933 resultados para Newborn-infants
Objective: To ascertain the extent to which neonatal analgesia was used in Australia for minor invasive procedures as an indicator of evidence-based practice in neonatology. Methods: A cross-sectional telephone survey of hospitals in all Australian states and territories with more than 200 deliveries per year was carried out. Questions were asked regarding awareness of the benefits and the use of analgesia for minor invasive procedures in term and near term neonates. Analysis was undertaken according to state and territory, annual birth numbers and the level of neonatal nursery care available. Results: Data were available from 212 of 214 eligible hospitals. Of the total respondents, 51% and 70% respectively were aware of the benefits of sucrose and breast-feeding for neonatal analgesia. Eleven per cent of units administered sucrose before venepuncture and 25% of units used breast-feeding. Ten per cent of units used sucrose before heel prick with 49% utilizing breast-feeding. Expressed breast milk was used in 10% of units. Analgesia was given less frequently before intravenous cannulation compared to venepuncture and heel prick. Awareness and implementation of neonatal analgesia varied widely in the states and territories. There was a trend for hospitals providing a higher level of neonatal care to have a greater awareness of sucrose as an analgesic (P < 0.0001) and the use of sucrose for venepuncture (P = 0.029), heel prick (P = 0.025) and intravenous catheter insertion (P = 0.013). Similar trends were found on analysis according to birth number of the maternity units. Smaller units had a greater usage of breast-feeding as an analgesic for heel prick (P = 0.017). Conclusion: Despite good evidence for the administration of sucrose and breast milk in providing effective analgesia for newborn infants, it is not widely used in Australia. It is imperative that the gap between research findings and clinical practice with regard to neonatal analgesia be addressed.
Multiple frequency bio-electrical impedance analysis (MFBIA) may be useful for monitoring fluid balance in newborn infants or to provide early prediction of the outcome following perinatal asphyxia. A reference range of data is needed for identification of babies with abnormal impedance values. This was a cross-sectional observational study in 84 term and near-term healthy neonates less than 12 h postpartum. Whole body and cerebral MFBIA measurements were performed at the bedside in the post-natal ward. Gestational age, post-natal age, gender, birthweight, head circumference and foot length measures were recorded. Reference values for impedance at the characteristic frequency (Z(C)) and resistance at zero frequency (R-0) are reported for whole body and cerebral impedance. Significant correlations (p < 0.05) were observed between whole body impedance and birthweight, footlength and head circumference. Females had a significantly higher whole body R0 than males. Cerebral impedance did not correlate significantly with any of the demographic measures and therewere no gender differences observed for cerebral impedance. The reference range for whole body multi-frequency bio-impedance values in term and near-term infants within the first 12 h postpartum can be calculated from the footlength (FL) using the following equations: Z(C) = (942.9 - 4.818* FL) +/- 124.6 Omega; R-0 = (1042 - 4.520(*)FL) +/- 135.5 Omega. For cerebral impedance the reference range is 29.5-48.7 Omega for Z(C) and 33.7-58.0 Omega for R-0.
Aim: To evaluate the reported use of Data Monitoring Committees (DMCs), the frequency of interim analysis, pre-specified stopping rules and early trial termination in neonatal randomised controlled trials (RCTs). Methods: We reviewed neonatal RCTs published in four high impact general medical journals, specifically looking at safety issues including documented involvement of a DMC, stated interim analysis, stopping rules and early trial termination. We searched all journal issues over an 11-year period (2003-2013) and recorded predefined parameters on each item for RCTs meeting inclusion criteria. Results: Seventy neonatal trials were identified in four general medical journals: Lancet, New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM), British Medical Journal and Journal of American Medical Association (JAMA). 43 (61.4%) studies reported the presence of a DMC, 36 (51.4%) explicitly mentioned interim analysis; stopping rules were reported in 15 (21.4%) RCTs and 7 (10%) trials were terminated early. The NEJM most frequently reported these parameters compared to the other three journals reviewed. Conclusion: While the majority of neonatal RCTs report on DMC involvement and interim analysis there is still scope for improvement. Clear documentation of safety related issues should be a central component of reporting in neonatal trials involving newborn infants.
This sheet describes the right way to take a blood sample from a newborn infant.
Mothers with good vitamin A nutritional status during gestation and lactation are better able to nourish and protect their infant with maternal milk. Our hypothesis is that women with more serum retinol have more retinol and secretory immunoglobulin A in colostrum. 190 healthy puerperal women from a Brazilian public maternity were recruited and divided according to the cutoff point for serum retinol (30 μg/dL). A number of the women was supplemented with 200000 UI (60 mg) of retinyl palmitate in the immediate postpartum. Serum and colostrum were collected on the 1st day postpartum and colostrum again on the following day. Retinol (serum and colostrum) was analyzed by HPLC and SIgA (colostrum) by turbidimetry. The mothers presented with adequate biochemical indicators of nutritional status, according to serum retinol (44.6 μg/dL). There were significant differences (p= 0.0017 and p= 0.043, respectively) in retinol and SIgA levels in the colostrum of mothers with serum retinol > 30 μg/dL and < 30 μg/dL. The concentration of SIgA in the colostrum of non-supplemented mothers on the 1st day postpartum was 822.6 mg/dL, decreasing after 24 hours to 343.7 mg/dL. Supplemented mothers showed levels of SIgA in colostrum of 498.9 mg/dL on the 2nd day postpartum (p= 0.00006). The colostrum of women with good vitamin A nutritional status had more retinol and SIgA. Additionally, maternal supplementation increases the levels of SIgA in colostrum. The higher levels of SIgA on the 1st day postpartum showed the importance of early breastfeeding, given that it provides considerable immunological benefits to newborn infants
Background: Incidence of jaundice is high in newborn infants. Since well appearing newborns are rapidly and routinely discharged from hospital, performing an inexpensive noninvasive pre-discharge screening test for evaluation of jaundice seems to be necessary. Objectives: This study was conducted to compare the accuracy of cutaneous v/s serum bilirubin measurements in this regard. Patients and Methods: This was a prospective cross sectional study conducted in Mahdieh hospital, Tehran. 613 neonates weighing ≥ 1,800 g with gestational age of ≥ 35 weeks were enrolled. A pre discharge transcutaneous bilirubin test (TcB) was performed in all. Serum samples were taken from neonates with TcB ≥ 5 mg/dL in first and > 8 mg/dL in second 24 hours. Decision for treatment or recheck of bilirubin level after discharge was made based on serum bilirubin results. Results: Based on the study protocol, among 613 studied neonates, 491 (80%) revealed high TcB, of them 240 (49%) cases showed TBC ≥ 5 mg/dL in first and 251 (51 %) in second pre-discharge 24 hours. TcB ranged 3.3 - 17.1, mean TcB in first 24 hours was 6.9 ± 1 .7 (mode 6) and in second 24 hours 9.1 ± 2.1 (mode 10). Of 491 neonates with high TcB, capillary serum sample was taken as the second step and 398 neonates revealed high total serum bilirubin (TsB) with the same protocol for TcB. 108 (27.1%) neonates showed TsB ≥ 5 mg/dL in first and 290 (72.9%) in second 24 hours. According to the study results TcB has a 81% positive predictive value (PPV) in diagnosis of hyperbilirubinemia. Correlation coefficient of TcB and TsB in highest rate is equal to 72% (P value < 0.001). Conclusions: TcB is an inexpensive, noninvasive and precise pre-discharge screening test for evaluation of hyperbilirubinemia, with a high PPV. It is highly recommended to be performed routinely due to high incidence of hyperbilirubinemia in neonates.
Background: Although it is well described among adults, intravenous colistin use and its associated toxicities in newborns are poorly understood. Objectives: We present our experience of efficacy and safety of intravenous colistin in the treatment of sepsis in term and preterm neonates. Patients and Methods: The records of neonates who received colistin between January 2013 and February 2014 were retrospectively reviewed. All neonates with culture proven nosocomial infections due to multidrug resistant organisms and treated continuously with colistin for more than 72 hours were included in the study. Results: Patients were evaluated for clinical and microbiological response to the drug and its and side effects. Twelve newborn infants with mean 31.8 ± 3.5 weeks gestational age and median 1482 (810 - 3200) gram birth weight were included. 11/12 (91.7%) patients showed microbiological clearance with intravenous colistin. One patient who had recurrent cerebrospinal fluid positive culture was treated with intraventricular colistin. The major side effects observed was hyponatremia and hypokalemia in 2 (16.6%) patients, all infants required magnesium supplementation. Conclusions: Intravenous colistin administration appears to be safe and efficacious for multidrug-resistant gram-negative infections in neonates, including preterm infants. However, we believe that large prospective controlled studies are needed to confirm its efficacy and safety in neonates.
Introducción: la obesidad infantil es uno de los problemas de Salud Pública más graves del s.XXI, sobre todo por las complicaciones cardiovasculares y endocrino-metabólicas asociadas. La prevalencia de obesidad se ha multiplicado por más de dos entre 1980 y 2014, estimándose que, a nivel mundial, más de 42 millones de niños tienen sobrepeso. En adultos hay estudios que reportan que la ingesta proteica conlleva efectos beneficiosos aunque altos niveles de determinados aminoácidos se relacionan con obesidad y resistencia insulínica; no obstante, en niños existen escasos estudios que confirmen tal asociación. Objetivos: analizar cómo se relacionan los niveles sanguíneos de los aminoácidos de cadena ramificada, la homocisteína y la citrulina con las variables que se utilizan en la práctica clínica habitual para diagnosticar obesidad en niños y adolescentes, así como estudiar si hay relación de éstos con la resistencia a la insulina. Material y métodos: estudio observacional analítico longitudinal prospectivo de una cohorte. Colaboración entre niveles asistenciales (atención hospitalaria y atención primaria). Se seleccionaron niños en diferentes centros de salud de Málaga entre 6-11 años, prepúberes (estadios de Tanner 1-2). Para conseguir un intervalo de confianza del 95% y siendo la prevalencia de sobrepeso-obesidad del 30%, se estimó que habría que incluir unos 100 sujetos. Criterios de exclusión: obesidad de causa secundaria, enfermedad orgánica añadida, ingesta crónica de medicamentos y antecedentes de diabetes personales o en familiares de primer grado. Se realizó: hoja de recogida de datos clínicos, epidemiológicos, encuesta de hábitos sociales, alimentarios y de ejercicio físico. Se extrajo una analítica sanguínea con bioquímica básica y ampliada (perfil lipídico, vitaminas B9 y B12, transaminasas, insulina…) y se determinaron aminoácidos de interés para el estudio (homocisteína, isoleucina, leucina, valina, citrulina, tirosina, fenilalanina y acilcarnitinas (C3 y C5)). La obesidad se define como IMC ≥2 SDS expresado en Z score (gráficas de Hernández). Para la resistencia insulínica se usó un índice HOMA mayor de 3. De los 100 sujetos de estudio en el momento basal completaron el seguimiento, a los 12 meses, 40 de ellos, repitiéndose todas las mediciones, para determinar si las variaciones clínico-analíticas se relacionaban con variaciones en los aminoácidos. Conclusiones: Los sujetos con exceso de peso presentaron niveles menores de colesterol-HDL y vitamina B12, y mayores niveles de triglicéridos, insulina e índice HOMA. No se observó relación entre el exceso de peso y el ácido fólico. Los factores epidemiológicos más asociados a niños con exceso de peso fueron: la presencia de sobrepeso en el progenitor “padre”; el elevado consumo de zumos, refrescos y snacks; la existencia de una mayor distancia del hogar al colegio; y el exceso de horas viendo la televisión o jugando a la consola. La resistencia insulínica se relacionó inversamente con los niveles plasmáticos de leucina e isoleucina, en el momento basal. Aunque la valina y la citrulina no obtuvieron significación estadística, sus datos fueron similares a los de la leucina e isoleucina. También se evidenció una relación directa entre la resistencia insulínica y el IMC y los TG, e inversa con el HDL, la vitamina B12 y el ácido fólico. La homocisteína no se correlacionó con datos antropométricos ni con resistencia insulínica. Los BCAA (valina, leucina e isoleucina) se relacionaron inversamente con el IMC y el perímetro abdominal, tanto en el momento basal como tras un año de seguimiento. La leucina e isoleucina obtuvieron asociación estadística con la resistencia insulínica, es decir, aquellos con HOMA >3 presentaron menores niveles de estos aminoácidos, a diferencia de los datos contrarios de otras publicaciones. Se constató la ausencia de diferencias, tras un año de evolución, entre los valores medios de los BCAA con respecto al desarrollo de resistencia insulínica. Sólo se apreciaron diferencias estadísticamente significativas para la arginina, siendo menores sus cifras en los que desarrollaron resistencia insulínica. Hay que resaltar que sólo la valina, al año de seguimiento, estuvo ligeramente aumentada en niños con índice HOMA > 3, aunque los datos no fueron significativos. Este hecho podría ser el primer indicio de las consecuencias de la resistencia insulínica en el metabolismo de los aminoácidos. La citrulina se relacionó inversamente con el perímetro abdominal y con el IMC. No hubo diferencias con la resistencia insulínica ni con el IMC al año. Bibliografía: a destacar: WHO. Overweight and obesity. (sitio web). Geneva, Switzerland: World Health Organization, 2006. (citado 5 agosto 2014). Disponible en: http://www.who.int/mediacentre/factsheets/fs311/en/index.html. Ice CL, Murphy E, Cottrell L, Neal WA. Morbidly obese diagnosis as an indicator of cardiovascular disease risk in children: results from the CARDIAC Project. Int J Pediatr Obes. 2011; 6:113-119. Carrascosa A, Yeste D. Complicaciones metabólicas de la obesidad infantil. An Pediatr (Barc). 2011; 75(2):135.e1-135.e9. De Farias AA, Camêlo A, Almeida GM, Da Silva MO, Teixeira A,Campos C et al. Homocysteine: cardiovascular risk factor in children and adolescents? Rev Assoc Med Bras. 2 0 1 3; 5 9(6):622-628. Lynch CJ, Adams SH. Branched-chain amino acids in metabolic signalling and insulin resistance. Nat. Rev. Endocrinol 2014; 10, 723-736. Fike CD, Summar M, Aschner JL. L-citrulline provides a novel strategy for treating chronic pulmonary hypertension in newborn infants. Acta Paediatr. 2014 Oct; 103(10):1019-26. doi: 10.1111/apa.12707. Epub 2014 Jun 20.
Introducción: El Ductus arterioso persistente (DAP), es uno de los defectos congénitos cardiacos más comunes, requiere manejo farmacológico y/o quirúrgico; presenta complicaciones hemodinámicas, respiratorias y muerte. Los medicamentos de elección para su manejo son indometacina e ibuprofeno, pero su costo y accesibilidad llevo al uso de diclofenaco como alternativa de manejo en algunos hospitales. Objetivo: Comparar respuesta al tratamiento con diclofenaco vs ibuprofeno en cierre de DAP. Materiales y Métodos: Estudio observacional analítico retrospectivo, que compara los resultados obtenidos al usar Diclofenaco e Ibuprofeno para el cierre del DAP en recién nacidos pretérmino. Se recolecto información de pacientes hospitalizados en la Unidad Neonatal de un Hospital II nivel de Bogotá. Se revisaron las historias clínicas de pacientes de edad gestacional entre 24 y 36 semanas por Ballard con los criterios para diagnóstico de DAP y recibieron tratamiento farmacológico con una de las siguientes opciones: Ibuprofeno 10 mg/Kg dosis inicial después 5mg/Kg a las 24 48 horas, o Diclofenaco 0.2 mg/Kg dosis cada 12 horas tres dosis. Se comparó el Diclofenaco y el Ibuprofeno para el tratamiento farmacológico de DAP en recién nacidos prematuros. Resultados: Fueron evaluados 103 pacientes, el diagnóstico de DAP se realizó con ecocardiograma transtorácico, el 66.6 % de los pacientes presentó cierre farmacológico con Diclofenaco y 69 % con Ibuprofeno, La mortalidad fue de 17.65 % con Diclofenaco y 11.54 % con ibuprofeno; en ambos casos asociadas a la prematurez. Conclusiones: El éxito farmacológico fue similar en ambos grupos, el diclofenaco es una alternativa interesante cuando la terapia convencional no esté disponible.
The aim was to describe the outcome of neonatal hearing screening (NHS) and audiological diagnosis in neonates in the NICU. The sample was divided into Group I: neonates who underwent NHS in one step and Group II: neonates who underwent a test and retest NHS. NHS procedure was automated auditory brainstem response. NHS was performed in 82.1% of surviving neonates. For GI, referral rate was 18.6% and false-positive was 62.2% (normal hearing in the diagnostic stage). In GII, with retest, referral rate dropped to 4.1% and false-positive to 12.5%. Sensorineural hearing loss was found in 13.2% of infants and conductive in 26.4% of cases. There was one case of auditory neuropathy spectrum (1.9%). Dropout rate in whole process was 21.7% for GI and 24.03% for GII. We concluded that it was not possible to perform universal NHS in the studied sample or, in many cases, to apply it within the first month of life. Retest reduced failure and false-positive rate and did not increase evasion, indicating that it is a recommendable step in NHS programs in the NICU. The incidence of hearing loss was 2.9%, considering sensorineural hearing loss (0.91%), conductive (1.83%) and auditory neuropathy spectrum (0.19%).
To evaluate intervention practices associated with hypothermia at both 5 minutes after birth and at neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) admission and to determine whether hypothermia at NICU admission is associated with early neonatal death in preterm infants. This prospective cohort included 1764 inborn neonates of 22-33 weeks without malformations admitted to 9 university NICUs from August 2010 through April 2012. All centers followed neonatal International Liaison Committee on Resuscitation recommendations for the stabilization and resuscitation in the delivery room (DR). Variables associated with hypothermia (axillary temperature <36.0 °C) 5 minutes after birth and at NICU admission, as well as those associated with early death, were analyzed by logistic regression. Hypothermia 5 minutes after birth and at NICU admission was noted in 44% and 51%, respectively, with 6% of early neonatal deaths. Adjusted for confounding variables, practices associated with hypothermia at 5 minutes after birth were DR temperature <25 °C (OR 2.13, 95% CI 1.67-2.28), maternal temperature at delivery <36.0 °C (OR 1.93, 95% CI 1.49-2.51), and use of plastic bag/wrap (OR 0.53, 95% CI 0.40-0.70). The variables associated with hypothermia at NICU admission were DR temperature <25 °C (OR 1.44, 95% CI 1.10-1.88), respiratory support with cold air in the DR (OR 1.40, 95% CI 1.03-1.88) and during transport to NICU (OR 1.51, 95% CI 1.08-2.13), and cap use (OR 0.55, 95% CI 0.39-0.78). Hypothermia at NICU admission increased the chance of early neonatal death by 1.64-fold (95% CI 1.03-2.61). Simple interventions, such as maintaining DR temperature >25 °C, reducing maternal hypothermia prior to delivery, providing plastic bags/wraps and caps for the newly born infants, and using warm resuscitation gases, may decrease hypothermia at NICU admission and improve early neonatal survival.
A total of 316 samples of nasopharyngeal aspirate from infants up to two years of age with acute respiratory-tract illnesses were processed for detection of respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) using three different techniques: viral isolation, direct immunofluorescence, and PCR. Of the samples, 36 (11.4%) were positive for RSV, considering the three techniques. PCR was the most sensitive technique, providing positive findings in 35/316 (11.1%) of the samples, followed by direct immunofluorescence (25/316, 7.9%) and viral isolation (20/315, 6.3%) (p < 0.001). A sample was positive by immunofluorescence and negative by PCR, and 11 (31.4%) were positive only by RT-PCR. We conclude that RT-PCR is more sensitive than IF and viral isolation to detect RSV in nasopharyngeal aspirate specimens in newborn and infants.
Objective To compare the efficacy of oral sweet solutions to water or no treatment in infants aged 1-12 months during immunisation. Methods Randomised controlled trials (RCTs) were retrieved through internet searches or manual searches of reference lists. Search terms included newborn, infant, pain, sucrose and alternative names for sweet solutions. Summary estimates with 95% CIs were calculated and included relative risk (RR), risk difference (RD) and number needed to treat to benefit (NNTB) for dichotomous outcomes, and weighted mean differences (WMD) for continuous outcomes. Where pooling of results was not possible, a narrative summary of study results is presented. Results Of the 695 studies identified, 14 RCTs with 1674 injections met the inclusion criteria. Sucrose or glucose, compared to water or no treatment decreased crying during or following immunisation in 13 of the 14 studies. Infants receiving 30% glucose (three trials, 243 infants) had a decreased RR in crying incidence following immunisation (typical RR 0.80, 95% CI 0.69 to 0.93; RD -0.17, 95% CI -0.29 to -0.05; NNTB 6, 95% CI 3 to 20). With sucrose or glucose, there was a 10% WMD reduction in proportion of crying time (95% CI - 18 to - 2) and a 12 s reduction in crying duration (95% CI - 23 to -0.7 s). An optimal dose of sucrose or glucose could not be ascertained due to the varied volumes and concentrations used. Conclusion Infants aged 1-12 months administered sucrose or glucose before immunisation had moderately reduced incidence and duration of crying. Healthcare professionals should consider using sucrose or glucose before and during immunisation.
The detection of seizure in the newborn is a critical aspect of neurological research. Current automatic detection techniques are difficult to assess due to the problems associated with acquiring and labelling newborn electroencephalogram (EEG) data. A realistic model for newborn EEG would allow confident development, assessment and comparison of these detection techniques. This paper presents a model for newborn EEG that accounts for its self-similar and non-stationary nature. The model consists of background and seizure sub-models. The newborn EEG background model is based on the short-time power spectrum with a time-varying power law. The relationship between the fractal dimension and the power law of a power spectrum is utilized for accurate estimation of the short-time power law exponent. The newborn EEG seizure model is based on a well-known time-frequency signal model. This model addresses all significant time-frequency characteristics of newborn EEG seizure which include; multiple components or harmonics, piecewise linear instantaneous frequency laws and harmonic amplitude modulation. Estimates of the parameters of both models are shown to be random and are modelled using the data from a total of 500 background epochs and 204 seizure epochs. The newborn EEG background and seizure models are validated against real newborn EEG data using the correlation coefficient. The results show that the output of the proposed models has a higher correlation with real newborn EEG than currently accepted models (a 10% and 38% improvement for background and seizure models, respectively).