993 resultados para North-Baltic Sea


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The fluffy layer was sampled repeatedly during nine expeditions between October 1996 and December 1998 at four stations situated along a S-N-transect from the Oder Estuary to the Arkona Basin. Geochemical and mineralogical analyses of the fluff show regional differences (trends) in composition, attributed to provenance and to hydrographical conditions along their transport pathways. Temporal variability is very high at the shallow water station of the estuary, and decreases towards the deeper stations in the north. In the shallow water area, intensive resuspension of the fluff due to wind-driven waves and currents leads to an average residence time of only one to two days. Near-bottom lateral transport of the fluff is the main process that transfers the fine grained material, containing both nutrients and contaminants, from the coastal zone into the deeper basins of the Baltic Sea. Seasonal effects (e.g. biogenic production in relation to trace metal variation) are observed at the Tromper Wiek station, where the residence time of the fluffy material is in the scale of seasons. Thus, the fluffy layer offers suitable material for environmental monitoring programs.


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The collection of ferromanganese nodules at Naturhistoriska Riksmuseet, Stockholm, Sweden has been donated by Pr. Boström, K. and Ingri, J. from the Technical University of Lulea. They have been collected in the Bothnia Gulf, the Baltic Sea anfd the Barents sea from 1976 until 1985. In 1997 it is was put to the care custody of the Laboratory for Isotope Geology (LIG) of NRM. As part of the Access Project at LIG, Curt Boman has gone through the collection and established a database with detailed information about the samples it contains. Ferromanganese nodules typically display a rounded shape and are formed by redox processes at the interface between the seabed sediment and water. In addition to iron and manganese they also contain other metal elements. Nodules chemical composition reflects the substances found in the sediment to which they are associated. Since the nodules grow continuously, they reflect changes in the sedimentary environment chemistry on a yearly basis, which makes them very interesting as environmental archives. The nodules can be found locally in large quantities and due to their metal content they are also economically interesting as a source of raw materials.


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Ferromanganese concretions cover large areas of the Gulf of Bothnia. They are flat to well-rounded, the rounded ones being richer in oxyhydroxides of iron and manganese. Rounded and ellipsoidal nodules, particularly those in the northern Gulf of Bothnia, are richest in Mn, Ni, Ba and Cu, which probably coexist in a Mn oxyhydroxide phase. Flat nodules are enriched in Fe, P, rare earths and As, probably associated with an Fe oxy-hydroxide component. Aluminum, V, Cr and Ti occur in still another phase. The sediments of the gulf generally consist of a 10-50 mm-thick layer of oxidized surface sediment, enriched in Mn, Ba, P and Ni lying on top of reduced sediments which are diagenetically depleted in these elements. The remobilized elements have redeposited in the nodules, but this process cannot explain the origin of all the nodular material. Some released Mn, Ba and Ni furthermore enter into suspended phases, which eventually leave the Baltic Sea. The economic value of the nodules in the Gulf of Bothnia is probably limited at present.


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The distribution of methane and hydrogen sulfide concentrations in sediments of various basins of the Baltic Sea was investigated during 4 cruises in 1995 and 1996. Significant differences in the concentrations of both compounds were recorded between the basins and also between different areas within the Gotland Deep. High-methane sediments with distinctly increasing concentrations from the surface to deeper layers were distinguished from low-methane sediments without a clear gradient. Methane concentrations exhibited a fair correlation with the sediment accumulation rate, determined by measuring the total thickness of the post-Ancylus Holocene sequence on echosounding profiles in the Gotland Deep. Only weak correlations were observed with the content of organic matter in the surface layers of the sediments. Hydrogen sulfide concentrations in the sediments showed a positive correlation with methane concentrations, but, in contrast to methane concentrations, were strongly influenced by the transition from oxic to anoxic conditions in the water column between 1995 and 1996. Sediments in the deepest part of the Gotland Basin (>237 m water depth), covering an area of approximately 35 km**2, were characterized by especially high accumulation rates (>70 cm/ka) and high methane and hydrogen sulfide contents. Concentrations of these compounds decreased rapidly towards the slope of the basin.


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Sediment cores, mainly push-box samples, from a channel system of the Kiel Bay are described. The channel system, of glacial and fluviatile origin, is important for the distribution of heavy, salt-rich water entering from the North Sea through the Great Belt, Sediment erosion and transport in the channels is due entirely to currents, because the bottom lies too deep for wave action. The sediments of these channels proude information about current velocities and their frequencies. Grain-size, minor sediment structures and thickness of the sediments vary remarkably. Nevertheless, for those parts of the channels where stronger currents occur, some typical features can be shown. These include: small thickness of the marine sediments, erosional effects upon the underlying sediments, and poor sorting of the sediments, whereby fine and coarse fractions are mixed very intensively. Besides strong currents which effect the bottom configuration and deposits in the Fehmarn Belt, there must exist longer periods of low current action upon the bottom, although current measurements show that current velocities higher than 50 cm/sec at some meters above the bottom occur frequently during the year. In the channel to the west of the southern mouth of Great Belt, coarse sediments were found only in elongate, deep throughs within the channels. This is believed to be due to an acceleration of the entering tongues of heavy water as they flow downslope into the throughs. Minor structures of two sediment cores were made visible by X-ray photographs. These showed that the mixing of sand and clayey material is due partly to bottom organisms and that the mud, which appears 'homogeneous' to the bare eye, is built up of fine wavy laminae which are also partly destroyed by boring animals. At another location in the channel system, there was found a thin finegrained layer of marine sediment resting upon peat. Palynological dating of the peat shows that very little older sediment could have been eroded. The current velocities, therefore, must be too low for the movement of coarse material and erosion, but too high to allow the Sedimentation of a lot of fine-grained material.


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Density and diversity of bottom fauna population as dependent on sediment types and water depth is largely well known in Kiel Bay. This is in contrast to structures and processes of bioturbation, although generally it has a big influence on the benthic boundary layer and its processes, e.g., the metabolism of the bottom fauna, the mechanical properties, the age dating, and the large field of chemical processes. In the densely inhabited sands and muddy sands of the shallower waters with sediment thicknesses of some decimeters only, bioturbation is usually ubiquitous, and most of the structures left are monotonously of "biodeformational" character. At greater water depths, however, where a sedimentary column of several meters of Holocene is developed, the X-ray radiographs of numerous sediment cores show heterogeneous biogenic structures with regional and stratigraphical differentiation. They are described in terms of ichnofabrics and are interpreted on ethological knowledge of the related macrobenthos species. lmportant organisms creating specific traces include the bivalve Arctica (Cyprina) islandica and the polychaete worm Pectinaria koreni. These species are abundant in Kiel Bay and produce by their crawling-plowing mode of locomotion, a characteristic biogenic stratification, the "plow-sole structure". Other typical biogenic structures are tube traces, which are left by a number of different polychaetes occurring either singly, or as U-pairs mainly in mud sediments. Although sea urchins are rare to absent in Kiel Bay, layers of their characteristic traces Scolicia occur as witness of paleohydrographic events in channel sediments of the central bay. Plow-sole traces, polychaete-tube ichnofabric, Scolicia layers and alternations of laminated and bioturbated layers are considered as building blocks of a future "ichnostratigraphy" of Kiel Bay.


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The Baltic Sea is the largest brackish water area of the world. On the basis of the data from 16 cruises, we show the seasonal and vertical distribution patterns of the appendicularians Fritillaria borealis, Oikopleura dioica and the cyclopoid copepod Oithona similis, in the highly stratified Bornholm Basin. These species live at least temporarily below the permanent halocline and use different life strategies to cope with the brackish environment. The cold-water species F. borealis is abundant in the upper layers of the water column before the thermocline develops. With the formation of the thermocline abundance decreases and the specimens outlast higher temperatures below the halocline. Distribution and strategy suggest that F. borealis might be a glacial relict species in the Baltic Sea. Although Oikopleura dioica is only abundant during summer, O. similis is present all year round. Both species have in common that their vertical distribution is restricted to the waters below the halocline, most likely due to their requirements of higher salinities. We argue that the observed strategies are determined by ecophysiological constraints and life history traits. These species share an omnivorous feeding behaviour and the capability to utilise a spectra of small particles as food. As phytoplankton concentration is negligible below the halocline, we suggest that these species feed on organic material and heterotrophic organisms that accumulate in the density gradient of the halocline. Therefore, the deep haline waters in the Baltic Sea represent a habitat providing shelter from predation and food supply for adapted species that allows them to gather sufficient resources and to maintain populations.


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Results of radiocarbon dating of bottom sediments from the Baltic Sea are presented for four areas investigated during Cruises 16 and 26A of R/V Akademik Kurchatov. The dating was based mainly on organic matter from the sediments. At marine Holocene stage sedimentation rate was 0.2-1.0 mm/yr, with a sharp increase at the Sub-Atlantic Holocene phase. Considerable re-deposited sediment strata present in deep-water troughs. Material from bottom deposits of the stage of glacier-associated Baltic lakes, inherited from moraine deposits according to radiocarbon dating, represents sediments from a basin that existed at the site of the present-day Baltic Sea in the second half of Middle Würm and re-worked by a glacier.


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An automated system is described for collecting and processing information from radiometric devices used in determination of isotopic age and sedimentation rate by radiocarbon and lead-210 methods. The system is used in a day-and-night continuous measuring mode, with six radiocarbon liquid counters and two low-background beta-counters. Examples are given of use of the system to determine average sedimentation rates in the Baltic Sea.


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Recent sediment cores of the western Baltic Sea were analyzed for heavy metal and carbon isotope contents. The sedimentation rate was determined from radiocarbon dates to be 1.4 mm/yr. The 'recent age' of the sediment was about 850 yr. Within the upper 20 cm of sediment, certain heavy metals became increasingly enriched towards the surface; Cd, Pb, Zn and Cu increased 7-, 4-, 3- and 2-fold, respectively, whereas Fe, Mn, Ni and Co remained unchanged. Simultaneously, the radiocarbon content decreased by about 14 per cent. The enrichment in heavy metals as well as the decrease in the 14C-concentration during the last 130 ± 30yr parallels industrial growth as reflected in European fossil fuel consumption within that same period of time. The near-surface sediments are affected by residues released from fossil fuels at the rate of about 30 g/m**2 yr for the past two decades. The residues have a pronounced effect on the heavy metal and carbon isotope composition of the most Recent sediments allowing estimates to be made for sedimentation, erosion and heavy metal pollution.


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The main question, posed in the work scheme before laboratory analysis was started, was expressed as follows: Do marked seasonal fluctuations occur in trace element content of the sediment surface, and what are the probable influences of factors such as changing hydrographical parameters, plankton sequence etc. ? Special attention was paid to elements known as pollutants, for example mercury. Within this framework samples have been analysed for their contents of manganese, iron, zinc, lead, and mercury. The amounts of silica and organically-bound carbon serve in most cases as reference values for the trace element content. On sand temporary conditions of increased C org content raise the concentrations of all determined elements. Especially the values reached for mercury in July are worth nothing. It is concluded that Zn, Pb, and Hg tend to enrich with respect to C org as the decomposition of organic matter progresses. On mud-sand flocculation and precipitation of Mn/Fe-hydroxides probably represent an additional concentrating factor for the other elements as the relationship of the results for zinc and manganese shows. Manganese may indicate a seasonally related concentrating cycle at the sediment surface.


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The Great Belt, the largest inlet to the Baltic Sea, has a deep and well defined channel system. A distinct thermohaline layer at roughly 18 to 20 m of water depth separates the saltier and generally cooler deeper North Sea water from the brackish and warmer surface water. It is practically a current dominated area, with the strongest bottom currents due to prolonged west winds. The size and shape of the surface sediments and their grain size distributions show a close relationship with the prevailing hydrographical conditions. Southerly current marks predominate while northerly directions are confined to 10 to 14 m of water depth. The degree of bioturbation is highest in the uppermost sedimentary cover where practically all original stratification has been destroyed. Various bioturbate structures have been identified with the fauna. Coiling ratios of Ammonia beccarii (Linnaeus) have been successfully applied for correlation in the postglacial sediments of the early Littorina Transgression. The succession shows that in the Boreal brackish water conditions were probably followed by peat and limnic sediments as the sea regressed. With the Littorina Transgression, the sea again entered the area and high sedimentation rates resulted in the major deposits of the Great Belt. At least for the last 4000 years, sedimentation rates had been very low. Present day currents sweep out the sediments, mainly to the southern marginal areas.


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In the Tromper Wiek northeast of Rügen, acoustical investigations using Air Gun, Boomer, Chirp Sonar and Sediment-Echosounder were carried out. Together with sediment core information, it allowed the identification of five seismostratigraphic units (E1 to E5). Conventional and AMS-14C-datings supported their chronostratigraphical classification. The uppermost till (E1) was incised by late glacial channels filled with glaciolacustrine sediments (E2) of the early Baltic Ice Lake stages. These were regionally overlain with a sharp unconformity by a thick (locally >20 m) sedimentary complex (E3) of acoustically laminated silts of freshwater origin. This lower part of the E3-complex (E3a) is overlain by fluvial to coastal silty fine sands (E3b) deeper towards the Arkona Basin. Fine plant debris in the uppermost part of sub-unit E3a yielded ages of 10,100 and 10,500 14C-years B.P., representing the final phase of the Baltic Ice Lake. The fine sands of sub-unit E3b were deposited after the final drainage of the Baltic Ice Lake. In the shallower central part of the bay, the silts of sub-unit E3a were covered by a younger unit (E4) of fine sand with plant debris. A sedge peat occurring at the basis of unit E4 yielded an age of 9,590 14C-years B.P. The fine sands overlying the unit E3 in the central part of Tromper Wiek were deposited in the Ancylus Lake. Their position at about 20 m below present sea level (b.s.l.) reflects the maximum highstand in this area. The character and distribution of the Early Holocene deposits at greater depth suggest a lake water level at about 30 m b.s.l. after this highstand. Below 25 m b.s.l. muddy Littorina Sea sediments are observed. The thickness of these muds and sandy muds increases gradually towards the Arkona Basin. Locally, they are found in a channel-like structure immediately north of Jasmund.