981 resultados para Non-genomic


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Trabalho Final do Curso de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de Lisboa, 2014


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The South African Boer goat displays a characteristic white spotting phenotype, in which the pigment is limited to the head. Exploiting the existing phenotype variation within the breed, we mapped the locus causing this white spotting phenotype to chromosome 17 by genome wide association. Subsequent whole genome sequencing identified a 1 Mb copy number variant (CNV) harboring 5 genes including EDNRA. The analysis of 358 Boer goats revealed 3 alleles with one, two, and three copies of this CNV. The copy number is correlated with the degree of white spotting in goats. We propose a hypothesis that ectopic overexpression of a mutant EDNRA scavenges EDN3 required for EDNRB signaling and normal melanocyte development and thus likely lead to an absence of melanocytes in the non-pigmented body areas of Boer goats. Our findings demonstrate the value of domestic animals as reservoir of unique mutants and for identifying a precisely defined functional CNV.


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The central dogma of biology holds that genetic information normally flows from DNA to RNA to protein. As a consequence it has been generally assumed that genes generally code for proteins, and that proteins fulfil not only most structural and catalytic but also most regulatory functions, in all cells, from microbes to mammals. However, the latter may not be the case in complex organisms. A number of startling observations about the extent of non-protein-coding RNA (ncRNA) transcription in the higher eukaryotes and the range of genetic and epigenetic phenomena that are RNA-directed suggests that the traditional view of the structure of genetic regulatory systems in animals and plants may be incorrect. ncRNA dominates the genomic output of the higher organisms and has been shown to control chromosome architecture, mRNA turnover and the developmental timing of protein expression, and may also regulate transcription and alternative splicing. This paper re-examines the available evidence and suggests a new framework for considering and understanding the genomic programming of biological complexity, autopoletic development and phenotypic variation. BioEssays 25:930-939,2003. (C) 2003 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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In humans, a polymorphic gene encodes the drug-metabolizing enzyme NATI (arylamine N-acetyltransferase Type 1), which is widely expressed throughout the body. While the protein-coding region of NATI is contained within a single exon, examination of the human EST (expressed sequence tag) database at the NCBI revealed the presence of nine separate exons, eight of which were located in the 5'non-coding region of NATI. Differential splicing produced at least eight unique mRNA isoforms that could be grouped according to the location of the first exon, which suggested that NATI expression occurs from three alternative promoters. Using RT (reverse transcriptase)-PCR, we identified one major transcript in various epithelial cells derived from different tissues. In contrast, multiple transcripts were observed in blood-derived cell lines (CEM, THP-1 and Jurkat), with a novel variant, not identified in the EST database, found in CEM cells only. The major splice variant increased gene expression 9-11-fold in a luciferase reporter assay, while the other isoforrns were similar or slightly greater than the control. We examined the upstream region of the most active splice variant in a promoter-reporter assay, and isolated a 257 bp sequence that produced maximal promoter activity. This sequence lacked a TATA box, but contained a consensus Sp1 site and a CAAT box, as well as several other putative transcription-factor-binding sites. Cell-specific expression of the different NATI transcripts may contribute to the variation in NATI activity in vivo.


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Recent large-scale analyses of mainly full-length cDNA libraries generated from a variety of mouse tissues indicated that almost half of all representative cloned sequences did flat contain ail apparent protein-coding sequence, and were putatively derived from non-protein-coding RNA (ncRNA) genes. However, many of these clones were singletons and the majority were unspliced, raising the possibility that they may be derived from genomic DNA or unprocessed pre-rnRNA contamination during library construction, or alternatively represent nonspecific transcriptional noise. Here we Show, using reverse transcriptase-dependent PCR, microarray, and Northern blot analyses, that many of these clones were derived from genuine transcripts Of unknown function whose expression appears to be regulated. The ncRNA transcripts have larger exons and fewer introns than protein-coding transcripts. Analysis of the genomic landscape around these sequences indicates that some cDNA clones were produced not from terminal poly(A) tracts but internal priming sites within longer transcripts, only a minority of which is encompassed by known genes. A significant proportion of these transcripts exhibit tissue-specific expression patterns, as well as dynamic changes in their expression in macrophages following lipopolysaccharide Stimulation. Taken together, the data provide strong support for the conclusion that ncRNAs are an important, regulated component of the mammalian transcriptome.


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We analysed the molecular genetic profiles of breast cancer samples before and after neoadjuvant chemotherapy with combination doxorubicin and cyclophosphamide (AC). DNA was obtained from microdissected frozen breast core biopsies from 44 patients before chemotherapy. Additional samples were obtained before the second course of chemotherapy (D21) and after the completion of the treatment (surgical specimens) in 17 and 21 patients, respectively. Microarray-based comparative genome hybridisation was performed using a platform containing approx5800 bacterial artificial chromosome clones (genome-wide resolution: 0.9 Mb). Analysis of the 44 pretreatment biopsies revealed that losses of 4p, 4q, 5q, 12q13.11–12q13.12, 17p11.2 and 17q11.2; and gains of 1p, 2p, 7q, 9p, 11q, 19p and 19q were significantly associated with oestrogen receptor negativity. 16q21–q22.1 losses were associated with lobular and 8q24 gains with ductal types. Losses of 5q33.3–q4 and 18p11.31 and gains of 6p25.1–p25.2 and Xp11.4 were associated with HER2 amplification. No correlations between DNA copy number changes and clinical response to AC were found. Microarray-based comparative genome hybridisation analysis of matched pretreatment and D21 biopsies failed to identify statistically significant differences, whereas a comparison between matched pretreatment and surgical samples revealed a statistically significant acquired copy number gain on 11p15.2–11p15.5. The modest chemotherapy-driven genomic changes, despite profound loss of cell numbers, suggest that there is little therapeutic selection of resistant non-modal cell lineages.


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The etiology of central nervous system tumors (CNSTs) is mainly unknown. Aside from extremely rare genetic conditions, such as neurofibromatosis and tuberous sclerosis, the only unequivocally identified risk factor is exposure to ionizing radiation, and this explains only a very small fraction of cases. Using meta-analysis, gene networking and bioinformatics methods, this dissertation explored the hypothesis that environmental exposures produce genetic and epigenetic alterations that may be involved in the etiology of CNSTs. A meta-analysis of epidemiological studies of pesticides and pediatric brain tumors revealed a significantly increased risk of brain tumors among children whose mothers had farm-related exposures during pregnancy. A dose response was recognized when this risk estimate was compared to those for risk of brain tumors from maternal exposure to non-agricultural pesticides during pregnancy, and risk of brain tumors among children exposed to agricultural activities. Through meta-analysis of several microarray studies which compared normal tissue to astrocytomas, we were able to identify a list of 554 genes which were differentially expressed in the majority of astrocytomas. Many of these genes have in fact been implicated in development of astrocytoma, including EGFR, HIF-1α, c-Myc, WNT5A, and IDH3A. Reverse engineering of these 554 genes using Bayesian network analysis produced a gene network for each grade of astrocytoma (Grade I-IV), and ‘key genes’ within each grade were identified. Genes found to be most influential to development of the highest grade of astrocytoma, Glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) were: COL4A1, EGFR, BTF3, MPP2, RAB31, CDK4, CD99, ANXA2, TOP2A, and SERBP1. Lastly, bioinformatics analysis of environmental databases and curated published results on GBM was able to identify numerous potential pathways and geneenvironment interactions that may play key roles in astrocytoma development. Findings from this research have strong potential to advance our understanding of the etiology and susceptibility to CNSTs. Validation of our ‘key genes’ and pathways could potentially lead to useful tools for early detection and novel therapeutic options for these tumors.


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The rainbow smelt (Osmerus mordax) is an anadromous teleost that produces type II antifreeze protein (AFP) and accumulates modest urea and high glycerol levels in plasma and tissues as adaptive cryoprotectant mechanisms in sub-zero temperatures. It is known that glyceroneogenesis occurs in liver via a branch in glycolysis and gluconeogenesis and is activated by low temperature; however, the precise mechanisms of glycerol synthesis and trafficking in smelt remain to be elucidated. The objective of this thesis was to provide further insight using functional genomic techniques [e.g. suppression subtractive hybridization (SSH) cDNA library construction, microarray analyses] and molecular analyses [e.g. cloning, quantitative reverse transcription - polymerase chain reaction (QPCR)]. Novel molecular mechanisms related to glyceroneogenesis were deciphered by comparing the transcript expression profiles of glycerol (cold temperature) and non-glycerol (warm temperature) accumulating hepatocytes (Chapter 2) and livers from intact smelt (Chapter 3). Briefly, glycerol synthesis can be initiated from both amino acids and carbohydrate; however carbohydrate appears to be the preferred source when it is readily available. In glycerol accumulating hepatocytes, levels of the hepatic glucose transporter (GLUT2) plummeted and transcript levels of a suite of genes (PEPCK, MDH2, AAT2, GDH and AQP9) associated with the mobilization of amino acids to fuel glycerol synthesis were all transiently higher. In contrast, in glycerol accumulating livers from intact smelt, glycerol synthesis was primarily fuelled by glycogen degradation with higher PGM and PFK (glycolysis) transcript levels. Whether initiated from amino acids or carbohydrate, there were common metabolic underpinnings. Increased PDK2 (an inhibitor of PDH) transcript levels would direct pyruvate derived from amino acids and / or DHAP derived from G6P to glycerol as opposed to oxidation via the citric acid cycle. Robust LIPL (triglyceride catabolism) transcript levels would provide free fatty acids that could be oxidized to fuel ATP synthesis. Increased cGPDH (glyceroneogenesis) transcript levels were not required for increased glycerol production, suggesting that regulation is more likely by post-translational modification. Finally, levels of a transcript potentially encoding glycerol-3-phosphatase, an enzyme not yet characterized in any vertebrate species, were transiently higher. These comparisons also led to the novel discoveries that increased G6Pase (glucose synthesis) and increased GS (glutamine synthesis) transcript levels were part of the low temperature response in smelt. Glucose may provide increased colligative protection against freezing; whereas glutamine could serve to store nitrogen released from amino acid catabolism in a non-toxic form and / or be used to synthesize urea via purine synthesis-uricolysis. Novel key aspects of cryoprotectant osmolyte (glycerol and urea) trafficking were elucidated by cloning and characterizing three aquaglyceroporin (GLP)-encoding genes from smelt at the gene and cDNA levels in Chapter 4. GLPs are integral membrane proteins that facilitate passive movement of water, glycerol and urea across cellular membranes. The highlight was the discovery that AQP10ba transcript levels always increase in posterior kidney only at low temperature. This AQP10b gene paralogue may have evolved to aid in the reabsorption of urea from the proximal tubule. This research has contributed significantly to a general understanding of the cold adaptation response in smelt, and more specifically to the development of a working scenario for the mechanisms involved in glycerol synthesis and trafficking in this species.


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Acknowledgements This study was funded by a BBSRC studentship (MA Wenzel) and NERC grants NE/H00775X/1 and NE/D000602/1 (SB Piertney). The authors are grateful to Fiona Leckie, Andrew MacColl, Jesús Martínez-Padilla, François Mougeot, Steve Redpath, Pablo Vergara† and Lucy M.I. Webster for samples; Keliya Bai, Daisy Brickhill, Edward Graham, Alyson Little, Daniel Mifsud, Lizzie Molyneux and Mario Röder for fieldwork assistance; Gillian Murray-Dickson and Laura Watt for laboratory assistance; Heather Ritchie for helpful comments on manuscript drafts; and all estate owners, factors and keepers for access to field sites, most particularly Stuart Young and Derek Calder (Edinglassie), Simon Blackett, Jim Davidson and Liam Donald (Invercauld and Glas Choille), Richard Cooke and Fred Taylor† (Invermark) and T. Helps (Catterick).


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This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved. Acknowledgements This study was funded by a BBSRC studentship (MAW) and NERC grants NE/H00775X/1 and NE/D000602/1 (SBP). The authors are grateful to Mario Röder and Keliya Bai for fieldwork assistance, and all estate owners, factors and keepers for access to field sites, most particularly MJ Taylor and Mike Nisbet (Airlie), Neil Brown (Allargue), RR Gledson and David Scrimgeour (Delnadamph), Andrew Salvesen and John Hay (Dinnet), Stuart Young and Derek Calder (Edinglassie), Kirsty Donald and David Busfield (Glen Dye), Neil Hogbin and Ab Taylor (Glen Muick), Alistair Mitchell (Glenlivet), Simon Blackett, Jim Davidson and Liam Donald (Invercauld), Richard Cooke and Fred Taylor† (Invermark), Shaila Rao and Christopher Murphy (Mar Lodge), and Ralph Peters and Philip Astor (Tillypronie). Data accessibility • Genotype data (DataDryad: doi:10.5061/dryad.4t7jk) • Metadata (information on sampling sites, phenotypes and medication regimen) (DataDryad: doi:10.5061/dryad.4t7jk)


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A large proportion of the variation in traits between individuals can be attributed to variation in the nucleotide sequence of the genome. The most commonly studied traits in human genetics are related to disease and disease susceptibility. Although scientists have identified genetic causes for over 4,000 monogenic diseases, the underlying mechanisms of many highly prevalent multifactorial inheritance disorders such as diabetes, obesity, and cardiovascular disease remain largely unknown. Identifying genetic mechanisms for complex traits has been challenging because most of the variants are located outside of protein-coding regions, and determining the effects of such non-coding variants remains difficult. In this dissertation, I evaluate the hypothesis that such non-coding variants contribute to human traits and diseases by altering the regulation of genes rather than the sequence of those genes. I will specifically focus on studies to determine the functional impacts of genetic variation associated with two related complex traits: gestational hyperglycemia and fetal adiposity. At the genomic locus associated with maternal hyperglycemia, we found that genetic variation in regulatory elements altered the expression of the HKDC1 gene. Furthermore, we demonstrated that HKDC1 phosphorylates glucose in vitro and in vivo, thus demonstrating that HKDC1 is a fifth human hexokinase gene. At the fetal-adiposity associated locus, we identified variants that likely alter VEPH1 expression in preadipocytes during differentiation. To make such studies of regulatory variation high-throughput and routine, we developed POP-STARR, a novel high throughput reporter assay that can empirically measure the effects of regulatory variants directly from patient DNA. By combining targeted genome capture technologies with STARR-seq, we assayed thousands of haplotypes from 760 individuals in a single experiment. We subsequently used POP-STARR to identify three key features of regulatory variants: that regulatory variants typically have weak effects on gene expression; that the effects of regulatory variants are often coordinated with respect to disease-risk, suggesting a general mechanism by which the weak effects can together have phenotypic impact; and that nucleotide transversions have larger impacts on enhancer activity than transitions. Together, the findings presented here demonstrate successful strategies for determining the regulatory mechanisms underlying genetic associations with human traits and diseases, and value of doing so for driving novel biological discovery.


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The advent of next-generation sequencing has significantly reduced the cost of obtaining large-scale genetic resources, opening the door for genomic studies of non-model but ecologically interesting species. The shift in mating system, from outcrossing to selfing, has occurred thousands of times in angiosperms and is accompanied by profound changes in the population genetics and ecology of a species. A large body of work has been devoted to understanding why the shift occurs and the impact of the shift on the genetics of the resulting selfing populations, however, the causes and consequences of the transition to selfing involve a complicated interaction of genetic and demographic factors which are difficult to untangle. Abronia umbellata is a Pacific coastal dune endemic which displays a striking shift in mating system across its geographic range, with large-flowered outcrossing populations south of San Francisco and small-flowered selfing populations to the north. Abronia umbellata is an attractive model system for the study of mating system transitions because the shift appears to be recent and therefore less obscured by post-shift processes, it has a near one-dimensional geographic range which simplifies analysis and interpretation, and demographic data has been collected for many of the populations. In this study, we generated transcriptome-level data for 12 plants including individuals from both subspecies, along with a resequencing study of 48 individuals from populations across the range. The genetic analysis revealed a recent transition to selfing involving a drastic reduction in genetic diversity in the selfing lineage, potentially indicative of a recent population bottleneck and a transition to selfing due to reproductive assurance. Interestingly, the genetic structure of the populations was not coincident with the current subspecies demarcation, and two large-flowered populations were classified with the selfing subspecies, suggesting a potential need for re-evaluation of the current subspecies classification. Our finding of low diversity in selfing populations may also have implications for the conservation value of the threatened selfing subspecies.


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Droplet digital PCR (ddPCR) can be used to detect low frequency mutations in oncogene-driven lung cancer. The range of KRAS point mutations observed in NSCLC necessitates a multiplex approach to efficient mutation detection in circulating DNA. Here we report the design and optimisation of three discriminatory ddPCR multiplex assays investigating nine different KRAS mutations using PrimePCR™ ddPCR™ Mutation Assays and the Bio-Rad QX100 system. Together these mutations account for 95% of the nucleotide changes found in KRAS in human cancer. Multiplex reactions were optimised on genomic DNA extracted from KRAS mutant cell lines and tested on DNA extracted from fixed tumour tissue from a cohort of lung cancer patients without prior knowledge of the specific KRAS genotype. The multiplex ddPCR assays had a limit of detection of better than 1 mutant KRAS molecule in 2,000 wild-type KRAS molecules, which compared favourably with a limit of detection of 1 in 50 for next generation sequencing and 1 in 10 for Sanger sequencing. Multiplex ddPCR assays thus provide a highly efficient methodology to identify KRAS mutations in lung adenocarcinoma.


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Comparative genomic hybridization (CGH) studies have demonstrated a high incidence of chromosomal imbalances in non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. However, the information on the genomic imbalances in Burkitt's Lymphoma (BL) is scanty. Conventional cytogenetics was performed in 34 cases, and long-distance PCR for t(8;14) was performed in 18 cases. A total of 170 changes were present with a median of four changes per case (range 1-22). Gains of chromosomal material (143) were more frequent than amplifications (5) or losses (22). The most frequent aberrations were gains on chromosomes 12q (26%), Xq (22%), 22q (20%), 20q (17%) and 9q (15%). Losses predominantly involved chromosomes 13q (17%) and 4q (9%). High-level amplifications were present in the regions 1q23-31 (three cases), 6p12-p25 and 8p22-p23. Upon comparing BL vs Burkitt's cell leukemia (BCL), the latter had more changes (mean 4.3 +/- 2.2) than BL (mean 2.7 +/- 3.2). In addition, BCL cases showed more frequently gains on 8q, 9q, 14q, 20q, and 20q, 9q, 8q and 14q, as well as losses on 13q and 4q. Concerning outcome, the presence of abnormalities on 1q (ascertained either by cytogenetics or by CGH), and imbalances on 7q (P=0.01) were associated with a short survival.


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Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-08