845 resultados para New paradigm
Migrating to cloud computing is one of the current enterprise challenges. This technology provides a new paradigm based on "on-demand payment" for information and communication technologies. In this sense, the small and medium enterprise is supposed to be the most interested, since initial investments are avoided and the technology allows gradual implementation. However, even if the characteristics and capacities have been widely discussed, entry into the cloud is still lacking in terms of practical, real frameworks. This paper aims at filling this gap, presenting a real tool already implemented and tested, which can be used as a cloud computing adoption decision tool. This tool uses diagnosis based on specific questions to gather the required information and subsequently provide the user with valuable information to deploy the business within the cloud, specifically in the form of Software as a Service (SaaS) solutions. This information allows the decision makers to generate their particular Cloud Road. A pilot study has been carried out with enterprises at a local level with a two-fold objective: To ascertain the degree of knowledge on cloud computing and to identify the most interesting business areas and their related tools for this technology. As expected, the results show high interest and low knowledge on this subject and the tool presented aims to readdress this mismatch, insofar as possible. Copyright: © 2015 Bildosola et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
O estudo a ser apresentado tem como objetivo analisar a influência dos deputados federais na política externa brasileira, mais especificamente dos deputados da Comissão de Relação Exteriores e Defesa Nacional. A idéia não é criar um novo paradigma de inserção, mas levantar pistas sobre diferentes formas de participação que o legislativo pode ter na condução dessa política no país. Contrariamos as análises que atribuem ao legislativo pouca participação ao processo decisório e focalizam a atuação na aprovação (ou não), dos acordos internacionais enviados pelo Executivo. Nesse sentido, procuramos ir além dessa abordagem tradicional abrindo o leque para outras formas de participação dos deputados federais na política externa brasileira. A politização da política externa e o papel mais ativo da Comissão de Relações Exteriores e Defesa Nacional (CREDN) têm levado a uma maior atuação do legislativo nessas questões. Principalmente a partir da maior atenção da oposição para as questões de política externa. A política externa foi considerada a política pública mais insulada do debate político-partidário. Mas, agora, os legisladores têm participado e se interessado cada vez mais por estas questões. O Congresso tem utilizado mais seus instrumentos institucionais de fiscalização para monitorar a condução da política externa. Assim, foi analisado o papel da CREDN como mecanismo de aquisição de informação, com o intuito de informar o legislador mediano em termos de política externa. O estudo parte do modelo informacional para encontrar respostas sobre o incentivo que os legisladores teriam em coletar informações (custosas) sobre política externa. Desse modo, procura-se analisar o incentivo dos legisladores em ativar tal política no plenário (Santos e Almeida, 2009; Martin, 2000). De forma cada vez mais extensiva e fiscalizadora, acrescentando informações às políticas formuladas pelo Executivo (Almeida & Santos, 2008)
O presente trabalho busca elidir o verdadeiro significa do ideal de justiça distributiva com vistas à criação de um paradigma ético apto a orientar a adoção de políticas públicas e, ao mesmo tempo, ser o vetor interpretativo da sua eficácia e resultados práticos. Com bases nas premissas teóricas assentadas na basilar obra Uma Teoria da Justiça de John Rawls, busca-se discutir qual é o verdadeiro significado da equidade onde os bens primários sociais são divididos de uma forma tão desigual e como a adoção de políticas públicas orientadas por uma vertente substantiva da justiça pode ser um novo paradigma apto a orientar esta dinâmica. Ultrapassada esta linha de argumentação inicial, o trabalho desdobra-se na busca pelo verdadeiro significado de meritocracia, assentada, ainda uma vez, na distribuição desigual de bens primários sociais ou, simplesmente, na divisão desigual de oportunidades. Nesta ordem de convicções, busca-se afirmar que para haver de fato- a meritocracia é necessário haver um ambiente que propicie igualdade de oportunidades para que cada indivíduo singular possa buscar desenvolver seus projetos de vida de acordo com seu esforço e talento individuais. Por fim, as políticas públicas distributivas podem ser o instrumento que materialize este ideal, desde que sejam orientadas por premissas que privilegiem a vertente substantiva da Justiça e que a partir de uma perspectiva crítica da desigualdade possam buscar a distribuição justa dos bens primários sociais.
Esta dissertação se detém em duas das principais características da literatura brasileira contemporânea: a profusão de escritas de si e a recorrência de personagens-escritores na produção romanesca. Nesse contexto, a discussão concentra-se em algumas das obras de um dos mais consagrados escritores brasileiros da atualidade: Cristovão Tezza. Em se tratando das escritas de si, discutimos a respeito do premiado romance O filho eterno (2007), por ser uma narrativa que congrega elementos factuais e criação ficcional. Nesse sentido, fazer da relação com o próprio filho Down a matéria-prima de um romance significa enveredar pelos caminhos dos gêneros autobiográficos, estabelecendo um novo paradigma em relação a suas obras anteriores, já que, até então, nenhum espaço para a abordagem de elementos referenciais havia sido aberto. Na discussão dessa obra, consideramos que, apesar de se inclinar à autobiografia, o autor lhe distribui índices de ficcionalidade que colocam em xeque a veracidade do discurso, o que impossibilita a delimitação do gênero entre autobiografia e romance. Nesse caso, o que passa a estar em jogo é a ficcionalização do eu frente à criação literária. Num segundo momento, refletimos sobre a inserção de personagens-escritores na escrita tezziana, recurso amplamente utilizado pelo autor em diversas obras ficcionais, investigando os motivos e implicações dessa recorrência. Para empreender tal análise, recorremos às noções de metaficção e gesto literário, visto que a tematização do universo íntimo do escritor na esfera ficcional evidencia o ato de escrever e seu caráter problematizador. Por último, fazemos uma leitura comparada entre o romance de matiz biográfico O filho eterno e a autobiografia literária O espírito da prosa, tendo por premissa que esta pode funcionar como peça-chave na recepção daquele
A presente dissertação busca analisar os aspectos subjacentes à emergência de um novo paradigma no que tange à inovação: open innovation (ou inovação aberta). Tendo em vista que o estudo comporta a necessidade de conceituação, importa observar que atualmente o conhecimento se mostra difundido entre inúmeras fontes. Sendo assim, a ideia de uma estrutura totalmente vertical e autossuficiente de pesquisa e desenvolvimento, inerente aos modelos fulcrados no paradigma anterior (closed innovation ou inovação fechada), vem dando lugar à crença de que ideias valiosas podem surgir tanto internamente quanto externamente, da mesma maneira que as inovações resultantes das atividades empresariais podem chegar ao mercado por caminhos internos e externos. Essa abordagem atribui grande relevância ao intercâmbio de conhecimento e à perspectiva colaborativa, destacando como principal vantagem a diminuição dos custos com pesquisa e desenvolvimento. Dentre os vários pontos de distinção entre os referidos paradigmas encontra-se a função a ser desempenhada pela propriedade intelectual. Por conseguinte, o objetivo desta dissertação consiste em investigar como a propriedade intelectual funciona dentro da lógica pela qual se orienta a inovação aberta, isto é, se ela impede o fluxo de conhecimento entre os diversos agentes do mercado envolvendo tecnologia ou, ao contrário, se a proteção formal desses ativos intangíveis é o elemento que permite tal intercâmbio. Nesses termos, busca-se demonstrar que as sociedades empresárias adotantes desse modelo aberto abordam a questão da titularidade de direitos de propriedade intelectual como ponto crucial à consecução de práticas baseadas em inovação aberta, as quais se instrumentalizam a partir de contratos formais. Importa observar que, através de uma metodologia científica de análise de conteúdo, toda a investigação em curso se perfaz tendo em conta a empresa enquanto conceito dinâmico dentro do contexto da manifestação do mercado como um fenômeno poliédrico, o qual, em se tratando de temas como propriedade intelectual, será orientado para a inovação. Desta feita, a conclusão da pesquisa indica que os direitos da propriedade intelectual são importantes ativos em uma lógica de open innovation, pois esta não advoga a extinção da propriedade intelectual, mas a flexibilização de sua exploração.
Deterministic chaos in dynamical systems offers a new paradigm for understanding irregular fluctuations. The theory of chaotic dynamical systems includes methods that can test whether any given set of time series data, such as paleoclimate proxy data, are consistent with a deterministic interpretation. Paleoclimate data with annual resolution and absolute dating provide multiple channels of concurrent time series; these multiple time series can be treated as potential phase space coordinates to test whether interannual climate variability is deterministic. Dynamical structure tests which take advantage of such multichannel data are proposed and illustrated by application to a simple synthetic model of chaos, and to two paleoclimate proxy data series.
Spin information processing is a possible new paradigm for post-CMOS (complementary metal-oxide semiconductor) electronics and efficient spin propagation over long distances is fundamental to this vision. However, despite several decades of intense research, a suitable platform is still wanting. We report here on highly efficient spin transport in two-terminal polarizer/analyser devices based on high-mobility epitaxial graphene grown on silicon carbide. Taking advantage of high-impedance injecting/detecting tunnel junctions, we show spin transport efficiencies up to 75%, spin signals in the mega-ohm range and spin diffusion lengths exceeding 100μm. This enables spintronics in complex structures: devices and network architectures relying on spin information processing, well beyond present spintronics applications, can now be foreseen. © 2012 Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved.
In this paper, a novel MPC strategy is proposed, and referred to as asso MPC. The new paradigm features an 1-regularised least squares loss function, in which the control error variance competes with the sum of input channels magnitude (or slew rate) over the whole horizon length. This cost choice is motivated by the successful development of LASSO theory in signal processing and machine learning. In the latter fields, sum-of-norms regularisation have shown a strong capability to provide robust and sparse solutions for system identification and feature selection. In this paper, a discrete-time dual-mode asso MPC is formulated, and its stability is proven by application of standard MPC arguments. The controller is then tested for the problem of ship course keeping and roll reduction with rudder and fins, in a directional stochastic sea. Simulations show the asso MPC to inherit positive features from its corresponding regressor: extreme reduction of decision variables' magnitude, namely, actuators' magnitude (or variations), with a finite energy error, being particularly promising for over-actuated systems. © 2012 AACC American Automatic Control Council).
In the arena of vibration energy harvesting, the key technical challenges continue to be low power density and narrow operational frequency bandwidth. While the convention has relied upon the activation of the fundamental mode of resonance through direct excitation, this article explores a new paradigm through the employment of parametric resonance. Unlike the former, oscillatory amplitude growth is not limited due to linear damping. Therefore, the power output can potentially build up to higher levels. Additionally, it is the onset of non-linearity that eventually limits parametric resonance; hence, this approach can also potentially broaden the operating frequency range. Theoretical prediction and numerical modelling have suggested an order higher in oscillatory amplitude growth. An experimental macro-sized electromagnetic prototype (practical volume of ∼1800 cm3) when driven into parametric resonance, has demonstrated around 50% increase in half power band and an order of magnitude higher peak power density normalised against input acceleration squared (293 μW cm-3 m-2 s4 with 171.5 mW at 0.57 m s-2) in contrast to the same prototype directly driven at fundamental resonance (36.5 μW cm-3 m-2 s4 with 27.75 mW at 0.65 m s-2). This figure suggests promising potentials while comparing with current state-of-the-art macro-sized counterparts, such as Perpetuum's PMG-17 (119 μW cm-3 m-2 s4). © The Author(s) 2013.
The Multifactor Leadership theory developed by Bass (1985) has become the new paradigm of leadership research. The empirical results of the effectiveness of transformational and transactional leadership in the literature, however, are not consentient. Researchers in China found the different structure of transformational leadership, but have not developed the transactional leadership. This study attempts to investigate three key questions in the unique Chinese socio-economic context: 1) what is the structure of transactional leadership in China? 2) What are the differences between western countries and China? And 3) what is the relationship between the transformational and transactional leadership mechanism? This study examines data collected from 3,500 participants, using Explored Factor Analysis (EFA), Confirmed Factor Analysis (CFA), Hierarchical Regression Analyses, partial correlations and other statistics methods. The major finings are listed as follows: Firstly, inductive methods was used to explore the structure of transactional leadership and the result show that transactional leadership is a four dimensions structure which includes contingent reward, contingent punishment , process control and anticipated investment. Reliability analysis, item analysis, EFA and CFA show the reliability and validity of the transactional leadership questionnaire we designed is good enough, the design of the item is effectively and properly. Contrast to other researches, anticipated investment emphasis on the leader’s recessive investment for subordinate, and this kind of transaction is quite special under the Chinese culture. While the content of the contingent reward with the contingent punishment is wider than the contingent reward in the western country, and the process control is wider than the management by exception and including goal setting and the management during the process. Secondly, hierarchical regression analyses showed that transformational and transactional leadership were significant positively related with in-role performance, extra-role performance, satisfaction and leadership effectiveness while negatively related to intention to leave. The effects of transactional and transformational leadership are different. Transactional leadership could significantly predict intention to leave controlling for transformational leadership, while transformational leadership could significantly predict in-role performance, extra-role performance, satisfaction and leadership effectiveness controlling for transactional leadership. Thirdly, the income level and the rank of subordinates are the moderators between the transformational, transactional leadership and leadership effectiveness. The leadership effectiveness of transactional leadership would decrease as the rank of subordinates increased, while the leadership effectiveness of transformational leadership would increase as the rank of subordinates increased. Transactional leadership is positively related to the effectiveness when the level of the subordinate income is low, but negatively related to the effectiveness when the level of the subordinate income is high. However the income level of the subordinate could not influence the leadership effectiveness of transformational leadership.
Projeto de Pós-Graduação/Dissertação apresentado à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ciências Farmacêuticas
Nearly one billion smart mobile devices are now used for a growing number of tasks, such as browsing the web and accessing online services. In many communities, such devices are becoming the platform of choice for tasks traditionally carried out on a personal computer. However, despite the advances, these devices are still lacking in resources compared to their traditional desktop counterparts. Mobile cloud computing is seen as a new paradigm that can address the resource shortcomings in these devices with the plentiful computing resources of the cloud. This can enable the mobile device to be used for a large range of new applications hosted in the cloud that are too resource demanding to run locally. Bringing these two technologies together presents various difficulties. In this paper, we examine the advantages of the mobile cloud and the new approaches to applications it enables. We present our own solution to create a positive user experience for such applications and describe how it enables these applications.
This work studies the major sports overload injuries of the lower extremities from the biomechanical point of view. At the same time, the main paradigms of podiatric biomechanics and the application of new biomechanical theories in the study of these lesions are reviewed. With current legislation, clinical gait biomechanical studies should be carried out in health centres and the only health professionals who can perform them are podiatrists and doctors (because they both can diagnose). Graduates in physical education can carry out studies in the field or in the sports court for the sole purpose of improving athletic performance, but never intended to treat a pathology overload.
The effect of additivity pretraining on blocking has been taken as evidence for a reasoning account of human and animal causal learning. If inferential reasoning underpins this effect, then developmental differences in the magnitude of this effect in children would be expected. Experiment 1 examined cue competition effects in children's (4- to 5-year-olds and 6- to 7-year-olds) causal learning using a new paradigm analogous to the food allergy task used in studies of human adult causal learning. Blocking was stronger in the older than the younger children, and additivity pretraining only affected blocking in the older group. Unovershadowing was not affected by age or by pretraining. In experiment 2, levels of blocking were found to be correlated with the ability to answer questions that required children to reason about additivity. Our results support an inferential reasoning explanation of cue competition effects. (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved.
Bacterial aminopeptidases play important roles in pathogenesis by providing a source of amino acids from exogenous proteins, destroying host immunological effector peptides and executing posttranslational modification of bacterial and host proteins. We show that MHJ_0125 from the swine respiratory pathogen Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae represents a new member of the M42 class of bacterial aminopeptidases. Despite lacking a recognizable signal sequence, MHJ_0125 is detectable on the cell surface by fluorescence microscopy and LC-MS/MS of (i) biotinylated surface proteins captured by avidin chromatography and (ii) peptides released by mild trypsin shaving. Furthermore, surface-associated glutamyl aminopeptidase activity was detected by incubation of live M. hyopneumoniae cells with the diagnostic substrate H-Glu-AMC. MHJ_0125 moonlights as a multifunctional adhesin, binding to both heparin and plasminogen. Native proteomics and comparative modelling studies suggest MHJ_0125 forms a dodecameric, homopolymeric structure and provide insight into the positions of key residues that are predicted to interact with heparin and plasminogen. MHJ_0125 is the first aminopeptidase shown to both bind plasminogen and facilitate its activation by tissue plasminogen activator. Plasmin cleaves host extracellular matrix proteins and activates matrix metalloproteases, generating peptide substrates for MHJ_0125 and a source of amino acids for growth of M. hyopneumoniae. This unique interaction represents a new paradigm in microbial pathogenesis.