989 resultados para Nuclear localization


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Le cycle cellulaire est hautement régulé par la phosphorylation réversible de plusieurs effecteurs. La kinase dépendante des cyclines Cdk1 déclenche la mitose en induisant le bris de l’enveloppe nucléaire, la condensation des chromosomes et la formation du fuseau mitotique. Chez les animaux métazoaires, ces évènements sont contrés par la protéine phosphatase PP2A-B55, qui déphosphoryle plusieurs substrats de Cdk1. La kinase Greatwall (Gwl) est activée par le complexe cycline B-Cdk1 en début de mitose et induit ensuite l’inhibition de PP2A-B55 via Endos/Arpp19. Toutefois, les mécanismes moléculaires qui régulent Gwl sont encore peu connus. Nous avons montré que Gwl a une activité s’opposant à PP2A-B55, qui collabore avec la kinase Polo pour assurer l’attachement du centrosome au noyau et la progression du cycle cellulaire dans le syncytium de l’embryon de la drosophile. Ensuite, nous avons trouvé dans des cellules de drosophile que Gwl est localisée au noyau pendant l’interphase, mais qu’elle se relocalise au cytoplasme dès la prophase, avant le bris de l’enveloppe nucléaire. Nous avons montré que cette translocation de Gwl est cruciale pour sa fonction et qu’elle dépend de la phosphorylation de plusieurs résidus de la région centrale de Gwl par les kinases Polo et Cdk1. Cette région centrale contient également deux séquences de localisation nucléaire (respectivement NLS1 et NLS2). De plus, nos résultats suggèrent que la phosphorylation de Gwl par la kinase Polo promeut sa liaison avec la protéine 14-3-3ε, ce qui favorise la rétention cytoplasmique de Gwl. Le rôle de Cdk1 dans cette translocation reste quant à lui inconnu. De plus, nous avons montré que le complexe cycline B-Cdk1 entre dans le noyau avant que Gwl ne soit transportée dans le cytoplasme. Cdk1 pourrait donc activer Gwl et phosphoryler ses substrats nucléaires, à l’abri de PP2A-B55 qui est largement cytoplasmique. Gwl est ensuite exclue du noyau et relocalisée dans le cytoplasme afin d’induire l’inhibition de PP2A-B55. Cela permet de synchroniser les événements de phosphorylation se produisant dans le noyau et dans le cytoplasme. Fait intéressant, un mécanisme de régulation de la localisation de Gwl similaire à cela a été découvert chez l’humain et chez la levure, suggérant que ce mécanisme est conservé entre différentes espèces.


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RNA mediated gene silencing pathways are highly conserved among eukaryotes and they have been well investigated in animals and in plants. Longer dsRNA molecules trigger the silencing pathways: RNase III proteins and their dsRNA binding protein (dsRBP) partners recognize those molecules as a substrate and process 21 nucleotide long microRNAs (miRNAs) or small interfering RNAs (siRNAs). Some organisms encode RNA dependent RNA polymerases (RdRPs), which are able to expand the pool of existing siRNAs. Argonaute proteins are able to bind small regulatory RNAs and are subsequently recruited to target mRNAs by base complementary. This leads in turn to transcriptional or posttranscriptional silencing of respective genes. The Dictyostelium discoideum genome encodes two Dicer homologues (DrnA and DrnB), five Argonaute proteins (AgnA to AgnE) and three RdRPs (RrpA to RrpC). In addition, the amoeba is known to express miRNAs and siRNAs, while the latter derive mainly from the DIRS-1 retrotransposon. One part of this work focused on the miRNA biogenesis pathway of D. discoideum. It was shown that the dsRNA binding protein RbdB is a necessary component for miRNA processing in the amoeba. There were no mature miRNAs detectable by Northern blot analysis in rbdB- strains, which is also true for drnB mutants. Moreover, primary miRNA-transcripts (pri-miRNAs) accumulated in rbdB- and drnB- strains. Fluorescence microscopy studies showed a nuclear localization of RbdB. RbdB accumulated in distinct perinucleolar foci. These were reminiscent of plant dicing bodies that contain essential protein components for miRNA processing. It is well known that RNase III enzymes and dsRBPs work together during miRNA processing in higher eukaryotes. This work demonstrated that the same is true for members of the amoebozoa supergroup. In Arabidopsis the nuclear zinc finger protein Serrate (SE) is also necessary for miRNA processing. The D. discoideum homologue SrtA, however, is not relevant which has been shown by the analysis of the respective knockdown strain. MiRNAs are known to be differentially expressed in several RNAi knockout strains. The accumulation of miRNAs in agnA- strains and a strong decrease in rbdB- strains were criteria that could thus be successfully used (among others) to identify and validate new miRNAs candidates by Illumina®-RNA sequencing. In another part of this study, the silencing and amplification of the DIRS-1 retrotransposons was analyzed in more detail. It was already known that DIRS-1 transcripts and extrachromosomal DIRS-1 DNA molecules accumulated in agnA- strains. This phenotype was correlated with the loss of endogenous DIRS-1 siRNAs in the knockout strain. By deep sequencing analysis of small RNAs from the AX2 wild type and the agnA- strain, the strong decrease of endogenous DIRS-1 siRNAs in the mutant strain (accounting for 70 %) could be confirmed. Further analysis of the data revealed an unequal distribution of DIRS-1 derived siRNAs along the retroelement in the wild type strain, since only very few of them matched the inverted terminal repeats (ITRs) and the 5’- half of the first open reading frame (ORF). Besides, sense and antisense siRNAs were asymmetrically distributed, as well. By using different reporter constructs it was shown indirectly that AgnA is necessary for the RrpC mediated production of secondary DIRS-1 siRNAs. These analyses also demonstrated an amplification of siRNAs in 5’- and in 3’-direction. Further analysis of the agnA- strain revealed that not only DIRS-1 sense transcripts but also ORF2 and ORF3 encoded proteins were enriched. In contrast, the ORF1 encoded protein GAG was equally expressed in the mutant and the wild type. This might reflect the unequal distribution of endogenous DIRS-1 siRNAs along the retrotransposon. Southern Blot and PCR-analyses showed that extrachromosomal DIRS-1 DNA molecules are present in the cytoplasm of angA- strains and that they are complementary to sense transcripts of intact DIRS-1 elements. Thus, the extrachromosomal DIRS-1 intermediates are likely incomplete cDNA molecules generated by the DIRS-1 encoded reverse transcriptase. One could hypothesize that virus like particles (VLPs) are the places of DIRS-1 cDNA synthesis. At least, DIRS-1 GAG proteins interact and fluorescence microscopy studies showed that they localize in distinct cytoplasmic foci which accumulate in close proximity to the nuclei.


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Immunoregulatory cytokine interleukin-10 (IL-10) is elevated in sera from patients with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) correlating with disease activity. The established association of IL10 with SLE and other autoimmune diseases led us to fine map causal variant(s) and to explore underlying mechanisms. We assessed 19 tag SNPs, covering the IL10 gene cluster including IL19, IL20 and IL24, for association with SLE in 15,533 case and control subjects from four ancestries. The previously reported IL10 variant, rs3024505 located at 1 kb downstream of IL10, exhibited the strongest association signal and was confirmed for association with SLE in European American (EA) (P = 2.7×10−8, OR = 1.30), but not in non-EA ancestries. SNP imputation conducted in EA dataset identified three additional SLE-associated SNPs tagged by rs3024505 (rs3122605, rs3024493 and rs3024495 located at 9.2 kb upstream, intron 3 and 4 of IL10, respectively), and SLE-risk alleles of these SNPs were dose-dependently associated with elevated levels of IL10 mRNA in PBMCs and circulating IL-10 protein in SLE patients and controls. Using nuclear extracts of peripheral blood cells from SLE patients for electrophoretic mobility shift assays, we identified specific binding of transcription factor Elk-1 to oligodeoxynucleotides containing the risk (G) allele of rs3122605, suggesting rs3122605 as the most likely causal variant regulating IL10 expression. Elk-1 is known to be activated by phosphorylation and nuclear localization to induce transcription. Of interest, phosphorylated Elk-1 (p-Elk-1) detected only in nuclear extracts of SLE PBMCs appeared to increase with disease activity. Co-expression levels of p-Elk-1 and IL-10 were elevated in SLE T, B cells and monocytes, associated with increased disease activity in SLE B cells, and were best downregulated by ERK inhibitor. Taken together, our data suggest that preferential binding of activated Elk-1 to the IL10 rs3122605-G allele upregulates IL10 expression and confers increased risk for SLE in European Americans.


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Ribonucleases are promising agents for use in anticancer therapy. Among the different ribonucleases described to be cytotoxic, a paradigmatic example is onconase which manifests cytotoxic and cytostatic effects, presents synergism with several kinds of anticancer drugs and is currently in phase II/III of its clinical trial as an anticancer drug against different types of cancer. The mechanism of cytotoxicity of PE5, a variant of human pancreatic ribonuclease carrying a nuclear localization signal, has been investigated and compared to that of onconase. Methods: Cytotoxicity was measured by the MTT method and by the tripan blue exclusion assay. Apoptosis was assessed by flow cytometry, caspase enzymatic detection and confocal microscopy. Cell cycle phase analysis was performed by flow cytometry. The expression of different proteins was analyzed by western blot.n Results: We show that the cytotoxicity of PE5 is produced through apoptosis, that it does not require the proapoptotic activity of p53 and is not prevented by the multiple drug resistance phenotype. We also show that PE5 and onconase induce cell death at the same extent although the latter is also able to arrest the cell growth. We have compared the cytotoxic effects of both ribonucleases in the NCI/ADR-RES cell line by measuring their effects on the cell cycle, on the activation of different caspases and on the expression of different apoptosis- and cell cycle-related proteins. PE5 increases the number of cells in S and G2/M cell cycle phases, which is accompanied by the increased expression of cyclin E and p21WAF1/CIP1 together with the underphosphorylation of p46 forms of JNK. Citotoxicity of onconase in this cell line does not alter the cell cycle phase distribution and it is accompanied by a decreased expression of XIAP. Conclusions: We conclude that PE5 kills the cells through apoptosis associated with the p21WAF1/CIP1 induction and the inactivation of JNK. This mechanism is significantly different from that found for onconase


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En aquesta tesi s'han estudiat les propietats antitumorals d'una variant de la ribonucleasa pancreàtica humana anomenada PE5 que incorpora un senyal de localització nuclear. Aquest estudi mostra que PE5 indueix l'apoptosi de les cèl·lules tractades i que aquesta mort és independent de l'activitat de p53. A més, l'efecte citotòxic no es veu afectat per un fenotip de resistència a múltiples drogues. Les dades també mostren que l'activitat citotòxica de PE5 és selectiva per a cèl·lules tumorals in vitro i que la capacitat citotòxica de les dues ribonucleases és semblant. S'ha estudiat l'efecte d'aquestes dues ribonucleases sobre el cicle cel·lular, l'activació de diferents caspases i l'expressió de proteïnes relacionades amb l'apoptosi i el cicle cel·lular. Els resultats indiquen que PE5 i l'onconasa maten les cèl·lules a través de mecanismes diferents. A més, PE5 però no l'onconasa, redueix l'acumulació de glicoproteïna-P en dues línies cel·lulars resistents a múltiples drogues.


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En aquesta tesi s'ha caracteritzat la ruta d'internalització de l'onconasa, una RNasa citotòxica. Els resultats indiquen que l'onconasa entra a les cèl·lules per la via dependent de clatrina i del complex AP-2. Seguidament es dirigeix als endosomes de reciclatge i es a través d'aquesta ruta que la proteïna exerceix la citotoxicitat. Per altra banda, els resultats d'aquest treball demostren que PE5, una variant citotòxica de la ribonucleasa pancreàtica humana (HP-RNasa), interacciona amb la importina  mitjançant diferents residus que tot i que no són seqüencials, es troben propers en l'estructura tridimensional d'aquesta proteïna. PM8 és una HP-RNasa amb estructura cristal·logràfica dimèrica constituïda per intercanvi de dominis N-terminals. En aquesta tesi s'han establert les condicions per estabilitzar aquest dimer en solució i també es proposa un mecanisme per la dimerització.


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CSRP3 or muscle LIM protein (MLP) is a nucleocytoplasmic shuttling protein and a mechanosensor in cardiac myocytes. MLP regulation and function was studied in cultured neonatal rat myocytes treated with pharmacological or mechanical stimuli. Either verapamil or BDM decreased nuclear MLP while phenylephrine and cyclic strain increased it. These results suggest that myocyte contractility regulates MLP subcellular localization. When RNA polymerase II was inhibited with alpha-amanitin, nuclear MLP was reduced by 30%. However, when both RNA polymerase I and II were inhibited with actinomycin D, there was a 90% decrease in nuclear MLP suggesting that its nuclear translocation is regulated by both nuclear and nucleolar transcriptional activity. Using cell permeable synthetic peptides containing the putative nuclear localization signal (NLS) of MLP, nuclear import of the protein in cultured rat neonatal myocytes was inhibited. The NLS of MLP also localizes to the nucleolus. Inhibition of nuclear translocation prevented the increased protein accumulation in response to phenylephrine. Furthermore, cyclic strain of myocytes after prior NLS treatment to remove nuclear MLP resulted in disarrayed sarcomeres. Increased protein synthesis and brain natriuretic peptide expression were also prevented suggesting that MLP is required for remodeling of the myo filaments and gene expression. These findings suggest that nucleocytoplasmic shuttling MLP plays an important role in the regulation of the myocyte remodeling and hypertrophy and is required for adaptation to hypertrophic stimuli. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Unlike nuclear localization signals, there is no obvious consensus sequence for the targeting of proteins to the nucleolus. The nucleolus is a dynamic subnuclear structure which is crucial to the normal operation of the eukaryotic cell. Studying nucleolar trafficking signals is problematic as many nucleolar retention signals (NoRSs) are part of classical nuclear localization signals (NLSs). In addition, there is no known consensus signal with which to inform a study. The avian infectious bronchitis virus (IBV), coronavirus nucleocapsid (N) protein, localizes to the cytoplasm and the nucleolus. Mutagenesis was used to delineate a novel eight amino acid motif that was necessary and sufficient for nucleolar retention of N protein and colocalize with nucleolin and fibrillarin. Additionally, a classical nuclear export signal (NES) functioned to direct N protein to the cytoplasm. Comparison of the coronavirus NoRSs with known cellular and other viral NoRSs revealed that these motifs have conserved arginine residues. Molecular modelling, using the solution structure of severe acute respiratory (SARS) coronavirus N-protein, revealed that this motif is available for interaction with cellular factors which may mediate nucleolar localization. We hypothesise that the N-protein uses these signals to traffic to and from the nucleolus and the cytoplasm.


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Gene compensation by members of the myogenic regulatory factor (MRF) family has been proposed to explain the apparent normal adult phenotype of MyoD(-/-) mice. Nerve and field stimulation were used to investigate contraction properties of muscle from MyoD(-/-) mice, and molecular approaches were used to investigate satellite-cell behavior. We demonstrate that MyoD deletion results in major alterations in the organization of the neuromuscular junction, which have a dramatic influence on the physiological contractile properties of skeletal muscle. Second, we show that the lineage progression of satellite cells (especially initial proliferation) in the absence of MyoD is abnormal and linked to perturbations in the nuclear localization of beta-catenin, a key readout of canonical Wnt signaling. These results show that MyoD has unique functions in both developing and adult skeletal muscle that are not carried out by other members of the MRF family.


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In unstimulated cells, proteins of the nuclear factor kappaB (NF-kappaB) transcription factor family are sequestered in the cytoplasm through interactions with IkappaB inhibitor proteins. Tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-alpha) activates the degradation of IkappaB-alpha and the nuclear import of cytoplasmic NF-kappaB. Nuclear localization of numerous cellular proteins is mediated by the ability of the cytoskeleton, usually microtubules, to direct their perinuclear accumulation. In a former study we have shown that activated NF-kappaB rapidly moves from distal processes in neurons towards the nucleus. The fast transport rate suggests the involvement of motor proteins in the transport of NF-kappaB. Here we address the question how NF-kappaB arrives at the nuclear membrane before import in non-neuronal cells, i.e., by diffusion alone or with the help of active transport mechanisms. Using confocal microscopy imaging and analysis of nuclear protein extracts, we show that NF-kappaB movement through the cytoplasm to the nucleus is independent of the cytoskeleton, in the three cell lines investigated here. Additionally we demonstrate that NF-kappaB p65 is not associated with the dynein/dynactin molecular motor complex. We propose that cells utilize two distinct mechanisms of NF-kappaB transport: (1) signaling via diffusion over short distances in non-neuronal cells and (2) transport via motor proteins that move along the cytoskeleton in neuronal processes where the distances between sites of NF-kappaB activation and nucleus can be vast.


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Background Long-term changes in synaptic plasticity require gene transcription, indicating that signals generated at the synapse must be transported to the nucleus. Synaptic activation of hippocampal neurons is known to trigger retrograde transport of transcription factor NF-κB. Transcription factors of the NF-κB family are widely expressed in the nervous system and regulate expression of several genes involved in neuroplasticity, cell survival, learning and memory. Principal Findings In this study, we examine the role of the dynein/dynactin motor complex in the cellular mechanism targeting and transporting activated NF-κB to the nucleus in response to synaptic stimulation. We demonstrate that overexpression of dynamitin, which is known to dissociate dynein from microtubules, and treatment with microtubule-disrupting drugs inhibits nuclear accumulation of NF-κB p65 and reduces NF-κB-dependent transcription activity. In this line, we show that p65 is associated with components of the dynein/dynactin complex in vivo and in vitro and that the nuclear localization sequence (NLS) within NF-κB p65 is essential for this binding. Conclusion This study shows the molecular mechanism for the retrograde transport of activated NF-κB from distant synaptic sites towards the nucleus.


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We analysed Hordeum spontaneum accessions from 21 different locations to understand the genetic diversity of HsDhn3 alleles and effects of single base mutations on the intrinsically disordered structure of the resulting polypeptide (HsDHN3). HsDHN3 was found to be YSK2-type with a low-frequency 6-aa deletion in the beginning of Exon 1. There is relatively high diversity in the intron region of HsDhn3 compared to the two exon regions. We have found subtle differences in K segments led to changes in amino acids chemical properties. Predictions for protein interaction profiles suggest the presence of a protein-binding site in HsDHN3 that coincides with the K1 segment. Comparison of DHN3 to closely related cereals showed that all of them contain a nuclear localization signal sequence flanking to the K1 segment and a novel conserved region located between the S and K1 segments [E(D/T)DGMGGR]. We found that H. vulgare, H. spontaneum, and Triticum urartu DHN3s have a greater number of phosphorylation sites for protein kinase C than other cereal species, which may be related to stress adaptation. Our results show that the nature and extent of mutations in the conserved segments of K1 and K2 are likely to be key factors in protection of cells.


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P>A cDNA encoding a small lysine-rich protein of unknown function was identified in a tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) stigma/style suppression subtractive hybridization cDNA library. After its characterization, the corresponding gene was designated stigma/style cell cycle inhibitor 1 (SCI1). Fluorescence microscopy with an SCI1-GFP protein fusion demonstrated its nuclear localization, which was confined to the interchromatic region. Real-time RT-PCR and in situ hybridization experiments showed that SCI1 is stigma/style-specific and developmentally regulated. SCI1 RNAi knockdown and overexpression plants had stigmas/styles with remarkably enlarged and reduced areas, respectively, which was attributable to differences in cell numbers. These results indicate that SCI1 is a tissue-specific negative cell cycle regulator. The differences in cell division had an effect on the timing of the differentiation of the stigmatic papillar cells, suggesting that their differentiation is coupled to stigma cell divisions. This is consistent with a role for SCI1 in triggering differentiation through cell proliferation control. Our results revealed that SCI1 is a novel tissue-specific gene that controls cell proliferation/differentiation, probably as a component of a developmental signal transduction pathway.


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The human ZC3H14 gene encodes an evolutionarily conserved Cys(3)His zinc finger protein that binds specifically to polyadenosine RNA and is thus postulated to modulate post-transcriptional gene expression. Expressed sequence tag (EST) data predicts multiple splice variants of both human and mouse ZC3H14. Analysis of ZC3H14 expression in both human cell lines and mouse tissues confirms the presence of multiple alternatively spliced transcripts. Although all of these transcripts encode protein isoforms that contain the conserved C-terminal zinc finger domain, suggesting that they could all bind to polyadenosine RNA, they differ in other functionally important domains. Most of the alternative transcripts encode closely related proteins (termed isoforms 1, 2. 3, and 3short) that differ primarily in the inclusion of three small exons, 9, 10, and 11, resulting in predicted protein isoforms ranging from 82 to 64 kDa. Each of these closely related isoforms contains predicted classical nuclear localization signals (cNLS) within exons 7 and 11. Consistent with the presence of these putative nuclear targeting signals, these ZC3H14 isoforms are all localized to the nucleus. In contrast, an additional transcript encodes a smaller protein (34 kDa) with an alternative first exon (isoform, 4). Consistent with the absence of the predicted cNLS motifs located in exons 7 and 11, ZC3H14 isoform 4 is localized to the cytoplasm. Both EST data and experimental data suggest that this variant is enriched in testes and brain. Using an antibody that detects endogenous ZC3H14 isoforms 1-3 reveals localization of these isoforms to nuclear speckles. These speckles co-localize with the splicing factor, SC35, suggesting a role for nuclear ZC3H14 in mRNA processing. Taken together, these results demonstrate that multiple transcripts encoding several ZC3H14 isoforms exist in vivo. Both nuclear and cytoplasmic ZC3H14 isoforms could have distinct effects on gene expression mediated by the common Cys(3)His zinc finger polyadenosine RNA binding domain. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Importin-alpha is the nuclear import receptor that recognizes cargo proteins with nuclear localization sequences (NLSs). Tile study of NLS peptidomimetics can provide a better understanding of the requirements for the molecular recognition of cargo proteins by importin-alpha, and potentially engender a large number of applications in medicine. Importin-a was crystallized with a set of six NLS peptidomimetics, and X-ray diffraction data were collected in the range 2.1-2.5 angstrom resolution. Preliminary electron density calculations show that the ligands are present in the crystals. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V All rights reserved.