992 resultados para OPTICAL FIBER SENSORS
Recently, we have extended fibre grating devices in to mid-IR range. Fibre Bragg gratings (FBGs) and long-period gratings (LPGs) with spectral responses from near-IR (800nm) to mid-IR ( ∼ 2μm) have been demonstrated with transmission loss as strong as 10-20dB. 2μm FBG and LPG showed temperature and refractive index (RI) sensitivities of ∼ 91pm/°C and 357nm/RIU respectively. Finally, we have performed a bio sensing experiment by monitoring the degradation of foetal bovine serum at room temperature. The results encouragingly show that the mid-IR LPGs can be an ideal biosensor platform as they have high RI sensitivity and can be used to detect concentration change of bio-samples. © 2012 SPIE.
Transient fully reconfigurable photonic circuits can be introduced at the optical fiber surface with subangstrom precision. A building block of these circuits - a 0.7Å-precise nano-bottle resonator - is experimentally created by local heating, translated, and annihilated.
The modulation instability (MI) in optical fiber amplifiers and lasers with anomalous dispersion leads to CW beam breakup and the growth of multiple pulses. This can be both a detrimental effect, limiting the performance of amplifiers, and also an underlying physical mechanism in the operation of MI-based devices. Here we revisit the analytical theory of MI in fiber optical amplifiers. The results of the exact theory are compared with the previously used adiabatic approximation model, and the range of applicability of the latter is determined. The same technique is applicable to the study of spatial MI in solid state laser amplifiers and MI in non-uniform media. © 2011 SPIE.
Tunable photonic elements at the surface of an optical fiber with piezoelectric core are proposed and analyzed theoretically. These elements are based on whispering gallery modes whose propagation along the fiber is fully controlled by nanoscale variation of the effective fiber radius, which can be tuned by means of a piezoelectric actuator embedded into the core. The developed theory allows one to express the introduced effective radius variation through the shape of the actuator and the voltage applied to it. In particular, the designs of a miniature tunable optical delay line and a miniature tunable dispersion compensator are presented. The potential application of the suggested model to the design of a miniature optical buffer is also discussed.
We have UV-inscribed fiber Bragg gratings (FBGs), long-period gratings (LPGs), and tilted fiber gratings (TFGs) into mid-IR 2μm range using three common optical fiber grating fabrication techniques (two-beam holographic, phase mask, and point-by-point). The fabricated FBGs have been evaluated for thermal and strain response. It has been revealed that the FBG devices with responses in mid-IR range are much more sensitive to temperature than that in near-IR range. To explore the unique cladding mode coupling function, we have investigated the thermal and refractive index sensitivities of LPGs and identified that the coupled cladding modes in mid-IR range are also much more sensitive to temperature and surrounding medium refractive index change. The 45° tilted fiber gratings (45°-TFGs) as polarizing devices in mid-IR have been investigated for their polarization extinction characteristics. As efficient reflection filters and in-cavity polarizers, the mid-IR FBGs and 45°-TFGs have been employed in fiber laser cavity to realize multi-wavelength 2 μm Tm-doped CW and mode locked fiber lasers, respectively.
The modulation instability (MI) in optical fiber amplifiers and lasers with anomalous dispersion leads to cw radiation breakup. This can be both a detrimental effect limiting the performance of amplifiers and an underlying physical mechanism in the operation of MI-based devices. Here we revisit the analytical theory of MI in fiber optical amplifiers. The results of the exact theory are compared with the previously used adiabatic approximation model, and the range of applicability of the latter is determined. © 2010 Optical Society of America.
In this paper, we propose an orthogonal chirp division multiplexing (OCDM) technique for coherent optical communication. OCDM is the principle of orthogonally multiplexing a group of linear chirped waveforms for high-speed data communication, achieving the maximum spectral efficiency (SE) for chirp spread spectrum, in a similar way as the orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) does for frequency division multiplexing. In the coherent optical (CO)-OCDM, Fresnel transform formulates the synthesis of the orthogonal chirps; discrete Fresnel transform (DFnT) realizes the CO-OCDM in the digital domain. As both the Fresnel and Fourier transforms are trigonometric transforms, the CO-OCDM can be easily integrated into the existing CO-OFDM systems. Analyses and numerical results are provided to investigate the transmission of CO-OCDM signals over optical fibers. Moreover, experiments of 36-Gbit/s CO-OCDM signal are carried out to validate the feasibility and confirm the analyses. It is shown that the CO-OCDM can effectively compensate the dispersion and is more resilient to fading and noise impairment than OFDM.
En este proyecto se analizaron las características y el modo de operación de las fibras ópticas plásticas en un enlace óptico WDM (Wavelenght Division Multiplexing) operando en el espectro visible. Se estudiaron los componentes activos y pasivos necesarios para el enlace, como son las fuentes LED, multiplexores, filtros y acopladores. Se analizaron los efectos no lineales que se pueden presentar en la fibra óptica, y que son importantes de considerar al transmitir señales WDM. Para respaldar el análisis se simuló en MATLAB un enlace óptico en el dominio de la frecuencia utilizando fuentes LED que emiten en el espectro visible, junto con multiplexores WDM, filtros de absorción, acopladores y como medio de transmisión la Fibra Óptica Plástica (POF -Plastic Optical Fiber).
Opto-acoustic imaging is a growing field of research in recent years, providing functional imaging of physiological biomarkers, such as the oxygenation of haemoglobin. Piezo electric transducers are the industry standard detector for ultrasonics, but their limited bandwidth, susceptibility to electromagnetic interference and their inversely proportional sensitivity to size all affect the detector performance. Sensors based on polymer optical fibres (POF) are immune to electromagnetic interference, have lower acoustic impedance and a reduced Young's Modulus compared to silica fibres. Furthermore, POF enables the possibility of a wideband sensor and a size appropriate to endoscopy. Micro-structured POF (mPOF) used in an interferometric detector has been shown to be an order of magnitude more sensitive than silica fibre at 1 MHz and 3 times more sensitive at 10 MHz. We present the first opto-acoustic measurements obtained using a 4.7mm PMMA mPOF Bragg grating with a fibre diameter of 130 μm and present the lateral directivity pattern of a PMMA mPOF FBG ultrasound sensor over a frequency range of 1-50 MHz. We discuss the impact of the pattern with respect to the targeted application and draw conclusions on how to mitigate the problems encountered.
Water contamination can cause serious problems that compromise in transformer's safe operation and reduce its lifetime. Online monitoring of moisture concentration in transformer oil would permit the control of moisture buildup. This letter presents a direct optical measurement of moisture concentration in transformer oil using a poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA)-based optical fiber Bragg grating (POFBG). The refractive index and volume of PMMA-based optical fiber vary with the moisture in the surrounding transformer oil, changing the reflecting wavelength of the grating. A sensitivity of POFBG wavelength change to moisture content of 29 pm/ppm is demonstrated in this letter, indicating detectable water content better than 0.05 ppm.
Dissertação apresentada na Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Instrumentação, Manutenção Industrial e Qualidade
O objetivo deste trabalho consistiu em projetar, construir e testar um protótipo em laboratório de uma fonte de alimentação de alta tensão que permita descargas elétricas {estáveis e de dimensões reduzidas}, de modo a que possa ser utilizada, dada a sua essencialidade, na fabricação de redes de período longo (LPG) em fibra ótica nos chamados turning points. Estes são pontos de elevada sensibilidade, fundamentais no desenvolvimento tecnológico de sensores em fibra ótica, em particular, de sensores refractométricos. O protótipo da fonte de alimentação é composto por um regulador do tipo BUCK, um inversor para alimentação do transformador de alta tensão, o circuito de realimentação e controlo PWM e um microcontrolador para o comando da fonte. Posteriormente procedeu-se à otimização dos parâmetros de descarga, o que conduziu a fabricação de redes de período longo com períodos inferiores a 150 micrómetros. Este é um resultado sem paralelo a nível internacional no que concerne ao uso da técnica do arco elétrico.
In this second part it will be discussed some photonic applications of glassy and glass ceramic thin films which can be used as planar waveguides. Some photonic applications require certain specifications of glass, which can be quantified by studying the nonlinear optical properties of the materials. Therefore, a brief introduction of these phenomena is discussed, as well as the use of femtosecond lasers to manipulate the composition or for the preparation of waveguides into glasses. Finally, the article will address a brief introduction on microstructured optical fibers and commercial application prospects for these devices.
En esta tesis doctoral se describe el trabajo de investigación enfocado al estudio y desarrollo de sensores de fibra óptica para la detección de presión, flujo y vibraciones en ductos ascendentes submarinos utilizados en la extracción y transporte de hidrocarburos, con el objetivo de aplicarlos en los campos de explotación de aguas profundas en el Golfo de México pertenecientes a la Industria Petrolera Mexicana. El trabajo se ha enfocado al estudio y desarrollo de sensores ópticos cuasi distribuidos y distribuidos. En especial se ha profundizado en el uso y aplicación de las redes de Bragg (FBG) y de reflectómetros ópticos en el dominio del tiempo sensible a la fase (φ-OTDR). Los sensores de fibra óptica son especialmente interesantes para estas aplicaciones por sus ventajosas características como su inmunidad a interferencias electromagnéticas, capacidad de multiplexado, fiabilidad para trabajar en ambientes hostiles, altas temperaturas, altas presiones, ambientes salino-corrosivos, etc. Además, la fibra óptica no solo es un medio sensor sino que puede usarse como medio de transmisión. Se ha realizado un estudio del estado del arte y las ventajas que presentan los sensores ópticos puntuales, cuasi-distribuidos y distribuidos con respecto a los sensores convencionales. Se han estudiado y descrito los interrogadores de redes de Bragg y se ha desarrollado un método de calibración útil para los interrogadores existentes en el mercado, consiguiendo incertidumbres en la medida de la longitud de onda menores de ± 88 nm e incertidumbres relativas (la mas interesante en el campo de los sensores) menores de ±3 pm. Centrándose en la aplicación de las redes de Bragg en la industria del petróleo, se ha realizado un estudio en detalle del comportamiento que presentan las FBGs en un amplio rango de temperaturas de -40 ºC a 500 oC. Como resultado de este estudio se han evaluado las diferencias en los coeficientes de temperatura en diversos tramos de mas mismas, así como para diferentes recubrimientos protectores. En especial se ha encontrado y evaluado las diferencias de los diferentes recubrimientos en el intervalo de temperaturas entre -40 ºC y 60 ºC. En el caso del intervalo de altas temperaturas, entre 100 ºC y 500 ºC, se ha medido y comprobado el cambio uniforme del coeficiente de temperatura en 1pm/ºC por cada 100 ºC de aumento de temperatura, en redes independientemente del fabricante de las mismas. Se ha aplicado las FBG a la medición de manera no intrusiva de la presión interna en una tubería y a la medición del caudal de un fluido en una tubería, por la medida de diferencia de presión entre dos puntos de la misma. Además se ha realizado un estudio de detección de vibraciones en tuberías con fluidos. Finalmente, se ha implementado un sistema de detección distribuida de vibraciones aplicable a la detección de intrusos en las proximidades de los ductos, mediante un φ-OTDR. En este sistema se ha estudiado el efecto negativo de la inestabilidad de modulación que limita la detección de vibraciones distribuidas, su sensibilidad y su alcance. ABSTRACT This thesis describes the research work focused for the study and development of on optical fiber sensors for detecting pressure, flow and vibration in subsea pipes used in the extraction and transportation of hydrocarbons, in order to apply them in deepwater fields in the Gulf of Mexico belonging to the Mexican oil industry. The work has focused on the study and development of optical sensors distributed and quasi distributed. Especially was done on the use and application of fiber Bragg grating (FBG) and optical reflectometers time domain phase sensitive (φ-OTDR). The optical fiber sensors especially are interesting for these applications for their advantageous characteristics such as immunity to electromagnetic interference, multiplexing capability, reliability to work in harsh environments, high temperatures, high pressures, corrosive saline environments, etc. Furthermore, the optical fiber is not only a sensor means it can be used as transmission medium. We have performed a study of the state of the art and the advantages offered by optical sensors point, quasi-distributed and distributed over conventional sensors. Have studied and described interrogators Bragg grating and has developed a calibration method for interrogators useful for the existing interrogators in the market, resulting uncertainty in the measurement of the wavelength of less than ± 0.17 nm and uncertainties (the more interesting in the field of sensors) less than ± 3 pm. Focusing on the application of the Bragg gratings in the oil industry, has been studied in detail the behavior of the FBGs in a wide range of temperatures from -40 °C to 500 oC. As a result of this study we have evaluated the difference in temperature coefficients over various sections of the same, as well as different protective coatings. In particular evaluated and found the differences coatings in the range of temperatures between -40 º C and 60 º C. For the high temperature range between 20 ° C and 500 ° C, has been measured and verified the uniform change of the temperature coefficient at 1pm / ° C for each 100 ° C increase in temperature, in networks regardless of manufacturer thereof. FBG is applied to the non-intrusive measurement of internal pressure in a pipeline and measuring flow of a fluid in a pipe, by measuring the pressure difference between two points thereof. Therefore, has also made a study of detecting vibrations in pipes with fluids. Finally, we have implemented a distributed sensing system vibration applied to intrusion detection in the vicinity of the pipelines, by φ-OTDR. In this system we have studied the negative effect of modulation instability limits the distributed vibration detection, sensitivity and scope.