984 resultados para Nicholas, Saint, Bp. of Myra
I have cloned cDNAs corresponding to two distinct genes, Xlmf1 and Xlmf25, which encode skeletal muscle-specific, transcriptional regulatory proteins. These proteins are members of the helix-loop-helix family of DNA binding factors, and are most homologous to MyoD1. These two genes have disparate temporal expression patterns during early embryogenesis; although, both transcripts are present exclusively in skeletal muscle of the adult. Xlmf1 is first detected 7 hours after fertilization, shortly after the midblastula transition. Xlmf25 is detected in maternal stores of mRNA, during early cleavage stages of the embryo and throughout later development. Both Xlmf1 and Xlmf25 transcripts are detected prior to the expression of other, previously characterized, muscle-specific genes. The ability of Xlmf1 and Xlmf25 to convert mouse 10T1/2 fibroblasts to a myogenic phenotype demonstrates their activity as myogenic regulatory factors. Additionally, Xlmf1 and Xlmf25 can directly transactivate a reporter gene linked to the muscle-specific, muscle creatine kinase (MCK) enhancer. The functional properties of Xlmf1 and Xlmf25 proteins were further explored by investigating their interactions with the binding site in the MCK enhancer. Analysis of dissociation rates revealed that Xlmf25-E12 dimers had a two-fold lower avidity for this site than did Xlmf1-E12 dimers. Clones containing genomic sequence of Xlmf1 and Xlmf25 have been isolated. Reporter gene constructs containing a lac-z gene driven by Xlmf1 regulatory sequences were analyzed by embryo injections and transfections into cultured muscle cells. Elements within $-$200 bp of the transcription start site can promote high levels of muscle specific expression. Embryo injections show that 3500 bp of upstream sequence is sufficient to drive somite specific expression. EMSAs and DNAse I footprint analysis has shown the discrete interaction of factors with several cis-elements within 200 bp of the transcription start site. Mutation of several of these elements shows a positive requirement for two CCAAT boxes and two E boxes. It is evident from the work performed with this promoter that Xlmf1 is tightly regulated during muscle cell differentiation. This is not surprising given the fact that its gene product is crucial to the determination of cell fate choices. ^
Cell differentiation are associated with activation of cell lineage-specific genes. The $LpS{\it 1}\beta$ gene of Lytechinus pictus is activated at the late cleavage stage. $LpS{\it 1}\beta$ transcripts accumulate exclusively in aboral ectoderm lineages. Previous studies demonstrated two G-string DNA-elements, proximal and distal G-strings, which bind to an ectoderm-enriched nuclear factor. In order to define the cis-elements which control positive expression of the $LpS{\it 1}\beta$ gene, the regulatory region from $-$108 to +17 bp of the $LpS{\it 1}\beta$ gene promoter was characterized. The ectoderm G-string factor binds to a G/C-rich region larger than the G-string itself and the binding of the G-string factor requires sequences immediately downstream from the G-string. These downstream sequences are essential for full promoter activity. In addition, only 108 bp of $LpS{\it 1}\beta\ 5\sp\prime$ flanking DNA drives $LpS{\it 1}\beta$ gene expression in aboral ectoderm/mesenchyme cells. Therefore, for positive control of $LpS{\it 1}\beta$ gene expression, two regions of 5$\sp\prime$ flanking DNA are required: region I from base pairs $-$762 to $-$511, and region II, which includes the G/C-rich element, from base pairs $-$108 to $-$61. A mesenchyme cell repressor element is located within region I.^ DNA-binding proteins play key roles in determination of cell differentiation. The zinc finger domain is a DNA-binding domain present in many transcription factors. Based on homologies in zinc fingers, a zinc finger-encoding gene, SpKrox-1, was cloned from S. purpuratus. The putative SpKrox-1 protein has all structural characteristics of a transcription factor: four zinc fingers for DNA binding; acidic domain for transactivation; basic domain for nuclear targeting; and leucine zipper for dimerization. SpKrox-1 RNA transcripts showed a transient expression pattern which correlates largely with early embryonic development. The spatial expression of SpKrox-1 mRNA was distributed throughout the gastrula and larva ectodermal wall. However, SpKrox-1 was not expressed in pigment cells. The SpKrox-1 gene is thus a marker of a subset of SMCs or ectoderm cells. The structural features, and the transient temporal and restricted spatial expression patterns suggest that SpKrox-1 plays a role in a specific developmental event. ^
Studies to elucidate the function of vitamin D have demonstrated an important role in regulating bone-related cells, including osteoblasts and osteoclasts. A seemingly paradoxical observation is that 1,25(OH)$\sb2$D$\sb3$, the active metabolite of vitamin D, stimulates bone resorption, yet regulates transcription of genes expressed by osteoblasts. One mechanism that could explain these actions is the upregulation of transcription of osteoblast-specific genes. These gene products could then act as effectors to influence osteoclastic activity. We hypothesized that molecular signals could be deposited directly into the mineralized matrix in the form of noncollagenous proteins, such as osteopontin (OPN). The structure, biosynthesis and localization of OPN suggest that it could function to mediate the molecular "cross talk" between osteoblasts and osteoclasts in response to 1,25(OH)$\sb2$D$\sb3$. To begin to address this hypothesis, elucidation of the molecular mechanisms of action involved in the transactivation of OPN by 1,25(OH)$\sb2$D$\sb3$ is essential.^ In the present study, the rat opn gene was isolated and characterized. Functional analysis by transient transfection of the 5$\sp\prime$ flanking sequences of the rat opn gene fused to the luciferase gene demonstrated that OPN is transcriptionally upregulated by 1,25(OH)$\sb2$D$\sb3$, mediated through two vitamin D response elements (VDRE). Both proximal and distal VDREs are structurally similar (two imperfect direct repeats separated by a 3 nucleotide spacer) and bind protein complexes that include the VDR and retinoid-X receptor (RXR). Isolated VDRE expression constructs produce functional activity of equivalent magnitude of responsiveness to 1,25(OH)$\sb2$D$\sb3$. However, expression constructs containing either VDRE and at least 200 bp of 5$\sp\prime$ and 3$\sp\prime$ flanking sequence demonstrated that the distal VDRE produces an amplitude of response significantly higher than the proximal VDRE. We conclude that the transcriptional upregulation of the opn gene by 1,25(OH)$\sb2$D$\sb3$ involves the transactivation of two VDREs, while maximal responsiveness requires interaction of the VDREs with additional cis-elements contained in the 5$\sp\prime$ sequence. ^
Approximately 350 base pairs (bp) of the mitochondrial 16S rRNA gene were used to study the phylogenetic relationships among 5 genera of the clawed lobster family Nephropidae (infraorder Astacidea), including Homarus, Homarinus, Metanephrops, Nephrops, and Nephropsis. Maximum-parsimony analysis, using a hermit crab, Pagurus pollicaris (infraorder Anomura), as an outgroup. produced a tree topology in which Homarus and Nephrops formed a well-supported clade that excluded Homarinus. The same tree topology was obtained from both neighbor-joining and maximum-likelihood analyses, Some morphological characters that appear synapomorphic for Nephrops and Metanephrops may be due to convergence rather than symplesiomorphy. The current taxonomy, therefore, does not reflect the phylogeny of this group as suggested by the molecular data. More molecular data and studies using homologous morphological characters me needed to reach a better understanding of the phylogenetic history of clawed lobsters.
Aims: The aim of this study is to explore the migration (colonization of new areas) and subsequent population expansion (within an area) since 15 ka cal BP of Abies, Fagus, Picea, and Quercus into and through the Alps solely on the basis of high-quality pollen data. Methods: Chronologies of 101 pollen sequences are improved or created. Data from the area delimited by 45.5–48.1°N and 6–14°E are summarized in three ways: (1) in a selection of pollen-percentage threshold maps (thresholds 0.5%, 1%, 2%, 4%, 8%, 16%, and 32% of land pollen); (2) in graphic summaries of 250-year time slices and geographic segments (lengthwise and transverse in relation to the main axis of the Alps) as pollen-percentage curves, pollen-percentage difference curves, and pollen-percentage threshold ages cal BP graphed against both the length and the transverse Alpine axes; and (3) in tables showing statistical relationships of either pollen-percentage threshold ages cal BP or pollen expansion durations (=time lapse between different pollen-percentage threshold ages cal BP) with latitude, longitude, and elevation; to establish these relationships we used both simple linear regression and multiple linear regression after stepwise-forward selection. Results: The statistical results indicate that (a) the use of pollen-percentage thresholds between 0.5% and 8% yield mostly similar directions of tree migration, so the method is fairly robust, (b) Abies migrated northward, Fagus southward, Picea westward, and Quercus northward; more detail does not emerge due to an extreme scarcity of high-quality data especially along the southern foothills of the Alps and in the eastern Alps. This scarcity allows the reconstruction of one immigration route only of Abies into the southern Alps. The speed of population expansion (following arrival) of Abies increased and of Picea decreased during the Holocene, of Fagus it decreased especially during the later Holocene, and of Quercus it increased especially at the start of the Holocene.
To investigate the evolution of globin genes in the genus Xenopus, we have determined the primary structure of the related adult alpha I- and alpha II-globin genes of X. laevis and of the adult alpha-globin gene of X. tropicalis, including their 5'-flanking regions. All three genes are comprised of three exons and two introns at homologous positions. The exons are highly conserved and code for 141 amino acids. By contrast, the corresponding introns vary in length and show considerable divergence. Comparison of 900 bp of the 5'-flanking region revealed that the X. tropicalis gene contains a conserved proximal 310-bp promoter sequence, comprised of the canonical TATA and CCAAT motifs at homologous positions, and five conserved elements in the same order and at similar positions as previously shown for the corresponding genes of X. laevis. We therefore conclude that these conserved upstream elements may represent regulatory sequences for cell-specific regulation of the adult Xenopus globin genes.
Transglutaminases are a family of enzymes that catalyze the covalent cross-linking of proteins through the formation of $\varepsilon$-($\gamma$-glutaminyl)-lysyl isopeptide bonds. Tissue transglutaminase (Tgase) is an intracellular enzyme which is expressed in terminally differentiated and senescent cells and also in cells undergoing apoptotic cell death. To characterize this enzyme and examine its relationship with other members of the transglutaminase family, cDNAs, the first two exons of the gene and 2 kb of the 5$\sp\prime$ flanking region, including the promoter, were isolated. The full length Tgase transcript consists of 66 bp of 5$\sp\prime$-UTR (untranslated) sequence, an open reading frame which encodes 686 amino acids and 1400 bp of 3$\sp\prime$-UTR sequence. Alignment of the deduced Tgase protein sequence with that of other transglutaminases revealed regions of strong homology, particularly in the active site region.^ The Tgase cDNA was used to isolate and characterize a genomic clone encompassing the 5$\sp\prime$ end of the mouse Tgase gene. The transcription start site was defined using genomic and cDNA clones coupled with S1 protection analysis and anchored PCR. This clone includes 2.3 kb upstream of the transcription start site and two exons that contain the first 256 nucleotides of the mouse Tgase cDNA sequence. The exon intron boundaries have been mapped and compared with the exon intron boundaries of three members of the transglutaminase family: human factor XIIIa, the human keratinocyte transglutaminase and human erythrocyte band 4.1. Tissue Tgase exon II is similar to comparable exons of these genes. However, exon I bears no resemblance with any of the other transglutaminase amino terminus exons.^ Previous work in our laboratory has shown that the transcription of the Tgase gene is directly controlled by retinoic acid and retinoic acid receptors. To identify the region of the Tgase gene responsible for regulating its expression, fragments of the Tgase promoter and 5$\sp\prime$-flanking region were cloned into the chloramphenicol actetyl transferase (CAT) reporter constructs. Transient transfection experiments with these constructs demonstrated that the upstream region of Tgase is a functional promoter which contains a retinoid response element within a 1573 nucleotide region spanning nucleotides $-$252 to $-$1825. ^
The pattern of expression of the pro$\alpha$2(I) collagen gene is highly tissue-specific in adult mice and shows its strongest expression in bones, tendons, and skin. Transgenic mice were generated harboring promoter fragments of the mouse pro$\alpha$2(I) collagen gene linked to the Escherichia coli $\beta$-galactosidase or firefly luciferase genes to examine the activity of these promoters during development. A region of the mouse pro$\alpha$2(I) collagen promoter between $-$2000 and +54 exhibited a pattern of $\beta$-galactosidase activity during embryonic development that corresponded to the expression pattern of the endogenous pro$\alpha$2(I) collagen gene as determined by in situ hybridization. A similar pattern of activity was also observed with much smaller promoter fragments containing either 500 or 350 bp of upstream sequence relative to the start of transcription. Embryonic regions expressing high levels of $\beta$-galactosidase activity included the valves of the developing heart, sclerotomes, meninges, limb buds, connective tissue fascia between muscle fibers, osteoblasts, tendon, periosteum, dermis, and peritoneal membranes. The pattern of $\beta$-galactosidase activity was similar to the extracellular immunohistochemical localization of transforming growth factor-$\beta$1 (TGF-$\beta$1). The $-$315 to $-$284 region of the pro$\alpha$2(I) collagen promoter was previously shown to mediate the stimulatory effects of TGF-$\beta$1 on the pro$\alpha$2(I) collagen promoter in DNA transfection experiments with cultured fibroblasts. A construct containing this sequence tandemly repeated 5$\sp\prime$ to both a very short $\alpha$2(I) collagen promoter ($-$40 to +54) and a heterologous minimal promoter showed preferential activity in tail and skin of 4-week old transgenic mice. The pattern of expression mimics that of the $-$350 to +54 pro$\alpha$2(I) collagen promoter linked to a luciferase reporter gene in transgenic mice. ^
Our laboratory has developed and partially characterized a strain of New Zealand white rabbits that are resistant to the hypercholesterolemia which typically occurs in normal rabbits when fed a cholesterol-enriched diet. This phenotype is most likely attributed to an increase in bile acid excretion by hypercholesterolemia-resistant (CRT) rabbits as a result of elevated enzyme activity of cholesterol 7$\alpha$-hydroxylase (C7$\alpha$H), the rate-limiting enzyme in bile acid synthesis. Northern analysis revealed that CRT rabbits, in comparison to normal rabbits, have a 7-fold greater steady-state C7$\alpha$H mRNA levels irrespective of dietary regimen. The C7$\alpha$H gene in both phenotypes was determined to be a single copy gene. The hypothesis was that the elevated C7$\alpha$H mRNA levels in CRT rabbits, in comparison to normal animals, was due to an increase in the transcription rate of the C7$\alpha$H gene as a result of a mutation in a cis-acting element and/or a trans-acting factor within the hepatocyte. To isolate the C7$\alpha$H gene from both normal and CRT rabbits, genomic libraries were prepared from both phenotypes into $\lambda$GEM12 vectors using conventional techniques. Three CRT and one normal phage clones that contained the C7$\alpha$H gene were identified by screening the library with a series of probes located within different exons of the C7$\alpha$H cDNA. Sequencing analysis confirmed that approximately 1100 bp of the C7$\alpha$H 5'-flanking region from both normal and CRT phenotypes was identical. The increase in C7$\alpha$H mRNA levels was not attributed to a cis-acting mutation within this region. Liver nuclear extracts were prepared from normal and CRT rabbits maintained either on a basal or 0.25% cholesterol-enriched diet and incubated with several radiolabeled DNA fragments from the C7$\alpha$H gene. A 37 basepair region, located between nucleotides $-$452 to $-$416 was identified that had altered binding patterns between normal and CRT rabbits as a function of diet. Two additional regions, $-$747 to $-$575 and $-$580 to $-$442, produced banding patterns which were identical, irrespective of phenotype or diet. In conclusion, these studies suggested that the increase in C7$\alpha$H mRNA in CRT rabbits was due to differences in binding of a cholesterol-responsive transcription factor to the C7$\alpha$H promoter. ^
The island of Isla de los Estados is situated at 54.5°S, 64°W, east of Argentinian Tierra del Fuego, and is located in a sensitive geographic position in relation to the zonal circulation between Antarctica and South America. Its terrestrial records of the last deglaciation, recording atmospheric conditions but within an oceanic setting, can help to clarify changes of regional circulation patterns, both atmospheric and marine. Here, we present geochemical analyses from 16-10 ka cal BP of a peat core from Lago Galvarne Bog at the northern coast of the island, and a lake sediment core from Laguna Cascada 3 km further south. The data comprise TC, TN, loss on ignition analyses and continuous XRF scanning on both cores as well as age-depth modeling based on AMS-14C dating. Deglaciation and onset of peat formation in the coastal areas began before 16 ka cal BP followed by a rapid glacial retreat and the start of lacustrine sedimentation further inland. Data suggest initially windy conditions with permafrost succeeded by gradually warmer and wetter conditions until ca 14.5 ka cal BP. The warming trend slows down until ca 13.5 ka cal BP, followed by arid conditions culminating around 12.8 ka cal BP. Our data suggest fairly warm conditions and the establishment of denser peat and forest vegetation ca 10.6 ka cal BP, contemporaneous with the onset of the Antarctic thermal optimum. This indicates large-scale shifts in the placement of zonal flow and the Westerlies at the beginning of the Holocene.
Photonic crystal fibers (PCF) have been selectively filled with a cholesteric liquid crystal (ChLC) with special interest in the blue phase (BP) of the liquid crystal. It has been observed thermal tuning of the guided light in the visible region. A dramatically enhance appears when the phase of the liquid crystal changes from cholesteric to blue phase I (BPI). When a thermal range of the blue phase I is achieved, no changes are observed while increasing temperature from BPI through BPII and to the isotropic phase.
Unique, small sequences (sequence tag sites) have been identified at the 3′ ends of most human genes that serve as landmarks in genome mapping. We investigated whether a single copy gene could be isolated directly from total human DNA by transformation-associated recombination (TAR) cloning in yeast using a short, 3′ unique target. A TAR cloning vector was constructed that, when linearized, contained a small amount (381 bp) of 3′ hypoxanthine phosphoribosyltransferase (HPRT) sequence at one end and an 189-bp Alu repeat at the other end. Transformation with this vector along with human DNA led to selective isolations of the entire HPRT gene as yeast artificial chromosomes (YACs) that extended from the 3′ end sequence to various Alu positions as much as 600 kb upstream. These YACs were retrofitted with a NeoR and a bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) sequence to transfer the YACs to bacteria and subsequently the BACs to mouse cells by using a Neo selection. Most of the HPRT isolates were functional, demonstrating that TAR cloning retains the functional integrity of the isolated material. Thus, this modified version of TAR cloning, which we refer to as radial TAR cloning, can be used to isolate large segments of the human genome accurately and directly with only a small amount of sequence information.
During the period of September 1997 through July 1998, two coelacanth fishes were captured off Manado Tua Island, Sulawesi, Indonesia. These specimens were caught almost 10,000 km from the only other known population of living coelacanths, Latimeria chalumnae, near the Comores. The Indonesian fish was described recently as a new species, Latimeria menadoensis, based on morphological differentiation and DNA sequence divergence in fragments of the cytochrome b and 12S rRNA genes. We have obtained the sequence of 4,823 bp of mitochondrial DNA from the same specimen, including the entire genes for cytochrome b, 12S rRNA, 16S rRNA, four tRNAs, and the control region. The sequence is 4.1% different from the published sequence of an animal captured from the Comores, indicating substantial divergence between the Indonesian and Comorean populations. Nine morphological and meristic differences are purported to distinguish L. menadoensis and L. chalumnae, based on comparison of a single specimen of L. menadoensis to a description of five individuals of L. chalumnae from the Comores. A survey of the literature provided data on 4 of the characters used to distinguish L. menadoensis from L. chalumnae from an additional 16 African coelacanths; for all 4 characters, the Indonesian sample was within the range of variation reported for the African specimens. Nonetheless, L. chalumnae and L. menadoensis appear to be separate species based on divergence of mitochondrial DNA.
Iron is an essential nutrient for the survival of most organisms and has played a central role in the virulence of many infectious disease pathogens. Mycobacterial IdeR is an iron-dependent repressor that shows 80% identity in the functional domains with its corynebacterial homologue, DtxR (diphtheria toxin repressor). We have transformed Mycobacterium tuberculosis with a vector expressing an iron-independent, positive dominant, corynebacterial dtxR hyperrepressor, DtxR(E175K). Western blots of whole-cell lysates of M. tuberculosis expressing the dtxR(E175K) gene revealed the stable expression of the mutant protein in mycobacteria. BALB/c mice were infected by tail vein injection with 2 × 105 organisms of wild type or M. tuberculosis transformed with the dtxR mutant. At 16 weeks, there was a 1.2 log reduction in bacterial survivors in both spleen (P = 0.0002) and lungs (P = 0.006) with M. tuberculosis DtxR(E175K). A phenotypic difference in colonial morphology between the two strains also was noted. A computerized search of the M. tuberculosis genome for the palindromic consensus sequence to which DtxR and IdeR bind revealed six putative “iron boxes” within 200 bp of an ORF. Using a gel-shift assay we showed that purified DtxR binds to the operator region of five of these boxes. Attenuation of M. tuberculosis can be achieved by the insertion of a plasmid containing a constitutively active, iron-insensitive repressor, DtxR(E175K), which is a homologue of IdeR. Our results strongly suggest that IdeR controls genes essential for virulence in M. tuberculosis.
Caveolae form the terminus for a major pathway of intracellular free cholesterol (FC) transport. Caveolin mRNA levels in confluent human skin fibroblasts were up-regulated following increased uptake of low density lipoprotein (LDL) FC. The increase induced by FC was not associated with detectable change in mRNA stability, indicating that caveolin mRNA levels were mediated at the level of gene transcription. A total of 924 bp of 5′ flanking region of the caveolin gene were cloned and sequenced. The promoter sequence included three G+C-rich potential sterol regulatory elements (SREs), a CAAT sequence and a Sp1 consensus sequence. Deletional mutagenesis of individual SRE-like sequences indicated that of these two (at −646 and −395 bp) were essential for the increased transcription rates mediated by LDL-FC, whereas the third was inconsequential. Gel shift analysis of protein binding from nuclear extracts to these caveolin promoter DNA sequences, together with DNase I footprinting, confirmed nucleoprotein binding to the SRE-like elements as part of the transcriptional response to LDL-FC. A supershift obtained with antibody to SRE-binding protein 1 (SPEBP-1) indicated that this protein binds at −395 bp. There was no reaction at −395 bp with anti-Sp1 antibody nor with either antibody at −646 bp. The cysteine protease inhibitor N-acetyl-leu-leu-norleucinal (ALLN), which inhibits SREBP catabolism, superinhibited caveolin mRNA levels regardless of LDL-FC. This finding suggests that SREBP inhibits caveolin gene transcription in contrast to its stimulating effect on other promoters. The findings of this study are consistent with the postulated role for caveolin as a regulator of cellular FC homeostasis in quiescent peripheral cells, and the coordinate regulation by SREBP of FC influx and efflux.