987 resultados para Non-leaf organs


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Central nervous system aspergillosis is an often fatal complication of invasive Aspergillus infection. Relevant disease models are needed to study the pathophysiology of cerebral aspergillosis and to develop novel therapeutic approaches. This study presents a model of central nervous system aspergillosis that mimics important aspects of human disease. Eleven-day-old non-immunosuppressed male Wistar rats were infected by an intracisternal injection of 10 mul of a conidial suspension of Aspergillus fumigatus. An inoculum of 7.18 log(10) colony-forming units (CFU) consistently produced cerebral infection and resulted in death of all animals (n = 25) within 3-10 days. Median survival time was 3 days. Histomorphologically, all animals developed intracerebral abscesses (2-26 per brain) containing abundant fungal hyphae and neutrophils. Fungal culture of cortical homogenates yielded maximal growth on day 3 after infection (5.4 log(10) CFU/g, n = 15) that declined over time. Galactomannan concentrations in cortical homogenates, assessed as an index for hyphal burden, peaked on days 3-5. Fungal infection spread to peripheral organs in 83% of animals. Fungal burden in lung, liver, spleen and kidney was two orders of magnitude lower than in the brain. The successful establishment of a model of cerebral aspergillosis in a non-immunosuppressed host provides the opportunity to investigate mechanisms of disease and to develop novel treatment regimens for this commonly fatal infection.


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Clonality is frequently positively correlated with plant invasiveness, but which aspects of clonality make some clonal species more invasive than others is not known. Due to their spreading growth form, clonal plants are likely to experience spatial heterogeneity in nutrient availability. Plasticity in allocation of biomass to clonal growth organs and roots may allow these plants to forage for high-nutrient patches. We investigated whether this foraging response is stronger in species that have become invasive than in species that have not. We used six confamilial pairs of native European clonal plant species differing in invasion success in the USA. We grew all species in large pots under homogeneous or heterogeneous nutrient conditions in a greenhouse, and compared their nutrient-foraging response and performance. Neither invasive nor non-invasive species showed significant foraging responses to heterogeneity in clonal growth organ biomass or in aboveground biomass of clonal offspring. Invasive species had, however, a greater positive foraging response in terms of root and belowground biomass than non-invasive species. Invasive species also produced more total biomass. Our results suggest that the ability for strong root foraging is among the characteristics promoting invasiveness in clonal plants.


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The use of non-heart-beating donor (NHBD) lungs may help to overcome the shortage of lung grafts in clinical lung transplantation, but warm ischaemia and ischaemia/reperfusion injury (I/R injury) resulting in primary graft dysfunction represent a considerable threat. Thus, better strategies for optimized preservation of lung grafts are urgently needed. Surfactant dysfunction has been shown to contribute to I/R injury, and surfactant replacement therapy is effective in enhancing lung function and structural integrity in related rat models. In the present study we hypothesize that surfactant replacement therapy reduces oedema formation in a pig model of NHBD lung transplantation. Oedema formation was quantified with (SF) and without (non-SF) surfactant replacement therapy in interstitial and alveolar compartments by means of design-based stereology in NHBD lungs 7 h after cardiac arrest, reperfusion and transplantation. A sham-operated group served as control. In both NHBD groups, nearly all animals died within the first hours after transplantation due to right heart failure. Both SF and non-SF developed an interstitial oedema of similar degree, as shown by an increase in septal wall volume and arithmetic mean thickness as well as an increase in the volume of peribron-chovascular connective tissue. Regarding intra-alveolar oedema, no statistically significant difference could be found between SF and non-SF. In conclusion, surfactant replacement therapy cannot prevent poor outcome after prolonged warm ischaemia of 7 h in this model. While the beneficial effects of surfactant replacement therapy have been observed in several experimental and clinical studies related to heart-beating donor lungs and cold ischaemia, it is unlikely that surfactant replacement therapy will overcome the shortage of organs in the context of prolonged warm ischaemia, for example, 7 h. Moreover, our data demonstrate that right heart function and dysfunctions of the pulmonary vascular bed are limiting factors that need to be addressed in NHBD.


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The presence of soluble carbohydrates in the cambial zone, either from sugars recently produced during photosynthesis or from starch remobilized from storage organs, is necessary for radial tree growth. However, considerable uncertainties on carbohydrate dynamics and the consequences on tree productivity exist. This study aims to better understand the variation in different carbon pools at intra-annual resolution by quantifying how cambial zone sugar and starch concentrations fluctuate over the season and in relation to cambial phenology. A comparison between two physiologically different species growing at the same site, i.e., the evergreen Picea abies Karst. and the deciduous Larix decidua Mill., and between L. decidua from two contrasting elevations, is presented to identify mechanisms of growth limitation. Results indicate that the annual cycle of sugar concentration within the cambial zone is coupled to the process of wood formation. The highest sugar concentration is observed when the number of cells in secondary wall formation and lignification stages is at a maximum, subsequent to most radial growth. Starch disappears in winter, while other freeze-resistant non-structural carbohydrates (NSCs) increase. Slight differences in NSC concentration between species are consistent with the differing climate sensitivity of the evergreen and deciduous species investigated. The general absence of differences between elevations suggests that the cambial activity of trees growing at the treeline was not limited by the availability of carbohydrates at the cambial zone but instead by environmental controls on the growing season duration.


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Senescence is a form of programmed cell death (PCD) which leads to the death of whole organs, e.g., leaves or flowers, and eventually to the death of entire plants. Like all forms of PCD, senescence is a highly regulated and energy consuming process. Senescence parameters, like protein content, chlorophyll content, expression of photosynthesis-associated genes or senescence-associated genes (SAGs), reveal that senescence occurs in old leaves derived from young plants (6 week old) as well as in young leaves derived from older plants (8 week old), indicating that it is governed by the actual age of the leaves. in order to analyse the differential gene expression profiles during leaf senescence, hybridizations of high-density genome arrays were performed with: i) individual leaves within the rosette of a 6-week-old plant and ii) leaves of the same position within the rosette but harvested from plants of different ages, ranging from 5 to 8 weeks. Cluster and genetree analyses, according to the expression pattern revealed that genes which are up-regulated with respect to the age of the entire plant, showed completely different expression profiles with respect to the age of the individual leaves within one rosette. This was observed even though the actual difference in leaf age was approximately the same. This indicates that gene expression appears to be governed by different parameters: i) the age of the individual leaf and ii) the age and developmental stage of the entire plant.


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Leaves are arranged according to regular patterns, a phenomenon referred to as phyllotaxis. Important determinants of phyllotaxis are the divergence angle between successive leaves, and the size of the leaves relative to the shoot axis. Young leaf primordia are thought to provide positional information to the meristem, thereby influencing the positioning of new primordia and hence the divergence angle. On the contrary, the meristem signals to the primordia to establish their dorsoventral polarity, which is a prerequisite for the formation of a leaf blade. These concepts originate from classical microsurgical studies carried out between the 1920s and the 1970s. Even though these techniques have been abandoned in favor of genetic analysis, the resulting insights remain a cornerstone of plant developmental biology. Here, we employ new microsurgical techniques to reassess and extend the classical studies on phyllotaxis and leaf polarity. Previous experiments have indicated that the isolation of an incipient primordium by a tangential incision caused a change of divergence angle between the two subsequent primordia, indicating that pre-existing primordia influence further phyllotaxis. Here.. we repeat these experiments and compare them with the results of laser ablation of incipient primordia. Furthermore. we explore to what extent the different pre-existing primordia influence the size and position of new organs. and hence phyllotaxis. We propose that the two youngest primordia (P-1 and P-2) are sufficient for the approximate positioning of the incipient primordium (I-1), and therefore for the perpetuation of the generative spiral, whereas the direct contact neighbours of I-1 (P-2 and P-3) control its delimitation and hence its exact size and position. Finally. we report L I specific cell ablation experiments suggesting that the meristem L-1 layer is essential for the dorsoventral patterning of leaf primordia.


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The spatial arrangement of leaves and flowers around the stem, known as phyllotaxis, is controlled by an auxin-dependent reiterative mechanism that leads to regular spacing of the organs and thereby to remarkably precise phyllotactic patterns. The mechanism is based on the active cellular transport of the phytohormone auxin by cellular influx and efflux carriers, such as AUX1 and PIN1. Their important role in phyllotaxis is evident from mutant phenotypes, but their exact roles in space and time are difficult to address due to the strong pleiotropic phenotypes of most mutants in phyllotaxis. Models of phyllotaxis invoke the accumulation of auxin at leaf initials and removal of auxin through their developing vascular strand, the midvein. We have developed a precise microsurgical tool to ablate the midvein at high spatial and temporal resolution in order to test its function in leaf formation and phyllotaxis. Using amplified femtosecond laser pulses, we ablated the internal tissues in young leaf primordia of tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) without damaging the overlying L1 and L2 layers. Our results show that ablation of the future midvein leads to a transient accumulation of auxin in the primordia and to an increase in their width. Phyllotaxis was transiently affected after midvein ablations, but readjusted after two plastochrons. These results indicate that the developing midvein is involved in the basipetal transport of auxin through young primordia, which contributes to phyllotactic spacing and stability.


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Herbivore attack leads to resource conflicts between plant defensive strategies. Photoassimilates are required for defensive compounds and carbon storage below ground and may therefore be depleted or enriched in the roots of herbivore-defoliated plants. The potential role of belowground tissues as mediators of induced tolerance–defense trade-offs is unknown. We evaluated signaling and carbohydrate dynamics in the roots of Nicotiana attenuata following Manduca sexta attack. Experimental and natural genetic variability was exploited to link the observed metabolite patterns to plant tolerance and resistance. Leaf-herbivore attack decreased sugar and starch concentrations in the roots and reduced regrowth from the rootstock and flower production in the glasshouse and the field. Leaf-derived jasmonates were identified as major regulators of this root-mediated resource-based trade-off: lower jasmonate levels were associated with decreased defense, increased carbohydrate levels and improved regrowth from the rootstock. Application and transport inhibition experiments, in combination with silencing of the sucrose non-fermenting (SNF) -related kinase GAL83, indicated that auxins may act as additional signals that regulate regrowth patterns. In conclusion, our study shows that the ability to mobilize defenses has a hidden resource-based cost below ground that constrains defoliation tolerance. Jasmonate- and auxin-dependent mechanisms may lead to divergent defensive plant strategies against herbivores in nature.


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Plants have evolved intricate strategies to withstand attacks by herbivores and pathogens. Although it is known that plants change their primary and secondary metabolism in leaves to resist and tolerate aboveground attack, there is little awareness of the role of roots in these processes. This is surprising given that plant roots are responsible for the synthesis of plant toxins, play an active role in environmental sensing and defense signaling, and serve as dynamic storage organs to allow regrowth. Hence, studying roots is essential for a solid understanding of resistance and tolerance to leaf-feeding insects and pathogens. Here, we highlight this function of roots in plant resistance to aboveground attackers, with a special focus on systemic signaling and insect herbivores


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In a representative cross-sectional study during 12 months of the years 2008/2009 in four abattoirs in Switzerland, lung and pleura lesions as well as lesions of slaughter carcasses and organs of 34 706 pigs were studied for frequency and type of macroscopic lesions. Of the 24276 examined pigs, 91.2% of the lungs, 94.4% of the heart and 95.5% of the livers showed no macroscopically visible lesions. Pigs that were produced for a label program had significantly less bronchopneumonia and pneumonia residuals, pleuritis and liver lesions due to echinococcosis. Pigs supervised by the Swiss Pig Health Service (SGD), showed significantly less bronchopneumonia and pneumonia residuals, diffuse pleuritis, pleuritis/pericarditis and milkspots compared to the non-SGD supervised farms. Thanks to the national eradication program for enzootic pneumonia (EP) and actinobacillosis, the health-status of lungs has been considerably improved and the prevalence of pleurisy decreased considerably. The results of this study indicate a good herd health in Swiss pig production.


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Leaves originate from the shoot apical meristem, a small mound of undifferentiated tissue at the tip of the stem. Leaf formation begins with the selection of a group of founder cells in the so-called peripheral zone at the flank of the meristem, followed by the initiation of local growth and finally morphogenesis of the resulting bulge into a differentiated leaf. Whereas the mechanisms controlling the switch between meristem propagation and leaf initiation are being identified by genetic and molecular analyses, the radial positioning of leaves, known as phyllotaxis, remains poorly understood. Hormones, especially auxin and gibberellin, are known to influence phyllotaxis, but their specific role in the determination of organ position is not clear. We show that inhibition of polar auxin transport blocks leaf formation at the vegetative tomato meristem, resulting in pinlike naked stems with an intact meristem at the tip. Microapplication of the natural auxin indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) to the apex of such pins restores leaf formation. Similarly, exogenous IAA induces flower formation on Arabidopsis pin-formed1-1 inflorescence apices, which are blocked in flower formation because of a mutation in a putative auxin transport protein. Our results show that auxin is required for and sufficient to induce organogenesis both in the vegetative tomato meristem and in the Arabidopsis inflorescence meristem. In this study, organogenesis always strictly coincided with the site of IAA application in the radial dimension, whereas in the apical–basal dimension, organ formation always occurred at a fixed distance from the summit of the meristem. We propose that auxin determines the radial position and the size of lateral organs but not the apical–basal position or the identity of the induced structures.


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To prevent leaf senescence of young transplants or excised shoots during storage under dark and cold conditions, the cytokinin biosynthetic gene isopentenyl transferase (ipt) was placed under the control of a cold-inducible promoter cor15a from Arabidopsis thaliana and introduced into Petunia x hybrida 'Marco Polo Odyssey' and Dendranthema x grandiflorum (chrysanthemum) 'Iridon'. Transgenic cor15a-ipt petunia and chrysanthemum plants and excised leaves remained green and healthy during prolonged dark storage (4 weeks at 25 degrees C) after an initial exposure to a brief cold-induction period (4 degrees C for 72 h). However, cor15a-ipt chrysanthemum plants and excised leaves that were not exposed to a cold-induction period, senesced under the same dark storage conditions. Regardless of cold-induction treatment, leaves and plants of non-transformed plants senesced under prolonged dark storage. Analysis of ipt expression indicated a marked increase in gene expression in intact transgenic plants as well as in isolated transgenic leaves exposed to a short cold-induction treatment prior to dark storage. These changes correlated with elevated concentrations of cytokinins in transgenic leaves after cold treatment. Cor15a-ipt transgenic plants showed a normal phenotype when grown at 25 degrees C.


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The current standard treatment for head and neck cancer at our institution uses intensity-modulated x-ray therapy (IMRT), which improves target coverage and sparing of critical structures by delivering complex fluence patterns from a variety of beam directions to conform dose distributions to the shape of the target volume. The standard treatment for breast patients is field-in-field forward-planned IMRT, with initial tangential fields and additional reduced-weight tangents with blocking to minimize hot spots. For these treatment sites, the addition of electrons has the potential of improving target coverage and sparing of critical structures due to rapid dose falloff with depth and reduced exit dose. In this work, the use of mixed-beam therapy (MBT), i.e., combined intensity-modulated electron and x-ray beams using the x-ray multi-leaf collimator (MLC), was explored. The hypothesis of this study was that addition of intensity-modulated electron beams to existing clinical IMRT plans would produce MBT plans that were superior to the original IMRT plans for at least 50% of selected head and neck and 50% of breast cases. Dose calculations for electron beams collimated by the MLC were performed with Monte Carlo methods. An automation system was created to facilitate communication between the dose calculation engine and the treatment planning system. Energy and intensity modulation of the electron beams was accomplished by dividing the electron beams into 2x2-cm2 beamlets, which were then beam-weight optimized along with intensity-modulated x-ray beams. Treatment plans were optimized to obtain equivalent target dose coverage, and then compared with the original treatment plans. MBT treatment plans were evaluated by participating physicians with respect to target coverage, normal structure dose, and overall plan quality in comparison with original clinical plans. The physician evaluations did not support the hypothesis for either site, with MBT selected as superior in 1 out of the 15 head and neck cases (p=1) and 6 out of 18 breast cases (p=0.95). While MBT was not shown to be superior to IMRT, reductions were observed in doses to critical structures distal to the target along the electron beam direction and to non-target tissues, at the expense of target coverage and dose homogeneity. ^


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The aim of this study was to assess genetic diversity among 40 alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) genotypes of different non-dormant (FD=8) cultivars. Biomass yield, regrowth speed and reaction to spring black stem, lepto leaf spot, and rust were evaluated. Analyses of variances were performed using a mixed model to examine the agronomic variation among individuals. A principal component analysis on standardized agronomic data was performed. Agronomic data were also used to calculate Gower's distance and UPGMA algorithm. For the molecular analysis, six SSR markers were evaluated and 84 alleles were identified. The genetic distance was estimated using standard Nei's distance. Average standard genetic diversity was 0.843, indicating a high degree of variability among genotypes. Finally, a generalized procrustes analysis was performed to calculate the correlation between molecular and agronomic distance, indicating a 65.4% of consensus. This value is likely related to the low number of individuals included in the study, which might have underestimated the real phenotypic variability among genotypes. Despite the low number of individuals and SSR markers analyzed, this study provides a baseline for future diversity studies to identify genetically distant alfalfa individuals or cultivars.


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La planificación pre-operatoria se ha convertido en una tarea esencial en cirugías y terapias de marcada complejidad, especialmente aquellas relacionadas con órgano blando. Un ejemplo donde la planificación preoperatoria tiene gran interés es la cirugía hepática. Dicha planificación comprende la detección e identificación precisa de las lesiones individuales y vasos así como la correcta segmentación y estimación volumétrica del hígado funcional. Este proceso es muy importante porque determina tanto si el paciente es un candidato adecuado para terapia quirúrgica como la definición del abordaje a seguir en el procedimiento. La radioterapia de órgano blando es un segundo ejemplo donde la planificación se requiere tanto para la radioterapia externa convencional como para la radioterapia intraoperatoria. La planificación comprende la segmentación de tumor y órganos vulnerables y la estimación de la dosimetría. La segmentación de hígado funcional y la estimación volumétrica para planificación de la cirugía se estiman habitualmente a partir de imágenes de tomografía computarizada (TC). De igual modo, en la planificación de radioterapia, los objetivos de la radiación se delinean normalmente sobre TC. Sin embargo, los avances en las tecnologías de imagen de resonancia magnética (RM) están ofreciendo progresivamente ventajas adicionales. Por ejemplo, se ha visto que el ratio de detección de metástasis hepáticas es significativamente superior en RM con contraste Gd–EOB–DTPA que en TC. Por tanto, recientes estudios han destacado la importancia de combinar la información de TC y RM para conseguir el mayor nivel posible de precisión en radioterapia y para facilitar una descripción precisa de las lesiones del hígado. Con el objetivo de mejorar la planificación preoperatoria en ambos escenarios se precisa claramente de un algoritmo de registro no rígido de imagen. Sin embargo, la gran mayoría de sistemas comerciales solo proporcionan métodos de registro rígido. Las medidas de intensidad de voxel han demostrado ser criterios de similitud de imágenes robustos, y, entre ellas, la Información Mutua (IM) es siempre la primera elegida en registros multimodales. Sin embargo, uno de los principales problemas de la IM es la ausencia de información espacial y la asunción de que las relaciones estadísticas entre las imágenes son homogéneas a lo largo de su domino completo. La hipótesis de esta tesis es que la incorporación de información espacial de órganos al proceso de registro puede mejorar la robustez y calidad del mismo, beneficiándose de la disponibilidad de las segmentaciones clínicas. En este trabajo, se propone y valida un esquema de registro multimodal no rígido 3D usando una nueva métrica llamada Información Mutua Centrada en el Órgano (Organ-Focused Mutual Information metric (OF-MI)) y se compara con la formulación clásica de la Información Mutua. Esto permite mejorar los resultados del registro en áreas problemáticas incorporando información regional al criterio de similitud, beneficiándose de la disponibilidad real de segmentaciones en protocolos estándares clínicos, y permitiendo que la dependencia estadística entre las dos modalidades de imagen difiera entre órganos o regiones. El método propuesto se ha aplicado al registro de TC y RM con contraste Gd–EOB–DTPA así como al registro de imágenes de TC y MR para planificación de radioterapia intraoperatoria rectal. Adicionalmente, se ha desarrollado un algoritmo de apoyo de segmentación 3D basado en Level-Sets para la incorporación de la información de órgano en el registro. El algoritmo de segmentación se ha diseñado específicamente para la estimación volumétrica de hígado sano funcional y ha demostrado un buen funcionamiento en un conjunto de imágenes de TC abdominales. Los resultados muestran una mejora estadísticamente significativa de OF-MI comparada con la Información Mutua clásica en las medidas de calidad de los registros; tanto con datos simulados (p<0.001) como con datos reales en registro hepático de TC y RM con contraste Gd– EOB–DTPA y en registro para planificación de radioterapia rectal usando OF-MI multi-órgano (p<0.05). Adicionalmente, OF-MI presenta resultados más estables con menor dispersión que la Información Mutua y un comportamiento más robusto con respecto a cambios en la relación señal-ruido y a la variación de parámetros. La métrica OF-MI propuesta en esta tesis presenta siempre igual o mayor precisión que la clásica Información Mutua y consecuentemente puede ser una muy buena alternativa en aplicaciones donde la robustez del método y la facilidad en la elección de parámetros sean particularmente importantes. Abstract Pre-operative planning has become an essential task in complex surgeries and therapies, especially for those affecting soft tissue. One example where soft tissue preoperative planning is of high interest is liver surgery. It involves the accurate detection and identification of individual liver lesions and vessels as well as the proper functional liver segmentation and volume estimation. This process is very important because it determines whether the patient is a suitable candidate for surgical therapy and the type of procedure. Soft tissue radiation therapy is a second example where planning is required for both conventional external and intraoperative radiotherapy. It involves the segmentation of the tumor target and vulnerable organs and the estimation of the planned dose. Functional liver segmentations and volume estimations for surgery planning are commonly estimated from computed tomography (CT) images. Similarly, in radiation therapy planning, targets to be irradiated and healthy and vulnerable tissues to be protected from irradiation are commonly delineated on CT scans. However, developments in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) technology are progressively offering advantages. For instance, the hepatic metastasis detection rate has been found to be significantly higher in Gd–EOB–DTPAenhanced MRI than in CT. Therefore, recent studies highlight the importance of combining the information from CT and MRI to achieve the highest level of accuracy in radiotherapy and to facilitate accurate liver lesion description. In order to improve those two soft tissue pre operative planning scenarios, an accurate nonrigid image registration algorithm is clearly required. However, the vast majority of commercial systems only provide rigid registration. Voxel intensity measures have been shown to be robust measures of image similarity, and among them, Mutual Information (MI) is always the first candidate in multimodal registrations. However, one of the main drawbacks of Mutual Information is the absence of spatial information and the assumption that statistical relationships between images are the same over the whole domain of the image. The hypothesis of the present thesis is that incorporating spatial organ information into the registration process may improve the registration robustness and quality, taking advantage of the clinical segmentations availability. In this work, a multimodal nonrigid 3D registration framework using a new Organ- Focused Mutual Information metric (OF-MI) is proposed, validated and compared to the classical formulation of the Mutual Information (MI). It allows improving registration results in problematic areas by adding regional information into the similitude criterion taking advantage of actual segmentations availability in standard clinical protocols and allowing the statistical dependence between the two modalities differ among organs or regions. The proposed method is applied to CT and T1 weighted delayed Gd–EOB–DTPA-enhanced MRI registration as well as to register CT and MRI images in rectal intraoperative radiotherapy planning. Additionally, a 3D support segmentation algorithm based on Level-Sets has been developed for the incorporation of the organ information into the registration. The segmentation algorithm has been specifically designed for the healthy and functional liver volume estimation demonstrating good performance in a set of abdominal CT studies. Results show a statistical significant improvement of registration quality measures with OF-MI compared to MI with both simulated data (p<0.001) and real data in liver applications registering CT and Gd–EOB–DTPA-enhanced MRI and in registration for rectal radiotherapy planning using multi-organ OF-MI (p<0.05). Additionally, OF-MI presents more stable results with smaller dispersion than MI and a more robust behavior with respect to SNR changes and parameters variation. The proposed OF-MI always presents equal or better accuracy than the classical MI and consequently can be a very convenient alternative within applications where the robustness of the method and the facility to choose the parameters are particularly important.