978 resultados para Nitrate concentration


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Potassium (K) is required in high doses by the banana (Musa sp.) plant and interacts with other nutrient elements in which banana tissues are maintained under in vitro condition as a consequence modifications in the plant metabolism take place mainly in nitrogen (N) compounds, such as proteins, amino acids, and secondary compounds. When K is present in concentrations lower than that required, diamines such as putrescine and poliamines are formed. This metabolic disorder can also be correlated with the presence of different inorganic N forms, such as nitrate (NO3) and ammonium (NH4), and the ratios between both ions as well. In order to follow the physiological performance of the interrelationships, K/putrescine and of the NO3/NH4 ratio in the tissue of banana vitroplantlets, shoot apex of two banana cvs. Nanica and Prata Ana were maintained in modified MS medium in the presence of six different doses of K: 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, and 30 mM. After the period of tissue proliferation the cultures were transferred to rooting media containing the same different K doses. Dry matter, K, putrescine, and spermidine contents and their accumulation were determined in the shoots and roots of the vitroplantlets and in the shoot apex of the explant donor cultivar as well as the corresponding values for the whole vitroplantlets calculated. The data were statistically analyzed. The contents and accumulations of putrescine and spermidine in banana tissues were enhanced as K concentration decreased in the medium: four times (0.19% of the dry matter) for cv. Nanica and eight times (0.25% of the dry matter) for cv. Prata Ana. This behavior was not only related to the K depletion but to the NO3/NH4 ratio as well.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Aluminium Hydroxides were precipitated from Aluminium Nitrate and Ammonium Hydroxide, at the temperatures 64 degrees C (hot) and 25 degrees C (cold), under the pH conditions 5, 7 and 9. The samples were characterized by X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) and Differential Thermal Analysis (DTA). The hydroxide precipitated at pH 9 and 64 degrees C is built up by pseudoboehmite and a minor share of others apparently amorphous hydroxides. The crystallinity of the hot yielded pseudoboehmite diminishes with the pH. The crystallite size was evaluated as about 40 Angstrom for the best crystallized sample. The cold precipitated product is apparently composed by amorphous or very poorly crystallized hydroxides. Upon heating, the cold precipitated hydroxides, and the low pH and hot precipitated hydroxide, release their structural water before the occurrence, about 430 degrees C, of the transition of the pseudoboehmite to gamma-alumina, and exhibit a shifting (towards low temperature side) and a broadening in the peak of the transition to alpha-alumina, which occurs at 1200 degrees C in the pseudoboehmite pattern. The yielded pseudo-boehmite peptized by HNO3, addition and gelified by evaporation in a critical concentration approximately 0.17 gcm(-3).


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It is well established that nitrate is a potent inhibitor of nodulation and nitrogen fixation in legumes. The objective of this study was to demonstrate the relative insensitivity of these processes to nitrate with Calopogonium mucunoides, a tropical South American perennial legume, native to the cerrado (savannah) region. It was found that nodule number was reduced by about half in the presence of high levels of nitrate (15 mM) but nodule growth (total nodule mass per plant) and nitrogen fixation (acetylene reduction activity and xylem sap ureide levels) were not affected. Other sources of N (ammonium and urea) were also without effect at these concentrations. At even higher concentrations (30 mM), nitrate did promote significant inhibition (ca. 50%) of acetylene reduction activity, but no significant reduction in xylem sap ureides was found. The extraordinary insensitivity of nodulation and N2 fixation of C. mucunoides to nitrate suggests that this species should be useful in studies aimed at elucidating the mechanisms of nitrate inhibition of these processes. © 2010 Springer Science+Business Media B.V.


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The aim of the present study was to compare the degradation kinetics of low (1 mg L-1) and high (25 mg L-1) concentrations of ciprofloxacin (CIP) aiming to decrease the concentration of additives and evaluate the pH limitation by the use of low iron concentrations and organic ligands. A parameterized kinetic model was satisfactorily fitted to the experimental data in order to study the performance of photo-Fenton process with specific iron sources (iron citrate, iron oxalate, iron nitrate) under different pH medium (2.5, 4.5, 6.5). The process modeling allowed selecting those process conditions (iron source, additives concentrations and pH medium) which maximize the two performance parameters related to the global equilibrium conversion and kinetic rate of the process. For the high CIP concentration, degradation was very influenced by the iron source, resulting in much lower efficiency with iron nitrate. At pH 4.5, highest TOC removal (0.87) was achieved in the presence of iron citrate, while similar CIP conversions were obtained with oxalate and citrate (0.98 after 10 min). For the low CIP concentration, much higher conversion was observed in the presence of citrate or oxalate in relation to iron nitrate up to pH 4.5. This behavior denotes the importance of complexation also at low dosages. Appropriate additives load (320 μM H 2O2; 6 μM Fe) resulted in a CIP conversion of 0.96 after10 min reaction with citrate up to pH 4.5. © 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The main objective of this study was to perform laboratory experiments on calcium nitrate addition to sediments of a tropical eutrophic urban reservoir (Ibirite reservoir, SE Brazil) to immobilize the reactive soluble phosphorus (RSP) and to evaluate possible geochemical changes and toxic effects caused by this treatment. Reductions of 75 and 89% in the concentration of RSP were observed in the water column and interstitial water, respectively, after 145 days of nitrate addition. The nitrate application increased the rate of autotrophic denitrification, causing a consumption of 98% of the added nitrate and oxidation of 99% of the acid volatile sulfide. As a consequence, there were increases in the sulfate and iron (II) concentrations in the sediment interstitial water and water column, as well as changes in the copper speciation in the sediments. Toxicity tests initially indicated that the high concentrations of nitrate and nitrite in the sediment interstitial water (up to 2300 mg L-1 and 260 mg L-1, respectively) were the major cause of mortality of Ceriodaphnia silvestrii and Chironomus xanthus. However, at the end of the experiment, the sediment toxicity was completely removed and a reduction in the 48 h-EC50 of the water was also observed. Based on these results we can say that calcium nitrate treatment proved to be a valuable tool in remediation of eutrophic aquatic ecosystems leading to conditions that can support a great diversity of organisms after a restoration period. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Urea has been considered as a promising alternative nitrogen source for the cultivation of Arthrospira platensis if it is possible to avoid ammonia toxicity; however, this procedure can lead to periods of nitrogen shortage. This study shows that the addition of potassium nitrate, which acts as a nitrogen reservoir, to cultivations carried out with urea in a fed-batch process can increase the maximum cell concentration (Xm) and also cell productivity (PX). Using response surface methodology, the model indicates that the estimated optimum Xm can be achieved with 17.3 mM potassium nitrate and 8.9 mM urea. Under this condition an Xm of 6077 +/- 199 mg/L and a PX of 341.5 +/- 19.1 mg L1day1 were obtained.


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Leaching of nitrate (NO3-) can increase the groundwater concentration of this anion and reduce the agronomical effectiveness of nitrogen fertilizers. The main soil property inversely related to NO3- leaching is the anion exchange capacity (AEC), whose determination is however too time-consuming for being carried out in soil testing laboratories. For this reason, this study evaluated if more easily measurable soil properties could be used to estimate the resistance of subsoils to NO3- leaching. Samples from the subsurface layer (20-40 cm) of 24 representative soils of São Paulo State were characterized for particle-size distribution and for chemical and electrochemical properties. The subsoil content of adsorbed NO3- was calculated from the difference between the NO3- contents extracted with 1 mol L-1 KCl and with water; furthermore, NO3- leaching was studied in miscible displacement experiments. The results of both adsorption and leaching experiments were consistent with the well-known role exerted by AEC on the nitrate behavior in weathered soils. Multiple regression analysis indicated that in subsoils with (i) low values of remaining phosphorus (Prem), (ii) low soil pH values measured in water (pH H2O), and (iii) high pH values measured in 1 moL L-1 KCl (pH KCl), the amounts of surface positive charges tend to be greater. For this reason, NO3- leaching tends to be slower in these subsoils, even under saturated flow condition.


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Nutrient leaching studies are expensive and require expertise in water collection and analyses. Less expensive or easier methods that estimate leaching losses would be desirable. The objective of this study was to determine if anion-exchange membranes (AEMs) and reflectance meters could predict nitrate (NO3-N) leaching losses from a cool-season lawn turf. A two-year field study used an established 90% Kentucky bluegrass (Poa pratensis L.)-10% creeping red fescue (Festuca rubra L.) turf that received 0 to 98 kg N ha-1 month-1, from May through November. Soil monolith lysimeters collected leachate that was analyzed for NO3-N concentration. Soil NO3-N was estimated with AEMs. Spectral reflectance measurements of the turf were obtained with chlorophyll and chroma meters. No significant (p > 0.05) increase in percolate flow-weighted NO3-N concentration (FWC) or mass loss occurred when AEM desorbed soil NO3-N was below 0.84 µg cm-2 d-1. A linear increase in FWC and mass loss (p < 0.0001) occurred, however, when AEM soil NO3-N was above this value. The maximum contaminant level (MCL) for drinking water (10 mg L-1 NO3-N) was reached with an AEM soil NO3-N value of 1.6 µg cm-2 d-1. Maximum meter readings were obtained when AEM soil NO3 N reached or exceeded 2.3 µg cm-2 d-1. As chlorophyll index and hue angle (greenness) increased, there was an increased probability of exceeding the NO3-N MCL. These data suggest that AEMs and reflectance meters can serve as tools to predict NO3-N leaching losses from cool-season lawn turf, and to provide objective guides for N fertilization.


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Ideal nitrogen (N) management for turfgrass supplies sufficient N for high-quality turf without increasing N leaching losses. A greenhouse study was conducted during two 27-week periods to determine if in situ anion exchange membranes (AEMs) could predict nitrate (NO3-N) leaching from a Kentucky bluegrass (Poa pratensis) turf grown on intact soil columns. Treatments consisted of 16 rates of N fertilizer application, from 0 to 98 kg N ha-1 mo-1. Percolate water was collected weekly and analysed for NO3-N. Mean flow-weighted NO3-N concentration and cumulative mass in percolate were exponentially related (pseudo-R2=0.995 and 0.994, respectively) to AEM desorbed soil NO3-N, with a percolate concentration below 10 mg NO3-N L-1 corresponding to an AEM soil NO3-N value of 2.9 micro g cm-2 d-1. Apparent N recovery by turf ranged from 28 to 40% of applied N, with a maximum corresponding to 4.7 micro g cm-2 d-1 AEM soil NO3-N. Turf colour, growth, and chlorophyll index increased with increasing AEM soil NO3-N, but these increases occurred at the expense of increases in NO3-N leaching losses. These results suggest that AEMs might serve as a tool for predicting NO3-N leaching losses from turf.


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Standing stocks and production rates for phytoplankton and heterotrophic bacteria were examined during four expeditions in the western Arctic Ocean (Chukchi Sea and Canada Basin) in the spring and summer of 2002 and 2004. Rates of primary production (PP) and bacterial production (BP) were higher in the summer than in spring and in shelf waters than in the basin. Most surprisingly, PP was 3-fold higher in 2004 than in 2002; ice-corrected rates were 1581 and 458 mg C/m**2/d respectively, for the entire region. The difference between years was mainly due to low ice coverage in the summer of 2004. The spatial and temporal variation in PP led to comparable variation in BP. Although temperature explained as much variability in BP as did PP or phytoplankton biomass, there was no relationship between temperature and bacterial growth rates above about 0°C. The average ratio of BP to PP was 0.06 and 0.79 when ice-corrected PP rates were greater than and less than 100 mg C/m**2/d, respectively; the overall average was 0.34. Bacteria accounted for a highly variable fraction of total respiration, from 3% to over 60% with a mean of 25%. Likewise, the fraction of PP consumed by bacterial respiration, when calculated from growth efficiency (average of 6.9%) and BP estimates, varied greatly over time and space (7% to >500%). The apparent uncoupling between respiration and PP has several implications for carbon export and storage in the western Arctic Ocean.


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Increasing seawater temperature and CO2 concentrations both are expected to increase coastal phytoplankton biomass and carbon to nutrient ratios in nutrient limited seasonally stratified summer conditions. This is because temperature enhances phytoplankton growth while grazing is suggested to be reduced during such bottom-up controlled situations. In addition, enhanced CO2 concentrations potentially favor phytoplankton species, that otherwise depend on costly carbon concentrating mechanisms (CCM). The trophic consequences for consumers under such conditions, however, remain little understood. We set out to experimentally explore the combined effects of increasing temperature and CO2 concentration for phytoplankton biomass and stoichiometry and the consequences for trophic transfer (here for copepods) on a natural nutrient limited Baltic Sea summer plankton community. The results show, that warming effects were translated to the next trophic level by switching the system from a bottom-up controlled to a mainly top-down controlled one. This was reflected in significantly down-grazed phytoplankton and increased zooplankton abundance in the warm temperature treatment (22.5°C). Additionally, at low temperature (16.5°C) rising CO2 concentrations significantly increased phytoplankton biomass. The latter effect however, was due to direct negative impact of CO2 on copepod nauplii which released phytoplankton from grazing in the cold but not in the warm treatments. Our results suggest that future seawater warming has the potential to switch trophic relations between phytoplankton and their grazers under nutrient limited conditions with the consequence of potentially disguising CO2 effects on coastal phytoplankton biomass.