjusted spread ("DAS") of Eurobonds issued by Brazilian firms. The system computes the "DAS" over US treasury rates taktng imo account the embedded options present on these bonds. These options can be calls ("callable bond"), puts ("putable bond") or combinations ("callable and putable bond"). The pricing model takes into account the evolution of the term structure along time, is compatible with the observable market term structure and is able to compute risk measures such as duration and convexity, and pricing and hedging of options on these bonds. Examples show the ejJects of the embedded options on the spread and risk measures as well as the ejJects on the spread due to variations on the volatility parameters ofthe short rate.
In the two last decades of the past century, following the consolidation of the Internet as the world-wide computer network, applications generating more robust data flows started to appear. The increasing use of videoconferencing stimulated the creation of a new form of point-to-multipoint transmission called IP Multicast. All companies working in the area of software and the hardware development for network videoconferencing have adjusted their products as well as developed new solutionsfor the use of multicast. However the configuration of such different solutions is not easy done, moreover when changes in the operational system are also requirede. Besides, the existing free tools have limited functions, and the current comercial solutions are heavily dependent on specific platforms. Along with the maturity of IP Multicast technology and with its inclusion in all the current operational systems, the object-oriented programming languages had developed classes able to handle multicast traflic. So, with the help of Java APIs for network, data bases and hipertext, it became possible to the develop an Integrated Environment able to handle multicast traffic, which is the major objective of this work. This document describes the implementation of the above mentioned environment, which provides many functions to use and manage multicast traffic, functions which existed only in a limited way and just in few tools, normally the comercial ones. This environment is useful to different kinds of users, so that it can be used by common users, who want to join multimedia Internet sessions, as well as more advenced users such engineers and network administrators who may need to monitor and handle multicast traffic
Teaching a course of special electric loads in a continuing education program to power engineers is a difficult task because they are not familiarized with switching topology circuits. Normally, in a typical program, many hours are dedicated to explain the thyristors switching sequence and to draw the converter currents and terminal voltages waveforms for different operative conditions. This work presents teaching support software in order to optimize the time spent in this task and, mainly to benefit the assimilation of the proposed subjects, studying the static converter under different non-ideal operative conditions.