999 resultados para Nimègue (Traité de) (1678) (Actes royaux)
Studies of trait-mediated indirect interactions (TMIIs) typically focus on effects higher predators have on per capita consumption by intermediate consumers of a third, basal prey resource. TMIIs are usually evidenced by changes in feeding rates of intermediate consumers and/or differences in densities of this third species. However, understanding and predicting effects of TMIIs on population stability of such basal species requires examination of the type and magnitude of the functional responses exhibited towards them. Here, in a marine intertidal system consisting of a higher-order fish predator, the shanny Lipophrys pholis, an intermediate predator, the amphipod Echinogammarus marinus, and a basal prey resource, the isopod Jaera nordmanni, we detected TMIIs, demonstrating the importance of habitat complexity in such interactions, by deriving functional responses and exploring consequences for prey population stability. Echinogammarus marinus reacted to fish predator diet cues by reducing activity, a typical anti-predator response, but did not alter habitat use. Basal prey, Jaera nordmanni, did not respond to fish diet cues with respect to activity, distribution or aggregation behaviour. Echinogammarus marinus exhibited type II functional responses towards J. nordmanni in simple habitat, but type III functional responses in complex habitat. However, while predator cue decreased the magnitude of the type II functional response in simple habitat, it increased the magnitude of the type III functional response in complex habitat. These findings indicate that, in simple habitats, TMIIs may drive down consumption rates within type II responses, however, this interaction may remain de-stabilising for prey populations. Conversely, in complex habitats, TMIIs may strengthen regulatory influences of intermediate consumers on prey populations, whilst potentially maintaining prey population stability. We thus highlight that TMIIs can have unexpected and complex ramifications throughout communities, but can be unravelled by considering effects on intermediate predator functional response types and magnitudes.
Sexually selected traits are shaped by an interaction between sexual selection and other natural selection pressures in the environment. However, there is little understanding of how recent anthropogenic environmental change affects the elaboration of sexually selected traits. Most sexually selected traits are complex displays comprising multiple components that interact in a functional way, thereby affecting overall trait expression. To understand how environmental change may shape the expression of sexually selected traits, we have to consider not only (i) the phenotypic plasticity of individual components of traits but also their (ii) phenotypic integration, that is, the correlations among trait components, as well as (iii) plasticity integration, that is, the correlations among the plasticities of trait components. Here, we show that background noise is a considerable pressure in shaping a sexually selected multicomponent acoustic signal, bird song. We compared singing behavior of European robins (Erithacus rubecula) in territories that differed in levels of anthropogenic noise and conducted noise-exposure experiments to test if behavioral plasticity caused immediate changes in song components, for example, minimum frequency, song complexity, and song length. We found that song components differed in their plasticity to background noise and that plasticity integration between components may further restrict the elaboration of song. Thus, the altered expression of song components under noise exposure leads to increased phenotypic integration, which is linked with reduced song complexity. Our findings demonstrate that plasticity integration restricts the elaboration of a sexually selected trait, which raises the question of how changing environments may modify sexual selection.
Understanding how communities assemble is a key challenge in ecology. Conflicting hypotheses suggest that plant traits within communities should show divergence to reflect strategies to reduce competition or convergence to reflect strong selection for the environmental conditions operating. Further hypotheses suggest that plant traits related to productivity show convergence within communities, but those related to disturbance show divergence. Data on functional diversity (FD ) of 12 traits from 30 communities ranging from arable fields, mown and grazed grasslands to moorland and woodland were employed to test this using randomisations tests and correlation and regression analysis. No traits showed consistent significant convergence or divergence in functional diversity. When correlated to measures of the environment, the most common pattern was for functional diversity to decline (7 out of 12 traits) and the degree of convergence (7 out of 12 traits) to increase as the levels of productivity (measured as primary productivity, soil nitrogen release and vegetation C:N) and disturbance increased. Convergence or a relationship between functional diversity and the environment was not seen for a number of important traits, such as LDMC and SLA, which are considered as key predictors of ecosystem function. The analysis indicates that taking into account functional diversity within a system may be a necessary part of predicting the relationship between plant traits and ecosystem function, and that this may be of particular importance within less productive and less disturbed systems. © 2011 Springer-Verlag.
The aim of this study was to characterize the transcriptome of a balanced polymorphism, under the regulation of a single gene, for phosphate fertilizer responsiveness/arsenate toler- ance in wild grass Holcus lanatus genotypes screened from the same habitat.
De novo transcriptome sequencing, RNAseq (RNA sequencing) and single nucleotide poly- morphism (SNP) calling were conducted on RNA extracted from H.lanatus. Roche 454 sequencing data were assembled into c. 22 000 isotigs, and paired-end Illumina reads for phosphorus-starved (P) and phosphorus-treated (P+) genovars of tolerant (T) and nontoler- ant (N) phenotypes were mapped to this reference transcriptome.
Heatmaps of the gene expression data showed strong clustering of each P+/P treated genovar, as well as clustering by N/T phenotype. Statistical analysis identified 87 isotigs to be significantly differentially expressed between N and T phenotypes and 258 between P+ and P treated plants. SNPs and transcript expression that systematically differed between N and T phenotypes had regulatory function, namely proteases, kinases and ribonuclear RNA- binding protein and transposable elements.
A single gene for arsenate tolerance led to distinct phenotype transcriptomes and SNP pro- files, with large differences in upstream post-translational and post-transcriptional regulatory genes rather than in genes directly involved in P nutrition transport and metabolism per se.
Nonconsumptive or trait-mediated effects of predators on their prey often outweigh density-mediated interactions where predators consume prey. For instance, predator presence can alter prey behaviour, physiology, morphology and/or development. Despite a burgeoning literature, our ability to identify general patterns in prey behavioural responses may be influenced by the inconsistent methodologies of predator cue experiments used to assess trait-mediated effects. We therefore conducted a meta-analysis to highlight variables (e.g. water type, predator husbandry, exposure time) that may influence invertebrate prey's behavioural responses to fish predator cues. This revealed that changes in prey activity and refuge use were remarkably consistent overall, despite wide differences in experimental methodologies. Our meta-analysis shows that invertebrates altered their behaviour to predator cues of both fish that were fed the focal invertebrate and those that were fed other prey types, which suggests that invertebrates were not responding to specific diet information in the fish cues. Invertebrates also altered their behaviour regardless of predator cue addition regimes and fish satiation levels. Cue intensity and exposure time did not have significant effects on invertebrate behaviour. We also highlight that potentially confounding factors, such as parasitism, were rarely recorded in sufficient detail to assess the magnitude of their effects. By examining the likelihood of detecting trait-mediated effects under large variations in experimental design, our study demonstrates that trait-mediated effects are likely to have pervasive and powerful influences in nature.
Elements in grain crops such as iron, zinc and selenium are essential in the human diet, whereas elements such as arsenic are potentially toxic to humans. This study aims to identify quantitative trait loci (QTLs) for trace elements in rice grain. A field experiment was conducted in an arsenic enriched field site in Qiyang, China using the Bala x Azucena mapping population grown under standard field conditions. Grains were subjected to elemental analysis by inductively coupled plasma mass spectroscopy. QTLs were detected for the elemental composition within the rice grains, including for iron and selenium, which have previously been detected in this population grown at another location, indicating the stability of these QTLs. A correlation was observed between flowering time and a number of the element concentrations in grains, which was also revealed as co-localisation between flowering time QTLs and grain element QTLs. Unravelling the environmental conditions that influence the grain ionome appears to be complex, but from the results in this study one of the major factors which controls the accumulation of elements within the grain is flowering time.
Edition présentée et annotée par : Hugues Galli, Thierry Gautier et Dominique Jeannerod
'Boar taint' is a strong perspiration-like, urine-like unpleasant odour given off upon heating or cooking of meat from some intact (uncastrated) male pigs. Data from the F(2) generation of a Large White (LW) x Meishan (MS) crossbred population were analysed to detect quantitative trait loci (QTL) for traits associated with boar taint. Fat samples from 178 intact male pigs slaughtered at 85 +/- 5 kg were analysed for the major contributors to boar taint (androstenone, indole and skatole). Fat and lean samples from cooked meat were scored for boar, abnormal and pork flavour and odour by a trained sensory panel (SP). A scan with 117 markers covering the whole genome was performed in the F(2) individuals, together with their F(1) parents and purebred grandparents. At the 5% chromosomal significance threshold (approximately equal to the genome-wide suggestive significance threshold), QTL were detected for the laboratory estimate of androstenone on chromosomes 2, 4, 6, 7 and 9. However, only on chromosome 6 were there QTL for boar flavour (BF) traits in the same or adjacent marker intervals as a QTL for the laboratory estimate of androstenone. On chromosome 14, QTL were detected for the laboratory estimates of indole and skatole, the SP score for skatole and the scores for BF in lean and BF in fat. In all five cases, the MS allele generally increased the estimate or score, compared with the LW allele, but it appeared that desirable and undesirable alleles were present in both breeds. This locus on chromosome 14 has considerable potential for use to reduce the incidence of boar taint, especially if further research can identify the causative polymorphism or strongly associated markers.
Parasites have a variety of behavioural effects on their hosts, which can in turn affect species with which the host interacts. Here we review how these trait-mediated indirect effects of parasites can alter the outcomes of invader-native interactions, illustrating with examples from the literature and with particular regard to the invader-native crustacean systems studied in our laboratories. Parasites may potentially inhibit or exacerbate invasions via their effects on host behaviour, in addition to their direct virulence effects on hosts. In several crustacean systems, we have found that parasites influence both host predation rates on intra- and inter-guild prey and host vulnerability to being preyed upon. These trait effects can theoretically alter invasion impact and patterns of coexistence, as they indirectly affect interactions between predators and prey with the potential for further ramifications to other species in the food web. The fitness consequences of parasite-induced trait-mediated effects are rarely considered in traditional parasitological contexts, but demand attention in the context of ecological communities. We can regard these trait effects as a form of cryptic virulence that only becomes apparent when hosts are examined in the context of the other species with which they interact.
Book Review in Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Religions und Kulturgeschichte No. 100 (2006) of Richard Friedli & Mallory Schneuwly Purdie (eds), L’Europe des Religions. Éléments d’analyse des champs religieux européens. Actes du programme 2002-2003 de formation doctorale, Berne: Peter Lang, collection « Studia Religiosa Helvetica », vol.8/9, 2004, 257p.
Cette recherche aborde un phénomène encore peu documenté soit l'expérience d'enseignantes ayant accueilli un élève traité pour un cancer. Les études démontrent que l'école est peu préparée pour répondre aux besoins de ces élèves et offrir un soutien adéquat quant aux difficultés scolaires qu'ils risquent de présenter : fatigue, problème de mémoire, difficultés de concentration et d'apprentissage, etc. Résultant d'entrevues auprès de dix enseignantes, notre analyse qualitative a permis de dégager les services offerts et souhaités pour soutenir efficacement un élève traité pour un cancer dans son cheminement scolaire. En fonction de la situation et des difficultés de l'élève, les enseignantes disent avoir soutenu l'élève sur le plan affectif et social. Plusieurs proposent des moyens pour améliorer l'organisation de la classe. Enfin, notre discussion présente des pistes d'actions pour pallier l'absence de formation, accroître la concertation entre les milieux scolaires, communautaires et hospitaliers et favoriser l'inclusion scolaire de ces élèves.
Si vous êtes présentement à la recherche d’un ouvrage traitant de la persévérance, cet essai vous est destiné. C’est par le biais de l’implantation de la pédagogie par ateliers, du portfolio et des intelligences multiples que nous, deux enseignantes-chercheuses du primaire, avons exploré notre persévérance. Cette exploration nous a permis de mieux comprendre le phénomène de la persévérance pour, par la suite, identifier des composantes telles que des comportements, des attitudes ou des structures qui ont une incidence positive sur notre persévérance lors de l’implantation d’approches ou d’outils pédagogiques. Ce projet a pris naissance suite à l’avènement du nouveau curriculum de 2001, en éducation. La nouvelle philosophie qu’il proposait est venue déstabilisée nos pratiques professionnelles. Pour remédier à la situation, nous nous sommes retournées vers la formation continue offerte par notre commission scolaire Ayant le besoin d’approfondir les sujets abordés, nous nous sommes engagées dans un programme universitaire de deuxième cycle offert par l’Université de Sherbrooke. Au cours de cette formation, nous avons eu l’opportunité de nous familiariser avec différentes approches ou outils pédagogiques. Parmi ceux-ci, trois nous ont rejointes davantage puisqu’ils correspondaient à nos valeurs de pédagogues: la pédagogie par ateliers, le portfolio et les intelligences multiples. Nous avons donc décidé de les implanter dans nos classes. Cette implantation signifiait pour nous une façon d’adapter nos pratiques pour davantage répondre à la nouvelle philosophie du curriculum. À chaque fois, nous faisions face au même problème: nous abandonnions, soit de façon partielle ou totale, l’implantation d’approches ou d’outils pédagogiques. Nous voulons donc résoudre notre problème de persévérance pour en arriver à une implantation complète. L’objectif de ce projet de recherche est de comprendre le phénomène de la persévérance pour, par la suite, identifier les composantes qui contribuent à persévérer lors de l’implantation d’approches ou d’outils pédagogiques retenus. Pour ce faire, nous avons établi un cadre méthodologique et nous avons sélectionné des instruments de recherche. Tout d’abord, nous avons privilégié l’approche qualitative puisque ce projet de recherche est destiné à recueillir des informations afin de comprendre nos attitudes et nos comportements à l'égard de notre persévérance. Par la suite, nous avons retenu un type de recherche inspirée de Fernandez, la recherche-formation-action (combinaison de la recherche-formation et de la recherche-action) puisqu’elle permet, à la fois, de nous former sur notre persévérance et d’agir sur elle. Par conséquent, l’enjeu de cette recherche est ontogénique parce qu’il s’agit du propre développement des enseignantes-chercheuses. Finalement, pour atteindre notre objectif de recherche, nous avons besoin d’instruments pour colliger les données. Dans un premier temps, le récit de pratique traite de la dimension professionnelle par le biais de la synthèse rétrospective et du journal de bord. En ce qui concerne la dimension personnelle, nous avons privilégié l’histoire de vie et c’est le journal personnel qui est utilisé pour recueillir les faits liés à notre persévérance. Toutes les démarches ou lectures entreprises nous ont amenées à des conclusions positives. Lors de nos lectures, nous avons découvert une procédure pour persévérer, les qualités d’une personne persévérante, les ennemis de la persévérance, les cinq domaines principaux de l’intelligence émotionnelle, le self-control, les étapes de résolution de problème, les variables de la motivation ainsi que les quatre facteurs influençant les actes volontaires. Tous ces concepts ont une incidence positive sur notre persévérance lors de l’implantation d’approches ou d’outils pédagogiques. Certains de ces concepts prennent encore plus d’importance lorsqu’ils sont interliés à d’autres. Pour ce faire, nous avons créé une allégorie qui permet de réunir tous ces concepts puisqu’ils jouent un rôle majeur sur notre persévérance. Les composantes trouvées ainsi que nos lectures constituent des outils essentiels pour nous permettre de vivre l’expérience de la persévérance. Au-delà des découvertes réalisées, nous sommes unanimes pour dire que pour apprendre à persévérer il faut, d’abord et avant tout, vivre l’expérience de la persévérance, qui fait l’objet de cette recherche. Nous estimons que les composantes (comportements, attitudes et structures), trouvées par l’entremise de nos lectures et de cet essai, constituent de précieux outils pour aider une personne à persévérer puisqu’il y a peu de travaux qui ont traité de ce sujet. Finalement, nous espérons que notre essai encouragera d’autres chercheurs à innover dans leur recherche, comme nous l’avons fait avec l’élaboration de nos étapes de recherche et le choix du type de recherche, puisque c’est en explorant de nouvelles avenues que nous apportons de la nouveauté dans le monde de la recherche. Bref, nous considérons notre essai comme une contribution à la recherche tant par les découvertes que nous y avons faites concernant la persévérance que par la nouveauté que nous avons apporté au niveau méthodologique.
Indices of post awakening cortisol secretion (PACS), include the rise in cortisol(cortisol awakening response: CAR) and overall cortisol concentrations (e.g. area under the curve with reference to ground: AUCg) in the first 30—45 min. Both are commonly investigated in relation to psychosocial variables. Although sampling within the domestic setting is ecologically valid, participant non-adherence to the required timing protocol results in erroneous measurement of PACS and this may explain discrepancies in the literature linking these measures to trait well-being (TWB). We have previously shown that delays of little over 5 min(between awakening and the start of sampling) to result in erroneous CAR estimates. In this study, we report for the first time on the negative impact of sample timing inaccuracy (verified by electronic-monitoring) on the efficacy to detect significant relationships between PACS and TWB when measured in the domestic setting.Healthy females (N = 49, 20.5 ± 2.8 years) selected for differences in TWB collected saliva samples (S1—4) on 4 days at 0, 15, 30, 45 min post awakening, to determine PACS. Adherence to the sampling protocol was objectively monitored using a combination of electronic estimates of awakening (actigraphy) and sampling times (track caps).Relationships between PACS and TWB were found to depend on sample timing accuracy. Lower TWB was associated with higher post awakening cortisol AUCg in proportion to the mean sample timing accuracy (p < .005). There was no association between TWB and the CAR even taking into account sample timing accuracy. These results highlight the importance of careful electronic monitoring of participant adherence for measurement of PACS in the domestic setting. Mean sample timing inaccuracy, mainly associated with delays of >5 min between awakening and collection of sample 1 (median = 8 min delay), negatively impacts on the sensitivity of analysis to detect associations between PACS and TWB.