972 resultados para Non-optimal Codon


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La régulation de l’homéostasie du fer est cruciale chez les bactéries. Chez Salmonella, l’expression des gènes d’acquisition et du métabolisme du fer au moment approprié est importante pour sa survie et sa virulence. Cette régulation est effectuée par la protéine Fur et les petits ARN non codants RfrA et RfrB. Le rôle de ces régulateurs est d’assurer que le niveau de fer soit assez élevé pour la survie et le métabolisme de Salmonella, et assez faible pour éviter l’effet toxique du fer en présence d’oxygène. Les connaissances concernant le rôle de ces régulateurs ont été principalement obtenues par des études chez S. Typhimurium, un sérovar généraliste causant une gastro-entérite chez les humains. Très peu d’informations sont connues sur le rôle de ces régulateurs chez S. Typhi, un sérovar humain-spécifique responsable de la fièvre typhoïde. Le but de cette étude était de déterminer les rôles de Fur, RfrA et RfrB dans l’homéostasie du fer et la virulence de Salmonella, et de démontrer qu’ils ont une implication distincte chez les sérovars Typhi et Typhimurium. Premièrement, Fur, RfrA et RfrB régulent l’homéostasie du fer de Salmonella. Les résultats de cette étude ont démontré que Fur est requis pour la résistance au stress oxydatif et pour une croissance optimale dans différentes conditions in vitro. La sensibilité du mutant fur est due à l’expression des petits ARN RfrA et RfrB, et cette sensibilité est beaucoup plus importante chez S. Typhi que chez S. Typhimurium. Également, Fur inhibe la transcription des gènes codant pour les sidérophores en conditions riches en fer, tandis que les petits ARN RfrA et RfrB semblent être importants pour la production d’entérobactine et de salmochélines chez S. Typhi lors de conditions pauvres en fer. Ensuite, ces régulateurs affectent la virulence de Salmonella. Fur est important pour la motilité de Salmonella, particulièrement chez S. Typhi. Fur est nécessaire pour l’invasion des deux sérovars dans les cellules épithéliales, et pour l’entrée et la survie de S. Typhi dans les macrophages. Chez S. Typhimurium, Fur ne semble pas impliqué dans l’interaction avec les macrophages. De plus, les petits ARN RfrA et RfrB sont importants pour la multiplication intracellulaire de Salmonella dans les macrophages pour les deux sérovars. Finalement, la protéine Fur et les petits ARN RfrA et RfrB régulent l’expression de l’opéron fimbriaire tcf, absent du génome de S. Typhimurium. Un site de liaison putatif de la protéine Fur a été identifié dans la région promotrice de tcfA chez S. Typhi, mais une régulation directe n’a pas été confirmée. L’expression de tcf est induite par le fer et par Fur, et est inhibée par les petits ARN RfrA et RfrB. Ainsi, ces régulateurs affectent des gènes de virulence qui sont retrouvés spécifiquement chez S. Typhi. En somme, ce projet a permis de démontrer que les régulateurs de l’homéostasie du fer de Salmonella peuvent affecter la résistance de cette bactérie pathogène à différents stress, notamment le stress oxydatif, la croissance en conditions de carence en fer ainsi que la virulence. Ces régulateurs jouent un rôle distinct chez les sérovars Typhi et Typhimurium.


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Cette thèse porte sur la reconstruction active de modèles 3D à l’aide d’une caméra et d’un projecteur. Les méthodes de reconstruction standards utilisent des motifs de lumière codée qui ont leurs forces et leurs faiblesses. Nous introduisons de nouveaux motifs basés sur la lumière non structurée afin de pallier aux manques des méthodes existantes. Les travaux présentés s’articulent autour de trois axes : la robustesse, la précision et finalement la comparaison des patrons de lumière non structurée aux autres méthodes. Les patrons de lumière non structurée se différencient en premier lieu par leur robustesse aux interréflexions et aux discontinuités de profondeur. Ils sont conçus de sorte à homogénéiser la quantité d’illumination indirecte causée par la projection sur des surfaces difficiles. En contrepartie, la mise en correspondance des images projetées et capturées est plus complexe qu’avec les méthodes dites structurées. Une méthode d’appariement probabiliste et efficace est proposée afin de résoudre ce problème. Un autre aspect important des reconstructions basées sur la lumière non structurée est la capacité de retrouver des correspondances sous-pixels, c’est-à-dire à un niveau de précision plus fin que le pixel. Nous présentons une méthode de génération de code de très grande longueur à partir des motifs de lumière non structurée. Ces codes ont l’avantage double de permettre l’extraction de correspondances plus précises tout en requérant l’utilisation de moins d’images. Cette contribution place notre méthode parmi les meilleures au niveau de la précision tout en garantissant une très bonne robustesse. Finalement, la dernière partie de cette thèse s’intéresse à la comparaison des méthodes existantes, en particulier sur la relation entre la quantité d’images projetées et la qualité de la reconstruction. Bien que certaines méthodes nécessitent un nombre constant d’images, d’autres, comme la nôtre, peuvent se contenter d’en utiliser moins aux dépens d’une qualité moindre. Nous proposons une méthode simple pour établir une correspondance optimale pouvant servir de référence à des fins de comparaison. Enfin, nous présentons des méthodes hybrides qui donnent de très bons résultats avec peu d’images.


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La douleur chronique non cancéreuse (DCNC) est un phénomène complexe et des interventions multimodales qui abordent à la fois ses dimensions biologiques et psychosociales sont considérées comme l’approche optimale pour traiter ce type de désordre. La prescription d'opioïdes pour la DCNC a augmenté d’une façon fulgurante au cours des deux dernières décennies, mais les preuves supportant l'efficacité à long terme de ce type de médicament en termes de réduction de la sévérité de la douleur et d’amélioration de la qualité de vie des patients souffrant de DCNC sont manquantes. L'objectif de cette étude était d'investiguer dans un contexte de vraie vie l'efficacité à long terme des opioïdes pour réduire l’intensité et l’impact de la douleur et améliorer la qualité de vie reliée à la santé des patients souffrant de DCNC sur une période d’une année. Méthodes: Les participants à cette étude étaient 1490 patients (âge moyen = 52,37 (écart-type = 13,9); femmes = 60,9%) enrôlés dans le Registre Québec Douleur entre octobre 2008 et Avril 2011 et qui ont complété une série de questionnaires avant d'initier un traitement dans un centre multidisciplinaire tertiaire de gestion de la douleur ainsi qu’à 6 et 12 mois plus tard. Selon leur profil d'utilisation d'opioïdes (PUO), les patients ont été classés en 1) non-utilisateurs, 2) utilisateurs non persistants, et 3) utilisateurs persistants. Les données ont été analysées à l'aide du modèle d'équation d'estimation généralisée. Résultats: Chez les utilisateurs d’opioïdes, 52% en ont cessé la prise à un moment ou à un autre pendant la période de suivi. Après ajustement pour l'âge et le sexe, le PUO a prédit d’une manière significative l’intensité de la douleur ressentie en moyenne sur des périodes de 7 jours (p <0,001) ainsi que la qualité de vie physique (pQDV) dans le temps (p <0,001). Comparés aux non-utilisateurs, les utilisateurs persistants avaient des niveaux significativement plus élevés d'intensité de douleur et une moins bonne pQDV. Une interaction significative a été trouvée entre le PUO et le temps dans la prédiction de l’intensité de douleur ressentie à son maximum (p = 0,001), les utilisateurs persistants sont ceux rapportant les scores les plus élevés à travers le temps. Une interaction significative a aussi été observée entre le PUO et le type de douleur dans la prédiction de l'impact de la douleur dans diverses sphères de la vie quotidienne (p = 0,048) et de la mQDV (p = 0,042). Indépendamment du type de douleur, les utilisateurs persistants ont rapporté des scores plus élevés d'interférence de douleur ainsi qu’une moins bonne mQDV par rapport aux non-utilisateurs. Cependant, la magnitude de ces effets était de petite taille (d de Cohen <0,5), une observation qui remet en question la puissance et la signification clinique des différences observées entre ces groupes. Conclusion: Nos résultats contribuent à maintenir les doutes sur l'efficacité d’une thérapie à long terme à base d’opioïdes et remettent ainsi en question le rôle que peut jouer ce type de médicament dans l'arsenal thérapeutique pour la gestion de la DCNC.


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This paper discusses the problem of optimal design of a jurisdiction structure from the view point of a utilitarian social planner when individuals with identical utility functions for a non-rival public good and private consumption have private information about their contributive capacities. It shows that the superiority of a centralized provision of a non-rival public good over a federal one does not always hold. Specifically, when differences in individuals’ contributive capacities are large, it is better to provide the public good in several distinct jurisdictions rather than to pool these jurisdictions into a single one. In the specific situation where individuals have logarithmic utilities, the paper provides a complete characterization of the optimal jurisdiction structure in the two-type case.


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We consider a first order implicit time stepping procedure (Euler scheme) for the non-stationary Stokes equations in smoothly bounded domains of R3. Using energy estimates we can prove optimal convergence properties in the Sobolev spaces Hm(G) (m = 0;1;2) uniformly in time, provided that the solution of the Stokes equations has a certain degree of regularity. For the solution of the resulting Stokes resolvent boundary value problems we use a representation in form of hydrodynamical volume and boundary layer potentials, where the unknown source densities of the latter can be determined from uniquely solvable boundary integral equations’ systems. For the numerical computation of the potentials and the solution of the boundary integral equations a boundary element method of collocation type is used. Some simulations of a model problem are carried out and illustrate the efficiency of the method.


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We consider an online learning scenario in which the learner can make predictions on the basis of a fixed set of experts. The performance of each expert may change over time in a manner unknown to the learner. We formulate a class of universal learning algorithms for this problem by expressing them as simple Bayesian algorithms operating on models analogous to Hidden Markov Models (HMMs). We derive a new performance bound for such algorithms which is considerably simpler than existing bounds. The bound provides the basis for learning the rate at which the identity of the optimal expert switches over time. We find an analytic expression for the a priori resolution at which we need to learn the rate parameter. We extend our scalar switching-rate result to models of the switching-rate that are governed by a matrix of parameters, i.e. arbitrary homogeneous HMMs. We apply and examine our algorithm in the context of the problem of energy management in wireless networks. We analyze the new results in the framework of Information Theory.


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The decadal predictability of three-dimensional Atlantic Ocean anomalies is examined in a coupled global climate model (HadCM3) using a Linear Inverse Modelling (LIM) approach. It is found that the evolution of temperature and salinity in the Atlantic, and the strength of the meridional overturning circulation (MOC), can be effectively described by a linear dynamical system forced by white noise. The forecasts produced using this linear model are more skillful than other reference forecasts for several decades. Furthermore, significant non-normal amplification is found under several different norms. The regions from which this growth occurs are found to be fairly shallow and located in the far North Atlantic. Initially, anomalies in the Nordic Seas impact the MOC, and the anomalies then grow to fill the entire Atlantic basin, especially at depth, over one to three decades. It is found that the structure of the optimal initial condition for amplification is sensitive to the norm employed, but the initial growth seems to be dominated by MOC-related basin scale changes, irrespective of the choice of norm. The consistent identification of the far North Atlantic as the most sensitive region for small perturbations suggests that additional observations in this region would be optimal for constraining decadal climate predictions.


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This paper introduces PSOPT, an open source optimal control solver written in C++. PSOPT uses pseudospectral and local discretizations, sparse nonlinear programming, automatic differentiation, and it incorporates automatic scaling and mesh refinement facilities. The software is able to solve complex optimal control problems including multiple phases, delayed differential equations, nonlinear path constraints, interior point constraints, integral constraints, and free initial and/or final times. The software does not require any non-free platform to run, not even the operating system, as it is able to run under Linux. Additionally, the software generates plots as well as LATEX code so that its results can easily be included in publications. An illustrative example is provided.


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Background: The aim of this study was to evaluate stimulant medication response following a single dose of methylphenidate (MPH) in children and young people with hyperkinetic disorder using infrared motion analysis combined with a continuous performance task (QbTest system) as objective measures. The hypothesis was put forward that a moderate testdose of stimulant medication could determine a robust treatment response, partial response and non-response in relation to activity, attention and impulse control measures. Methods: The study included 44 children and young people between the ages of 7-18 years with a diagnosis of hyperkinetic disorder (F90 & F90.1). A single dose-protocol incorporated the time course effects of both immediate release MPH and extended release MPH (Concerta XL, Equasym XL) to determine comparable peak efficacy periods post intake. Results: A robust treatment response with objective measures reverting to the population mean was found in 37 participants (84%). Three participants (7%) demonstrated a partial response to MPH and four participants (9%) were determined as non-responders due to deteriorating activity measures together with no improvements in attention and impulse control measures. Conclusion: Objective measures provide early into prescribing the opportunity to measure treatment response and monitor adverse reactions to stimulant medication. Most treatment responders demonstrated an effective response to MPH on a moderate testdose facilitating a swift and more optimal titration process.


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This paper presents a controller design scheme for a priori unknown non-linear dynamical processes that are identified via an operating point neurofuzzy system from process data. Based on a neurofuzzy design and model construction algorithm (NeuDec) for a non-linear dynamical process, a neurofuzzy state-space model of controllable form is initially constructed. The control scheme based on closed-loop pole assignment is then utilized to ensure the time invariance and linearization of the state equations so that the system stability can be guaranteed under some mild assumptions, even in the presence of modelling error. The proposed approach requires a known state vector for the application of pole assignment state feedback. For this purpose, a generalized Kalman filtering algorithm with coloured noise is developed on the basis of the neurofuzzy state-space model to obtain an optimal state vector estimation. The derived controller is applied in typical output tracking problems by minimizing the tracking error. Simulation examples are included to demonstrate the operation and effectiveness of the new approach.


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Associative memory networks such as Radial Basis Functions, Neurofuzzy and Fuzzy Logic used for modelling nonlinear processes suffer from the curse of dimensionality (COD), in that as the input dimension increases the parameterization, computation cost, training data requirements, etc. increase exponentially. Here a new algorithm is introduced for the construction of a Delaunay input space partitioned optimal piecewise locally linear models to overcome the COD as well as generate locally linear models directly amenable to linear control and estimation algorithms. The training of the model is configured as a new mixture of experts network with a new fast decision rule derived using convex set theory. A very fast simulated reannealing (VFSR) algorithm is utilized to search a global optimal solution of the Delaunay input space partition. A benchmark non-linear time series is used to demonstrate the new approach.


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A novel iterative procedure is described for solving nonlinear optimal control problems subject to differential algebraic equations. The procedure iterates on an integrated modified linear quadratic model based problem with parameter updating in such a manner that the correct solution of the original non-linear problem is achieved. The resulting algorithm has a particular advantage in that the solution is achieved without the need to solve the differential algebraic equations . Convergence aspects are discussed and a simulation example is described which illustrates the performance of the technique. 1. Introduction When modelling industrial processes often the resulting equations consist of coupled differential and algebraic equations (DAEs). In many situations these equations are nonlinear and cannot readily be directly reduced to ordinary differential equations.


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We extend the current immigration-enforcement literature by incorporating both the practice of people smuggling and a role for non-wage income into a two-country, dynamic general equilibrium model. We use the model economy to examine three questions. First, how does technological progress in the smuggling industry affect the level of migration and capital accumulation for a given level of enforcement? Second, do changes in border enforcement affect the level of migration, capital accumulation, and smuggling activity? Third, is the optimal level of enforcement sensitive to technological progress in the smuggling industry? We show that the government chooses to devote resources to border enforcement only if the deterrent effect on smugglers is large enough. Otherwise, it is not worth taxing host-country natives as the taxes paid will more than offset any income gain resulting from fewer migrants.


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International Perspective The development of GM technology continues to expand into increasing numbers of crops and conferred traits. Inevitably, the focus remains on the major field crops of soybean, maize, cotton, oilseed rape and potato with introduced genes conferring herbicide tolerance and/or pest resistance. Although there are comparatively few GM crops that have been commercialised to date, GM versions of 172 plant species have been grown in field trials in 31 countries. European Crops with Containment Issues Of the 20 main crops in the EU there are four for which GM varieties are commercially available (cotton, maize for animal feed and forage, and oilseed rape). Fourteen have GM varieties in field trials (bread wheat, barley, durum wheat, sunflower, oats, potatoes, sugar beet, grapes, alfalfa, olives, field peas, clover, apples, rice) and two have GM varieties still in development (rye, triticale). Many of these crops have hybridisation potential with wild and weedy relatives in the European flora (bread wheat, barley, oilseed rape, durum wheat, oats, sugar beet and grapes), with escapes (sunflower); and all have potential to cross-pollinate fields non-GM crops. Several fodder crops, forestry trees, grasses and ornamentals have varieties in field trials and these too may hybridise with wild relatives in the European flora (alfalfa, clover, lupin, silver birch, sweet chestnut, Norway spruce, Scots pine, poplar, elm, Agrostis canina, A. stolonifera, Festuca arundinacea, Lolium perenne, L. multiflorum, statice and rose). All these crops will require containment strategies to be in place if it is deemed necessary to prevent transgene movement to wild relatives and non-GM crops. Current Containment Strategies A wide variety of GM containment strategies are currently under development, with a particular focus on crops expressing pharmaceutical products. Physical containment in greenhouses and growth rooms is suitable for some crops (tomatoes, lettuce) and for research purposes. Aquatic bioreactors of some non-crop species (algae, moss, and duckweed) expressing pharmaceutical products have been adopted by some biotechnology companies. There are obvious limitations of the scale of physical containment strategies, addressed in part by the development of large underground facilities in the US and Canada. The additional resources required to grow plants underground incurs high costs that in the long term may negate any advantage of GM for commercial productioNatural genetic containment has been adopted by some companies through the selection of either non-food/feed crops (algae, moss, duckweed) as bio-pharming platforms or organisms with no wild relatives present in the local flora (safflower in the Americas). The expression of pharmaceutical products in leafy crops (tobacco, alfalfa, lettuce, spinach) enables growth and harvesting prior to and in the absence of flowering. Transgenically controlled containment strategies range in their approach and degree of development. Plastid transformation is relatively well developed but is not suited to all traits or crops and does not offer complete containment. Male sterility is well developed across a range of plants but has limitations in its application for fruit/seed bearing crops. It has been adopted in some commercial lines of oilseed rape despite not preventing escape via seed. Conditional lethality can be used to prevent flowering or seed development following the application of a chemical inducer, but requires 100% induction of the trait and sufficient application of the inducer to all plants. Equally, inducible expression of the GM trait requires equally stringent application conditions. Such a method will contain the trait but will allow the escape of a non-functioning transgene. Seed lethality (‘terminator’ technology) is the only strategy at present that prevents transgene movement via seed, but due to public opinion against the concept it has never been trialled in the field and is no longer under commercial development. Methods to control flowering and fruit development such as apomixis and cleistogamy will prevent crop-to-wild and wild-to-crop pollination, but in nature both of these strategies are complex and leaky. None of the genes controlling these traits have as yet been identified or characterised and therefore have not been transgenically introduced into crop species. Neither of these strategies will prevent transgene escape via seed and any feral apomicts that form are arguably more likely to become invasives. Transgene mitigation reduces the fitness of initial hybrids and so prevents stable introgression of transgenes into wild populations. However, it does not prevent initial formation of hybrids or spread to non-GM crops. Such strategies could be detrimental to wild populations and have not yet been demonstrated in the field. Similarly, auxotrophy prevents persistence of escapes and hybrids containing the transgene in an uncontrolled environment, but does not prevent transgene movement from the crop. Recoverable block of function, intein trans-splicing and transgene excision all use recombinases to modify the transgene in planta either to induce expression or to prevent it. All require optimal conditions and 100% accuracy to function and none have been tested under field conditions as yet. All will contain the GM trait but all will allow some non-native DNA to escape to wild populations or to non-GM crops. There are particular issues with GM trees and grasses as both are largely undomesticated, wind pollinated and perennial, thus providing many opportunities for hybridisation. Some species of both trees and grass are also capable of vegetative propagation without sexual reproduction. There are additional concerns regarding the weedy nature of many grass species and the long-term stability of GM traits across the life span of trees. Transgene stability and conferred sterility are difficult to trial in trees as most field trials are only conducted during the juvenile phase of tree growth. Bio-pharming of pharmaceutical and industrial compounds in plants Bio-pharming of pharmaceutical and industrial compounds in plants offers an attractive alternative to mammalian-based pharmaceutical and vaccine production. Several plantbased products are already on the market (Prodigene’s avidin, β-glucuronidase, trypsin generated in GM maize; Ventria’s lactoferrin generated in GM rice). Numerous products are in clinical trials (collagen, antibodies against tooth decay and non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma from tobacco; human gastric lipase, therapeutic enzymes, dietary supplements from maize; Hepatitis B and Norwalk virus vaccines from potato; rabies vaccines from spinach; dietary supplements from Arabidopsis). The initial production platforms for plant-based pharmaceuticals were selected from conventional crops, largely because an established knowledge base already existed. Tobacco and other leafy crops such as alfalfa, lettuce and spinach are widely used as leaves can be harvested and no flowering is required. Many of these crops can be grown in contained greenhouses. Potato is also widely used and can also be grown in contained conditions. The introduction of morphological markers may aid in the recognition and traceability of crops expressing pharmaceutical products. Plant cells or plant parts may be transformed and maintained in culture to produce recombinant products in a contained environment. Plant cells in suspension or in vitro, roots, root cells and guttation fluid from leaves may be engineered to secrete proteins that may be harvested in a continuous, non-destructive manner. Most strategies in this category remain developmental and have not been commercially adopted at present. Transient expression produces GM compounds from non-GM plants via the utilisation of bacterial or viral vectors. These vectors introduce the trait into specific tissues of whole plants or plant parts, but do not insert them into the heritable genome. There are some limitations of scale and the field release of such crops will require the regulation of the vector. However, several companies have several transiently expressed products in clinical and pre-clinical trials from crops raised in physical containment.


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There is a current need to constrain the parameters of gravity wave drag (GWD) schemes in climate models using observational information instead of tuning them subjectively. In this work, an inverse technique is developed using data assimilation principles to estimate gravity wave parameters. Because mostGWDschemes assume instantaneous vertical propagation of gravity waves within a column, observations in a single column can be used to formulate a one-dimensional assimilation problem to estimate the unknown parameters. We define a cost function that measures the differences between the unresolved drag inferred from observations (referred to here as the ‘observed’ GWD) and the GWD calculated with a parametrisation scheme. The geometry of the cost function presents some difficulties, including multiple minima and ill-conditioning because of the non-independence of the gravity wave parameters. To overcome these difficulties we propose a genetic algorithm to minimize the cost function, which provides a robust parameter estimation over a broad range of prescribed ‘true’ parameters. When real experiments using an independent estimate of the ‘observed’ GWD are performed, physically unrealistic values of the parameters can result due to the non-independence of the parameters. However, by constraining one of the parameters to lie within a physically realistic range, this degeneracy is broken and the other parameters are also found to lie within physically realistic ranges. This argues for the essential physical self-consistency of the gravity wave scheme. A much better fit to the observed GWD at high latitudes is obtained when the parameters are allowed to vary with latitude. However, a close fit can be obtained either in the upper or the lower part of the profiles, but not in both at the same time. This result is a consequence of assuming an isotropic launch spectrum. The changes of sign in theGWDfound in the tropical lower stratosphere, which are associated with part of the quasi-biennial oscillation forcing, cannot be captured by the parametrisation with optimal parameters.