994 resultados para Nigella sativa L.


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito de diferentes dosagens de vermicomposto sobre a produção de alface, cultivar Baba de Verão. O ensaio foi conduzido em Latossolo Amarelo Distrófico de textura média fase caatinga litorânea, na Embrapa Meio-Norte, UEP - Parnaíba, de setembro a outubro de 2013. O delineamento experimental adotado foi o de blocos casualizados, com cinco tratamentos e quatro repetições.


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In Europe, the current demand for vegetable oils and the need to find alternative crops for the regions most affected by climate change (i.e., Mediterranean basin) may be a launchpad for camelina [Camelina sativa (L.) Crantz] to be steadily introduced in European cropping systems. Camelina is mainly known for the unique composition of its oil, with a fatty acids profile including more than 50% content of essential linoleic and linolenic fatty acids, and a high tocopherol content. Being tocopherols part of the vitamin E family of antioxidants, the added value of growing camelina in harsh environments could be the enhancement of tocopherol content in camelina oil, thus having a more stable and nutritionally valuable product. With the final purpose of fully valorize camelina as a tolerant, valuable-oil producing crop for the Mediterranean basin, the main aim of this study was to investigate whether and how sowing date, cultivar choice, and abiotic stresses can affect tocopherol content and composition in camelina oil. The results showed that cultivar choice and growing conditions influenced total tocopherol, γ-tocopherol, and α-tocopherol contents. Moreover, heat stress trial revealed that high temperature increased α-tocopherol content, while no effect was observed in total tocopherols and in γ-tocopherol content. Finally, drought increased total tocopherols in camelina, and in drought-sensitive lines an increase in α-tocopherol was observed. This study allowed to acquire awareness on camelina resistance to abiotic stresses, coupled with a better knowledge on tocopherol content and composition in relation to cultivar, sowing date, and abiotic stresses. This will have an impact for the introduction of camelina as an alternative crop in harsher environments, such as the Mediterranean basin, to produce an oil suitable for food, feed, and industrial applications.


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Guava (Psidium guajava L.) is a plant often employed in popular medicine. Recently several studies have alerted about the toxicity of substances present in medicinal plants, which can pose risks to the human health. In this sense, the present work aimed to investigate the phytotoxic, cytotoxic and genotoxic action of three guava varieties - Paluma, Pedro Sato and Roxa (purple) - on the plant test system Lactuca sativa L. Thus, macro- and microscopic evaluations were carried out for five infusion concentrations (2.5, 5.0, 10.0, 20.0 and 40.0 g.L-1) prepared from each variety. Distilled water was used as negative control. Chromatographic and spectroscopic analysis by HPLC-PAD indicated that the chemical composition of the infusion of Roxa is different than that of the infusions of the varieties Paluma and Pedro Sato. It was observed that seed germination and root growth in L. sativa exposed to infusions decreased with increasing infusion concentration, regardless of the tested cultivar. For the mitotic index, no statistical differences were observed. On the other hand, a significant increase in the frequency of cell cycle alterations was verified, especially for the highest concentrations tested. The cytogenotoxic was significant. Therefore, guava should not be used indiscriminately in popular medicine.


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Stable carbon and nitrogen isotope signatures (delta C-13 and delta N-15) of Cannabis sativa were assessed for their usefulness to trace seized Cannabis leaves to the country of origin and to source crops by determining how isotope signatures relate to plant growth conditions. The isotopic composition of Cannabis examined here covered nearly the entire range of values reported for terrestrial C-3 plants. The delta C-13 values of Cannabis from Australia, Papua New Guinea and Thailand ranged from -36 to -25 parts per thousand, and delta N-15 values ranged from -1.0 to 15.8 parts per thousand. The stable isotope content did not allow differentiation between Cannabis originating from the three countries, but delta C-13 values of plantation-grown Cannabis differed between well-watered plants (average delta C-13 of -30.0 parts per thousand) and plants that had received little irrigation (average delta C-13 of -26.4 parts per thousand). Cannabis grown under controlled conditions had delta C-13 values of -32.6 and -30.6 parts per thousand with high and low water supply, respectively. These results indicate that water availability determines leaf C-13 in plants grown under similar conditions of light, temperature and air humidity. The delta C-13 values also distinguished between indoor- and outdoor-grown Cannabis; indoor- grown plants had overall more negative delta C-13 values (average -31.8 parts per thousand) than outdoor-grown plants (average -27.9 parts per thousand). Contributing to the strong C-13-depletion of indoor- grown plants may be high relative humidity, poor ventilation and recycling of C-13-depleted respired CO2. Mineral fertilizers had mostly lower delta N-15 values (-0.2 to 2.2 parts per thousand) than manure-based fertilizers (7.6 to 22.7 parts per thousand). It was possible to link delta N-15 values of fertilizers associated with a crop site to soil and plant delta N-15 values. The strong relationship between soil, fertilizer, and plant delta N-15 suggests that Cannabis delta N-15 is determined by the isotopic composition of the nitrogen source. The distinct delta N-15 values measured in Cannabis crops make delta N-15 an excellent tool for matching seized Cannabis with a source crop. A case study is presented that demonstrates how delta C-13 and delta N-15 values can be used as a forensic tool.


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The schistosomicidal properties of Nigella sativaseeds were tested in vitro against Schistosoma mansoni miracidia, cercariae, and adult worms. Results indicate its strong biocidal effects against all stages of the parasite and also showed an inhibitory effect on egg-laying of adult female worms. In the present work we also studied the effects of crushed seeds on some antioxidant enzymes; which have a role in protection of adult worms against host oxidant killing; as well as some enzymes of glucose metabolism; which have a crucial role in the survival of adult worms inside their hosts. The data revealed that the used drug induce an oxidative stress against adult worms which indicated by a decrease in the activities of both antioxidant enzymes, superoxide dismutase, glutathione peroxidase, and glutathione reductase and enzymes of glucose metabolism, hexokinase and glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase. Disturbing of such enzymes of adult worms using N. sativa seeds could in turn render the parasite vulnerable to damage by the host and may play a role in the antischistosomal potency of the used drug.


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Origin of samples of Cannabis sativa through insect fragments associated with compacted hemp drug in South America. Insects associated with a seizure of Cannabis sativa L. may indicate the origin of the illicit drug. Nevertheless, no work regarding this subject has been previously published for South America. In the present investigation, seven kilograms of vegetal material (C. sativa) were inspected for insect fragments. Three species were identified and used to test the origin of the seizure of cannabis plant material: Euschistus heros (Fabricius, 1794), Thyanta perditor (Fabricius, 1794) (Heteroptera, Pentatomidae), and Cephalotes pusillus (Klug, 1824) (Hymenoptera, Formicidae). These insect species restricted the geographic origin of the drug to the Neotropical region, and their distribution patterns showed an overlap of the State of Mato Grosso (Brazil), Argentina, and Paraguay. Based on this information, two of the three major C. sativa growing areas in South America were excluded: (1) the Colombian territory and (2) northeastern Brazil.


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Legumes such as alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) are vital N2-fixing crops accounting for a global N2 fixation of ~35 MtNyear-1. Although enzymatic and molecular mechanisms of nodule N2 fixation are now well documented, some uncertainty remains as to whether N2 fixation is strictly coupled with photosynthetic carbon fixation. That is, the metabolic origin and redistribution of carbon skeletons used to incorporate nitrogen are still relatively undefined. Here, we conducted isotopic labelling with both 15N2 and 13C-depleted CO2 on alfalfa plants grown under controlled conditions and took advantage of isotope ratio mass spectrometry to investigate the relationship between carbon and nitrogen turn-over in respired CO2, total organic matter and amino acids. Our results indicate that CO2 evolved by respiration had an isotopic composition similar to that in organic matter regardless of the organ considered, suggesting that the turn-over of respiratory pools strictly followed photosynthetic input. However, carbon turn-over was nearly three times greater than N turn-over in total organic matter, suggesting that new organic material synthesised was less N-rich than pre-existing organic material (due to progressive nitrogen elemental dilution) or that N remobilisation occurred to sustain growth. This pattern was not consistent with the total commitment into free amino acids where the input of new C and N appeared to be stoichiometric. The labelling pattern in Asn was complex, with contrasted C and N commitments in different organs, suggesting that neosynthesis and redistribution of new Asn molecules required metabolic remobilisation. We conclude that the production of new organic material during alfalfa growth depends on both C and N remobilisation in different organs. At the plant level, this remobilisation is complicated by allocation and metabolism in the different organs. Additional keywords: carbon exchange, carbon isotopes, nitrogen fixation, nitrogen 15 isotope


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Although the mechanisms of nodule N2 fixation in legumes are now well documented, some uncertainty remains on the metabolic consequences of water deficit. In most cases, little consideration is given to other organs and, therefore, the coordinated changes in metabolism in leaves, roots, and nodules are not well known. Here, the effect of water restriction on exclusively N2-fixing alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) plants was investigated, and proteomic, metabolomic, and physiological analyses were carried out. It is shown that the inhibition of nitrogenase activity caused by water restriction was accompanied by concerted alterations in metabolic pathways in nodules, leaves, and roots. The data suggest that nodule metabolism and metabolic exchange between plant organs nearly reached homeostasis in asparagine synthesis and partitioning, as well as the N demand from leaves. Typically, there was (i) a stimulation of the anaplerotic pathway to sustain the provision of C skeletons for amino acid (e.g. glutamate and proline) synthesis; (ii) re-allocation of glycolytic products to alanine and serine/glycine; and (iii) subtle changes in redox metabolites suggesting the implication of a slight oxidative stress. Furthermore, water restriction caused little change in both photosynthetic efficiency and respiratory cost of N2 fixation by nodules. In other words, the results suggest that under water stress, nodule metabolism follows a compromise between physiological imperatives (N demand, oxidative stress) and the lower input to sustain catabolism.


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Investigamos a ação de extratos aquosos de Crinum americanum L. sobre a germinação e crescimento inicial de Lactuca sativa L., Sesamum indicum L. e Raphanus sativus L. e das espécies invasoras: Echinochloa crusgalli (L.) P. Beauv., Ipomoea grandifolia (Dammer) O'Donell e Bidens pilosa L. Preparamos os extratos aquosos a partir de exemplares de um estuário cego em Caraguatatuba, São Paulo. Montamos controles osmóticos com PEG 6000. Analisamos os dados de germinação com Kruskal-Wallis e pós-teste de Dunn, e os dados de crescimento inicial com ANOVA e pós-teste de Tukey. Para todas as espécies testadas obtivemos diminuição na porcentagem e no crescimento inicial e aumento do tempo médio da germinação. O controle osmótico indicou pouca influência da osmolaridade na germinação. Concluímos que C. americanum possui potencial alelopático sobre as espécies testadas.


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Plusieurs recherches sont effectuées sur la laitue commercialisée (Lactuca sativa L.), afin d’améliorer sa résistance aux ravageurs. €™objectif de cette étude est d’examiner les impacts de la résistance de la laitue sur le puceron de la laitue, Nasonovia ribisnigri (Mosley) (Hemiptera : Aphididae) et son parasitoïde, Aphidius ervi Haliday (Hymenoptera: Braconidae). La résistance de la laitue affecte négativement la valeur adaptative du puceron en augmentant sa mortalité et son temps de développement et en diminuant sa fécondité, sa taille et son poids. Cet impact sur la valeur adaptative du puceron affecte aussi négativement le parasitoïde qui s'y développe en diminuant le pourcentage d’émergence, la taille et le poids des adultes, et en diminuant la fécondité des femelles. La femelle parasitoïde estime de manière absolue la qualité de ses hôtes puisqu’elle peut discriminer entre des hôtes de bonne et de faible qualité, sans expérience préalable. €™acceptation des hôtes de bonne qualité est similaire lorsqu’ils sont présentés successivement à la femelle; €™estimation de la valeur des hôtes est donc adéquate dès la première rencontre. Cependant, cet estimé absolu est modifié par l'expérience, puisque la femelle peut changer son exploitation selon la qualité des agrégats rencontrés. Lorsque des hôtes de basse qualité sont présentés successivement, €™acceptation de la femelle augmente. Accepter des hôtes de mauvaise qualité pour €™oviposition peut être préférable que de risquer de ne pas pondre tous ses Å“ufs. €™utilisation d’une estimation absolue et relative par A. ervi peut mener à une exploitation optimale des agrégats.


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The effect of treatment of seeds of Oryza sativa L. cv. IAC 165 with gibberellic acid, 6-benzyladenine and ethrel on the tolerance to the water stress were analysed. Gibberellic acid had no effect and 6-benzyladenine and ethrel promoted slight increase in the tolerance to water stress, specially in darkness. After scarification, those growth regulator presented no effect. Our results suggest that 6-benzyladenine and ethrel promoted water stress tolerance due to the decrease in the resistance of the seed coat to embryo expansion.


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Among various physiological responses to salt stress, the synthesis of a lectin-related protein of 14.5 kDa was observed in rice plants (Oryza sativa L.) under the treatment of 170 mmol/L NaCl. In order to better understand the role of the SALT protein in the physiological processes involving salinity, it was immunolocalized in mesophilic cells of leaf sheath and blade of a rice variety IAC-4440 following monoclonal antibodies produced by hybridome culture technique. This variety turned out to be an excellent model for that purpose, since it accumulates SALT protein even in absence of salt treatment and it has been classified as moderately sensitive to salinity and a superior grain producer. This feature was relevant for this work since it allowed the use of plants without the deleterious effects caused by salinity. Immunocytochemistry assays revealed that the SALT protein is located in the stroma of chloroplasts under non-stressing condition. Since the chloroplast is the main target affected by salinity and considering that the SALT protein does not present any apparent signal peptide for organelle localization, its lectin-like activity seems to play an important role in the establishment of stable complexes, either to other proteins or to oligosaccharides that are translocated to the chloroplast. © 2011 China National Rice Research Institute.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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This study evaluated the phytotoxic potential and antioxidant activity of Tagetes patula and Tagetes erecta, and total phenols and flavonoids of the extracts were quantified. Laboratory bioassays for both pre- and post-emergence were performed in Lactuca sativa L. seeds and in the Allium cepa seeds test. The antioxidant activity was evaluated by DPPH radical scavenging and reducing power of iron, besides total phenols and flavonoids quantification in the extracts. Thus, was observed a reduction in the mitotic index when in compared with the negative control. Was observed also a reduction the germination and development of tested seedlings and was verified a considerable antioxidant potential and presence of flavonoids and phenolic compounds in the extracts. According to these results, it is possible to conclude that T. erecta and T. patula have phytotoxic compounds that may enhance and expand their use in the management of organic agriculture, mainly in vegetables.