993 resultados para Novalis, 1772-1801.
La corvina (Argyrosomus regius) es un teleósteo de la familia Scianidae, que en los últimos años ha despertado un gran interés en acuicultura por su rápido crecimiento y la calidad de su carne. A su vez, se trata de una de las especies denominadas ?nuevas? que no pertenecen a la familia de los espáridos, y permite diversificar la oferta de la piscicultura marina. Las primeras aportaciones al estudio histológico del desarrollo larvario de esta especie fueron realizados por Jiménez et al. (2007). El presente trabajo incrementa la información existente, durante los dos primeros meses de vida de esta especie, lo que permitirá optimizar el cultivo larvario. Para ello se analiza la relación entre el desarrollo de sistema digestivo, la vejiga natatoria y el sistema visual. Los resultado demuestran que la corvina es una especie de rápido desarrollo y muy susceptible a las condiciones de cultivo durante su fase larvaria, condicionando éstas su crecimiento. A su vez el presente estudio ratifica que las características morfológicas y la organogénesis están directamente relacionadas con la longitud de la larva, independientemente de la edad de la misma.
Effect of larval density and feeding sequence on meagre (Argyrosomus regius Asso, 1801) larval rearing during the first month of life. In the present work two comparative studies of the effect of larval density and feeding sequence were performed. For such, two initial larval densities, 50 larvae.l-1 and 100 larvae.l-1 were established. In each density three feeding sequences were tested, applying different combinations of rotifers (Brachionus sp.) and Artemia sp. at different larval ages. After 30dah, standard length, dry weight and final survival were determined. Final survival was affected by initial larval density and feeding sequence. Lower density promotes better growth in dry weight and standard length for all the feeding sequences tested. In addition, feeding sequences affects larval growth and survival. Best result in survival (62,81±4,77%) were obtained with high larval density and T2 feeding sequence.
[EN] Argyrosomus regius is a new species of interest in aquaculture. Nevertheless, few are the works published on this species and less even in larvae culture and weaning. In this study 2 experiments were done, in tanks of 15 l, with larvae of 15 and 34 days of life, respectively to which 2 different protocols for their weaning were applied. The provided food consisted of a mixture of Artemia and microdiet to different concentration. In experiment A, the best results of growth were observed in treatment 1 and worse in treatment 3, nevertheless in the survival the opposite happened. In experiment B, the best results they were reached with larvae submitted to low density and with significant difference between treatment 1 and 2, in survival no significant differences were found between the different treatments.
[EN]Meagre, Argyrosomus regius A., is a new species for aquaculture in south Atlantic and Mediterranean regions, that can reach a mean fresh weight of 8.02±2.51g. at 95dah. However, hatchery techniques must be improved to optimize culture performance and larval quality. Eggs of meagre were cultured under intensive (75 indv.l-1 in 2m3 tanks) and semi-intensive system (7.5 indv.l-1 in 40m3 tanks) to evaluate the effect of the intensification on biological features, stress resistance and skeletal deformities. At 30dah, despite in semi-intensive system reared larvae a higher total length (19.08± 2.3mm vs 16.00±1.54mm), dry body weight (13.09± 2.43mg vs 6.46±0.52mg), and survival after the activity test (75.0± 13.8% vs 53.3±11.5%) was found, the use of intensive systems were also very suitable and cost-effective for larval rearing of this species
Wissenschaftler und Verwaltungsmann zugleich - Albrecht von Haller und die Viehseuchenpolizei (1772)
Objectives: We compare the dose parameters between 3 different radiosurgery delivery techniques which may have an impact on cochlea function. Methods: Five patients with unilateral vestibular schwannoma (VS) were selected for this study. Planning procedure was carried out using the BrainLAB® iPlan planning system v. 4.5. For each patient three different planning techniques were used: dynamic arc (DA) with 5 arcs per plan, hybrid arc (HA) with 5 arcs per plan and IMRT with 8 fields per plan. For each technique, two plans were generated with different methods: with the first method (PTV coverage) it was the goal to fully cover the PTV with at least 12 Gy (normalization: 12 Gy covered 99% of the PTV) and with the second method (cochlea sparing) it was the goal to spare the cochlea (normalization: 12 Gy covers 50% of the PTV/V4Gy of cochlea lower than 1%). Plan evaluation was done considering target volume and coverage (conformity and homogeneity) and OAR constraints (mean (Dmean) and maximum dose (Dmax) to cochlea, Dmax to brainstem and cochlea). The total number of monitor units (MU) was analyzed. Results: The median tumor volume was 0.95 cm³ (range, 0.86-3 cm³). The median PTV was 1.44 cm³ (range, 1-3.5 cm³). The median distance between the tumor and the cochlea's modiulus was 2.7 mm (range, 1.8-6.3 mm). For the PTV coverage method, when we compared the cochlear dose in VS patients planned with DA, HA and IMRT, there were no significant differences in Dmax (p = 0.872) and in Dmean (p= 0.860). We found a significant correlation (p< 0.05) between the target volume and the cochlear Dmean for all plans with Pearson's coefficient correlation of 0.90, 0.92 and 0.94 for the DA, HA and IMRT techniques, respectively. For the cochlea sparing method, when we compared the cochlear dose in VS patients planned with DA, HA and IMRT, there were no significant differences in Dmax (p = 0.310) and in Dmean (p= 0.275). However, in this group the V4Gy of the ipsilateral cochlea represents less than 1%. When using the HA or IMRT technique, the homogeneity and conformity in the PTV, but also the number of MUs were increased in comparison to the DA technique. Conclusion: VS tumors that extend distally into the IAC had an equivalent sparing of cochlea with DA approach compared with the HA and IMRT techniques. Disclosure: No significant relationships.
Im vorliegenden Essay wird eine Lesart des viel diskutierten Paris-Berichts von Rifāʿa aṭ-Ṭahṭāwī vorgestellt. Kontrastierend zu der Annahme, Ṭahṭāwī habe eine Reise aus einer Kultur in eine andere unternommen, soll hier dargelegt werden, wie sich aus dem Text des Ägypters ein eigenes Kulturverständnis erschließen lässt. Besonders Ṭahṭāwīs Bemühungen um die Übersetzung des französischen Begriffs 'civilisation' deuten auf ein plurales Verständnis von 'Kultur'. Denn im Text lassen sich diejenigen Dimensionen des Begriffs 'Kultur' finden, die auch aus der europäischen Geistesgeschichte rekonstruiert werden können: Kultur als bestimmter Lebensstil, als Prozessbegriff zur Beschreibung gesellschaftlicher Entwicklung und als kreative oder künstlerische Aktivität.