986 resultados para New York Trade School. Sign Painting Department
A class of sheet metal students are shown working in this black and white photograph.
Four students from the New York Trade School are pictured working on an air conditioning unit. Photograph is black and white.
A class room full of electronics students are depicted hard at work. Note the rows of light bulbs in the ceiling. Black and white photograph.
Felice Gigante a graduate from the New York Trade School Electronics program works on a machine in his job as Data Processing Customer Engineer for the International Business Machines Corp. Original caption reads, "Felice Gigante - Electronices, International Business Machines Corp." Black and white photograph with caption glued to reverse.
This shows a view of the Carpentry Lab at the New York Trade School. Students can be seen working on a number of different projects. Black and white photograph.
Ed Tilin a graduate of the New York Trade School's Advanced Television program is pictured here as part of the General Electric Company. Original caption reads, "Ed Tilin - Advanced Television 1954, joined G.E. in 1956 and has risen rapidly. He now supervises all television product service, product training and consumer relations activities for the New York district. He is a member of the exemtive [sic] board of CETA (Certified Electronic Technicians Association). Black and white photograph with original caption glued to reverse.
This photo of the Lithographic Technical Forum shows the booth of the Lithographic Technical Foundation, Inc. The foundation was founded in 1924 to foster research and education in the lithography industry. The slogan "Research to improve lithography . . . Education to improve craft skill" can be seen at the very top of the booth. A group of people are depicted looking at the range of educational material about lithography on display. Black and white photograph.
This is one of a series of photographs accompanying a press release by the New York Trade School announcing the development and demonstration of a new technique in closed-circuit TV. In this work student Joseph Germer asks a question about the demonstration. Original caption reads, "Microphone goes to student Joseph Germer, who asks a question about another phase of the demonstration." Black and white photograph with caption.
Several people are looking at sample prints in this photograph of the Lithographic Technical Forum. In the background the booth for the Lithographic Technical Foundation, Inc. can be seen. Black and white photograph.
A person is shown demonstrating projection of an image at the Lithographic Technical Forum. Black and white photograph.
Three people are posed in front of the Lithographic Technical Foundation, Inc. booth at the Lithographic Technical Forum. The Lithographic Technical Foundation was founded in 1924 as an industry organization to promote research and education. In the 1960s the foundation changed its name to the Graphic Arts Technical Foundation and in the late 1990s merged with Printing Industry America. The organization ha a number of educational materials about lithography on display. Black and white photograph.
Two men are pictured on either side of an LTF Sensitivity Guide at a booth at the Lithographic Technical Forum. Black and white photograph.
Several people are shown posing around a cardboard cutout at the Lithographic Technical Forum. To the right others can be seen enjoying refreshments. Black and white photograph.
New York Trade School graduate Robert Cornell is pictured at his desk in his position of Technical Editor, Electronic Technician Magazine. Original caption reads "Robert Cornell - Advanced Television 1954, was appointed Technical Editor of Electronic Technician Magazine in 1956 and has served with distinction since. He is President of CETA (Certified Electronic Technicians Association), which consists of alumni of the New York Trade School who are graduates of the Advanced Television Course. He was recently invited to serve a a member of the Attorney General's Committee seeking to establish safeguards to protect the public in the field of television servicing." Black and white photograph with caption to glued to reverse.
Stripping Award is being presented to Joseph Mamarela by Philip Zeiger, member of the Joint Apprenticeship Committee. This took place at the May 13, 1995 commencement ceremony of the New York Trade School. Black and white photograph.